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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 090

As Ye Chen’s footsteps got closer and closer, Yang Mi’s heartbeat became faster and faster.

She now regrets why she asked Ye Chen to bring her a bath towel in.

Wouldn’t it be better to just ask Ye Chen to find Liu Yifei?

It’s just a bath towel, it’s not a big deal, and it won’t take long.

Or ask Dilireba and them to come up and give it away.

It just happened that my brain had a short circuit just now, so I asked Ye Chen to give him a bath towel.

Now, I’m naked. When Ye Chen comes in, won’t everything be seen?

However, at this time.

Before Yang Mi could react too much, the bathroom door had been pushed open.

Yang Mi sat on the stool, curled up her body shyly, closed her eyes, and started to tremble slightly.

She didn’t know how to face Ye Chen.

In such an environment, it is somewhat awkward for the two of them to be alone together.。

“Don’t you want a bath towel? Where are you? “However, as Ye Chen’s voice came out.

Yang Mi opened her eyes shyly, and then she realized that Ye Chen had come in with his eyes closed. She

suddenly felt warm in her heart.

Although this guy is usually out of tune, he still has a sense of proportion. .

At least now with eyes closed, it gives people a very gentlemanly feeling.

Yang Mi’s favorability has increased again。

“I’m here. “Yang Mi said weakly.

After hearing the voice, Ye Chen took a few steps forward and handed the bath towel to Yang Mi. It wasn’t until Yang Mi’s hand touched the bath towel that Ye Chen stopped. Yang Mi

quickly I wiped the water stains on my body, and then quickly wrapped myself in a bath towel.

Although it was a bit short, it was enough to cover some areas.。

“I’m ready. “Yang Mi spoke in a low voice, her pretty face turned into a red apple.

She knew that now that Ye Chen had come in, he would definitely take her out.

As Yang Mi spoke,

Ye Chen opened his eyes Eyes, a princess hugged Yang Mi directly.

Maybe it was because she had just taken a bath, but Ye Chen was shocked by the scent of Yang Mi. It

was really the best honey in the world. .

Who can withstand this?

What’s more important is that Yang Mi is only wrapped in a bath towel at this moment.

Who can bear it?

After putting Da Mi Mi on the bed, Ye Chen asked Yang Mi to cover her with a quilt.

Then he grabbed her injured feet and squeezed them gently.。


I don’t know if Yang Mi is in pain or feeling comfortable.

He actually screamed unconsciously.

Realizing that she had lost her composure, Yang Mi quickly grabbed the quilt and covered her mouth, fearing that she would do something inappropriate again.

Fortunately, Ye Chen didn’t linger too much.

After massaging Yang Mi’s feet, she applied a plaster patch and then went out.

Looking at Ye Chen’s leaving figure.

Yang Mi was inevitably a little disappointed.

Although he was shy to stay in such a private space with Ye Chen.

But no matter what, Yang Mi still looked forward to something happening.

Maybe it’s because I’ve never been in love.

I didn’t have much interest in men before, but now, I think Ye Chen is pretty good.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi quickly covered her head with a quilt, like a shy little girl.

When Ye Chen came down.

Dilraba and Bai Lu are still playing games.

The two of them had a great time.

A typical internet addicted girl’s sense of déjà vu.

However, Zhang Bichen was not among these people, which made Ye Chen a little confused.。

“Aren’t these two tired?”

“Are you still tired from playing games?”

“I really want to know what Reba’s ID is, so that I can play duo with Reba.。”

“Still want to double queue? It would be great to be in this team.。”

“I’ve also started the game, looking forward to meeting Reba and Bai Lu。”

“Hey, isn’t my goddess Bichen sitting in three rows with them?”

“I guess Bi Chen is also tired from playing. ”

Seeing Ye Chen come down, Dilireba and the others had just finished playing a game and waved to Ye Chen.。

“Ye Chen, come and play with us. “Dilraba said。

“Yes, Ye Chen, you are so powerful, come play with us. “Bai Lu followed and spoke.。

“Not interested in. “Ye Chen answered very simply.

He turned around and walked outside.

Playing games.

Just kidding, Ye Chen doesn’t have this time.

He has more important things to do now.

Although Ye Chen came to this show not to run It was because of falling in love.

But after getting along with each other for a few days, Ye Chen found that the fairy sister actually had a good impression of him.

This made Ye Chen very happy. After all,

she was the fairy sister. Although

Ye Chen was not sure, but for the sake of He also decided to pursue his own happiness.

So he planned to give the fairy sister a surprise tonight.

When Ye Chen walked out of the living room, he happened to meet Zhang Bichen who was sitting on the swing singing.

That night, Zhang Bichen unexpectedly They were practicing singing, which really impressed Ye Chen.

When Zhang Bichen saw Ye Chen, she blushed and smiled.。

“Singing. “Ye Chen walked outside。

“I’m just here to blow some air, where are you going? “Zhang Bichen explained. Seeing that Ye Chen was about to leave, he quickly asked。

“Let’s go catch fireflies, shall we? “Ye Chen just asked politely.

In his opinion, Zhang Bichen would definitely not go with him.

After all, she was practicing singing.

Unexpectedly, as soon as these words came out, Zhang Bichen jumped up immediately。

“Go catch fireflies. ”

Zhang Bichen is as happy as a child.

For her, this kind of activity has never been thought of before.

She has never even seen fireflies.。

“Let’s go. “Ye Chen waved, handed Zhang Bichen a spare flashlight, and then walked outside. There

were the most fireflies at the foot of the mountain.

Ye Chen planned to go to the foot of the mountain to catch them, but it was originally a ten-minute journey, but because of Zhang Bichen, he was forced to He walked for more than twenty minutes.

The main reason was that Zhang Bichen was not familiar with the road conditions and walked very slowly. The

photographer behind him was quite grateful to Zhang Bichen.

He knew that if Zhang Bichen was not there, Ye Chen would definitely walk very fast.

He still had to Carrying the machine to catch up would be a hell of a job.。

“Ye Laoliu, why are you bringing my Bichen to the foot of the mountain this evening?”

“Catching fireflies is just a pretense, Ye Laoliu, tell the truth, what do you want to do?”

“Sure enough, there must be no peace where Ye Laoliu is.。”

“Hahaha, Ye Laoliu started to work hard again。”

“Poor Bichen, she came to your door unsolicited.。”

“My Bichen is so simple, Ye Laoliu I advise you to use rat tail juice. ”

After going through a difficult journey for more than twenty minutes,

Ye Chen stopped. Zhang Bichen didn’t pay attention and hit Ye Chen on the back with his head.

He apologized quickly: “I’m sorry, I didn’t pay attention.。”

“Stop apologizing, look. “Ye Chen smiled and pointed to the foot of the mountain not far ahead.

Hundreds of fireflies were flying.

With little green fireflies, it looked extremely dreamy.

Zhang Bichen opened her mouth wide in an instant.

She didn’t expect that fireflies could be beautiful. To this point.

At this moment, Zhang Bichen felt like he was in a dream。

“What a beauty. Zhang Bichen blurted out.

The photographer also pointed the camera at the fireflies.

With the stars in the sky and the fireflies flying on the ground, it is definitely an excellent scenery.。

“God, this is so beautiful.。”

“Ye Chen is so romantic, he actually brought Bi Chen to a place like this。”

“What girl can resist the beauty of hundreds of fireflies?。”

“I decided that when I have a boyfriend, I must let him take me to see the fireflies。”

“I’m drunk, these fireflies are so beautiful. ”

Ye Chen just stopped for a moment and then walked to

“Ye Chen, what do you want to do? “Zhang Bichen quickly followed。

“Of course, catching fireflies. “Ye Chen said, taking out his net bag.

Zhang Bichen quickly followed.

When they reached the foot of the mountain, the two of them were surrounded by fireflies.

Watching the fireflies flying by in front of his eyes, Zhang Bichen felt so magical.

This must be the beauty gifted by nature.

She immediately stretched out her hand, and a firefly landed on her hand。

“Ye Chen, look, fireflies. “Zhang Bichen shouted excitedly.

It could be heard that she was really happy at this moment.。

“Catch it. “Ye Chen immediately grabbed Zhang Bichen’s wrist and put the fireflies on it into a net bag.

Then he continued to grab it.

When Zhang Bichen saw this, he was not to be outdone. He jumped up and down, as happy as a child.

Today When catching chickens, I never saw Zhang Bichen so happy.

In the open space at the foot of the mountain, the two of them jumped and caught fireflies, just like two playful children. (Read Baoshuang novels and fly up Lu Novel Network!)

I don’t know how long I have been catching, but there are already thirty or forty fireflies in Ye Chen’s net pocket.

Then he nodded with satisfaction.。

“Okay, let’s go back. “Ye Chen said。

“Um. “Zhang Bichen was asthmatic.���Nodding eagerly.

Following Ye Chen, the two of them walked towards the love house.

Along the way, Zhang Bichen was very happy and looked at the fireflies in Ye Chen’s net pocket from time to time.。

“Ye Chen, can these fireflies be raised? “Zhang Bichen asked。

“Fireflies live and die. In fact, when dawn comes, these fireflies will die. “Ye Chen said。

“poor thing. “Zhang Bichen pouted and muttered.

Ye Chen just smiled and didn’t say much.

Girls are like this, sentimental.

When the two returned to the love house, Zhang Bichen continued to sit on the swing and watch the swing.

Dilraba and Bai Lu both went back to their rooms to rest.

Ye Chen quietly came to the third floor and was about to knock on the door of Liu Yifei’s room.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, his phone suddenly remembered that it was a message from Yang Mi.。

“help me. ”

Ye Chen was also stunned when he saw the message.

He didn’t understand what Yang Mi wanted to do with him this night. Fortunately, he didn’t close the door when he came out.

Ye Chen knocked on the door and heard Yang Mi’s voice. :”Come in. ”

Ye Chen pushed the door open and entered. The room was a little dark, with only the bedside lights illuminating it.

Yang Mi was lying on the bed, wearing a black lace pajamas.

Her long white legs were exposed, extremely sexy.

Supporting Yang Mi’s face at this moment There was a slightly painful expression on his face.

Seeing Ye Chen come in, he immediately said: “Ye Chen, I feel that my feet hurt so much.”。”

“pain? Did you go to the ground? “Ye Chen was startled. It’s so good. How could Yang Mi’s feet hurt?。

“When I was getting my pajamas, I went down for a while, but my right foot didn’t touch the ground. I just accidentally touched it when I went back to bed. ”

Yang Mi said aggrievedly.

At night, if she wasn’t worried that she would be disabled, she would definitely not want to let Ye Chen in.

After all, she is wearing extremely sexy black lace pajamas.。

“You are so careless, let me help you take a look. “Ye Chen was speechless and put the net bag on the ground.

Then he walked to the bed and sat down. He grabbed Yang Mi’s jade feet and tried to put them in front of him.

But he didn’t expect that when he looked up, he saw everything.

It was still Pikachu’s. The pattern.

So familiar, just like what I saw during the day yesterday.

Under the sexy black lace, there is a cute Pikachu, which is somewhat of a contrast.

Ye Chen couldn’t hold it back and laughed out loud。

“why are you laughing? “Yang Mi looked at Ye Chen and asked.

But soon, she realized it.

Didn’t her posture give Ye Chen an excellent angle? She

immediately covered herself with a quilt to avoid being exposed again. Ye Chen jokes。

“It’s nothing, I just feel the contrast is quite big, it’s still Pikachu. “Ye Chen said with a smile.

Yang Mi’s cheeks turned red instantly.

How could she not know what Ye Chen meant by this?

Pikachu is her favorite pattern, and it is also very comfortable to wear.

This guy, She actually laughed at herself for wearing Pikachu.

Yang Mi kicked her other uninjured jade foot towards Ye Chen, but was caught by Ye Chen.。

“Don’t move. “When Ye Chen said this, he suddenly pressed forward.

Originally, he just wanted to stop Yang Mi from doing this.

But he didn’t expect that he used too much force and jumped directly on Yang Mi.

Ye Chen swore that he would definitely Not intentional。

“What are you doing? Get up quickly. ”

Yang Mi’s eyes suddenly widened.

At this moment, the fireflies in the net bag also broke through the encirclement and flew out. The

dark room was instantly filled with stars.

Yang Mi stared at this scene with wide eyes.

It seemed that she had forgotten about Ye Chen and Ye Chen. How ambiguous is your behavior among yourself?。

“What a beauty. “Yang Mi couldn’t help blurting out.

Dozens of fireflies flying up and down, it’s really beautiful.。

“Yes, so beautiful. “Ye Chen also sighed, what he saw was not the fireflies, but Yang Mi’s shy face and fiery red lips. Followed


And then…….

After that….(I wrote too much before and was blocked. I’m really sorry.)

More than two hours later.

A bright flower bloomed on the sheets.

After Ye Chen simply cleaned up,

he came out of Yang Mi’s room.

Yang Mi originally wanted to get up, but Ye Chen was too powerful.

At this moment, she had no strength at all.

I could only look at Ye Chen resentfully.。

“good night. ”

Before leaving, Ye Chen turned back and said that after coming out, he had no plans to go to Liu Yifei’s room.

After all, after having that kind of relationship with Yang Mi just now, is it appropriate for him to go to Liu Yifei?

Ye Chen felt entangled in his heart. .

In fact, she still likes Liu Yifei in her heart.

As for Yang Mi, although she is beautiful and has a good figure, compared with Liu Yifei, Ye Chen still prefers Liu Yifei。

“Why. “Ye Chen sighed.

He didn’t think too much and went back to the room to rest immediately.

There was no conversation all night, and Yang Mi woke up early the next morning.

Thinking of the madness and dreaming with Ye Chen yesterday night Same, I still can’t believe it.

And her first man was actually that guy Ye Chen.


Thinking of this, the shyness of a little girl appeared on Yang Mi’s face again.

Liu Yifei next door also got up.

Thinking of Yang Mi who was injured yesterday, Liu Yifei knocked on Yang Mi’s door.。

“Come in. ”

Yang Mi spoke. She originally thought it was Ye Chen who came in, but she didn’t expect it was Liu Yifei.

The moment she saw Liu Yifei, her heart trembled.

Because Yang Mi knew very well that Liu Yifei liked Ye Chen.

And from Ye Chen Judging from various performances, Ye Chen also has a crush on Liu Yifei.

But he actually had a relationship with Ye Chen.

This actually made Yang Mi feel like she was betraying her best friend.。

“How’s it going, Mimi, are you feeling better? ”

Liu Yifei came over and sat beside the bed, asking with concern on her face.。

“Well, much better. “Yang Mi felt guilty as a thief.。

“What’s wrong, Mimi, why are you blushing? “Liu Yifei looked at Yang Mi doubtfully, looking curious.

How could her best friend still blush?

“No, no. “Yang Mi quickly dodged, for fear that Liu Yifei would notice something strange.

PS: Please give me some monthly votes, flowers, and evaluation votes in the new month. Thank you all for your continued support. The author is grateful.. Người

mua: Xuân Phong Dạ Vũ


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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