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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 084

Ye Chen originally looked up at Yang Mi.

See Yang Mi leaving.

Just when she was about to continue working, she saw Dilraba coming over with a hoe.

Ye Chen didn’t want to take it seriously at first, but suddenly he thought that Dilraba bit him, and his shoulder still hurts.

She is carrying a hoe here like a crazy girl. If her subordinates really don’t have enough time to do it for her, there will be no place to cry.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen turned around and ran away.

Fortunately, Ye Chen was very agile. He jumped up on a wall and ran away.。

“If you dare to peek, see if I don’t beat you to death. “Dilraba chased Ye Chen fiercely with a hoe.

Zhang Bichen didn’t notice Ye Chen’s behavior just now.

When he saw Dilraba chasing Ye Chen with a hoe, she was frightened and froze in place.。

“Is this the best way to explain that he is making trouble and she is laughing?”

“No explanation, Reba has a hoe in her hand。”

“Hahahaha, Ye Laoliu, you too have today。”

“Only Reba can take care of Ye Chen.。”

“Ye Laoliu’s shoes have all gone away。”

“The slippers are still at the gate, hahahaha. ”

It’s hard for photographers too.

These two ancestors are so good at running.

They just run away at every turn. Ye Chen actually ran away happily, but the photographer still had to carry the machine to chase.

Thinking of this, the two photographers The teacher was about to cry. It wasn’t

until Dilireba was tired from running that she stood panting beside the field edge and stared at Ye Chen angrily.。

“I really didn’t mean it. “Ye Chen explained。

“I don’t care, it’s wrong for you to peek anyway. “Dilraba said。

“I wasn’t peeking, Yang Mi came here on her own. “Ye Chen was speechless。

“So what did you see?”

“Can this be said? “Ye Chen was startled and asked weakly.。

“What did you see? “Dilreba was so angry that she chased after her again with her tired body.

Ye Chen said so.

She must have seen something that she shouldn’t have seen.

In fact, if you really want to ask why Dilireba is so angry, in fact, Dilireba Reba couldn’t tell.

Because this matter had nothing to do with her.

She was not the one being looked at.

In addition, she and Ye Chen were not boyfriend and girlfriend, so why did she act so angry?

The only one The explanation is that in Dilraba’s heart, she has actually regarded Ye Chen as her boyfriend.

Can her boyfriend peek at other girls like this?


So Dilraba carried a hoe and Here it comes.

Ye Chen is not in a hurry and retreats slowly. He runs so fast that Dilireba ca

n’t even catch up. He just turned his head and found that a girl carrying a suitcase had appeared behind him.

She was wearing black clothes. Little leather boots, denim shorts, and a white T-shirt. I don’t know if a few holes were deliberately cut. What’s

more important is that some parts are looming, and they are even bigger than Di Lieba’s.

Those clothes The dress was really trendy.

Ye Chen felt a little familiar, but he couldn’t remember where he had seen it before.

The girl also looked at Ye Chen, as if watching the fun, standing there and smiling cheerfully.

Like Ji Ji The silly girl who fell in love with the landlord’s family.

And Dilraba’s voice also sounded at this time。

“Bai Lu, catch him. ”

Bai Lu?

New guest?

Only then did Ye Chen remember that the person in front of him was Bai Lu. He

immediately turned sideways and wanted to get out of the way, but he didn’t expect Bai Lu to be so direct.

He opened his arms and hugged Ye Chen’s waist without hesitation. .

I don’t know where Bai Lu’s small figure can get such strength.

For a moment, Ye Chen felt as if his waist was being tightened by a large belt.

If he exerted more force, he could break it.

What’s more important is that when Bai Lu hugged Ye Chen, the thing on her chest naturally pressed against Ye Chen without any politeness.

As for Ye Chen, he took off his clothes when he was working.

This would happen continuously. I didn’t even have a chance to wear clothes.

You can say you enjoy it, but your waist is tightened tightly.

You can say it’s uncomfortable, and it’s soft and soft. It’s really hard to judge for a while.

In the director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue: “Hahahaha, Bailu are you crazy?

Yaya: “Can this scene be broadcast? ” ”

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha, I don’t know if it can be broadcast, but now I have seen everything I should watch. ”

He Jiong: “I feel like Bai Lu can hug Ye Chen, hahaha。”

“My goddess Bailu is here? What’s happening here?”

“Whenever Ye Chen wears a piece of clothing, this scene will definitely be broadcast, but that’s not necessarily the case now.。”

“Bai Lu, with your looks, you can be considered a goddess. Can you pay attention to your image?。”

“Let me ask you weakly, is this still a love story? Even Bai Lu is here?”

“Upstairs, please explain to me why my Bai Lu is no longer in love when she comes?”

“That is, who do you look down on? Is it possible that my Bai Lu can’t fall in love?”

“If you take a screenshot of this scene, you can probably extort a large sum of money from Bai Lu at her wedding.。”

“Ha ha ha ha….”

Dilraba didn’t expect Bai Lu to be so down-to-earth.

She (abai) shouted this just to add some momentum to herself.

She had seen Bai Lu coming and deliberately stopped to attract Ye Chen’s attention.

But he didn’t expect that Bai Lu was so sincere and hugged Bai Lu’s waist tightly.

By the way, doesn’t this girl feel embarrassed?

“Okay, okay, let go quickly, you won’t let go when you hold me in your arms, haven’t you seen a handsome guy? ”

Dilraba asked jokingly。

“Hey? You damn fat guy, you asked me to help you arrest people. Now that I have caught them, do you still think you don’t like this or that? ”

Bai Lu became angry immediately, let go of his hand and began to scold.

Ye Chen had a black line on his face.

This is the Bai Lu who played games together two days ago.

No wonder she and Dilraba scolded each other so fiercely at that time, and they were so fierce in reality. fierce。

“Why did the program team invite you here? “Dilraba looked at Bai Lu and continued to dislike it.。

“Humph, I want you to take care of it. Bai Lu snorted coldly, then turned to look at Ye Chen and said, “You must be Ye Chen. My name is Bai Lu. Can you help me carry the box back?” ”

Bai Lu at this moment is completely different from the person she was when she hugged Ye Chen just now. She

looked at Ye Chen affectionately, with a shy look, and even her voice was coquettish.。

“Ye Chen, please ignore her, let’s leave quickly. “Dilraba walked back with the hoe, not forgetting to pull Ye Chen’s clothes.

Ye Chen had no choice but to spread his hands towards Bai Lu.。

“Huh, if you don’t help, you won’t help. ”

Bai Lu finished speaking angrily, grabbed the suitcase with both hands, and with a flick of his hand, actually put the suitcase directly on his shoulders.

Ye Chen didn’t know how much the suitcase weighed, but when he saw this scene, he was still shocked. Light.

And looking at Bai Lu walking towards this side with an easy pace, she is simply a girl with strange powers.。

“I’m numb. Bai Lu, can you have some image?”

“The strange girl is stoned, hahahaha。”

“This Bailu is so cute, I’m going to die laughing。”

“I guess this suitcase weighs at least forty pounds. Bai Lu, are you kidding me?”

“Are you still here to participate in a love show? Are you here to cause trouble?。”

“In reality, there is Ye Laoliu, and now there is a strange girl. This love house is becoming more and more interesting. ”

He Jiong and the others in the director room burst out laughing. They

were all deeply impressed by Bai Lu’s strength.

When the three returned to the love room, Tian���It’s already dark.

Ye Chen found his own clothes in the yard and put them on.

Yang Mi, Zhang Bichen and Liu Yifei were busy cooking in the kitchen.

Seeing the new guests arriving, the three of them greeted them one after another.

Just introduce each other and you’ll get to know each other.

After all, they are all from the entertainment industry. In fact, you have never seen or heard of

Ye Chen went back to the room to take a shower and came out after changing into clean clothes.

For a moment, I felt like I had entered the Pansi Cave.

Bai Lu and Dilraba were sitting on the sofa playing games.

While playing, they squirted at each other.

Neither of them was polite at all.

Zhang Bichen was cooking in the kitchen, while Yang Mi and Liu Yifei were helping.

It can be seen that Zhang Chen’s cooking skills are quite good. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Even Yang Mi exclaimed from time to time, obviously shocked by Zhang Bichen’s cooking skills.

Seeing Ye Chen come out, Dilraba wanted to invite Ye Chen to play games together.。

“Forget it, I don’t play. “Ye Chen said, and then walked towards the kitchen.

Seeing that there was no need for his help, he opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of fruit beer, and stood at the door while drinking.

The night in the countryside is different from that in the city.

There are insects chirping all around and the stars are shining brightly.

It would be a better place if there weren’t those damn mosquitoes.。

“Are you hurt? “However, as soon as Ye Chen walked to the swing, he turned around and heard a voice in his ear.

Turning around, he saw Liu Yifei coming to him at some point.。

“Um? “Ye Chen was confused.。

“Seeing that you and Reba have been having a lot of fun all day long, are you injured? ”

When the fairy sister said this,

she was a little jealous. Because she had to memorize the lines of the script, she stayed in the room.

When she came down just now, she asked where Ye Chen was. Yang Mi took Di Lieba away Talking about the fight with Ye Chen,

Liu Yifei felt a little bit sad.

But thinking about Dilraba chasing Ye Chen with a hoe, she was worried that Ye Chen would be injured.

So she found an opportunity to come out and ask Ye Chen Chen’s。

“Oops, yes, Bai Lu pinched my waist just now. ”

Ye Chen didn’t want to deceive Liu Yifei.

But when he saw Liu Yifei’s deep eyes,

he thought of something and immediately began to pretend.

He was holding a fruit beer in one hand and supporting his waist with the other, deliberately Revealing the mask of pain。

“is it serious? Let me see? “Liu Yifei immediately became nervous when she saw this. She

quickly bent down and lifted up Ye Chen’s clothes to look at her.。

“Okay, okay, Ye Chen, are you playing like this?”

“Now you’ve started to lie to my fairy sister again, right??”

“This is outrageous. Don’t you have any idea whether you’re hurt or not? What are you putting here?”

“Ye Laoliu, you went too far by deceiving my fairy sister’s feelings.。”

“Unforgivable, this is absolutely unforgivable。”

“Let go of Ye Chen, if anything comes to me. ”

Liu Yifei’s fans almost blew up the screen, but they still couldn’t stop Liu Yifei.

It’s just that Ye Chen’s tanned wheat-colored skin looks particularly healthy, and no injuries can be seen at all.。

“Ye Chen, where does it hurt? I couldn’t see any injuries. ”

Liu Yifei said。

“It’s probably an internal injury. I feel a lot of pain. Why don’t you rub it for me? ”

Ye Chen said。

“Okay, then you sit on the swing first and I’ll rub it for you. ”

After Liu Yifei finished speaking, she helped Ye Chen sit down very considerately.

Then she lifted up her skirt and squatted on the ground, stretched out her delicate hands and kneaded Ye Chen’s waist.

Liu Yifei’s movements were very light and gentle, It was as if he was afraid of hurting Ye Chen again.

And Ye Chen was enjoying it.

The fairy sister helped him rub his waist. This kind of thing was something I never dreamed of before.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “It’s too much. Ye Chen was lying at first glance.

Guo Qilin: “Yes, we must denounce Ye Chen for this matter. Isn’t this bullying an honest person? ” Yaya: ”

Hahaha, why do I feel so sweet?”

Yang Chaoyue: “As expected of the sixth child, his acting skills are too slippery. “。”

“Ye Chen, how are you? Do you feel better? ”

After rubbing it for a long time, Liu Yifei saw that Ye Chen didn’t respond, so she asked。

“ah? Oh, much better。”?

Ye Chen was just enjoying it, but when Liu Yifei asked him, he seemed a little flustered.

Liu Yifei is not stupid either.

She was originally curious about Ye Chen’s back pain. After rubbing it for a long time, she became confused when she saw that Ye Chen didn’t make any sound of pain.

Ask yourself, Ye Chen is still vague.

Liu Yifei naturally noticed something was wrong.

He immediately increased the strength in his hands, but Ye Chen didn’t react at all and seemed to be enjoying it.

Then he pinched Ye Chen’s waist.。

“oops. Ye Chen was in pain and quickly stood up, looked at Liu Yifei and asked, “Why are you pinching me?””

“You lied to me? You said you were injured? “Liu Yifei puffed out her cheeks angrily, which was very cute.

It was different from Dilraba’s carelessness.

Even though she knew she was cheated by Ye Chen, Liu Yifei was just puffing up her cheeks angrily and sulking.

Not like Dilraba. Why are you coming to beat Ye Chen?

This is the difference between a typical goddess and a female man。

“Hey, wasn’t this a joke? “When Ye Chen saw that the conspiracy was discovered, he immediately smiled and scratched his head.

Liu Yifei saw Ye Chen’s facial expressions and movements like a big child, and smiled sweetly, like an iceberg melting, she was so beautiful.。

“Are you not angry anymore? “Ye Chen came over and asked。

“What does it matter to you whether you are angry or not? snort. “Liu Yifei said coquettishly

and ran towards the living room with a blush on her face.。

“Wow, I got bumped. I really got bumped by the fairy sister and Ye Chen.。”

“The fairy sister’s smile is too sweet, right?。”

“That shy look is like a flower in bud, so beautiful.。”

“I’ve been fed by these two people’s dog food. It’s over and I have to lose weight again.。”

“I can’t stand it, I really can’t stand it, this candy is too sweet。”

“I feel like I’m going to have diabetes. ”

As the dinner was ready, Dilireba shouted outside: “Lao Liu, it’s time to eat. ”

Ye Chen then got up and entered the living room.

Dilraba and Bai Lu had finished the game and the scolding.

They arranged the stools.

Yang Mi was serving the dishes.

Liu Yifei placed the bowls and chopsticks.

Zhang Bichen They took off their aprons and prepared to eat.

As Ye Chen came in, everyone began to sit down.

Such a scene, simple and warm, once again made countless viewers sore.

After all, among the six people, only Ye was left Chen is a male guest.

How can you not feel sour when facing five top beauties?

Anyone else would be sour.

I have to say that Zhang Bichen’s cooking skills are still very good.

Five dishes and one soup, a combination of meat and vegetables, that’s it The appearance is enough to kill most people’s dishes.

For Yang Mi and the others, it is even more of a benefit.

Because Zhang Bichen is a singer herself, she not only has to pay attention to her figure and appearance, but also her voice.

Therefore, the dishes Zhang Bichen cooks are all light.

Most of them are steamed or boiled.

Even stir-fries are stir-fried over low heat and then simmered.

The taste is slightly different from stir-frying. But it has a different style.

More importantly, for a few girls, there is no need to worry about being too greasy and they can eat it with confidence.。

“Well, yes, Bichen’s arrival is simply good news for us. ”

Yang Mi took a bite of the food and couldn’t help but praise it.。

“Thank you Bichen. “Liu Yifei said with a smile.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu didn’t say anything. After all, they and Zhang Bichen have an excellent relationship as best friends, so they naturally know each other’s cooking skills. They just gave

Zhang Bichen a thumbs up as a thank you.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also said: “Thank you Bi Chen for cooking us a sumptuous dinner. Let’s have a bottle of fruit beer each to celebrate. ”

As soon as the words came out, everyone was stunned and turned to look at Ye Chen.

The atmosphere instantly became weird.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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