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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 075

However, this scene is not surprising to the audience in the live broadcast room.

After all, Liu Yifei had taken out Ye Chen’s pants pocket before.

Everyone is used to it.

However, when Ye Chen turned around, he saw Liu Yifei staring at him。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen was full of doubts.。

“You told me that you don’t need to wash it and you can eat it by blowing it on. Why does Yifei need to soak it in water? ”

Dilraba asked angrily.

Different treatment.

This is simply different treatment.

Is it because I am not ~ refined enough, not a goddess enough?

Don’t funny girls need love?

Besides, I am not a funny girl either. -not good。

“There is no water in the mountains. “Ye Chen’s words made Dilraba choked and speechless.

It seems to be the same truth again.

Without water, how to wash?

As long as Ye Chen doesn’t think she is a funny girl, it will be fine。

“Humph, I don’t want to talk to you. ” Seeing that she couldn’t speak to Ye Chen, Di Lieba could only turn around and leave angrily.

Ye Chen walked to the door of the living room, grabbed the soft water pipe, then turned on the faucet, and started to flush her head.

In this summer , Yes, after a trip to the mountains and cutting down bamboo, Ye Chen felt a little itchy all over his body.

He held a hose and poured water on his body.

This scene happened to be watched by Yang Mi inside. In

his heart She couldn’t help but stir up a stir.

For Yang Mi, most of the boys she came into contact with were in the entertainment industry.

Every one of them lived a very delicate life.

I had never seen anyone as rude as Ye Chen.

Hold on . The water pipe flushed at herself. This magical operation actually made Yang Mi feel funny.

This guy never seemed to care about his own image.

He ate everything every day and didn’t care about managing his body.

But he could have eight-pack abs. , perfect tendon meat. He

is so handsome, but he can gain a lot of fans just by his appearance. But he

sings so well. If

you want to sing, just sing.

But Ye Chen doesn’t sing well.

He spends all day following Just like the people in the village.

He either goes up the mountain to cut trees or goes down to the river to catch fish.

Could it be that this guy really thinks of himself as a member of this village?

“Mimi, what are you looking at? “Liu Yifei asked immediately when she saw Yang Mi lost in thought.

Following Yang Mi’s gaze, she happened to see Ye Chen flushing water at the door. She

couldn’t help laughing immediately.。

“No, it’s okay, let’s cook. “Yang Mi quickly put aside the messy thoughts in her mind.。

“Ye Chen, are you sure you’re not playing with wet temptation?”

“Look, is Ye Laoliu showing off his figure?”

“If I had such a good figure, I would even save money on clothes and never wear clothes again.。”

“Hahaha, indeed, I watched Ye Laoliuhu eat and drink all day long, but I didn’t see him gain weight. ”

After Ye Chen rinsed it briefly,

he saw Yang Mi and Liu Yifei cooking, so he took out the tools and started working. First, he used a saw

to cut the bamboo flat, and then made it into a Japanese shape as a stand.

It was done. After the two were connected, they were connected together.

This formed a bracket like a door frame.

Ye Chen started to dig a hole again, put the Japanese-shaped brackets on both sides into the hole, fixed them, nailed the shelves, and then dug the holes. The soil that came out was filled back.

In this way, the left and right brackets are considered firm, and then tied to the middle position with ropes, and a wooden board is placed.

A simple swing is completed.

All this is simple to say, But it was not that simple to make it.

Ye Chen took a few bites of rice and continued to work.

It was not ready until four or five o’clock in the afternoon.

Yang Mi and Dilraba both went out, and only Liu Yifei stayed by Ye Chen’s side.

She even held a towel in her hand very thoughtfully.

When she saw Ye Chen sweating, she used the towel to wipe the sweat from Ye Chen’s face. A

typical scene of a husband singing and a wife accompanying her.。

“alright. “Ye Chen clapped his hands and looked at his masterpiece with satisfaction.。

“you are great. “Liu Yifei did not hesitate to praise her.

After saying that, she turned around and stood on tiptoes to help Ye Chen wipe the sweat from his face.。

“I can’t stand it anymore. It’s too sweet.。”

“If these two people don’t get married, it won’t be over.。”

“Get more pictures like this, I’d love to see them。”

“Is this what is called husband singing and wife following?”

“Did Ye Laoliu really take down my fairy sister? ”

Ye Chen washed his hands and then motioned for Liu Yifei to sit on it.

Liu Yifei sat on the swing a little shyly, holding the rope with both hands.

Ye Chen pushed gently from behind.

As the swing began to sway,

Liu Yifei swayed. feet, smiling happily.

Wearing a white dress, swaying in the wind.

Her long black hair is also flying in the air.

At this moment, this scene is a perfect interpretation of the four words “Fairy Sister”.

Director’s Room Yang

Chaoyue: “I really want to play on the swing.

Yaya: “Yueyue, if you want to play, I will take you to the amusement park someday. ”

Guo Qilin: “It’s really beautiful. This is the most beautiful side of the fairy sister. ” ”

He Jiong: “Indeed, such a scene is completely in line with all my imagination of the fairy sister. ”

Liu Yifei was called away by her assistant not long after playing.

The two of them were muttering as if they were discussing something.

Ye Chen also turned around and left the yard.

It was not until the evening that Dilraba and Yang Mi came back .Dilraba

saw the swing and couldn’t wait to play. She

shouted while playing.。

“Ye Chen? Where is Ye Chen?”

“What are you shouting about? “Ye Chen walked in from outside, holding a big watermelon in his hand.。

“Huh? Where did the watermelon come from? “Dilraba ran to Ye Chen, hugged Xigua and asked。

“It was given as a gift, or else it could have been picked up. “Ye Chen said。

“Hum, I want to eat watermelon. “Dilraba said with a pout.

Ye Chen entered the living room and cut the watermelon into pieces. Dilireba couldn’t wait to eat it.。

“Where did the watermelon come from? “Yang Mi had planned to make her own nutritious dinner.

When she saw the watermelon, she also took a piece and ate it.

In the past few days when eating with Ye Chen, Yang Mi felt that her weight had increased by several kilograms…

She realized I can’t go on anymore, so I have to eat separately from Ye Chen.

This sixth child eats and drinks all day long and still has such a good figure. But

I can’t do it. If I eat too much, my figure will definitely be out of shape.。

“Oh, you won’t have dinner with us? “Ye Chen asked。

“No, I want to eat fruit salad. “Yang Mi picked up the dinner plate she had prepared.

There were apples, bananas and pears in it.

Several fruits were put together and seasoned to make it a so-called fruit salad.。

“It’s so sweet, what’s so delicious? “Ye Chen is not interested in this at all.

In his opinion, eating meat and rice is more comfortable.

Yang Mi rolled her eyes. She didn’t understand why she was arguing with an old man about these things.

Just shut up. He kept talking and ignored Ye Chen.

Mr. Hua and Hua Chenyu also came back from outside. As soon as they came back, they went into the kitchen and started working.。

“There are watermelons here. “Out of politeness, Ye Chen still invited the two of them to eat watermelon.

The two of them were not polite, and each took a piece and ate it.

Over the past few days,

these two people have really become the background.

The interaction with the female guests No more.

I either don’t go out all day long, or I go home early and don’t know what I’m busy with.。

���Yan Min felt that this love affair had completely changed.

Moreover, most of the viewers came to the live broad

In comparison, Hua Chenyu and the host Hua Shao were the top performers at the beginning. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now his popularity in this live broadcast room is getting lower and lower.

It has become dispensable.

Even if there is not a scene all day long, the audience will not care.

Even when they were given the camera, they would be scolded by the audience as disgusting.

But Ye Chen was different.

As soon as the camera didn’t focus on Ye Chen, some viewers posted a barrage asking where Lao Liu was.

So much so that now Yan Min’s name for Ye Chen has changed from Ye Chen to Lao Liu.。

“Lao Liu is back? ”

Just now, Ye Chen came back from outside. Yan

Min blurted out.

The sentence “Lao Liu is back”

made both Dilraba and Yang Mi laugh.。

“Lao Liu, hahaha, Ye Chen, the director calls you Lao Liu. ”

Dilraba laughed so hard that she was out of breath.。

“This name is good and suits you very well. I’ll call you Lao Liu from now on. ”

Yang Mi nodded and smiled.。

“If I make chicken stew with mushrooms tomorrow, you won’t be able to eat a piece of it. “Ye Chen’s threat was very effective.

Yan Min, who was laughing and joking just now, immediately shut his mouth.

The dishes cooked by Lao Liu are inherently delicious, especially the chicken stewed with mushrooms. The smell is simply unbearable. Offending

Lao Liu Six is not necessary, so Yan Min will become much more well-behaved now.。

“Even the director was threatened, I want to die laughing。”

“Hahaha, who else can cure Ye Laoliu? The director was even threatened by him.。”

“I can’t bear it. I can’t bear it even for a moment.。”

“If I were the director, I would let Lao Liu go around without food. ”

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Director Yan and I have known each other for so many years, and this is the first time I have seen Director Yan threatened by others.

Guo Qilin: “Yes, for so many years, only Director Yan has made things difficult for the guests. This is the first time I have seen a guest threaten Director Yan like this. ”

Yaya: “Ye Laoliu is extraordinary. ” Yang Chaoyue: ”

Hahahaha, Ye Laoliu, 666.” ”

Ye Chen didn’t see Liu Yifei either, and wanted to wait for Liu Yifei to come back before cooking and eating.

So he sat on the sofa and rested.

Dilraba was not hungry either, and was playing games with her mobile phone.

Completely There was no intention of urging Ye Chen to make dinner.

And in order to make herself more comfortable, Dilraba leaned against Ye Chen, making herself slightly lying on her side.

As soon as the game was over, Dilraba sighed angrily He said: “Bi Chen, I asked you to follow me, but you refused to listen and insisted on following that idiot Bai Lu. It’s okay now, lose it. ”

As Di Lieba’s words fell, Bai Lu’s furious voice came next: “Damn Fatty, who do you think is the big fool? If you hadn’t played badly, would we have lost? Zhang

Bichen said quickly: “Okay, okay, stop arguing, let’s just have another game.” ”

Dilraba suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Ye Chen and asked。

“Ye Chen, can you play Nongyao? ”

Dilraba suddenly sat upright and looked at Ye Chen and asked。

“Yes. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“Then you can play with us. “Dilraba said quickly。

“What rank are you in? “Ye Chen asked。

“King five stars. “Dilraba said very proudly.

In the entertainment industry, Dilireba is considered a master in playing the game Nongyao. Zhang

Bichen and Bai Lu who are now teaming up with her are only in the Xingyao rank.。

“Can’t play, too low. “Ye Chen said lightly.。

“What rank are you in? “Dilraba immediately became interested.

Could it be that Ye Chen next to her is a Nong Yao Baixing?

After all, he is already a five-star king, and everyone under the king of fifty stars can form a team together.

Ye Chen can talk and play No, the rank is too low. That only means that Ye Chen’s rank exceeds fifty stars.。

“Golden one. “Ye Chen spoke.

Dilireba, who had been looking forward to it just now, almost spat out a mouthful of blood.

Ye Chen’s own rank was too low to play.

Zhang Bichen and Bai Lu, who were online, also heard the conversation between the two, and both I couldn’t help but burst out laughing.

The audience in the live broadcast room was even out of breath laughing.。

“Hahahaha, it made me laugh. I thought Ye Chen was so awesome, but I didn’t expect him to be golden.。”

“The momentum of Ye Laoliu’s words gave people the feeling of a hundred stars, but he didn’t expect that he was only in the gold rank.。”

“If you’re only in the gold rank, just say you don’t know how to play.。”

“I really want to know the name of Ye Laoliu’s Nongyao account. If I meet him one day, I will definitely torture him.。”

“That’s right, I was so angry at Ye Laoliu that if I met him in the game one day, I would slap Ye Laoliu and vent his anger. ”

Dilraba didn’t have any hope after learning about Ye Chen’s rank. She

played another game with Zhang Bichen and Bai Lu.

But halfway through the game, Dilireba suddenly held her stomach and said。

“No, I have a stomachache. I need to go to the toilet first. Ye Chen, please give me a blow. ”

After saying that, he threw the phone to Ye Chen.。

“Hey, hey, hey, Fatty, you want to blame the shooter for being such a bad guy? ”

Bai Lu’s furious voice came.。

“What should I do? Has Reba hung up? “Zhang Bichen was a little confused. She was playing Yao, a typical auxiliary hero.

Gongsunli, the shooter who originally followed Reba.

Now hearing Reba’s words, she was a little at a loss.。

“Follow me, I’ll give Reba a beating first. “Ye Chen took the phone and took a look.

Gongsunli’s record was 0-7-3, which is simply terrible.。

“Bi Chen, follow me. Isn’t this man only a gold-level guy? He definitely doesn’t know how to play. If you follow me, there is still hope. ”

Bai Lu’s voice came, Zhang Bichen said “Oh”, and controlled Yaomei to walk away.

But Ye Chen continued to walk towards the road of development.

Because the economy was too low, he did not fight, but simply developed.

Regardless of whether it was the military line or the wild area, Ye Chen always followed suit. Everyone

on the opposite side seemed to know that Gongsun Li didn’t know how to play. He died so many times and didn’t get many gold coins after being captured, so they simply let Gongsun Li develop.

Until twenty minutes, the Storm Dragon King was activated, and the team battle was about to break out.

Bai Lu controlled the mage to walk towards the dragon pit, shouting as he walked: “Come on, come on, Gongsun Li, come on. ”

Ye Chen is still halfway, and the team battle has already begun.

News soon came that his teammates had killed the Storm Dragon King.

However, teammates were killed one after another.

Bai Lu’s mage, Zhang Bichen’s Yaomei, and There was jungler A’ke, and top laner Xiang Yu was all dead.

Although the opponent’s opponents were all down, none of them died.。

“It’s over, just click Surrender, and the other side will wave directly. ”

Bai Lu initiated surrender。

“No, I’m still alive. “Ye Chen said quickly.

A Ke and Xiang Yu also clicked surrender, but Zhang Bichen didn’t know whether to click it. In the end, because the time was up, the system acquiesced and refused.

And the five people on the opposite side also started to press forward with their troops.。

“Gongsun Li, let’s defend you. Bai Lu said helplessly.

She no longer had any hope.

When the other teammates saw Gongsunli’s record, they instantly lost their thoughts of resistance.。

“ha? Give it a try? good. “Ye Chen shouted.

Then he controlled Gongsun Li and rushed out.

He started with the first skill, released the control with the second skill, and then went on a killing spree.

PS: 15,000 words, thank you all for your help Support, the author will continue to work hard.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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