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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 087

Hearing Ye Chen’s inquiry, even Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilraba and Zhang Bichen, who were preparing lunch, couldn’t help but become curious.

The three of them looked back at Ye Chen, doubts flashing in their eyes.

A group of staff looked at each other.

In fact, when Ye Chen said that chicken stewed with mushrooms costs eighty-eight portions, some people were already attracted by it.

After all, the chicken stewed with mushrooms that Ye Chen made two days ago tasted really good.

Otherwise, could the director spend his humble money to buy a piece of chicken?

But for the staff, they didn’t dare to say anything in front of the director.

And now, since Ye Chen has taken the initiative to ask.

Naturally, several staff members were ready to make a move.。

“I want one. “Luo Yu, the purchaser who spoke first,。

“I want one too. “The photographer brother who took the picture of Ye Chen said.

He really needed to add something.

Ye Chen was always going up mountains and rivers, running fast, and his physical exertion was also great.

Then he thought about Ye Chen again in the afternoon When he went to pick mushrooms, the photographer’s heart collapsed.

So he decided to be kind to himself and ordered a portion of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

In the end, Ye Chen counted and sold a total of eight portions.

More than 600 yuan was received. , It’s simply delicious.

But to make so many chicken stews with mushrooms at once, I will definitely have to go to the mountains to pick mushrooms in the afternoon.

As for the chicken, Ye Chen thought about it and had no choice but to go to Gao Yong’s house to buy it first.

A chicken It is estimated that I can make five portions of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

This time I need to buy two chickens. At this time

, Yang Mi also came back from outside.

Seeing everyone chatting happily, after asking, I found out that Ye Chen did all the business It’s up to the staff.

Yang Mi couldn’t help but look at Ye Chen with a complicated look.

Is this guy really here to fall in love?

“Ye Chen, are you going to go up the mountain in the afternoon? “Yang Mi suddenly thought of something and asked。

“yes. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“I’ll go with you. I’ll go pick mushrooms too. Yang Mi said.

Last time she tasted the mushrooms made by Ye Chen, Yang Mi had always wanted to try them again. However,

Hua Chenyu and Mr. Hua persuaded Yang Mi to leave because of mushroom poisoning.

In addition, Ye Chen The past few days have been quite busy, so Yang Mi was too embarrassed to bother her.

Now that she heard that Ye Chen was going to the mountain to pick mushrooms, Yang Mi naturally wanted to go with him. After all, she had never gone to pick mushrooms before.。

“Okay, let’s go after dinner. “02 Ye Chen nodded.

He was still busy in the afternoon, so he should go early and come back early.

He immediately took out another three hundred yuan and handed it to Di Lieba and said: “Reba, you go to Gao Yong’s house this afternoon to buy two chickens. Remember, you must give money this time。”

“No problem, I’m an expert at catching chickens. “Dilraba squinted her eyes and smiled, looking very cute.。

“Tsk, just you, can you catch me? ”

Bai Lu was confused.��

“Come with me this afternoon and let you know how powerful I am. “Dilraba said proudly。

“Then let’s go help you. “Zhang Bichen said in a low voice。

“Okay, that’s settled. “Ye Chen made the decision immediately.

In this love house, he suddenly became the backbone of the family.

After several people finished eating, Dilraba, Zhang Bichen and Bai Lu put on their sun protection clothes and set off to catch chickens.

Yang Mi also changed into denim trousers and a long-sleeved shirt. After applying sunscreen, she put on a sun protection garment before coming down to the living room.

Glancing at Ye Chen, Yang Mi couldn’t help but frown. Even if this guy went up the mountain Are you also wearing big pants?

You just changed from flip-flops to sneakers. It seems that you are not paying attention. It’s

just that from the beginning of the show to now, Ye Chen’s skin color has changed obviously, and he seems to be healthier.。

“Wait for me, I’ll go too. “Liu Yifei’s voice came from upstairs, followed by her clattering downstairs.。

“Just don’t go, I see you’ve been memorizing scripts lately. ”

Ye Chen said。

“It’s okay, I can do it. “Liu Yifei smiled.

Although she is busy, she is not very good at not participating in such group activities.

After all, she stays in the living room and memorizes the script while others go to work. Sitting back and enjoying the results will make Liu Yifei feel embarrassed.

So this is why We plan to go up the mountain together。

“Be obedient, what if you get tanned under such a strong sun? “Ye Chen said with a smile.

Like coaxing a child, Liu Yifei’s heart warmed up with the word “obedient”. She

immediately blushed and lowered her head.。

“Okay, just read the script and let’s go. “Ye Chen stretched out his hand and touched Liu Yifei’s black hair.

This head-touching made Liu Yifei even more embarrassed.

Her heart was beating loudly.。

“Oh my god, touch your head to kill me, it’s so sweet.。”

“It’s a knock, it’s a slap on the head, it’s so sweet.。”

“The ultimate killer, the sweet interaction between Ye Chen and the fairy sister。”

“I’m so sad. I didn’t expect that the fairy sister who has always been aloof would also have a moment of being conquered.。”

“Is this still the cold fairy sister? Woohoo, the ice beauty is melted。”

“There is so much dog food that I can’t finish it. ”

After convincing Liu Yifei, Ye Chen took Yang Mi out.

When going out, Ye Chen also took the hatchet at the door of the courtyard.

At this moment, Yang Mi’s eyes almost rolled up to the sky, thinking of what Ye Chen said to Liu Yifei just now. the words said。

“Be obedient, what if you get tanned under such a strong sun? ”

Good guy, you’re afraid of Liu Yifei’s tanning, aren’t you afraid of my tanning?

This person is treated differently, a large-scale double standard scene。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen felt that Yang Mi was worried and couldn’t help but ask.

Speaking of which, he had little contact with Yang Mi during this period, and the two of them spent less time alone together.

For this mature lady, in fact, Ye Chen Chen has always had an illusion.

Yang Mi is the real cold one.

But Liu Yifei is just cold on the outside and hot on the inside.

In comparison, Yang Mi seems to be more difficult to open up to others.。

“nothing. “Yang Mi replied lightly, then quickened her pace and continued moving forward.

Because Yang Mi was arrogant, Ye Chen didn’t have much interaction with Yang Mi.

He just told Yang Mi how to find mushrooms, and the two of them split up. The growth cycle of mushrooms is very short .

If there were none yesterday, they may grow today.

It is not difficult for an experienced person like Ye Chen.

It didn’t take long to fill the basket on his back. .

But Ye Chen did not stop, but took out a hatchet and started setting traps.

When he went up the mountain before, Ye Chen discovered that there were traces of rabbits or pheasants on some of the paths.

With the blessing of dexterity , Next, Ye Chen took out the string he brought with him when he went out and started to work.

The trap is very simple. As long as another hare or pheasant passes by, the trap will be triggered and it will be trapped firmly.

Director’s room.

He Jiong : “What is Ye Chen doing?

Guo Qilin: “It seems like setting a trap? ”

Yaya: “You can set up a trap with a rope and a branch? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “He may be recalling his childhood. “。”

“Hahahaha, Yueyue, you are so good at talking. It reminds me of my childhood.。”

“This is indeed a trap. This is what we did to catch birds when we were kids. I didn’t expect Ye Chen to do this too.。”

“Can such a trap catch birds? Funny, right?”

“It’s really not necessarily true, because that’s how we played when we were kids. It doesn’t matter whether we can catch it or not, what’s important is that it’s fun.���”

“Hahaha, Ye Laoliu started to live again, but just treat this simple trap as a joy to watch.。”

“Indeed, it was just a rope and a branch, so rudimentary that it was a damned thin

Ye Chen was not clear about the confusion and ridicule of the audience in the live broadcast room.

After setting up seven or eight traps in a row, he clapped his hands and stood up to walk back.

However, halfway through, Ye Chen suddenly remembered and followed Yang Mi also came with him.

He quickly walked up the mountain again.。

“Yang Mi, where are you? “Ye Chen searched for a long time but couldn’t find Yang Mi, so he could only shout.。

“I’m here. “Yang Mi’s voice came from not far away, followed by a head emerging from the grass team.

There seemed to be a lot of branches on the long black hair, and he looked a little embarrassed.。

“Ok? “Ye Chen asked。

“alright. “Yang Mi also came over and showed Ye Chen a look at the mushrooms in her basket.。

“Are these mushrooms edible? “Yang Mi was a little worried.

Although she found it according to the method Ye Chen taught her, she was not sure whether it could be eaten.。

“What I see so far is edible. I will check it for you when I get back. “Ye Chen said。

“Okay, thank you. “Yang Mi smiled slightly, and when she lowered her head, a dead leaf on her head was still mixed with her black hair.

Seeing this, Ye Chen pointed to the branch on Yang Mi’s head and motioned for her to take it away.

Yang Mi was confused, but still He stretched out his hand and touched it. After seeing the branch, he stretched out his jade hand and patted it.

Seeing this scene, many viewers became confused.。

“Huh? Why didn’t Ye Laoliu help Yang Mi remove it? This guy suddenly became such a gentleman?”

“It’s not that Ye Laoliu has become a gentleman, but that there is little interaction between Da Mimi and Ye Chen. Even if Lao Liu wants to take action, Da Mimi will probably refuse.。”

“Indeed, Damimi is proud and arrogant, but she is not as easy to deceive as Reba and the fairy sister.。”

“The world is sober, but Ren must not fall into Ye Chen’s vicious hands. “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Mi prepared her backpack and followed Ye Chen down the mountain.

In order to take care of Yang Mi’s speed, Ye Chen walked very slowly.

The two of them walked in tandem. , it didn’t take long to reach the foot of the mountain.

The last section of the way down the mountain is on a small slope, about half a meter high, and you need to jump down.

Ye Chen jumped first and didn’t think much about it.

After all, Di Lire had done it before Ba and Liu Yifei were able to get down smoothly.

When Yang Mi was about to jump down, she suddenly saw a snake coming out of the grass next to her.

The big black snake scared Yang Mi out of her soul.

A scream , and then jumped down in panic。


It all happened so fast that Ye Chen didn’t even react.

When he turned around, Yang Mi had already jumped down.

And now he would squat on the ground, covering his right foot, tears almost flowing out.。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen asked。

“There are snakes. “Yang Mi was in shock.

Ye Chen immediately took a hatchet and looked behind him, but no snake was found. He was probably scared away by Yang Mi.

Then he came over and squatted next to Yang Mi, stretched out his hand on Yang Mi’s ankle Pressed it。


Yang Mi exclaimed, this time she really cried in pain。

“Fortunately, I know the pain is not serious, just wait for me. ”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he got up and ran back to the mountain to grab a handful of herbs.

He didn’t care about it at that time, just put it in his mouth and started chewing it.

While chewing, he walked towards Yang Mi.。

“What are you doing? “Yang Mi was confused, with a look of horror on her face.

Could this guy be smearing the herbs in his mouth on his feet?

This was taken out of his mouth.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi couldn’t help but shudder. , it feels somewhat unnatural.。

“You have a sprain. If you don’t treat it quickly, it will easily leave the root cause of the disease. ”

Ye Chen spit out the herbs in his mouth and then explained. Then he

sat on the ground again and put Yang Mi’s sprained right foot on his lap.

He took off his shoes and socks, revealing his slender feet, which were already a little red and swollen. Get up.

Ye Chen checked again to make sure that no bones were injured, and then gently applied the herbal medicine on it.。

“Ah, it hurts, it hurts. “Yang Mi shouted quickly.

Even though she was arrogant in her heart, at this moment, Yang Mi still couldn’t control her shouting.。

“It’s okay, it’ll be fine soon. “Ye Chen comforted.

After applying the herbs evenly, he also tied a knot with Yang Mi’s short stockings and made a simple bandage.。

“I feel so bad, Damimi is so pitiful。”

“Oops, why are you so careless and why don’t you go to the hospital quickly?”

“The sprain is so serious. It looks red and swollen. I feel bad for Damimi.。”

“Fortunately, Ye Chen is here, and suddenly I find that Ye Chen is not so annoying anymore。”

“In fact, it is better to go to the hospital and use herbal medicine like Ye Chen to get better quickly without leaving any old injuries. ”

After a brief rest, Yang Mi did feel that 510 was a lot better.

There was also a cold feeling under her feet.

She didn’t know what herbs Ye Chen used, but the effect was surprisingly good at the moment.

This guy .

Unexpectedly, there were sparkles everywhere on her body.

Thinking of how Ye Chen took off her shoes and socks just now,

grabbed her feet and touched them gently,

and helped her apply the medicine thoughtfully.

Yang Mi felt a flush in her face and her heart beat.

But the arrogance in her heart still made Yang Mi calm down quickly.

She said to Ye Chen: “Ye Chen, thank you。”

“What are you being polite about? You only need to rest your foot for a week, but it is best to apply hot water on it every night before going to bed, and then rub it, it will heal faster. ”

Ye Chen said。

“Um. “Yang Mi nodded and kept these in mind.

Just as she was about to stand up, she felt her shoulders sink. When she looked up, Ye Chen had already put a hand on her shoulders.。

“You can’t walk now. If you use force, your injury will be aggravated. I’ll carry you back. ”

Ye Chen said, helped Yang Mi stand up, and then squatted in front of her.

Yang Mi was just slightly startled, and then lay on Ye Chen’s body.

Her heart was also full of emotion.

This guy.

I usually see it. She seems to be careless, especially when she is with Dilraba, she is always fighting and making trouble.

But at the critical moment, she is more careful and considerate than anyone else.

Thinking of the last time she killed a chicken, she was beaten by Ye Chen hugged her.

But now, lying on Ye Chen’s back again, Yang Mi’s heart warmed up, and her affection for Ye Chen surged again.

Director’s room.

Yaya: “How come Ye Chen can do everything?” ”

Guo Qilin: “I feel like Ye Chen is that kind of reclusive master who doesn’t show off at ordinary times, but at critical moments, he is really useful. ”

He Jiong: “Indeed, Ye Chen’s application of herbal medicine is also very good, and have you noticed that after Ye Chen helped Mimi apply the medicine, Mimi’s complexion also improved a lot. Yang

Chaoyue: “I saw it. Sister Mi was almost crying just now, but now she doesn’t seem to be in much pain.”。”

“Thank you Ye Chen for taking care of Damimi。”

“I have decided to take care of Da Mi Mi with Ye Lao Liu, and I will not scold Ye Lao Liu again.。”

“Although I know Ye Chen is doing it for Da Mimi’s good, but seeing Ye Chen carrying Da Mimi on his back makes my heart break. ”

I have to say.

There is nothing wrong with the name of the netizens.

They scream “Da Mi Mi, Da Mi Mi Mi” all day long.

It is really big enough.

From Ye Chen’s personal feeling, compared to Dilraba and Liu Yifei, Bailu.

Yang Mi can be said to be well-deserved and unparalleled.

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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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