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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 072

For a time, countless aunts who like square dancing heard this song “The Most Dazzling National Style”.

They couldn’t help but squirm to the music.

Not only that.

Some young and sexy ladies.

A young woman who still retains her charm.

One after another they joined the square dance army and couldn’t extricate themselves.

Originally, only aunts danced in the square.

It also suddenly transformed into a fashion trend.

Some sexy young ladies and gorgeously dressed young women also began to twist their sexy bodies to the tune of this song.

This actually aroused the interest of many uncles.

As soon as some uncles finished their meal, they threw away their bowls and chopsticks, carried a small mat, and went to the square to watch the dancing.

Of course, all this is a story later.

And at this moment.

This side of the love house.

Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Mi all looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

After Ye Chen sang “The Most Dazzling National Style” again, the three of them had already begun to choreograph a new square dance。

“Like this, sister Mi, Feifei, look, your butt should be this way. “Dilraba said。

“I think we should kick our legs at this time. “Yang Mi said。

“If you wave your hand, this action would be more appropriate. “Liu Yifei said.

None of the three are professional dancers.

So at this moment everyone has their own ideas and the moves they want to do.

Naturally, they are arguing.

But Ye Chen is sitting on the steps, quietly Watching this scene,

Dilraba led the three of them to twerk their butts from time to time.

Yang Mi occasionally kicked her legs, and her beautiful legs were also very eye-catching.

Liu Yifei occasionally raised her jade hands to hug her chest and shook her chest.

This is no better than a movie. ?

Isn’t this better than a mobile phone?

This is the life Ye Chen wants.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong couldn’t laugh or cry: “These three people actually rehearsed square dance together?

Yaya: “I think it’s okay. Ye Chen’s song makes me want to dance together. ”

Guo Qilin: “Actually, I suggest that it would be better to invite a professional dancer to teach the three of them. ”

Yang Chaoyue quickly raised her hands and said, “I can teach you. “。”

“Hahahaha, Yueyue, do you really want to go to the love house?”

“It made me laugh so hard. The director’s room kept Yueyue’s people, but it couldn’t keep Yueyue’s heart. 27。”

“Don’t tell me, it’s really nice to watch my fairy sister dance.。”

“This square dance gave Damimi a different feeling. It was so cool.。”

“Fatty, just dance well. Why are you always twerking at Marven?”

“It’s so cool to be able to see such wonderful pictures without paying.。”

“Ye Laoliu finally did a good deed. ”

Yang Mi and the other three danced for a long time, and Ye Chen only looked at Ye Chen for a long time.

It was almost time for lunch.

The three of them stopped panting.

They all turned to look at Ye Chen.。

“What are you looking at me for? “Ye Chen was stunned.

He also thought it looked pretty.

Especially when Liu Yifei twisted her butt, she was a little shy, giving people a feeling of wanting to resist but welcoming.

And the way Yang Mi twisted her butt was not too tempting. People。

“If you don’t go and cook, what will we eat? “Dilraba stared at Ye Chen angrily.。

“Oh, go ahead. “Marven finally came to his senses, got up and walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei also came in with him.。

“Let me help you. Liu Yifei said with a smile.

She found that she liked being with Ye Chen more and more.

Whether it was doing things or working, it seemed that Ye Chen could bring surprises to her.。

“Okay, then you can wash the vegetables. “Ye Chen was not polite.

Liu Yifei became more and more comfortable in directing her.

Ye Chen made a very simple lunch.

Three dishes and one soup.

After the meal was ready, he asked Dilraba and Yang Mi to come in for dinner.

Although There was shade from the trees outside, but the two of them were still sweating profusely from dancing. Their

white clothes were soaked with sweat.

Their curvy figures were spared no effort to show off.。

“I’ll go back and take a shower and change some clothes. You can eat first. “Yang Mi said。

“I am coming too. “Dilraba hurriedly followed.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn’t wait any longer. He directly brought two bowls of rice over and handed one to Liu Yifei.。

“I can’t finish eating so much. “Liu Yifei looked at a big bowl of rice and quickly waved her hand.。

“It’s okay, I’ll eat the rest if I can’t finish it. “Ye Chen ate the food in big mouthfuls.

The casual words made Liu Yifei blush.

Give Ye Chen the food that he couldn’t finish?

A man eating his own leftovers?

This is not something that only happens between lovers. Behavior?

Liu Yifei felt her heart beating very fast, as if it was a heartbeat. She

looked up at Ye Chen again.

But she saw that Ye Chen was still immersed in the rice.

Ye Chen finished the bowl of rice quickly, but did not get up to get food. , but put the bowl in front of Liu Yifei and said。

“Give me your unfinished meal. ”

Liu Yifei blushed and pulled the rice in the bowl into Ye Chen’s bowl.

She ate less than half of the bowl of rice, and gave more than half of the remaining rice to Ye Chen, leaving a small mouthful for herself. Looking at

Ye Chen She ate her unfinished meal with big mouthfuls.

Liu Yifei’s face became even redder.。

“Ye Chen, you old man, I really admire you.。”

“If you try to say that you didn’t mean it, I won’t believe it even if you beat me to death.。”

“Eat what the fairy sister has eaten, your operation is really 666。”

“Ye Chen, don’t eat, leave a bite for me, I’ll pay for it。”

“One hundred yuan a bite, I want it。”

“Come on, there are so many competitors when buying food? ”

After Ye Chen and Liu Yifei finished eating, Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Mi came out.

The two of them were hungry after dancing for so long.

They were immersed in eating. But

Liu Yifei walked up to Ye Chen and whispered。

“Ye Chen, can you teach me to dance?”

“Shall I teach you how to dance? “Ye Chen pointed to his nose, somewhat unable to believe what he heard.

After all, he doesn’t have the skill to dance yet,

so there’s no way to teach him.。

“After all, you wrote this song, I want you to see how I dance? Liu

Yifei said with a blushing face.。

“sure. “Ye Chen nodded, stood up and walked outside.

Under the shade of a tree,

Liu Yifei danced gracefully.

Although she is not a professional, Liu Yifei has a good figure and high talent.

After a dance, her dancing posture is as nimble and her body is as light as a swallow.

Her body is soft Like clouds, her arms are as soft as boneless.

Step by step, she dances like a lotus, like a butterfly flying among the flowers.。

“God, so beautiful。”

“She is indeed a fairy sister. She dances so beautifully.。”

“Although she doesn’t look very skilled, I have to say that with the combination of the fairy sister’s outfit and her figure, any dance is a pleasure to watch.。”

“It’s over, I’m in love again。”

“Love, what kind of love, Ye Chen and the fairy sister are a couple。”

“So sweet, so sweet, I hit it. ”

The people in the live broadcast room are not Liu Yifei’s fans.

There are also many passersby viewers.

After all, Liu Yifei rarely dances.

Even when filming, there are no dance scenes. At

this moment, dancing under the shade of the trees, how can we not make people’s hearts beat?。

“How about it? ”

After Liu Yifei finished a dance, she urgently asked Ye Chen for his opinion.

I don’t know when she started to care more and more about Ye Chen’s comments about herself.。

“The dance is very good and beautiful, but it doesn’t feel like it matches the song. “Ye Chen shook his head slightly.

This song is for square dancing.

Liu Yifei danced like a fairy.

Naturally it is inappropriate.。

“ah? What to do? “Liu Yifei frowned and asked quickly。

“Let me teach you. ”

Although Ye Chen can’t dance yet,

according to his memory, he is still familiar with the square da

immediately turned on the music he had recorded and started to twist along with the music.

Follow. Liu Yifei’s gentleness is different.

Ye Chen’s dance is absolutely unrestrained.

Whether it is a young lady or an elderly aunt, they can dance together. At

this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room suddenly discovered Something was wrong.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room skyrocketed.

In just a few minutes, it seemed that tens of millions of viewers had poured in.

This situation shocked Yan Min.

He quickly asked someone to check what was going on.。

“It seems that all the square dancing aunties from all over the country have come to our live broadcast room. Just now, my aunt called me and asked me if anyone was teaching square dancing in “The Most Stunning Ethnic Style”. ”

Luo Yu leaned into Yan Min’s ear and whispered. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Yan Min heard this, he burst into laughter.

He didn’t expect to open a live broadcast room for romance, and even square dancing aunts would He was attracted in.

This was outrageous.

But he knew very well that all this was because of Ye Chen.

At this moment, Yan Min looked at Ye Chen in the camera, and there was more tolerance in his eyes.

After all, he was so good at everything . Who doesn’t like the artists?

Under the shade of the trees.

Ye Chen didn’t know that he could dance so well���The number of viewers in the broadcast room increased dramatically.

After a dance, he looked back at Liu Yifei.

At this moment, Liu Yifei could not help but cover her mouth and laugh.。

“I didn’t expect you to dance so beautifully.。”

“There is no way, he is talented, these are all talents. ”

Ye Chen smiled faintly.

It made Liu Yifei’s shoulders shake and she couldn’t stop laughing.

But soon, after Liu Yifei calmed down, she started learning to dance with Ye Chen。

“Yes, follow me, one, two, one。”

“That’s right, that’s it, keep it up。”

“Not here, you have to twist your butt。”

“Yes, yes, that’s it, a little sao. ”

Ye Chen taught very seriously.

Liu Yifei also listened very seriously.

And with Liu Yifei’s talent, it didn’t take long to learn all the dance steps.

She started to show them in front of Ye Chen.

But soon, with Ye Chen’s Reviews and hands-on tutorials.

Fans of Liu Yifei can’t help it。

“What does sao mean? This is the fairy sister. Ye Chen, can you be a human being?”

“Reba has been led astray by you, do you want to lead my fairy sister astray too?”

“That’s too much. Do you dare to let my fairy sister say something? Are you speaking human language?”

“Ye Chen, just teach me how to dance. Take your pig’s trotters away and don’t touch my fairy sister’s butt.。”

“Can you believe it? Fairy sister dances square dance? This is outrageous. ”

Director’s room.

He Jiong was also dumbfounded at this moment and said: “I never expected to see Yifei dancing in the square one day.���ah. ”

Yaya: “Teacher He, don’t talk about you, even I didn’t expect it.

Guo Qilin: “She can even dance so beautifully in the square. She deserves to be a fairy sister. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I have learned it all, but Yifei hasn’t learned it yet? ” ”

At this moment.

Under the shade of the tree, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but glare at Ye Chen when she heard Ye Chen’s words of instruction.

This guy actually let himself be a little sloppy?

Is there anyone who teaches others to dance like this?

Besides, this is a square dance ah。

“I won’t. Liu Yifei pouted her mouth slightly and said angrily.。

“Come, I’ll teach you. “Ye Chen said, came behind Liu Yifei, grabbed her arm and started to twist and swing her.

Liu Yifei was angry and funny. What

she said just now is that she doesn’t know how to sao, not that she doesn’t know how to dance. .

There is definitely something wrong with Ye Chen’s understanding, right?

But when Ye Chen grabbed her hand from behind, Liu Yifei didn’t resist and jumped up with satisfaction.。

“Ye Chen, what are you doing? “Dilraba, who had just finished eating, came out and saw this scene, and she immediately scolded。

“Can’t you see the dance? ”

Ye Chen said angrily.。

“Hurry up and let go of Yifei. Men and women are not intimate. If you do this, others will gossip. ”

Dilraba’s fierce breasts made Ye Chen speechless and he could only let go of Liu Yifei’s arm. At

this moment, Liu Yifei had absolutely no gratitude towards Dilraba in her heart.

Instead, she was just angry.

She was very She wanted to say “Go away” to Dilraba.

Unfortunately, Liu Yifei couldn’t say it.

Seeing Ye Chen sitting back on the steps, the three of them continued to practice dancing.

Ye Chen just looked at it. The meeting didn’t continue, but went back to the room to take a nap.

It wasn’t until 553, about three o’clock, that Ye Chen got up. There

was no one in the love room anymore, so Ye Chen took a sip of water and then walked around. Then he walked towards the village square. At

this point, it didn’t take much thinking to know that several girls must be teaching everyone how to dance in the village.

Sure enough.

By the time Ye Chen came over,

the aunts who had returned from farm work had already changed into clean clothes. , following Liu Yifei, Dilmurat Dilraba, and Yang Mi, waving their arms. The

aunts’ learning ability is definitely not that strong, and they are naturally a bit unfamiliar with dancing.

But fortunately, the movements are simple, and you can practice them a few times. Ye

Chen found a suitable place to sit down and watch.

By the way, he put the melon seeds he brought aside.

While eating the melon seeds, he enjoyed the dance of the three beauties.。

“Haven’t you finished eating this guy’s melon seeds yet?”

“Damn it, Ye Chen will enjoy it, eating melon seeds and watching dancing。”

“By the way, when did Ye Chen buy the melon seeds? Haven’t you finished eating already?”

“You can buy more after you finish eating. If you have money, you will make money.。”

“Ye Laoliu also really lost his image. ”

Even the people in the director room couldn’t help

laughing when they saw this scene. Ye Chen hadn’t eaten melon seeds for several days. Everyone thought that Ye Chen had finished eating melon seeds and was not going to continue eating melon seeds. But they didn’t expect that

this would happen. Dancing, Ye Chen once again showed his powerful ability to eat melon seeds.

But it didn’t last too long.

After the three girls finished teaching the dance, they discovered Ye Chen and walked towards Ye Chen one after another.。

“Okay, let’s go back. “Ye Chen stood up and left.

The three of them followed behind, talking and laughing.

Dilraba suddenly pointed to a big tree and asked: “What do you think that is? ”

Yang Mi and Liu Yifei stopped one after another and looked up.

They saw strange fruits hanging on the trees.

They couldn’t be considered fruits.

They looked twisted and ugly.。

“I don’t know, I’ve never seen it. “Liu Yifei shook her head。

“I don’t know him either. “Yang Mi said。

“Ye Chen, do you know him? “Dilraba asked.

Ye Chen raised his head and said, “This is Zhizhi, it’s edible.。”

“Edible? “Hearing this, Dilireba’s eyes immediately lit up.。

“Zhi Dian? What a strange name. Liu Yifei followed and said。

“Is it really edible? “Yang Mi is still relatively sensible.

Looking at the twists and turns of the fruit, she has no appetite.。

“let’s go. “When Ye Chen saw this, he stopped delaying.

However, as soon as he turned around, Dilraba took his arm and said。

“Ye Chen, I want to try it. “Dilraba’s aggrieved look, no man would be able to resist. The

same is true for Ye Chen.

Dilireba has been dancing for such a long time, and she is already hungry. Now she will hear that the tree The fruit is edible, of course I want to take a bite。

“Was this fruit planted by someone else? “Yang Mi asked。

“No, most of them are wild. “Ye Chen explained。

“The one over there seems to be within reach. “Liu Yifei suddenly spoke.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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