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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 061

Director’s room.

Yaya stared and said, “Only two yuan a day for living expenses? How dare Ye Chen?”

He Jiong: “Hahaha, Ye Chen is the one who knows how to live, and strictly controls his pocket money expenses.”

Guo Qilin: ” That’s too cruel. Who can accept two yuan for living expenses?”

Yang Chaoyue said with envy on his face: “If this money is for Ye Chen, I think I will agree.。”

“What’s going on? Yang Chaoyue, you have to figure it out. You’re not in a love house.。”

“As an observer, Yang Chaoyue, is it appropriate for you to say this?”

“Ye Laoliu, I warn you to be nice to my Reba。”

“That is, Ye Laoliu, at least three yuan a day is required. What is two yuan enough for? ”

Many fans of Dilraba in the live broadcast room started shouting.

Regarding Ye Chen’s harsh living expenses, thinking about his “597” goddess Reba, they all felt aggrieved.

However, Ye Chen didn’t care about so much.

Immediately prepare to solve the problem of lunch at noon.

Now that everyone is living separately, there is no need to cook for so many people.

He took out a piece of beef bought this morning and cut some garlic sprouts and water spinach, which was enough for him and Dilire Ba has had a meal.

Now Mr. Hua went for a walk in the village, and Yang Mi and Dilraba went crazy somewhere. Only

Liu Yifei was in the living room, and she turned to look at Ye Chen who was busy in the kitchen. Back view.

Liu Yifei suddenly stood up and walked over。

“Ye Chen. ”

Compared to Dilraba’s carelessness, Liu Yifei is definitely gentle.

Even her words are so gentle.。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen turned around with a confused look on his face.。

“Well, can I leave my money with you for safekeeping? ”

When Liu Yifei said this, her face turned red. She

lowered her head and stretched out her hand. In her hand were all her living expenses.

This scene was like the scene where the father-in-law goes home and hands in his wages every time.。

“Hey hey hey, fairy sister, what are you doing?”

“Are you crazy? You are a fairy sister. You actually handed over your salary? What’s happening here?”

“I’m laughing so hard. Why is this scene the same every time my husband pays his salary?。”

“The fairy sister handed over her salary. Can I watch such a famous scene without paying? ”

Everyone in the director room was dumbfounded.

Seeing this scene, they burst into laughter.

In fact, Ye Chen was also startled, but he quickly recovered and immediately took the money and said, “Okay.。”

“Then let me help you. ”

Liu Yifei smiled sweetly and suddenly felt like a very warm home.。

“We didn’t buy many vegetables, so we should save some for now. For lunch, we would have fried beef with garlic sprouts and water spinach. “Ye Chen said。

“I also can. “Liu Yifei didn’t have many requirements for food.

And as long as it was cooked by Ye Chen, Liu Yifei thought it was fine.

So the two of them started working in the kitchen.

Ye Chen was the chef, and Liu Yifei was the assistant. She was dressed

in a long white dress . , with long hair shawl, looking like a good wife and mother.

However, Ye Chen soon discovered that when Liu Yifei was washing vegetables, her long black hair was too smooth and always slipped down.

Liu Yifei’s hands were wet, and she didn’t care. In order to do his hair, he could only stand up and throw his long hair behind his back.

Seeing this scene, Ye Chen asked: “Did you wear a hair tie?””

“The headband is in the room. “Liu

But at this moment, she felt a little annoyed.

If she had brought a hairband, would Ye Chen have to tie her hair?。

“Then I’ll use chopsticks. ”

Ye Chen said, picked up a chopstick and walked over. He

gently grabbed Liu Yifei’s long hair, then started to circle the chopstick a few times, and finally inserted the chopstick into it.

A simple and convenient hairstyle was done. . (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Oh my gosh, Ye Chen’s hairstyle skills are so cool, right?。”

“Looks good. Give me a dozen of these hairstyle techniques.。”

“What about slow motion? I want to watch slow motion, it’s so beautiful。”

“Ye Chen, you are such a scumbag. You are so skilled at combing girls’ hair. You are such a scumbag.。”

“Wuwuwuwu, my fairy sister, I haven’t even touched her long black and flowing hair. ”

Director’s room.

Yaya’s face was full of envy: “Ye Chen’s hair is so beautiful. Yang

Chaoyue nodded quickly: “Yes, yes, I really want Ye Chen to give me a plate.” ”

Actually, Liu Yifei’s heart is beating very fast at this moment.

You know…….

A girl’s hair is not something that others can touch easily.

If this person were Hua Chenyu or Mr. Hua.

Liu Yifei will definitely refuse without hesitation.

But now, this person is Ye Chen, but Liu Yifei can’t bear to refuse.

After putting up her long hair, Liu Yifei took a look in the mirror and was instantly stunned.

This is so beautiful, as if he has changed into a different person.

If we talk about before putting her hair in a bun, Liu Yifei was still the aloof and iceberg-like fairy sister.

After that hairstyle, the iceberg gradually melted, and every smile was like a hundred flowers blooming, which is even more beautiful.。

“You are so skilled in your techniques, do you often do girls’ hair buns? ”

Liu Yifei’s face suddenly darkened, she looked at Ye Chen coquettishly and asked。

“No, except for my mother, you are the first girl. ”

Ye Chen smiled bitterly and could only say casually.

You can’t say that your skills are all given by the system.

No one will believe this thing if you tell it.。

“That’s what scumbags say。”

“Hey hey, fairy sister, don’t be fooled by this scumbag Ye Laoliu. How many people would tie their mother’s hair?。”

“Even if you beat me to death, I won’t believe it. Ye Laoliu is a scumbag. Stay away from the fairy sister.。”

“Woohoo, my fairy sister, don’t fall into this trap.。”

“It’s over, the fairy sister actually believed what Ye Laoliu said. ”

In the live 0.2 broadcast room, Liu Yifei’s fans were heartbroken.

Looking at the smile on Liu Yifei’s face, it was obvious that she believed Ye Chen’s excuse, and they were all heartbroken.

With Ye Chen’s hair tied up, Liu Yifei Continue to wash the vegetables.

Marven has already begun to cook the dishes.

Liu Yifei, who has finished washing the dishes, does not leave, but stands aside and watches quietly.

Both dishes are very simple, and they are cooked in a short time. Now.

Liu Yifei brought the dishes to the table, washed four more sets of dishes and put them on the table.

At this time, Di Lieba and Yang Mi also came back.

As soon as they entered the door, they smelled the fragrance.。

“It smells so good, just right, I’m almost hungry. ”

Dilraba’s lovely voice came from the door.

However, when Dilireba walked into the living room, she was stunned for an instant.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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