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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 093

“Where’s Reba? ”

Zhang Bichen also stopped and looked back.。

“In this case, you go back first, and I’ll go find Reba. “Ye Chen said.

I think Dilraba was also playful, so she was attracted by something as she followed.

Zhang Bichen nodded and walked back with Aquan and Xiaoqiang.

Ye Chen took the captured Put the crabs aside. Here, you don’t need to worry about being stolen.

After putting the crabs away, Ye Chen walked back along the original path.

After walking for about ten minutes, Ye Chen spotted Di from a distance. Lireba was squatting on the ground.

She was looking at a hole the size of a fist carefully, as if she had discovered something new.。

“Everyone is out, what are you doing here? “Ye Chen stepped forward and asked。

“Humph, I want you to take care of it. “Dilraba pouted and continued to look at the hole without raising her head.。

“There are usually rats in such holes. If rats come out, they will jump directly on your head. ”

Ye Chen whispered.

After hearing this, Dilraba suddenly fell back and sat on the ground, trembling all over.

Then she turned around and stared at Ye Chen with a pair of beautiful eyes: “I hate mice the most. , and I hate it when others lie to me.。”

“I’m not lying to you. “Ye Chen spread his hands, a little helpless.

He really couldn’t understand why Dilireba, who was just fine just now, suddenly changed her expression.

He didn’t seem to have offended her.

But a few people in the director’s room understood What is the reason for Dilraba losing her temper?

Yaya: “Marven doesn’t seem to realize the seriousness of the problem.

Guo Qilin: “I already understand the reason why Reba lost her temper. Ye Chen hasn’t noticed it yet? ” ”

He Jiong: “Although Ye Chen is quite active in normal times, I found that he is really a novice when it comes to relationships.

Yang Chaoyue: “A typical straight man, yet so cute. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, listen to what you are saying。”

“cute? Yueyue, could you please change the adjective?”

“No, I can’t accept Yueyue calling Ye Laoliu cute。”

“Reba is even angry. Ye Laoliu still doesn’t understand why. It’s so sad.。”

“I didn’t expect Ye Laoliu to be such a straight man in front of Reba. It made me laugh to death. ”

Dilraba didn’t expect Ye Chen to be such a straight man.

She has shown it so obviously. Doesn’t he even know why he is angry?

Doesn’t he know how to comfort himself?

Dilireba was furious. He stood up, glared at Ye Chen and said, “Humph, you bullied me, I will ignore you. ”

After saying that, he walked away.

The posture was that of a child.

Ye Chen touched his head and followed behind and said: “Reba, I have another fun thing, or I will take you to see it. look? ”

Dilraba immediately stopped and wanted to say something, but then she remembered that she was still angry, so she continued walking, but this time her pace slowed down significantly.。

“Maybe there will be an unexpected gain, and no one knows about it. “Ye Chen continued.

Dilraba stopped again, turned around and stared at Ye Chen, without speaking.

But the ups and downs of her chest showed that her anger had not completely subsided.。

“Okay, don’t be angry, I’ll take you there. “Ye Chen said, regardless of whether Reba answered or not.

He took Di Lieba’s hand and walked outside.

Di Lieba did not resist, and the photographer could clearly see the smile on the corner of Di Lieba’s mouth. a smile。

“Who said Ye Laoliu was straight? This was too quick, right?”

“Damn it, is Ye Laoliu so good at coaxing girls?”

“No, I can’t accept it, Reba, you’ll be angry when you’re angry, can you not forgive Ye Laoliu so quickly??”

“That is, why is my girlfriend so difficult to coax every time, but Reba is so easy to coax?”

“How long has it been, and Reba is no longer angry? It’s simply too much. ”

When he arrived at the intersection, Ye Chen picked up the crab and walked along the rice field in the direction of picking mushrooms.

When he reached the foot of the mountain, Ye Chen put the crab down and motioned to Dilraba to go forward.。

“Isn’t this a place to go mushroom hunting? ”

Dilraba asked doubtfully.

A lot of the anger at this moment has been eliminated.

Ye Chen always held her hand along the way, which made Dilireba feel warm and caring.

She likes it This feeling.

The feeling of being held by Ye Chen.

That thick palm wrapped his whole hand.。

“You’ll find out when you get up there. “Ye Chen chuckled, and then he pulled Dilraba up. Dilireba,

who had walked through the mountain road several times, was not as weak this time as before.

In addition, being held by Ye Chen’s hand, she was walking It was also very fast.

According to his own memory, Ye Chen quickly came to the place where the traps were placed.

There were a dozen traps in total. When Ye Chen pulled Dilraba through,

he found that the first few traps were fruitless until At the fifth time, when the footsteps of the two people were getting closer and closer,

suddenly there seemed to be some small animal in the bushes that was frightened and started to shuttle.。

“what is that? “Dilraba was shocked and couldn’t help but take a step back.。

“Don’t be afraid, let me take a look. “After Ye Chen finished speaking, he picked up a stick on the ground and started playing with it.

The bushes were pushed aside by the stick, and a gray rabbit looked at the two of them quietly.。

“Ah, it’s a little rabbit, so cute. “Dilraba suddenly shouted.

The little rabbit wanted to escape after seeing this, but its feet were already tied up with a rope.

Ye Chen pulled the rope and lifted the rabbit up. It

weighed at least six or seven kilograms. , is a big fat rabbit。

“Hahaha, so cute. “Dilraba took the rabbit and held it in her arms, unable to put it down.。

“How’s it going? Do you like it? “Ye Chen asked with a smile.。

“Yes, I like it. “Dilraba nodded quickly.

At this moment, she had already forgotten the unhappiness in her heart.

For Dilraba, she just hoped that Ye Chen would pay more attention to herself.

As for Ye In fact, Dilireba doesn’t care who Chen is with or who she is intimate with. She

only cares for others and also gives it to herself. This is enough.

Dilireba is a person who is easily satisfied.

Just like at this moment Like a little rabbit in his arms.

Ye Chen looked around the remaining traps and found nothing.

But it was good to have a big fat rabbit.

After all, these traps couldn’t be simpler.

Director’s Room He

Jiong: “I really didn’t expect that traps like Ye Chen could catch rabbits.

Guo Qilin: “Really, this kind of trap gives me a feeling that I can do it even if I want to. ” Yaya

: “Hahahaha, indeed, when Ye Chen set up the trap yesterday, we all thought it would be impossible to succeed. We didn’t expect to actually catch such a big rabbit.”

Yang Chaoyue swallowed: “For such a big rabbit, the braised rabbit head must be delicious, right? “。”

“Yueyue, are you going to laugh me to death? Have you already started to think about how to eat?”

“The rabbit is so cute, why would you want to eat the rabbit? Mmm, it smells so good。”

“Upstairs, if there weren’t the words “really fragrant” at the end, you’d probably be sprayed。”

“I strongly recommend that Yang Chaoyue also enter the love house. I like Yueyue so much.。”

“Me too, I want to see how Yueyue and Ye Chen get along. ”

When Ye Chen and Dilraba returned to the love house。

���Yifei, Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen were all staying in the yard.

The three of them were in a hurry, their faces full of panic.

If you look carefully, you can see that the whole yard is full of crabs。

“Ye Chen, hurry up and help catch crabs. “When Bai Lu saw Ye Chen and Dilraba coming back, she quickly shouted。

“what happened? “Dilraba asked with confusion on her face

“Bai Lu accidentally kicked the bucket over just now, and all the crabs ran out. “Zhang Bichen explained while catching.

It’s just that the speed of a few girls was too slow.

Because they are naturally afraid of crabs.

They may not be able to catch a crab several times. (It’s so cool to watch. For novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen stepped forward to help. He

held the bucket with one hand, and grabbed the crabs and threw them in with the other.

The fast batch even killed Liu Yifei dumbfounded。

“You should take a rest first. “Ye Chen said.

Liu Yifei was also sweating and panting at the moment.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei stood aside obediently.

Because she found that even ten of herself were not as good as one Ye Chen.

Looking at Ye Chen Chen was busy catching crabs, and Liu Yifei felt warm.

No matter what happened at home, this man could solve these difficult problems easily even if they appeared. Perhaps,

such a man You are the one worth relying on.

As Ye Chen joined in, the crabs were also caught in the bucket.

Only then did Ye Chen clapped his hands.。

“Sorry, I really didn’t mean it just now. “Bai Lu said a little shyly.

She just wanted to see what was in the bucket.

Unexpectedly, she ran too fast, didn’t stop the car, and kicked the bucket over.

That’s why this situation happened.

Everyone did not blame Bai Lu, but instead became keenly interested in the rabbit in Dilraba’s arms.。

“What a cute bunny. “Liu Yifei stepped forward and touched the rabbit’s hair.。

“How did you catch it? “Zhang Bichen asked。

“It was Ye Chen who caught him. “Dilraba said proudly.

When Liu Yifei heard this, she turned her head and glanced at Ye Chen, with a complicated look in her eyes.

But it quickly disappeared.。

“I went to cook first. “Zhang Bichen looked at the time and saw that it was already time to eat.

The food hadn’t been cooked yet, so he took the initiative to take on the responsibility of cooking.。

“I’m going to help. “Bai Lu seemed to want to make up for the mistake she had just made, and immediately followed her towards the kitchen.

Ye Chen tied the rabbit at the door, and then walked inside.

After working all morning, his body was soaked with sweat. .

Ye Chen went back to the room, took a shower, changed into a pair of pants and came out.

Yang Mi was sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Upon seeing this, Ye Chen walked over to Yang Mi and sat down.。

“how’s it going? Does it still hurt?”

“No more pain, I feel better. “Yang Mi said。

“That’s good, I’ll give you a massage tonight. “Ye Chen said.

Yang Mi thought of what happened yesterday and immediately blushed.���A slice.

Ye Chen picked up the water glass on the table and took a sip of water. Yang Mi couldn’t help but rolled her eyes and said, “This is my water.” Ye Chen leaned into

Yang Mi’s ear and whispered, “You are all mine.” Now, do you still care about this glass of water?”

Those private words made Yang Mi blush again. Ye Chen then stood up, took the water glass and left.。

“What did Ye Chen say to Damimi?”

“I can’t hear you. The photographer gave a bad review. This was not recorded.。”

“No matter what Ye Chen said to Da Mimi, the water I saw Ye Chen drank was the water that Da Mimi drank.。”

“`This is outrageous. The water Damimi drank, Ye Laoliu, are you shameless?”

“It’s too much to blatantly take advantage.。”

“No, I can’t bear it. ”

Ye Chen came back with a big cup and made a cup of tea.

Yang Mi’s eyes almost rolled to the sky.

Using such a big cup to make tea is probably only Ye Chen can do this.

Although Yang Mi is not I know the tea ceremony very well, but I also know that making tea requires using a small cup to taste it carefully.

What kind of flavor can you taste from such a big cup?

“Isn’t there a cup for drinking tea? “Yang Mi said。

“Such a small cup, not enough for one sip. “Ye Chen muttered.。

“When my feet are healed, I’ll teach you how to make tea. “Yang Mi said with a smile.

She wanted to change Ye Chen, make Ye Chen better, and get Ye Chen out of his current life state.

After all, in Yang Mi’s opinion, he was too rustic.。

“No, I like to drink tea like this. After one sip, the aroma is rich. “Ye Chen quickly waved his hand to refuse.

Yang Mi said that she didn’t want to talk to Ye Chen anymore.

This guy simply doesn’t have enough food and salt.

As Zhang Bichen prepared lunch, Ye Chen, who had been hungry all morning, started to eat big mouthfuls Eat.

After eating, Ye Chen wanted to go back to the room to rest, but was stopped by Liu Yifei。

“Ye Chen, can you play with me for a while? “Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen’s back and said quickly。

“Playing against each other? “Ye Chen stopped and turned to look at Liu Yifei, a difference flashed across his face.

Although during this period, Ye Chen received many awards, including the skill “God-level Acting”.

But Ye Chen has never Show it.

Liu Yifei chose to play opposite her, obviously not because of her good acting skills, but because she was the only male guest in the entire love house.。

“Can Ye Chen act? “Dilraba looked confused.

As an actress, she actually wanted to know whether Ye Chen could act.

Because if Ye Chen is good at acting, if there is a chance in the future, Dilraba would definitely not mind helping Ye Chen. Chen pulls strings。

“Isn’t he a trainee? How can you act? “Bai Lu was stunned. She had already checked Ye Chen’s information before she came here.

Zhang Bichen and Yang Mi didn’t speak to each other, but it could be seen that they were also concerned about whether Ye Chen (Li Lihao) could act. Very curious.

Director’s room.

Yaya: “Teacher He, has Ye Chen ever acted? He

Jiong: “No, Ye Chen just started out as a trainee. Where did he get the chance to act?”

Guo Qilin: “It seems that singing is okay, but acting, I have never heard of it. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “You are so stupid. The only male guest in Love House is Ye Chen. Regardless of whether Ye Chen can act or not, if Liu Yifei wants to find someone to act opposite, doesn’t she have to find Ye Chen?”。”

“It has to be my Yueyue, hahaha。”

“To put it bluntly, it’s like everyone is drunk and I’m the only one awake.。”

“I didn’t expect Yueyue to have such a highlight moment。”

“Ye Laoliu’s acting would probably make him die of embarrassment. ”

Actually, Liu Yifei invited Ye Chen to play with her, but she never thought about whether Ye Chen could act. What

she needs is to express her own emotions.

Because in a scene to be shot tomorrow, the male and female protagonists will meet unexpectedly after not seeing each other for many years, so she needs to The male and female protagonists looked at each other affectionately.

There were no lines, but they had to interpret the feeling of having thousands of words buried in their hearts, as if they were stuck in their throats. Finally, they

kissed each other.

There was a stand-in for the kissing scene, so Liu Yifei didn’t need to worry. After all, she has never filmed a kiss scene in these years.

But Liu Yifei has never been able to find the feeling in controlling the emotions of the previous characters these days.

She also tried it with Yang Mi and in front of the mirror.

But she felt unsatisfied.

The crew was about to start shooting tomorrow, and she could control other shots.

But she had never been sure of this shot, so she had to seize the time to practice.

Then she asked Ye Chen Is it possible to play a duet?

Just after asking this question, Liu Yifei regretted it.

PS: The outbreak update is in progress. Thank you for your support. Please give me monthly tickets, flowers, evaluation votes, and all kinds of votes. Thank you, the author. Guy..


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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