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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 080

Being so disturbed by Dilireba.

Liu Yifei was also a little embarrassed.

I immediately started cooking seriously.

Under Ye Chen’s guidance, three dishes and one soup were ready in no time.

Although it doesn’t look as good as Ye Chen’s, it doesn’t taste as good.

But it’s not bad for people who are cooking for the first time.。

“smell good. “Zhang Bichen was already hungry, but now smelling the fragrant food, she couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.。

“It’s your first time cooking, so don’t mind. Liu

Yifei said, then turned to look at Yang Mi who was busy in the kitchen and asked: “Mimi, do you want to eat together?””

“I stopped eating. I was already full of dog food. “Yang Mi said.

Liu Yifei’s cheeks turned red again.。

“Hahahaha, you are right, the dog food is enough。”

“No, I’m going to die laughing, Damimi, why are you talking so funny?。”

“Isn’t Damimi jealous?”

“Not really, it seems that Da Mi Mi is quite normal towards Ye Chen.。”

“Is it normal? Is it normal to drink the same drink that Ye Chen drank at the beginning?”

“That’s true, but I’m not optimistic about Ye Chen and Damimi. I think they are a good match for the fairy sister. ”

The four of them sat down and started eating.

Ye Chen and Dilraba

had no appetite because they ate roasted sweet potatoes and roasted taro, so they just ate some and put down their bowls and chopsticks.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Bichen also ate very little.

In the end, the three of them ate I didn’t even finish a third of the dish and soup.

Liu Yifei was a little sad when she was washing the dishes.。

“Ye Chen, does my cooking taste bad and everyone doesn’t like to eat it?”

“How could it be? What you made is delicious. It’s already great to be able to reach this level for the first time. ”

Ye Chen comforted。

“Then you have to teach me more in the future. “Liu Yifei pouted and said aggrievedly.

Those who saw her cute little expression couldn’t help but want to kiss her.

I didn’t expect that the fairy sister would be so cute after the iceberg melted.

Dilraba glanced at Dilraba on the sofa I glanced at the kitchen and happened to see this scene, and immediately crossed my arms angrily.。

“Reba, what’s wrong with you? “Zhang Bichen asked weakly。

“It’s nothing, the weather is too hot, annoying. “Dilraba said。

“Is there a swimming pool here? We can go swimming. ”

Simple Zhang Bichen really thought that Dilraba was hot。

“How about we go to the county seat and see if there is a swimming pool? “When Di Lieba heard this, she became interested instantly.

She hadn’t gone swimming for a long time.。

“OK. “Zhang Bichen nodded. She has a gentle personality. She is a

submissive type.

In this love house, she is only familiar with Dilireba, so wherever Dilireba asks to go, Zhang Bichen will nod obediently.。

“Sister Mi, Yifei, are you going? “Dilraba asked。

“I won’t go, I have something to do in the afternoon. “Liu Yifei declined politely.

Her recent schedule is tight and she still has a lot of scenes to shoot.。

“I won’t go either. I will pick some fruits in the afternoon to exchange for living expenses. “Yang Mi said。

“Lao Liu, are you going? “Dilraba didn’t want to ask Marven at first.

After all, this guy is too annoying. Every time he is with Liu Yifei, he acts so gentle.

When he is with her, he is like a street kid. Who is this? I can bear it.

But then I think about it, I don’t have any money, so I can only invite Ye Chen to go with me. In this case, I don’t have to worry about paying the bill.。

“swimming pool? Crazy, what are your family conditions, do you have money? ”

Ye Chen glanced at Dilraba, as if he had already seen through Dilraba’s little thoughts.

“Are you rich? “Dilraba was speechless when she asked.

That’s right.

Her living expenses are only two yuan a day.

The rest of the money is with Marven, how can she have money to spend it?。

“Then I will pay some living expenses in advance. ”

Dilraba came over with her mouth pouted and stretched out her hand to ask for money.。

“Advance? Two yuan a day is sixty yuan a month. How long do you need to advance? ”

Ye Chen counted on his fingers.

Dilraba put her hands on her hips and stared at Ye Chen fiercely.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.。

“When did my Reba become so humble?”

“Goddess Reba, don’t ask Ye Chen for money, come to me, I have a swimming pool at home, please swim。”

“I’m going to die laughing, this is a romance drama, why is Reba having such a miserable life?”

“Lao Liu, I advise you to give money to my Fatty and let her go swimming, so that we can see Fatty wearing a bikini.。”

“Damn it, the truth upstairs is revealed。”

“Hahaha, Lao Liu, I advise you to give me the money quickly. I want to see Reba wearing a swimsuit.。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you not to be ignorant of praise. ”

Originally, everyone was still laughing at Dilraba for being so humble in front of Ye Chen.

But suddenly they were awakened by the word “bikini”.

Now they started to post crazy comments, asking Ye Chen to give money to Dilraba.

After all, this is If so, everyone can see Dilraba wearing a swimsuit.

What’s more, Zhang Bichen is also traveling with her, which is a complete bonus.

However, Ye Chen cannot see these barrages.

Naturally, there is nothing wrong with such a scene. Interested.

Looking at Dilraba, she said。

“In fact, if you want to swim, we can just dig a swimming pool ourselves.。”

“Dig your own swimming pool? “Dilraba was startled.。

“How to dig? “Zhang Bichen also stared at Ye Chen with wide eyes.。

“In this way, you can go pick fruits this afternoon and earn some more money. As for digging the swimming pool, just leave it to me. ”

Ye Chen said and stretched out two fingers towards Zhang Bichen and crushed it.

Zhang Bichen was stunned.。

“It costs money to build a swimming pool. Give me your living expenses and it will count as your investment. ”

Ye Chen said。

“okay. “Zhang Bichen didn’t think much, and took out all the money in his pocket and handed it to Ye Chen. He

didn’t keep any money for himself.

Fans in the live broadcast room couldn’t help but worry about how Zhang Bichen would live in the future.。

“You won’t cheat my money, will you? ”

After giving the money, Zhang Bichen asked stupidly.。

“Don’t worry, I won’t lie to you. “Ye Chen chuckled, took the money and went out.


Jiong said with a smile: “I feel like this is a conspiracy.

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, Ye Chen is obviously lying. ”

Yaya: “Maybe Ye Chen can really dig a swimming pool? ”

Guo Qilin: “How can he dig without tools? ” Besides, building a swimming pool is a big project, and he definitely can’t complete it alone. He

Jiong nodded: “Da Linzi is right. I can only say that Bi Chen is too simple and trusts people too easily, hahaha.”

Yang Chaoyue pouted and said, “Bichen is such a big fool. ” ”

Liu Yifei had some scenes to shoot, so she sat on the sofa and memorized her lines.

Yang Mi, Dilraba Dilraba, and Zhang Bichen were fully armed and set off towards the orchard.

The whole love house fell silent instantly.

However, it didn’t take long .

Liu Yifei heard a rumbling sound. She immediately walked

to the door and saw that a small excavator had driven into the yard.

The driver of the excavator was Ye Chen.

Seeing this scene , Liu Yifei opened her mouth wide。

“Hahaha, 666, are you driving an excavator?”

“Ye Chen can even drive an excavator. I really can’t handle this operation.。”

“I have to say that Ye Laoliu can’t do anything except fall in love.。”

“This is called not knowing how to fall in love. Lao Liu seduced the fairy sister so much that she wanted nothing more.。”

“It’s too much. It’s an excavator. It’s cheating. ”

Even several people in the director room were shocked when they saw this scene.

Just now, He Jiong and Guo Qilin had sworn that Ye Chen would never

Because the amount of the project was too large, it would definitely not be possible for one person to complete it.

In the blink of an eye , Ye Chen drove an excavator over.

The slap in the face came so fast, like a tornado.

Both of them felt burning pain on their faces.

Yaya and Yang Chaoyue smiled and said nothing.

Ye Chen will dig the soil. After the machine was parked, he jumped off and began to calculate where the swimming pool should be dug.

Liu Yifei walked over and looked at this huge thing with curiosity.

There was a touch of joy in Ye Chen’s eyes again.。

“Ye Chen, is this an excavator?”

“It was borrowed from Gao Yong’s family. I saw an excavator in front of his house two days ago. I didn’t expect that it really belonged to his family. ”

Ye Chen said。

“Then how come you can even drive an excavator?”

“I have learned it before, do you want to experience it? “Ye Chen said.

Liu Yifei didn’t speak, but the way she nodded her head still let Ye Chen see her desire.

After Ye Chen determined the approximate location of the swimming pool,

he got on the excavator and headed towards Liu Yifei reaches out her hand。

“Come, I’ll pull you up. ”

Liu Yifei has delicate hands, and with Ye Chen’s help, she quickly boarded the excavator.

In fact, the cab of the excavator can only accommodate one person, and if there are two people, it will be very crowded.

Liu Yifei looked Looking at Ye Chen who was sitting in the driving position, he looked around and found that there was no place for him, so he wanted to get out.。

“In the morning you took me riding a horse, how about now I take you driving an excavator? ”

Ye Chen asked.

Liu Yifei was startled, her cheeks reddening slightly as she thought of the two riding horses in the morning.

Then she looked at the current cab.

She asked doubtfully: “Then where should I sit? ”

Ye Chen patted the remaining empty seat next to him.

Liu Yifei was a little shy. After all, there was no room for her in such a small seat.

If he agreed, he would inevitably have some intimate contact with Ye Chen.

At this moment, he was also hesitant. Undecided.

Her pretty face blushed even more.。

“Come on, we have to hurry up, otherwise Reba and the others will definitely complain when they come back and see us not working.

Seeing that Liu Yifei was still hesitating, Ye Chen immediately pulled him.

Liu Yifei entered the cab naturally, and then carefully sat down. Unfortunately

, the seat was too small. Even though Liu Yifei tried hard to curl up, there was still something unavoidable. Half of his buttocks sat on Ye Chen’s lap.

Ye Chen smiled.

It was soft and very comfortable.

0 Please give me flowers

. And in this small cab, you can still smell the faint floral fragrance emanating from Liu Yifei.

Director He

Jiong: “Isn’t this, this, this development too fast?

Guo Qilin: “Is this going to start a critical attack? ”

Yaya: “The two of them are so perfect for each other. Every time they appear together, it feels like they’re spreading sugar. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Okay, Ye Chen, the sixth child, shows off my face. “。”

“The real master of love never complains about the bad environment。”

“You can sprinkle sugar with any excavator. I’m convinced by this operation.。”

“Ye Laoliu, is there anything else you can’t do?”

“My fairy sister is almost squeezed into your lap by you, right?。”

“Ye Laoliu made this plan, I heard it even abroad。”

“That’s right, the abacus beads all fell off my face.。”

“My poor fairy sister, can you be careful about Ye Chen, the sixth child? ”

Liu Yifei’s fans were really stunned when they saw this scene.

Their goddess was half-sitting on another man’s lap.

What’s going on?

At this moment, they all wanted to kill Ye Chen, the sixth child.

Ye Chen Started to start the excavator, and as the excavator was running, the operating room was spinning around.

Liu Yifei could hold the armrest tightly with her right hand, but there was nowhere to put her left hand.

Put it down, it’s Ye Chen’s thigh.

No. Put it down, but I feel that my center of gravity is unstable and I feel completely insecure. I feel at a loss for

a moment.

Seeing this, Ye Chen moved even more while operating the excavator, moving left and right, making Liu Yifei dizzy.。

“Ye Chen, please slow down. “Liu Yifei said shyly.

Her pretty face was so red that it was almost bleeding.

She regretted why she agreed to follow this old man up.

Now it’s better, she can’t stop even thinking about it.

Originally she was only half-sit down.

It’s almost over now���Sitting on Ye Chen’s lap.

If you continue, I will probably get stuck in it and be unable to extricate myself.。

“That’s how the excavator is, once you get used to it you’ll be fine. “Ye Chen chuckled.

The photographers who took the photo also stayed away.

They were really afraid that Ye Chen, an old man, would make a mistake and give them a try, and they would be left with nothing to eat.

Liu Yifei was very nervous at first . Nervous.

But gradually I got used to the rotation of the excavator.

And I stared at Ye Chen’s operation with a pair of beautiful eyes.

It seemed that every movement was so skillful, and he didn’t look like a beginner at all. .

It lasted for more than two hours.

Ye Chen finally dug a big pit.

It was thirteen meters long, five meters wide and two meters deep.

Because of the limited conditions, Ye Chen had no chance to dig a bigger hole.

This swimming pool is enough for everyone in the love house to have fun.

After digging the hole, Ye Chen cleaned up all the surrounding soil and moved it outside.

After all, this soil is good stuff, whether it is in the field or anywhere. It was useful, so Ye Chen’s behavior was not littering.

After doing all this, Ye Chen drove the excavator to the door and placed it.

Then he jumped out.

But when Ye Chen tried to pull Liu Yifei down again , When I got off, I could clearly feel that Liu Yifei’s legs were

a little weak. Maybe it was because the car was shaking too much just now. Now

my whole body felt a little collapsed.

When I came down, I accidentally fell down.

Fortunately, Ye Chen has quick eyes and quick hands. , hugged Liu Yifei’s delicate body.

Then she walked towards the living room.

Such a princess hug made Liu Yifei fall instantly.。

“Oh my god, so sweet.。”

“I hit you, I hit you, I like this princess hugging me。”

“The princess hugs Liu Yifei, Ye Laoliu, I am willing to call you the sixth old Liu。”

“This is the real famous scene, hahaha。”

“Love it, would you like to have a look at this picture?”

“Didn’t anyone notice that the fairy sister’s legs were weak?”

“Upstairs, I suspect you are driving, but unfortunately I have no evidence.。”

……Liu Yifei lay in Ye Chen’s arms, her pretty face flushed fiercely.

I originally wanted to break free, but I felt like all my strength was trapped, and I didn’t have the strength to break free at all.

Until she was hugged by Ye Chen and placed on the sofa, Liu Yifei’s mind kept replaying the scene inside the excavator just now.

The intimate contact and warm chest simply made Liu Yifei fall for her.

This guy actually walked into his heart without knowing it.

Thinking of this, Liu Yi smiled.。

“You have a good rest, I’ll get to work first. ”

After Ye Chen put Liu Yifei down, he patted her shoulder and whispered.

Liu Yifei blushed and nodded slightly.

Then Ye Chen got up and walked toward the door………

PS:Please subscribe, ask for flowers, ask for monthly tickets, and ask for evaluation votes.

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If you find anything uncomfortable, you can raise it and the author will listen to more people’s opinions and make revisions.

I just hope to get everyone’s support. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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