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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 065

Faced with Ye Chen’s inquiry.

Liu Yifei still shook her head slightly.

She discovered that since she came to participate in this program.

The agent’s health is getting worse and worse.

If you continue to cough, you may cough up blood, so it’s better to take it easy.

Ye Chen put the steel needle in his pocket, took a popsicle worth one yuan, and then squatted down and walked back with Liu Yifei on his back.

While carrying Liu Yifei on her back, she ate ice cream.

The sound of chirping is endless.

Liu Yifei lay on Ye Chen’s back.

Originally she thought she was very determined, but when she heard the sound of Ye Chen eating ice cream, she couldn’t help but swallow her saliva.

Liu Yifei is not a glutton -.

But I don’t know why, every time I see Ye Chen eating, I feel that eating is so interesting.

No need to worry about affecting your image at all。

“Can you give me a bite? ”

Liu Yifei suddenly spoke.

Her breath was like blue.

The sound made Ye Chen tremble all over.

In fact, who would have trembled?

After all, Liu Yifei was lying next to Ye Chen’s ear.

The words he said, the wind blowing out, In fact, if it was all inserted into Ye Chen’s ears, would it not itch?

“Give. ”

Ye Chen lifted the ice cream smoothly, Liu Yifei opened her mouth slightly and took a bite。

“Take it yourself. ”

Ye Chen said.

Liu Yifei then took the ice cream and held it.

However, she did not dare to eat more. She only took two small bites and then fed the remaining ice cream to Ye Chen.

Because Ye Chen was carrying her, So Liu Yifei helped Ye Chen with the ice cream.

The cooperation between the two was pretty good.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Are these two people showing off their affection?

Yaya: “I ate a lot of dog food last night. ”

Guo Qilin: “How does this make us singles embarrassed? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “It’s so sweet. The ice cream is so sweet, and so is CP. “。”

“I can’t bear it, this is really unbearable。”

“Ye Laoliu is getting more and more sophisticated. Where do you see his hands?”

“It’s so cute, it’s so sweet. These two are so perfect together.。”

“It makes me want to fall in love。”

“My fairy sister, your butt has been touched. ”

I finished the ice cream very quickly.

I also dragged Liu Yifei’s butt up a little, and then I quickened my pace.

Liu Yifei asked: “Ye Chen, why did you buy the steel needle?”

“Prepare to catch loaches in the evening. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Catching loaches? “Liu Yifei was full of doubts.

Is there any necessary connection between buying steel needles and catching loaches?

But Liu Yifei did not continue.

She decided to follow Ye Chen to have a look.

And now, her feet no longer hurt.

Wait until she comes back . When they arrived at the love room, Ye Chen put Liu Yifei down.

Liu Yifei moved her feet. The weeds had a good effect and there was no pain at all.。

“Ye Chen, my feet don’t hurt anymore. Can I go with you later? ”

Liu Yifei is now full of curiosity about everything。

“sure. “Ye Chen nodded.

Everyone in the love room went back to the room.

He and Liu Yifei were the only ones.

Ye Chen found a wooden stick, then split one end and inserted the steel needles into the stick one by one.

Only then did It was tied tightly with rope. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After taking a look and seeing the corresponding steel needles, Ye Chen made another one just in case of emergency

“Ye Chen, what are you doing? ”

Liu Yifei stood aside and watched. Seeing this scene, her face was full of curiosity.。

“The loach is too slippery, so it is definitely difficult to catch it with your hands. If you use this, the steel needle can stick to the loach, so that the loach cannot run away. ”

Ye Chen waved the weapon in his hand.

Liu Yifei reacted instantly。

“Damn it, I learned it. I didn’t expect Ye Chen to do this again?”

“This kid Ye Chen is also good at catching loaches.。”

“I have already placed an order online, and when the steel needle comes back, I will go catch the loaches. ”

Even everyone in the director room suddenly realized after hearing Ye Chen’s explanation.

Guo Qilin was amazed: “It can be seen that Ye Chen has life experience. He

Jiong: “Yes, if you haven’t caught loaches before with this kind of tool, you definitely won’t be able to do it.” Yaya: ”

Actually, I also want to catch loaches with Ye Chen.” Yang

Chaoyue said with a look of despair: “I just want to ask when I can go to the love house to experience it.” ”

These words directly made everyone laugh.

Guo Qilin mercilessly exposed Yang Chaoyue’s thoughts: “Yueyue, you want to play with Ye Chen.

He Jiong: “Yueyue is also a playful child, which is normal. ” ”

Yaya didn’t say anything, but she also expressed her admiration for Yang Chaoyue’s courage to say anything.

After all, she also wanted to go to the love house, but she never dared to speak. Over

at the love house.

Knowing that Liu Yifei was going, Ye Chen looked for more He handed a flashlight to Liu Yifei.

He then took the stick in his hand and walked ahead with a flashlight in one hand.

Fortunately, the place where the loach was caught was not far away.

The two of them walked there in five or six minutes.。

“Is this it? “Liu Yifei stood at the edge of the field, watching Ye Chen put the flip-flops on the shore and went straight into the field. She couldn’t help but asked in confusion.。

“Well, do you want to come down and give it a try? “Ye Chen asked。

“Me, okay. “Liu Yifei hesitated for a moment, then nodded.

She followed Ye Chen here, so what if she just stood on the shore all the time.

So she decided to give it a try. She

immediately took off her shoes and walked down with bare feet. .

Even though it was summer, there was still a chill.

And there was not only water, but also a lot of silt.

When Liu Yifei’s feet stepped on the silt, her heart skipped a beat, and she lost her balance and went straight into Ye Chen’s arms. Pounced.

Seeing this, Ye Chen hugged Liu Yifei, straightened her body and said。

“Don’t be afraid, this is mud, try to stand firm first. ”

Ye Chen did not touch randomly.

Instead, he grabbed Liu Yifei’s arm and tried to avoid physical contact between the two.

Even so, a group of Liu Yifei’s fans in the live broadcast room felt heartbroken.

But for a group of passers-by, this scene was simply It’s welfare。

“Ye Chen 666, I have learned this wave of flirting techniques.。”

“Look at Ye Chen, what does it mean to flirt with girls, go to a Western restaurant, eat steak or something, can you have such close contact?”

“That’s it, just take the fairy sister to catch the loach, wouldn’t it be enough to catch it?”

“I now know where to catch loaches. Where can I get them?”

“I bought ten kilograms of loach and dumped it in the field. Now I still need a girl pill.。”。


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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