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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 078

I don’t know how long Gao Yong has been digging here.

There were already several bamboo baskets filled with sweet potatoes around.

Look carefully, there are some bamboo baskets filled with taro.。

“Gao Yong, did you dig so many sweet potatoes by yourself? “Ye Chen asked。

“I’m not the only one. My brother, my sister-in-law, and my parents have all dug it up, and now we’re looking back. Gao Yong said cheerfully。

“These sweet potatoes and taro are grown at home. You can take some back to eat. ”

After finishing speaking, Gao Yong grabbed a handful of taro and a few sweet potatoes and handed them to Dilireba.

Dilireba was not polite and took them and said thank you.。

“Okay, thank you. Let’s play football together when we have time. “Ye Chen said。

“no problem. “After Gao Yong finished speaking, he continued to work.

Dilireba hugged a lot of sweet potatoes and taro.

Her white clothes were already covered with dirt on her chest.

She didn’t care, she just hugged her and followed Ye Chen. Just like a little follower.

The audience in the live broadcast room were dumbfounded.。

“Reba, you are a goddess, why are you acting like a little follower?”

“This is not even about the image, woo woo woo, my goddess, this is a romance, please pay attention to the impact, okay?。”

“It makes me laugh. Reba is getting more and more wild.。”

“That’s right, Reba has really become wild after following Ye Chen, and now she has completely become a wild girl.。”

“Wild girl, hahaha. ”

Director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “I have a bad feeling that Ye Chen will definitely have another famous scene.

He Jiong nodded and said, “It’s probably similar to when we were kids. ” Yaya

looked confused: “Teacher He, Dalinzi, what are you talking about?”

Yang Chaoyue: “Ye Chen won’t take Reba to roast sweet potatoes, right? ” ”

Yang Chaoyue’s guess was not wrong.

After Ye Chen took Dilraba back to the river,

he yelled for Dilraba to collect firewood.

He took a stick and started digging a hole.

Fortunately, since the last time, he let Dilraba go. After the firecrackers, Ye Chen had the habit of bringing a lighter.

After quickly digging the hole, Ye Chen spread a layer of firewood underneath, and then placed sweet potatoes and taro inside.

Then he spread it on top. Firewood.

After lighting it, just add more firewood.

After all, roasting sweet potatoes and taro is much easier than grilling fish.

There is no need to worry about burning or anything.。

“How long do we have to wait before we can eat? ”

Dilraba watched Ye Chen finish everything and squatted aside to rest.。

“It can be eaten in half an hour. “Ye Chen said。

“It takes so long。”

“It will be faster if you collect more firewood. “Ye Chen said.

Hearing Ye Chen’s words, Di Lieba swallowed her saliva and continued to collect firewood.

And she looked like she was swallowing while collecting firewood.

It simply made Di Lieba’s fans collapse.

They really I don’t understand why Di Lieba has such big fantasies about sweet potatoes and taro.

More importantly, she is still on a show like Love. It

is simply outrageous.

About half an hour.

As the bonfire goes out.

Ye Chen took a stick and pulled out the dark sweet potatoes and taro that were burned inside.

He pressed it with the stick. They were very soft and already cooked.。

“Is this edible? “This was the first time that Dilireba saw roasted sweet potatoes and roasted taro. She

originally thought they were delicacies, but at this moment, she saw that they were burnt and black, and she became a little timid. Eating

these things will probably hurt her throat. It’s all gone。

“Don’t worry, you can definitely eat it. “Ye Chen grabbed a piece of sweet potato.

Because it was too hot, he had to switch his left and right hands.

This scene looked like acrobatics to Dilraba, and she couldn’t help laughing.。

“Hahaha, are you juggling? ”

Dilraba smiled and pointed at Ye Chen.。

“Put your hands out. ”

Ye Chen shouted.

After Di Lieba obediently stretched out her hand, Ye Chen put the sweet potato on Di Lieba’s hand.

And Di Lieba instantly understood that Ye Chen was not juggling, but that it was really hot.。

“Ah, ah, ah, so hot, so hot. ”

Dilraba also began to alternate her left and right hands.

The four people in the studio were laughing and lying on the table.

The audience in the live broadcast room also fell on their backs with laughter.。

“Ye Chen, you really don’t believe me when I say you are the sixth child. Just what you are doing is simply sixty-six.。”

“I’m going to die laughing, Reba, are you going to take the route of a funny girl?”

“If you’re not a good goddess, if you have to be a funny girl, you won’t be thrown into disrepute..?”

“Marven, you are really enough. Shoot a love story and take Reba to bake sweet potatoes.。”

“I feel like this show is going to be ruined by Ye Chen. No wonder Hua Hua and Mr. Hua don’t want to come back.。”

“Hahaha, food poisoning is a good excuse, but the root of all this is still Ye Laoliu.。”

“You really don’t do any of the things that you should do, no matter what the consequences are. ”

Ye Chen took the sweet potato and began to peel it.

After the dark outer skin was peeled off, what was revealed was the attractive yellow sweet potato flesh.

It exuded bursts of heat.

Ye Chen opened his mouth and took a small bite。

“So hot and delicious. “Ye Chen opened his mouth slightly while eating to dissipate heat.

Seeing this, Dilraba also came over and took a small bite.

She disliked Ye Chen less and less.

After filming for such a long time, we ate together and played together. .

But when Di Lieba came over, a pretty face just happened to be pressed against Ye Chen’s cheek.

Although she was eating sweet potatoes.

But the scene, captured by the photographer, was really beautiful.

Di Lieba Lireba bent over and opened her mouth slightly, and her seductive red lips came into close contact with the sweet potato.

In front of him was Ye Chen, with his head raised and his mouth forming an O shape.

The sweet potato in his hand was left unchecked. Reba bit into it.

The viewers in the live broadcast room were filled with envy.

After all, being able to eat sweet potatoes in the wild with someone you like is a happy thing, isn’t it?


At this moment, Ye Chen felt something was wrong, Di Lireba’s hair actually floated into her mouth。

“Reba, if you don’t want to cut your hair. ”

Ye Chen said angrily.。

“If you keep talking nonsense, I will bite you. Oops, it’s so hot. ”

Dilraba said while glaring at Ye Chen.


a beautiful and warm scene suddenly changed.

The two became tense because of the hair matter.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong supported his waist with one hand and the other. He put his hands on the table, and it was obvious that he was suffering from discomfort at the moment.。

“Really, these two are romance killers. ”

Yaya and Yang Chaoyue were already laughing so hard that they were squatting on the ground and could not stand up.

Guo Qilin explained in front of him: “These two are a perfect pair of enemies.。”

“Romance Terminator, it’s hard to have a picture that a romance drama should have. Ye Laoliu, will you die if you don’t speak?”

“Ye Chen is pretty good-looking when he’s not talking, but his style changes when he talks.。”

“My Reba’s hair is in your mouth, that’s your honor, Ye Laoliu, you don’t know how to look.。”

“These two people, I no longer look forward to seeing the scenes that love dramas should have.。”

“I have a weak question, my family still has three acres of sweet potato land, can I chase Reba?”

“My family has five acres of taro and they haven’t said anything. Please step aside first.。”

“My family has enough control over sweet potatoes and taro. When will Reba come to my house to roast sweet potatoes? ”

Love House.

Yang Mi was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Suddenly a voice sounded。

“Hello, is anyone here? ”

It was a nice girl’s voice.

Yang Mi got up and walked towards the door quickly.

The person was wearing light blue jeans and a white shirt tied at the navel, giving people a lean look.

This person It

Yang Mi was obviously taken aback. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although the director said that he would rent out two empty houses, in Yang Mi’s opinion, he would find another man. Guests came to replace Hua Chenyu and Hua Shao.

After all, this is a love drama.

Two male guests left, and of course the next one was also a male guest. But I didn’t

expect that a girl came now.

And she was also a singer.

Yang Mi did it I don’t understand what the director means.

Not only Yang Mi, but also several people in the director’s room became curious.

He Jiong: “Eh? Why is Bichen here?

Guo Qilin: “The person here is not a male guest? ”

Yaya: “Did the wrong guest come? ” ”

Yang Chaoyue said angrily: “It is probably arranged deliberately by the director. ”

Actually, Yang Chaoyue has always wanted to go to the love house. Now she saw that her good friend Zhang Bichen was there, and she was even more angry. It’s

just that no one noticed her stubborn pout.。

“It’s actually my goddess Bichen. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I can’t stand it, this show is so good。”

“I like this show more and more. Another female guest is here. Ye Laoliu is lucky.。”

“I’m done, I don’t want my goddess Bi Chen to come to this show. I’m afraid Ye Laoliu will affect my goddess.。”

“Dilraba has already been led astray by Ye Laoliu, and here comes the goddess Bichen. What should she do if she follows her and goes astray?”

“Hello, I am Yang Mi. “However, Yang Mi still politely stepped forward to shake hands with the other party.。

“Hello, I am Zhang Bichen. “Zhang Bichen shook hands politely.。

“Let me help you carry your luggage in. “Yang Mi said, trying to move her luggage.

But it was too heavy and she couldn’t lift it.。

“Let’s lift it together. “Zhang Bichen said quickly。

“No, let’s put it in the living room first. Your room is on the second floor, so it’s not easy to get up. I’ll help you move it up when Lao Liu comes back. “Yang Mi shook her hand.

With such a big box, it is not convenient for two people to go up the crowded stairs.

If it falls, it will be troublesome.

So Yang simply waits for Ye Chen to come back before helping.。

“Sixth child? “Zhang Bichen was confused.

She tried hard to think of all the guests when she watched this show before, but she had never heard of Lao Liu.。

“Lao Liu is Ye Chen, Ye Lao Liu, everyone calls him that, you can call him that too. “Yang Mi said。

“good. “Zhang Bichen nodded obediently.

Zhang Bichen is that kind of well-behaved girl.

Although she is not as cool as Liu Yifei, nor as mature and sexy as Yang Mi. She

is not as lively and cute as Di Lieba.

But she is very polite, no matter who she is talking to. Chatting gives people a very comfortable state.

She has her own unique static beauty. She

is not aloof, but like the girl next door.

Yang Mi and Zhang Bichen did not know each other before, but now the living room is The two of them, Yang Mi could only chat awkwardly.

God knows how much Yang Mi wanted Ye Chen and Dilraba to come back.

If these two people came back, the scene wouldn’t be so embarrassing.

But after waiting and waiting, they didn’t wait. The two of them

looked at the time and saw that it was already past eleven o’clock. If they kept waiting, it would be almost lunch.

So Yang Mi decided to take the initiative and go find Ye Chen and Dilraba。

“Bi Chen, let me take you to find them. Maybe you forgot to go home somewhere. Yang Mi stood up and said。

“Okay, thank you, Sister Mi. “Zhang Bichen nodded obediently and quickly stood up and followed behind.

Yang Mi knew that Ye Chen was going to collect the floor cage, so she went straight to the river.

From a distance, she saw Ye Chen and Dilraba arranging themselves on the ground, because their backs were facing The way they came, they couldn’t see clearly what the two were doing.

When they walked in, Yang Mi discovered that Ye Chen and Dilraba were eating.

The unpeeled sweet potatoes and taro looked very black. .

You can’t tell what it is at all.

What’s more important is that at this moment, both Ye Chen and Dilraba’s hands are pitch black.

There are also some black marks on the edges of their lips.

It looks more There are so many mitais.

As soon as this shot was shown to the two of them, the audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter.。

“Is this still my goddess?”

“Reba, if you just eat, what’s going on with your mouth full?”

“Woohoo, I don’t want this goddess anymore. Give it to whoever wants it.。”

“Ye Chen, I won’t let you go, you’ve dirty my goddess.。”

“Please do something, Ye Laoliu。”

“Nowadays, we don’t expect Ye Laoliu to go to the movies and have romance, but Ye Laoliu, you can’t take Reba to bake sweet potatoes, right? ”

Yang Mi was stunned when she saw this scene.

She didn’t know what to say about these two guys.

Isn’t it just a cage?

They actually had something to eat.

And what was this food?

It was briquettes. Is it? It’s so dark.

Zhang Bichen on the side was shocked.

She tried hard to recall in her mind that her agent did say that she was here to participate in the love show.

But why is there such a weird thing in the love show? What about the scene?

Two people were squatting on the ground eating something pitch-black. They couldn’t see clearly what it was, and they couldn’t tell, but it was definitely not good food. Their eating hands were dark, and their mouths were also


She couldn’t bear it . He took a step back, but soon it became clear that the girl was Reba.。

“Reba? “Zhang Bichen said in surprise。

“Huh? Bichen, why are you here? “Dilraba stood up suddenly and was about to give Zhang Bichen a big hug.

When she saw Zhang Bichen take a step back, she realized that her hands were dirty. She

quickly ran to the river to wash her hands and wiped her mouth. .

ran over and gave Zhang Bichen a big hug.。

“Are you the new tenant? Why isn’t he a male guest? “Dili (Ma Li Hao) Reba was outspoken and asked directly。

“I didn’t know either. The director didn’t ask for a male guest and invited me to come, so I came. “Zhang Bichen said。

“Hahaha, great. From now on, we can queue up face to face without having to show off to that big idiot. ”

Dilraba said happily.

Zhang Bichen didn’t say much.

At this moment, he saw Ye Chen also washed his hands and walked over.

He politely stretched out his hand to greet Ye Chen: “Hello, you are the sixth, my name is Zhang Bichen. ”

Ye Chen washed his hands and prepared to come over to greet the new guests.

But he only stretched out his hands halfway. After hearing Zhang Bichen’s words, he stood on the spot as if he had been struck by lightning.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahahahaha….”

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha…..”

Yaya: “I burst into tears laughing.”

Yang Chaoyue: “Bi Chen, this idiot, has such a different way of saying hello, hahahaha。”

“You’re laughing so hard, Goddess Bichen, you know the effect of variety shows。”

“I have to say, this wave of effects is full of success。”

“It seems that Ye Chen, the sixth child, can no longer hide his title and has already spread it out.。”

“It’s okay, just call it like this from now on, just call it Lao Liu Lao Liu.。”

“No, I laughed so much that my stomach hurt and my rice gushed out. ”

Actually, Ye Chen is also confused at this moment.

He can accept Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, or Dilraba calling him the sixth.

After all, everyone is so familiar with each other, and there is a lot of laughter and fun, and he can call him no matter what. It doesn’t matter.

And the Zhang Bichen in front of me

was obviously the first time we met.

She looked like a cute girl next door.

At this moment, she said to herself with a serious expression: “You are the sixth child, right?” ”

Look, is this human language? ”

PS:Thank you for your monthly tickets, flowers, reminders, and evaluation votes. Thank you to all the bosses for your support.

These days, I write 15,000 words every day. The author just wants to live up to the support and love of all the big guys. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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