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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 092

“My father said that women are more likely to fail than succeed, so I’d better ask my eldest brother to go with him. ”

Aquan looked at it for a long time and sighed like a little adult.

Xiaoqiang on the side nodded quickly: “If you fail to succeed, you will fail. ”

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “These two little guys are so cute.

Yaya: “No, I can’t bear this tone anymore. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “These two little beasts need to be dealt with, right? Buy me a ticket, I’m going to the love house now.”

Guo Qilin: “Take it easy, take it easy. “。”

“Hahaha, this is a stick that kills all women.。”

“Why are these two little mythical beasts so funny every time they appear?”

“You two little guys, when you grow up you will know how ridiculous what you said today is. ”

Dilraba Dilireba and Zhang Bichen were startled when they heard Aquan’s words.

Even Yang Mi, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn’t help covering her mouth and laughing.。

“Ah Quan, right? You know, if you chat like this, you will get beaten. ”

Dilraba touched Aquan’s head and said softly.。

“Big brother is here, big brother. “Aquan suddenly shouted.

At this moment, Ye Chen had come out of the room, looked at the two of them and asked, “What are you doing here?”

“Brother, we are looking for you to catch crabs. “Aquan said。

“Yes, catch crabs. “Xiaoqiang nodded quickly。

“Catch crabs, are you ready for duck intestines? “Ye Chen asked。

“Yes, with it, in the mouth. “After Aquan finished speaking, he ran to the gate and came in carrying a red bag.

The bag was knotted, but there was also a fishy smell.

Di Lieba and Zhang Bichen quickly backed away and covered their noses.。

“Okay, okay, let’s go. “Ye Chen waved his hand and then set off with the bucket.

Seeing this, Dilraba quickly pulled Zhang Bichen, and the two of them followed.。

“Ye Chen, why do you need to use duck intestines to catch crabs? “Dilraba asked。

“Because crabs like the smelly duck intestines the most. If you put the duck intestines in the water, the crabs will come to you after smelling the smell. “Ye Chen explained。

“But I find duck intestines disgusting. “Dilraba pouted and said.

Zhang Bichen just smiled and didn’t say much.

Xiaoqiang and Aquan led the way.

Follow a stream in the village towards the mountains. The further you go,

the more the stream becomes. The shallower it is, the smaller its width.

After walking for more than half an hour, a group of people finally arrived at the place where crabs are caught.。

“Brother, this is it. “Aquan said, putting down the bag containing duck intestines.

As soon as the bag was opened, a stench came over, and Di Lieba and Zhang Bichen couldn’t help but take a few steps back.。

“Okay, be careful and leave half of the duck intestines for me. ”

Ye Chen said, and started to cut off the duck intestines with scissors.

One section was about ten centimeters, and it was divided into thirty-four sections. After doing all this, Ye Chen went into the water. .Separate

the duck intestines and press them under the stone.。

“Just remember these locations and collect the crabs later. ”

Ye Chen said。

“knew. “Dilraba looked at the duck intestines in the water with great interest.

Although she felt disgusting at first, after the duck intestines were put into the water, the smell disappeared.

And the air in this mountain is also surprisingly good.

Big It’s summer, there’s no feeling of heat at all。

“Ye Laoliu really knows everything?”

“Indeed, as an artist, he has no skills that an artist should have, and he can do everything else.。”

“Not really, Ye Laoliu is still very good at singing.。”

“If you are catching crabs in the mountains, would you like to take me with you?”

“I really want to catch crabs too, full of childhood memories。”

“When we were kids, we used pig intestines to catch crabs. ”

Actually, it’s not just the audience in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, even Zhang Bichen who was following behind looked at Ye Chen’s back and fell into deep thought.

She really couldn’t understand why Ye Chen was so familiar with this kind of entertainment.

She was not a An artist?

In comparison, Zhang Bichen feels like a big idiot who doesn’t know anything.

But it’s fun to follow Ye Chen.

Whether it’s catching fireflies yesterday night or catching crabs now, for Zhang Bichen It was very novel.

It didn’t take long for Ye Chen to put the duck intestines in place.

He waved to Dilraba and Zhang Bichen who were upstream.。

“It’s time to catch the crabs. Remember to put the duck intestines back after catching the crabs.。”

“good. “Dilraba couldn’t wait for a long time. She immediately bent down, lowered her head, and started to search in the water. The

water was very shallow, and the duck intestines were white, so it was not difficult to find it.

It didn’t take long . , Dilireba found a black thing on the duck intestine, which she couldn’t see clearly, so she reached out to grab it.。

“ah. “Following this came Dilireba’s scream.

When she raised her hand, a crab clamped her finger.

Dilireba almost burst into tears of pain.。

“Ye Chen, come on, Reba is bitten by a crab. “Zhang Bichen shouted in panic.

Ye Chen, who was walking slowly towards this side, couldn’t help but quicken his pace after hearing this.。

“Just throw it away. “Ye Chen came over and couldn’t help laughing when he saw this scene, and took the crab from Di Lieba’s hand.

Di Lieba covered her injured hand and saw Ye Chen laughing at her, she immediately got angry。

“dare you laugh?”

“Put on your gloves. Ye Chen said, took out two gloves from his pocket and handed them to Dilraba, and gave another one to Zhang Bichen.。

“You didn’t even give me any gloves. You must have been trying to make fun of me. ”

Dilraba said fiercely.

Thinking that she had been pinched by a crab just now, this guy took out his gloves. It was too much.。

“Or will I trap you again? “Ye Chen said, putting the crab in his hand on Dilraba’s face.

Dilraba was so frightened that she stepped back and almost fell to the ground.

Ye Chen had quick eyes and quick hands, and took Dilraba into his arms. .

Feeling Ye Chen’s warm chest, Dilraba couldn’t help but blush.

But she quickly pushed Ye Chen away and said angrily: “If you dare to scare me, I will fight with you.” ”

After saying that, he waved his little fist and chased after him.

Even though he was in the water, Ye Chen walked very fast, and the sound of the two fighting echoed in the valley.。

“These two are really enemies.。”

“This makes me laugh. Are you two allergic to romance?”

“Reba, be reserved, you are my goddess, why do I feel like you are a psycho every time you are with Ye Chen?”

“I can’t stop laughing. Ye Chen’s hug just now made me feel that the plot was a bit bloody. I thought I could eat a wave of candy, but I didn’t expect Reba to end it so quickly.。”

“Hahaha, such slapstick scenes feel so sweet, I love watching them. ”

After Zhang Bichen put on his gloves, he started to catch crabs.

The duck intestines that Ye Chen put down just now had crabs lying on them one after another, tasting them.

Zhang Bichen carefully stretched out his hand to catch it, but unexpectedly, his hand just entered the water. , the crab had already escaped.

In desperation, Zhang Bichen could only continue to walk to the next place where the duck intestines were placed.

After catching it several times, the crab saw it, but didn’t even touch it.

Zhang Bichen couldn’t help but feel a little bit be discouraged。

“What’s wrong? “When Ye Chen saw this, he came over and asked。

“Ye Chen, this crab is so smart that I can’t even catch it. “Zhang Bichen said。

“It’s because your speed is too slow. You need to be faster. Once you know the location of the crab, just catch it directly. ”

Ye Chen said as he took action, Zhang Bichen hadn’t reacted yet.

A crab had already

“So fast? “Zhang Bichen was stunned, and Ye Chen didn’t even wear gloves.

Zhang Bichen immediately took off his gloves. When he saw the crab, he reached out to catch it.

This time he caught the crab, but his hand was also clamped by the crab. .

Although there was no yelling, Zhang Bichen’s face was full of pain at this moment, and tears were rolling in his eyes.

The crab was not big, but it really hurt when it was clamped。

“Ye Chen, help me quickly. “Zhang Bichen said with a cry.

Ye Chen looked back and saw that the pliers had been embedded in the meat.

He couldn’t pull it out by force. He could only grab Zhang Bichen’s hand with one hand and the crab with the other.。

“Don’t worry, I’ll help you remove the crab’s pincers first. ”

When Ye Chen said this, he directly broke off the crab’s pincers.

The crab was thrown into the bucket, but the two big pincers were still in Zhang Bichen’s hand.

It was shocking to see.

Zhang Bichen’s fair jade hands were also bleeding red. blood。

“It hurts so much, Ye Chen. “Zhang Bichen stared at Ye Chen with tears in her eyes. I felt pity for him like that.。

“It’s okay, just wait and it’ll be fine. ”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he carefully took out the crab claws in the direction.

As the crab claws were taken out, Zhang Bichen breathed a sigh of relief.

After she rinsed her hands with mineral water, she found a wound. There seemed to be residual crab claws everywhere. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) I

immediately wanted to take it out with my hands, but I was grinning in pain, so I had no choice but to ask Ye Chen for help.。

“Look, Ye Chen, there is a black spot on my hand, what should I do?”

“It should be the remains of the crab claws. Let me help you take them out. ”

Ye Chen said, trying to use the nails of two fingers to pinch out the black spots inside.

As soon as his hand touched it, Zhang Bichen retracted his hand in pain. “It hurts so much.。”

“Let me suck it out for you. “When Ye Chen saw this, he immediately grabbed Zhang Bichen’s hand, put it into his mouth and sucked it. Guo Qilin

in the director’s room

: “Oh, this routine is a bit old.

He Jiong: “The routine is a bit old, but it is very practical, hahaha. ”

Yaya: “Does sucking it out like this really have an effect or is it fake? ”

Yang Chaoyue crossed her arms angrily: “I now seriously doubt that Ye Chen did it on purpose. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue is the awakening person in the world.。”

“Yueyue is absolutely right, Ye Laoliu did it on purpose。”

“Ye Chen, I advise you to let go of my Bichen。”

“You suck it out at every turn, Ye Laoliu, I suspect you are driving.。”

“Don’t, you’ll get a ticket if you drive erratically.。”

“Wait for me, I haven’t gotten in the car yet. ”

At this moment, Zhang Bichen felt that her heartbeat was speeding up, her little deer was bumping around, and she didn’t know what to do for a moment.

When she heard Ye Chen say that she wanted to suck it out, Zhang Bichen didn’t think so much, and she didn’t even react.

She felt a warmth in her hands . .

Like an electric current, it passed through the whole body.

All the pain in the hand disappeared instantly.

At this moment, it was more shy and heart-beating.

This was the first time I had such close contact with a man.

After a while, Ye Chen then raised his head and looked at the wound carefully. After confirming that there were no black spots, he rinsed his mouth.

Then he said: “Okay, no more.”。”

“Thank you..Thank you. “Zhang Bichen buried her head very low.

Her face was so red that she was almost bleeding.。

“It’s okay. If you want to catch it later, you’d better wear gloves. ”

Ye Chen gave instructions. Just as he was about to continue walking up, he heard Dilraba’s shout.。

“Ye Chen, come here. ”

Dilraba’s voice was loud and echoed in the valley. When Ye Chen saw this, he could only turn around and walk towards Dilireba.

But he just walked up to Dilireba and didn’t have time to speak.

But he saw Dilireba Lireba raised a finger and said: “I’m injured, help me stop the bleeding. ”

Ye Chen was startled and looked at Dilraba with a puzzled expression. Then he looked at the finger. It was caught by the crab at the beginning. There was

no blood flowing out at all. Even if it was a wound, it was just a scratch. A little bit。

“Are you crazy? Where is the bleeding? “Ye Chen turned around and asked。

“I don’t care, it hurts. “Dilraba pouted, like a jealous little girl.

To be honest, Dilireba could clearly see the behavior between Ye Chen and Zhang Bichen just now.

She didn’t know why, but she felt like It was like overturning a jar of jealousy, sour.

That’s why he said these unreasonable words.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen patted Dilireba and said: “Stop making trouble, arrest her quickly, we are going back after arresting her.” . ”

After saying that, Ye Chen left.

Dilraba was left stamping her feet on the spot, pouting, and looking angrily. Not to mention how cute she was.。

“I’m going to die laughing, Reba, what are you doing? “740

“Is Reba jealous?”

“Oh my God, it’s impossible. This is a sign that Reba is jealous.。”

“I can’t stand it anymore, Reba, aren’t you attracted to Ye Laoliu?”

“My heart is broken, my Reba, who do you like? You like Ye Laoliu? ”

Even He Jiong and the others in the director room were full of disbelief.

What Dilraba said just now was obviously jealous.

And the target of jealousy was undoubtedly Ye Chen.

Yang Chaoyue said angrily: ” This damn fat guy doesn’t know how to be reserved at all. ”

Guo Qilin: “I feel that Ye Chen and Reba are very likely to be together. ”

Yaya: “It’s true that these two people don’t laugh and play around normally, but in fact this kind of relationship heats up very quickly.

He Jiong: “I still stick to my own opinion. Ye Chen and Yifei are sweeter together. ” ”

After several hours of catching, the red bucket was almost full.

A Quan and Xiao Qiang also came down from the upper reaches.

Although they are not very old, their ability to catch crabs is enough to beat Dili. Reba Zhang Bichen’s。

“Brother, are you okay? We are ready to go back. “Aquan said。

“Okay, let’s go. “Ye Chen also came up.

After packing up his tools, he walked back。

“Brother, are these two your wives? “Aquan asked。

“The eldest brother just kissed this aunt, she must be his wife. “Xiaoqiang said.

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Bichen immediately blushed.

She didn’t expect that such a private matter would be seen by a child.。

“Don’t talk nonsense, this sister was caught by a crab just now, I was just helping. “Ye Chen has a black streak on his head.。

“Brother, I know this is an adult matter. I saw my father kissing my mother and then my sister. ”

Aquan was like a little adult, with a look of understanding on his face.

Zhang Bichen’s cheeks that finally recovered turned red again.

Ye Chen was also defeated by this little guy.

He quickly urged the two of them to leave quickly.

And in the live broadcast room, The audience had long burst into laughter.

Only Di Lieba was feeling sour.

At this moment, walking at the back, she picked up a stick from nowhere and waved it around randomly, causing harm to the weeds on the roadside.

The speed of several people Soon, Aquan and Xiaoqiang were walking and running.

The two children never seemed tired at such an age.

Zhang Bichen was also affected by the two of them and couldn’t help but speed up the pace.

Ye Chen followed closely behind.

Waiting for a few people to walk out Dashan, when entering the rice fields, Ye Chen realized that something was wrong.

This girl Dilraba disappeared again.

PS: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, review votes, all kinds of things. Updates

are posted every day, thank you for your support. .The

author never slacks off..


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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