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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 089

“Ye Chen, you have nothing to do anyway, why don’t you come with me? ”

Bai Lu is wearing ultra-short jeans today, the kind that reach the top of her thighs.

They wrap her buttocks roundly.

She wears a very cute Jingle Cat T-shirt on top, and it is also very short, and it is a navel-baring outfit. That kind of thing.

More importantly, the advantages are outstanding and attractive. At this moment, Ye Chen is standing on the steps and Bai Lu is standing at the bottom of the steps. It gives Ye Chen a condescending feeling of looking down. To be honest, with Bai Lu’s face and figure, it’s still

… Really impeccable。

“Hey, hey, damn Bailu, can you please help me? ”

Dilraba Dilraba became angry immediately after hearing this.。

“It’s none of your business, I’m asking Ye Chen to help. “Bai Lu said proudly, pulling Ye Chen down the steps.

Seeing that Ye Chen didn’t agree, she even hugged Ye Chen’s arm and rubbed her against him. Her coquettish look was simply irresistible.。

“Oh my God, Bai Lu, what are you doing?”

“Ye Chen, I advise you to be wise and chop that hand off for me.。”

“Stop it, Ye Chen, it’s all Reba outside.。”

“I also want such benefits. Let alone building a chicken coop, I would also be willing to build a house.。”

“Wuwuwu, my Bai Lu, you actually hugged another man like this, it’s too much. ”

When Ye Chen saw this, he could only agree quickly.

If he didn’t agree, he was really afraid that Bai Lu would do something even more extreme.

Although it was quite enjoyable, when there was a camera filming you, that feeling was no longer enjoyable. , but felt uncomfortable.

After getting Ye Chen’s permission, Lu smiled proudly.

There were quite a few love houses made of cardboard boxes, and there was also a special utility room.

Ye Chen found a few harder cardboard boxes, Then he took out the scissors and paintbrush and started designing.

Bai Lu squatted on the side and looked at it with a pair of beautiful eyes.

Ye Chen’s design was also very simple. The appearance was that of a villa. The opening was relatively large, as long as the chick could get in. Just rest.

In order to facilitate observation, Ye Chen also cut a few small holes on the side. Not only can he observe the inside, but also allow air to circulate. The next step is to

connect them with tape.

Bai Lu made one operation and put Ye Chen His hands were entangled with the paper house.

When he realized what he was doing, he couldn’t help but laugh.。

“Come on, cut it open for me. “Ye Chen was speechless.

The branches of Bai Lu’s smile were trembling, and the protruding points on her chest were shaking. It was so


Moreover, Bai Lu had a cheerful personality and laughed at every turn, as if she would never have any worries.。

“Ye Chen, why are you so stupid? “Bai Lu complained.。

“You’re the one holding my hand, and you still call me stupid? “Ye Chen was speechless.

After Bai Lu cut off the wrapped tape, he started to wrap it up again. This time it was much better.

After the shapes of the entire 647 houses were completed, Bai Lu started to draw with a paintbrush. Get up。

“Once it’s done, I’ll go back first. “Ye Chen said。

“go Go. “Bai Lu waved her hand.

Just as Ye Chen was about to leave, he felt a murderous aura coming from

him. When he turned his head, he saw Dilraba with her hands on her hips, glaring at her fiercely.

Under her feet, there were a lot of wooden boards. .

Obviously he had a good idea, but

his hands-on ability was extremely poor. Ye Chen knew that he couldn’t leave, so he immediately walked to Dilraba and started working again. Only then did he finish the

little duck house that Dilraba was going to make. Get it done。

“That’s pretty much it. “Dilraba patted Ye Chen on the shoulder with great satisfaction.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and flicked Dilireba’s forehead and said, “Nothing big or small. ”

Dilraba was in pain, covering her forehead and glaring at Ye Chen fiercely: “You hit me? ”

He looked aggrieved, as if he was about to cry at any time.

When Ye Chen saw this, he thought he was really harsh.

He immediately knelt down and asked。

“What’s wrong? Let me see?”

“Huh, I won’t show it to you, I’ll be angry. “Dilraba stood up and left angrily.

As soon as she turned around, she couldn’t help laughing.

This is the feeling she wants, to make Ye Chen anxious for herself and feel guilty for herself.

Ye Chen saw this He also hurriedly followed. When he reached the living room and saw Dilraba’s proud smile, Ye Chen realized that he had been tricked.。

“Hum, let’s see if you dare to bully me in the future. “Dilraba said。

“Dare you lie to me? Remember to wash my shorts tonight. “Ye Chen said。

“Okay, there is some chili noodles in the refrigerator anyway, let me add some ingredients for you. “Dilraba threatened.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst out laughing.。

“Reba’s move is really common.。”

“Is it okay to add chili powder?”

“No, Reba, take it easy, Ye Chen is so handsome, I still can’t bear to part with him。”

“That’s right, little brother Ye Chen is so handsome, can you do it?”

“Reba, you don’t want Marven, I want him, give him to me. ”

There were quite a few female fans in the live broadcast room who were conquered by Ye Chen’s appearance, and they began to plead for Ye Chen one after another. The

two of them were fighting hard.

Zhang Bichen also prepared the dinner.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also The cooked chicken stewed with mushrooms was divided into nine portions.

One portion was for the director for free, and eight portions were for other staff members.

After finishing all this, Liu Yifei also started to serve the dishes.。

“Isn’t Mimi awake yet?”

“I’ll call her. ”

Ye Chen immediately walked towards the room.

He knocked on the door, and Yang Mi’s voice came from inside: “Come in.” ”

Ye Chen pushed the door open and was dumbfounded. At

this moment, Yang Mi was sitting on the bed getting dressed.

Snow-white skin. Her

towering advantages had not had time to be blocked.

Ye Chen looked at it.

Yang Mi was also She was stunned.

She happened to want to change clothes just now. When she heard the knock on the door, she thought she was in her room, so she casually said come in. However, it wasn’t until she

saw Ye Chen that she realized that she was now It was in Ye Chen’s room.

But at this moment, before she had put on her clothes, Ye Chen was looking at her.

More importantly, this guy was still staring at her, and Yang Mi was immediately ashamed. Angry again。

“Do you still watch?”

“Anyway, you have seen everything you need to see. Hurry up and put on your clothes. I will take you out to eat. ”

Ye Chen sighed.

He really wasn’t greedy for the scenery in front of him, but he could actually see it when he turned his head.

Because there was a mirror behind the door.

After hearing this, Yang Mi almost vomited blood. What should I see? Have you seen it?

He immediately put on his clothes and said angrily: “You don’t need to hold me, I can go out by myself. ”

After saying that, Yang Mi was ready to get out of bed and walk on her own.

But the moment her feet touched the ground, a heart-breaking pain hit her.

She became unsteady and threw herself forward.

Ye Chen originally wanted to help, but thinking of Yang Mi’s attitude just now, not only did he not step forward, but he even took a step back.

Yang Mi is a proud woman, different from Dilraba.

If she is not allowed to suffer some losses, She would only feel that she was being taken advantage of. That’s

why Ye Chen didn’t go up to help her.

In fact, there is another point, that is, in Ye Chen’s view, a woman cannot be spoiled.

The more she is spoiled, the more arrogant the other party will be.

Just like Yang Mi now. , fell directly to the ground, as if wearing a mask of pain, and no longer as arrogant as before.。

“Are you sure you can leave now? “Ye Chen squatted aside and asked

Yang Mi was still lying on the ground at this moment. She raised her head and glanced at Ye Chen, her eyes full of disbelief.

She clearly saw that when she was about to fall, Ye Chen was He took a step back.

If he stepped forward, he would definitely be able to catch him.

But he didn’t, and chose to retreat. He was

so angry.

Yang Mi was so angry.

Will he die if he catches her?

“No, I’ll go out on my own. “(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Yang Mi bit her teeth lightly and said unwillingly.。

“Okay, then your feet will probably swell into pig’s feet tomorrow. “Ye Chen spread his hands and said nonchalantly.

Yang Mi was startled, and she was struggling in her heart.

She wanted to be strong, but when she thought of what Ye Chen said about being swollen like a pig’s feet, she felt panicked in her heart.。

“Please carry me out. ”

Yang Mi finally chose to compromise.。

“What are the benefits? “Ye Chen chuckled.

Since you have decided not to spoil Yang Mi, then stick to it.

If you want to carry her out by yourself, then give her some benefits.。

“What benefit do you want? “Yang Mi stared at Ye Chen.

How dare this guy ask for benefits?

You know, with Yang Mi’s appearance and figure, there are many men who want to hug her.

She has never accepted any of them. A man’s hug is not allowed even if it is a joke.

And now, he takes the initiative to let Ye Chen hug him out, but this guy wants benefits?

Today, Ye Chen came back with him in his arms. Has

this guy changed his gender?

In fact, this is not allowed Blame Ye Chen.

After all���When she came back with Yang Mi on her back, Yang Mi was injured and looked pitiful.。

(agfb) But at this moment, Yang Mi dared to act so strong in front of him. Of course, Ye Chen had to teach Yang Mi a lesson.

Let her know that she is the one who is hurt now, and she is the one who asks for help. If she does not know how to lower her high profile, she will be the one who suffers in the end.

Although it feels a bit like taking advantage of the situation, isn’t this to get rid of Yang Mi’s bad habit?。

“Well, for fifty dollars a day, I’ll be your personal assistant. “Ye Chen said。

“good. “Yang Mi’s back molars are almost broken. This guy has done all the business on himself.

But what can I do? At this moment, I can only agree obediently.

When Ye Chen picked up Yang Mi , Yang Mi also stretched out her jade hand and pinched Ye Chen hard on the waist.

Ye Chen felt the pain, and slapped Yang Mi hard on the buttocks.

The slap made the buttocks tremble.

Fortunately, there was no photography in the room. The teacher followed, otherwise, seeing such a scene, Yang Mi’s fans would probably be heartbroken.

Ye Chen took Yang Mi out and sat on a stool, and everyone began to sit down to eat.

The whole love room was filled with little emotions. The aroma of chicken stewed with mushrooms.

Some staff who bought it exclaimed that it was worth it.

And some staff who didn’t buy it were drooling and couldn’t help but ask Ye Chen when he would sell it again。

“In a few days, when Bai Lu’s chickens grow up, we can make chicken stewed with mushrooms. “Ye Chen said。

“What? Do you want to use the chickens raised by Bichen to make chicken stewed with mushrooms? “Bai Lu, who was eating, was stunned when she heard this.

Zhang Bichen also put down his bowl and chopsticks and looked at Ye Chen blankly.。

“Yes, that duck can even eat winter melon when it grows up. ”

Ye Chen nodded seriously, even thinking about the dishes.。

“Hahaha, Ye Laoliu, do you want to laugh me to death?”

“Duck and winter melon, I hope you can figure it out.。”

“It turns out that Ye Laoliu had this idea. I can’t bear it. I really can’t bear it.。”

“Reba, Bailu, come on. If it were me, I definitely wouldn’t be able to bear it.。”

“Ye Chen, you’d better not hit my little duck’s attention, otherwise I won’t let you go. ”

Dilraba said fiercely.。

“That’s right, you can’t touch those five cute chicks, otherwise, I will cut your slippers to pieces. ”

Bai Lu threatened.

Everyone burst into laughter.

The meal ended in a cheerful atmosphere.

After the meal, several girls washed the dishes and then sat on the sofa to rest.

Bai Lu and Di Lire Ba and Zhang Bichen inevitably sat together and played games.

Liu Yifei went back to the room to read the script.

Yang Mi was also a little bored and said to Ye Chen: “Ye Chen, can you carry me back? ”

Ye Chen nodded, walked over, gave Yang Mi a princess hug, and then walked towards the room.

The stairs were not wide, so Ye Chen walked very slowly, for fear that Yang Mi would be hit by the handrail of the stairs.

Such a subtle gesture moved Yang Mi a little.

After entering Yang Mi’s room, Ye Chen closed the door and put Yang Mi on the bed, but had no intention of leaving.。

“Aren’t you going out? “Yang Mi asked。

“Don’t you need to wash up? “Ye Chen was confused.

Yang Mi was startled, and then she realized.

She was injured now, and it was difficult to even wash up.

Moreover, she went to the mountains during the day and was sweating all over. If she didn’t take a shower now, she would definitely be I can’t sleep.

And Liu Yifei goes to the room to memorize the script, so she can’t be disturbed.

Dilraba, Bai Lu, and Zhang Bichen are playing games in the living room, and it’s somewhat inappropriate to ask others to help. More importantly

, Marven also said that after taking a shower, he should knead his ankles to make the injured area heal faster.。

“Well, how about you help me into the bathroom first and I take a shower first? ”

Yang Mi was still a little shy at this moment and glanced at Ye Chen.

The arrogance she had in Ye Chen’s room just now was gone.。

“Let’s go. “Ye Chen nodded, stood up, picked up Yang Mi, walked into the bathroom, and brought a small stool, and then let Yang Mi sit down。

“Just sit down and wash, and call me when you’re done. ”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he left,

leaving Yang Mi confused.

Taking a bath while sitting?

She had never tried taking a bath sitting down before.

And when she thought about the fact that Ye Chen had brought the stool in and took a bath by herself, Ye Chen must have known that, so he felt an inexplicable sense of shame.

But at this moment, Yang Mi had no choice.

After watching Ye Chen go out and closing the bathroom door, Yang Mi began to take off her clothes and take a shower.

But very quickly , and after Yang Mi finished taking a bath, she realized that she didn’t even bring a change of clothes.

There was no bath towel.


How to do this?

Yang Mi was extremely tangled in her heart.

Is your name Ye Chen?

Still not calling?

However, at this moment, Ye Chen asked at the door。

“Ok? If you wash it for too long, it will easily become dehydrated.。”

“Well, Ye Chen, I didn’t bring a bath towel. “Although Yang Mi was ashamed to say it, she still said it.

The reason why she said this may be because she doesn’t hate Ye Chen from the bottom of her heart.

After all, she has had the least contact with Ye Chen since she came to this show.

But in Yang Mi’s eyes, every time she is with Ye Chen, she can be refreshed by this guy.

More importantly, every time she sees the intimate interaction between Ye Chen and Liu Yifei, Yang Mi is a little envious.

It’s really good Sweet.

At this moment, Yang Mi’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment when she said she didn’t bring a bath towel.

Her heart was beating like a deer, pounding, pounding, pounding.。

“You’re such a big man and you’re still neglecting everything, so I’ll bring it in for you. ”

Ye Chen’s voice came from outside, making Yang Mi very angry. Does

this tone still sound like she dislikes herself?

It’s too much.

It’s simply too much.

Yang Mi waved her little fist in the air, like the air It was the same as Ye Chen.

However, as the footsteps sounded, Yang Mi’s heart lifted again……


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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