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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 094

Liu Yifei had known Ye Chen before.

A trainee has no skills at all.

The only thing I know how to do is sing.

And now he invites Ye Chen to play against him.

In front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room, if Ye Chen is not right, wouldn’t it mean that Ye Chen will not be able to get off the stage?

Liu Yifei felt a little annoyed, blaming herself for only thinking about herself and not considering things from Ye Chen’s perspective.

Immediately seeing that Ye Chen had not answered, Liu Yifei also wanted to make amends, and quickly said: “It doesn’t matter, if it is inconvenient for you, forget it.” Liu Yifei said this, in fact, she wanted

Ye Chen to use the slope to get off the donkey, and then reject her。

“It’s convenient. It’s a duet, so what’s the inconvenience? “Ye Chen smiled, walked over immediately, stretched out his hand and asked for the script.。

“ah? Can you really do that? “Liu Yifei was a little hesitant.。

“Can it be that I am not the one acting, am I not the one you need to practice with? “Ye Chen’s words resolved Liu Yifei’s inner embarrassment.


As long as he can get into the state, that’s fine. As for Ye Chen, he doesn’t need to have good acting skills at all.

Liu Yifei immediately handed the script to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen simply After taking a quick look, I understood what was going on.

Dilireba, Bai Lu, Zhang Bichen, and Yang Mi sat in a row. Each of them

stared at the two people intently.

Liu Yifei and Ye Chen were three meters apart, back to back.。

“start. “As Dilraba started,

Liu Yifei and Ye Chen slowly turned around.

At the moment they turned around, Liu Yifei had already tried hard to get into the role.

But for some reason, she still couldn’t fully get into the role.

She even She thought about all the sad things she had experienced in her life. She

still couldn’t reach the sad mood.

Liu Yifei was a little disappointed, and she still couldn’t get into the role.

Just when she was about to speak, she said sorry to Ye Chen and would do it again. .

However, the moment her eyes met Ye Chen’s, she was stunned.

Although Ye Chen didn’t speak, his eyes first changed from doubt to confusion, then to shock, and then to uncontrollable The joy, and then the incomparable excitement.

In just a few seconds, Ye Chen expressed five emotions with just his eyes.

The kind of confusion when looking back and meeting an acquaintance.

After that, he changed to confusion and all kinds of uncertainty. .

Then to the shock after confirming that the other person is the person she has missed for many years. She

was full of words but didn’t know how to express them, and finally turned into joy and excitement.

Every look can convey an emotion.

Liu Yifei, who was originally a little annoyed, suddenly Entering state 743.

With red eyes and endless tears, the two stepped forward and hugged each other.

Then they kissed unconsciously.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong reached out his hand and gently wiped his tears: “Really marvelous.

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He even cried. Really, this acting skill is amazing. ” Yaya

‘s eyes were red: “I didn’t expect Ye Chen’s acting skills to be so good. Even Yifei was brought into the scene by him.” ”

Yang Chaoyue didn’t speak, holding her chin with both hands, but it could be seen that her eyes were already red, and a tear streaked down her cheek.。

“Damn, there are obviously no lines, why did I cry while watching it?。”

“Ye Laoliu, can you be more serious? You can make me cry in every scene. It’s too much.。”

“No, I can’t accept it. Ye Laoliu’s acting skills are amazing, right?。”

“In about a minute, he actually expressed five emotions with his eyes. Are you telling me that Ye Laoliu is a little fresh meat?”

“Let alone a young actor, even an experienced actor would find it difficult to do this.。”

“Ye Laoliu, for the sake of your acting skills just now, I will let you kiss my fairy sister once. ”

At this moment, in the love room,

Yang Mi has been deeply involved in it and can’t extricate herself.

She didn’t expect that Ye Chen’s acting skills can be so good. She

still remembers that when she acted opposite others, she had to shoot every emotion It took several times to pass.

A shot like this would never have been successful without hundreds of reshoots throughout the morning.

But Ye Chen was able to pass it in one go.

More importantly, what Yang Mi saw clearly just now , Liu Yifei was obviously about to leave the show and start over.

But she was brought into it by Ye Chen’s eyes, and thus completed the filming.

In other words, Ye Chen not only has good acting skills, but can also arouse the emotions of his opponents. This is It’s extremely precious.

Thinking of this, Yang Mi actually wants Ye Chen to be the leading actor in her next drama.

Dilraba, Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen are not as much as Yang Mi thought.

But the three of them have no Unexpectedly, I cried.

Such a scene, such a scene, actually made me cry. It was

simply outrageous.

They were all curious about how good Ye Chen’s acting skills were to make them cry.

After kissing for a long time, As Ye Chen let go, Liu Yifei realized that this was a scene.

You know, even in real filming, she had never filmed a kissing scene with a boy.

And now, she was actually kissed by Ye Chen?

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei suddenly blushed (afcj), but she felt a little lucky and happy in her heart.

Maybe, if the male protagonist was Ye Chen, she wouldn’t mind having a passionate kiss with him.。

“How about it? Can it be done? “Ye Chen’s voice brought everyone’s thoughts back.。

“Well, okay, thank you. Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen shyly and said。

“If that’s okay, I’ll go back and rest first. “After Ye Chen finished speaking, he was about to leave.

Liu Yifei suddenly leaned into Ye Chen’s ear and whispered: “Actually, during filming, I had a stand-in for all my kissing scenes. ”

After saying that, Liu Yifei quickly ran upstairs.。

“What a sweet whisper。”

“It’s over, I’m done with this pair of CPs。”

“This is the first time I feel that Ye Chen and the fairy sister are so compatible.。”

“I can’t stand it anymore, Ye Chen, you old man, you can’t let down my fairy sister.。”

“It’s too much. This bowl of dog food is so full that I can’t finish it. ”

Because of the shooting tomorrow, Liu Yifei packed up her luggage and left in the afternoon. The

shooting this time is expected to take about a week, so except for a few sets of clothes, Liu Yifei didn’t bring much with her.

Before leaving, Liu Yifei She stood at the door of Ye Chen’s room for a long time, wanting to knock on the door, but finally turned around decisively and left.

The kiss at noon today was her first kiss, and it will be deeply imprinted in her heart, and she will never forget it in her life.。

“Let’s go, we’ll be back in a week. “The manager urged, for fear that Liu Yifei would really knock on Ye Chen’s door.

It would be outrageous to make any separation.

After all, in this show, since Hua Chenyu and Mr. Hua left, Liu Yifei has been aloof. The character of the fairy sister has disappeared. She has

obviously become the main flirter with Ye Chen.

The manager has taken several bottles of anti-hypertensive pills, but it still doesn’t help.。

“Gone, gone. Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue, which was very cute.

When passing by Yang Mi, she leaned down and said, “Take care of Ye Chen for me. When I come back, I will inspect the goods.” ”

After that, he went out and got in the car and left.

A blush flashed across Yang Mi’s face.

It was already past four o’clock when Ye Chen woke up.

Yang Mi was the only one lying on the sofa in the living room to rest, and Ye Chen didn’t disturb her. , but walked to the yard and went out with

Not long after, Ye Chen came back with a branch in his hand.

No, it shouldn’t be said to be a branch, it should be said to be a walking stick. .

There are all kinds of strange trees in this mountain.

Ye Chen cut down a tree, peeled off the bark, and wrapped it with cloth strips when he came back.

In this way, if Yang Mi wanted to get up and move, she would You can use the King Pigeon to support the crutches for simple walking.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Did Ye Chen really make a crutch for Mimi?” (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Guo Qilin: “This crutch was made after work, and it is much more expensive than the one you bought.”

Yaya: “Can Mimi use this crutch? ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Hahahaha, I’m laughing so hard.”。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you to throw your crutches in the trash can.。”

“That’s too much. You actually made crutches for my Mimi. Ye Chen, it doesn’t cost you much to buy one, right?”

“The sixth child would never spend a penny on anything he could make by himself. ”

Not to mention the audience in the live broadcast room.

In fact, even Yang Mi had a look of helplessness when she woke up and saw the crutch.

This guy really made a crutch for himself.

But it’s still pretty good-looking, with a creaking place to support it. It’s a tree branch wrapped with a thick strip of cloth.

Yang Mi tried it, but she didn’t feel uncomfortable. It’s

very convenient to use.。

“Thanks. “Yang Mi said.

She has been injured in the past two days and can’t walk. She is almost bored to death. She

listens to Di Lieba, Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen chatting in and out all day long.

Yang Mi also wants to go out for a walk.。

“Come on, let’s go out for a walk? “Ye Chen invited, and Yang Mi did not refuse.

She followed Ye Chen on crutches.

Although it was slow, she walked out without hurting her feet.。

“Can I play on the swing? “Yang Mi asked。

“Okay, I recommend you. “Ye Chen said, walking behind the swing.

After Yang Mi sat down, he started to push。

“so high. “Yang Mi was a little surprised.

She has never done this before. For her, she has always been busy filming.

And because of Yang Mi’s ambition, she is not just limited to filming.

She also wants to start a company and join the ranks of capital. .

So this kind of little girl’s play doesn’t mean anything to Yang Mi.

But at this moment, sitting on the swing, feeling the wind whistling by her ears, feeling the lightness of her body.

But it makes Yang Mi feel… Unprecedented relaxation.

Really, so happy and comfortable.

Especially, the person pushing the swing was Ye Chen.

This man took away his first time.。

“what’s the situation? Just after the fairy sister left, Ye Laoliu hooked up with my Da Mimi again?”

“What does hooking up mean? I think Ye Chen and Damimi are quite sweet together.。”

“Have you noticed that Ye Laoliu always gives people a very sweet feeling no matter which female celebrity he is alone with?”

“I found it, but I like this kind of picture, give it more, I love knocking。”

“Hahaha, me too, it’s the first time I see Da Mimi smiling so happily, it’s so beautiful。”

?“Director team, give my Damimi more pictures. ”

The two were playing on the swing when they suddenly heard “Quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack, quack.”…”the sound of.

Yang Mi quickly asked Ye Chen to stop and turned around to look, only to find that Dilraba’s little ducks had already run out.

The five yellow little ducks looked around blankly and made a “quack, quack, quack” sound in their mouths.

But Yang Mi was so happy.

To be honest, Yang Mi has never seen this little duck since she bought it.

Every time it was Dilraba, Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen who played together.

Yang Mi seemed a little out of place.

At this moment, everyone was out. Yang Mi also wanted to touch the little duck, but unfortunately she was injured and couldn’t stop.。

“Give. “Ye Chen bent down, grabbed a little duck and put it in Yang Mi’s hand。

“so cute. “Yang Mi looked as happy as a child.。

“Like it?”

“Yes, I like it。”

“When it grows older, add some millet pepper, garlic, and white vinegar. It will taste better and you will definitely like it more. “Ye Chen said.

Yang Mi couldn’t help rolling her eyes. Is this guy allergic to romance? He is

such a cute little duck, but she has even thought about the dishes.

Several people in the director room couldn’t help laughing. He laughed.

A group of viewers in the live broadcast room also wrote the words “Lao Liu” in unison.

Yang Mi injured her leg after all, and wandered around the yard for a while before returning to the living room to rest.

Ye Chen also started to boil water, and immediately I was going to eat this big fat rabbit.

But when Ye Chen was boiling water, Dilireba and Bai Lu also came back from outside.

They didn’t know where they went to pick a lot of flowers in various colors. There are all of them, very beautiful.

Seeing Ye Chen want to kill the rabbit, Dilraba immediately rushed over。

“Ye Chen, how about we not eat rabbits? Rabbits are so cute, why are you willing to kill them?”

“No, rabbits are delicious. I like them very much. ” Before Ye Chen could say anything, Bai Lu pushed Dilraba away.

When she said this, you could see Bai Lu swallowing. Her foodie look made the audience laugh.。

“Why are you so cruel? “Dilraba said angrily.。

“It’s not that I’m cruel, but this rabbit meat is really delicious. Just trust me, okay? “Bai Lu was good at tempting.

While saying this, she pushed Dilraba inside. She turned around and

winked at Ye Chen.

Even Ye Chen couldn’t help but laugh at that cunning look.。

“Bai Lu’s sneaky look makes me laugh to death。”

“Why do I feel that Bai Lu is the big bad wolf who is deceiving Little Red Riding Hood?”

“Hahaha, indeed, I feel the same way. By the way, Bai Lu, can you be a little more reserved as a girl?。”

“I feel a little bit against it when a girl eats a rabbit.。”

“I am also a girl and I think rabbit meat is delicious.。”

“Indeed, the scent is simply amazing. ”

Without Di Lieba’s obstruction, Ye Chen quickly killed the rabbit.

After cleaning it, he chopped it into pieces and soaked it in cold water.

Because making rabbit meat requires a lot of accessories, Ye Chen He began to rummage in the kitchen.

Zhang Bichen came back just in time. Seeing this scene, he quickly ran over to ask Ye Chen if he needed help.

Since coming here, Zhang Bichen has taken over the cooking work.

Seeing Ye Chen at this moment Chen was cooking, which made Zhang Bichen feel a little guilty.。

“Ye Chen, how about I do it? “Zhang Bichen said。

“Do you also cook rabbit meat? “Ye Chen was confused and pointed to the rabbit meat soaked in the water.

Zhang Bichen was startled, and quickly waved his hand and said, “Otherwise, I’ll do something for you.。”

“Okay, then help me find some Sichuan peppercorns, cinnamon and dried chili peppers. “Ye Chen said.

He searched for these three ingredients for a long time but couldn’t find them.

After finishing speaking, Zhang Bichen squatted at Ye Chen’s feet, opened the cabinet below, and quickly took out the ingredients Ye Chen asked for.

But when Zhang Bichen looked up, he didn’t notice that Ye Chen had just bent down.

Zhang Bichen’s head hit Ye Chen’s stomach.。

“Ouch. “Ye Chen felt pain and held his stomach.。

“Ah, I’m sorry, Ye Chen, are you okay? “Zhang Bichen apologized quickly and stretched out her hand to touch Ye Chen’s belly.

She realized that it was inappropriate to do so and could only look at Ye Chen anxiously.

PS: It’s not easy to code late at night. Please give me flowers, monthly votes and comments. Please vote for me in various ways, thank you all for your support.

Thank you all again.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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