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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 095

Ye Chen was originally just joking.

I want to tease Zhang Bichen.

He didn’t expect Zhang Bichen to be so careless.

He just called out.

This girl almost touched her belly with her hands.

Immediately, he could only smile happily and said: “I was just joking, don’t be nervous.。”

“you…”Zhang Bichen pointed at Ye Chen, wanting to say something, but she lowered her head shyly, not knowing how to speak.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Bi Chen’s personality is indeed relatively shy.”

Guo Qilin: “That shouldn’t be the case. I have recorded a show with Bi Chen before, and I wasn’t that shy at that time.”

Yaya squinted her eyes She laughed: “It probably depends on the person. After all, Yifei is a cold fairy sister in front of others, but isn’t she also very easy-going in front of Ye Chen?” Yang Chaoyue couldn’t help laughing: “Sister

Yaya , do you mean that Bi Chen also likes Ye Chen?”

Yaya waved her hands quickly: “I didn’t say that, it was just a guess, and it can’t be taken seriously.。”

“Wuwuwu, no, my goddess Bichen must not fall in love with Ye Laoliu.。”

“It’s just that I can’t accept it. What’s so good about this guy?”

“Apart from being a bit handsome, nothing else seems to be of any use.。”

“Does appearance mean justice? ”

In the kitchen, Zhang Bichen found the ingredients and stood aside quietly watching.

She didn’t know how to make rabbit meat because she didn’t dare, but now that Ye Chen was making rabbit meat in front of her, Zhang Bichen didn’t mind learning it.

After Ye Chen took out the rabbit meat from the water, he started to cut it into pieces, and then heated the oil in a pan. When

the oil temperature reached 70 to 80%, he put the ingredients in and started to stir-fry.

Followed by Just stir-fry the rabbit meat for a few minutes, then add seasonings such as light soy sauce and cooking wine.

After stir-frying evenly, add water and cover the pot.

Zhang Bichen watched it very carefully and kept every step in mind.。

“Is this good? “Zhang Bichen asked after seeing Ye Chen cover the lid.。

“Well, if it’s a high fire, just simmer it for about fifteen minutes. “Ye Chen said.

Zhang Bichen nodded thoughtfully.

After waiting for more than ten minutes, Ye Chen opened the lid of the pot.

The aroma filled the air, Zhang Bichen’s eyes lit up, and he couldn’t help but swallow his saliva.

I have to say , this rabbit meat is simply too fragrant.

As the fog dissipated, the soup was almost concentrated. Ye Chen picked up a piece with chopsticks and tasted it.

The taste was not bad, and the rabbit meat was also very soft. .

Ye Chen took a bite and saw Zhang Bichen staring at him. He immediately put the rabbit meat in front of Zhang Bichen without hesitation.

Zhang Bichen was startled.

She could see clearly that it was clearly the one that Ye Chen had just taken a bite of.

He actually ate it directly for himself?

Should he eat it?

Zhang Bichen hesitated in his heart, but still opened his mouth slightly and ate the remaining piece of meat. The

soft meat melted in the mouth, and the unique fragrance stimulated the taste buds. .

Zhang Bichen fell in love with this taste instantly.

In fact, for Zhang Bichen, because she is a singer, most of what she eats is relatively light.

And this rabbit meat has many seasonings and is stir-fried. She usually I dare not eat it.

Taking one bite now is like opening the door to a new century.。

“delicious. “Zhang Bichen was as happy as a child. Ye Chen picked up another piece of meat with chopsticks and fed it to Zhang Bichen’s mouth.

Zhang Bichen didn’t refuse at this time and started eating in small bites.

Because of Ye Chen’s height, Zhang Bichen still needed Head up。

“Feeding like this is too sweet, right?。”

“When did Bi Chen become so greedy?”

“No, I can’t accept it. Is this still my goddess Bichen?”

“Goddess Bichen, please pay attention to your image. Is it appropriate to be fed like this?”

“Regardless of whether it fits or not, I feel so sweet. I like this scene so much, hahaha。”

“Ye Laoliu, just after the fairy sister left, you started feeding others. That’s too much. ”

After Zhang Bichen ate two pieces of meat, he started to clear away the dishes with a satisfied look on his face.

Ye Chen also put the rabbit meat on the plate and took it out. He

also fried a green vegetable to go with it.

After all, there was only one piece of rabbit meat. The rabbit is enough for five people。

“It’s time to eat. “Zhang Bichen shouted.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu hurriedly ran over. They came to the table, took a deep breath, and looked intoxicated.。

“Bunny is so cute and smells really good. “Bai Lu took a bite of rabbit meat and couldn’t help but sigh.。

“If you don’t speak, no one will think you are dumb. “Dilreba said angrily.

Before killing the rabbit, Dilireba also shouted that the rabbit was too cute and she would not kill it.

But now when she started eating, Dilireba ate more happily than anyone else.

That little mouth One bite at a time, I finished a piece of meat in a while.

I didn’t even bother to eat the rice.

The staff around me felt uncomfortable smelling the aroma.

Forget the aroma of the chicken stewed with mushrooms that Marven made last time.

After all, You can eat the outside of that toy, and you can control it.

But now, this is a wild rabbit. This smell, this fragrance, spreads throughout the living room. The

staff who were eating the lunch were confused.

Some even thought that this was obviously How come the love house has turned into a gourmet scene?

Ye Chen’s improvement of food every three days is simply outrageous.

Director’s Room。

“In fact, I also like eating rabbit meat. ” He Jiong swallowed hard when he said this.

Ordinary delicacies are not attractive to He Jiong.

Only this rabbit meat makes him want to eat it.

Guo Qilin felt the same: “Me too, although Cute, but that smells so good.

Yaya: “Fortunately, I haven’t eaten it, so it’s not very tempting to me. ” Yang

Chaoyue was already swallowing hard at this moment, and couldn’t help complaining: “When will there be free rooms in the love house? Can I book it now to save my life?””

“Hahaha, Yueyue, the love house is a place for falling in love, foodies are not allowed.。”

“Yueyue, you want to laugh me to death. Are you ready to betray yourself just for a bite to eat?”

“Should I say it or not, watching Ye Laoliu and the others eating rabbits makes my mouth water.。”

“Be clear, this is a love show, don’t make it like a food show all day long, okay? ”

A big fat rabbit weighing six or seven pounds.

It was made into a big pot, and five people ate it all.

After eating, Dilireba and Bai Lu touched their bellies with satisfied faces.

Zhang Bichen also looked satisfied. She covered her mouth and burped, then lowered her head shyly.

Yang Mi put down the bowls and chopsticks, crying out in despair. She felt that she would have to run for at least a week to lose weight from this meal.。

“Not bad, so full. “Ye Chen got up and started moving with a satisfied look on his face.

He had just eaten and took a walk to digest.

As for cleaning up the dishes and chopsticks, there are several girls inside, does he still need to clean them up?

At this moment.

A high-end hotel . In the room.

Liu Yifei had just finished taking a shower, sat on the bed, took out her mobile phone and turned it on. Ye Chen could not help but appear in her mind. She had

just left the love house a few hours ago,

but it felt like she had been separated for a long time.

Especially The scene with Ye Chen before leaving, that passionate kiss.

I still remember it fresh.

Ye Chen’s lips, the feeling of Ye Chen’s hands holding her in his arms.

Liu Yifei’s face turned red.

She wanted to give Ye Chen made a phone call, but didn’t know what to say.

After thinking about it, he put down his phone, covered himself with a quilt and went to sleep. Maybe Ye Chen would appear in his dream.

In this summer, Ye Chen took a stroll He was already sweating when he came back from the circle.

When he returned t

The swimming pool had been repaired for two or three days, and he had not experienced it yet.

Not to mention, after being exposed to the sun for a whole day, the water still carries a little warmth, making it very comfortable to swim. The

whole person relaxes and floats on the water, and it seems that all the worries have disappeared.。

“Damn it, Ye Laoliu, are you starting to show off your figure again?”

“I was enjoying my life so much, right?。”

“Does this love drama still need people? I want to join it too, woo woo woo。”

“I have to say that Ye Laoliu has a really good figure. ”

Just when Ye Chen was floating on the water with his eyes closed,

he suddenly felt the sound of footsteps coming. When Ye Chen opened his eyes, he saw a huge black shadow leaping high.

Then he heard “Plop” There was a sound, followed by splashes of water. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Hahahahaha….”Only Bai Lu has such an exaggerated laugh.

At this moment, Bai Lu also jumped into the swimming pool wearing that revealing bikini swimsuit.

On the shore, Zhang Bichen, wearing a pink bikini, was slowly coming down.

When he saw Ye Chen, he even smiled at Ye Chen。

“Why are you here? “Ye Chen was confused.

He just wanted to take a dip, but he didn’t expect these two people to come out.。

“We come to swim every night, but you don’t see it. “Bai Lu said.

Ye Chen really didn’t pay attention, and Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen liked swimming very much. He also discovered this, not just at night, but also during the day. It was as if the swimming pool was built

for these two people.

One for each person . Wearing a black bikini and one wearing a pink bikini, they look very eye-catching.

A group of netizens who were paying attention to Ye Chen’s figure just now were immediately happy。

“Have you started giving out benefits this evening?”

“Wow, I didn’t expect Bichen to have such a good figure. I love it.。”

“Bai Lu’s figure isn’t bad either. In fact, if Bai Lu were more reserved, she would look like a goddess than anyone else.。”

“I would like to ask, is this swimming pool open to the public now? My swimsuit is ready。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you not to be disrespectful and let me go swimming together.。”

“Not to mention a monthly pass, I would also apply for an annual pass for a swimming pool like this. ”

The audience was almost envious.

After all, how many people dream of swimming with two beauties in such a small swimming pool?

In fact, Ye Chen didn’t think so much about it. When he saw the two people coming down, Ye Chen He deliberately swam to the other side.

In this way, he could avoid contact with the two female guests.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen just closed his eyes and wanted to float.

Bai Lu, the girl, started splashing water on her face.

On one side He was still laughing while splashing water, with that proud look, how could Ye Chen bear it?。

“Hey, you girl, are you starting to bully me now? ”

After Ye Chen finished speaking, he immediately dived into the water and headed towards Bailu.

It was already dark now, but the surface of the water was fine, and there were lights to illuminate it.

But nothing could be seen under the water.

Ye Chen swam over, and all It was based on feeling.

Soon, under Ye Chen’s groping, he grabbed a pair of beautiful legs.

After groping together, he pulled down and finally surfaced proudly.

However, when Ye Chen surfaced, But he saw that Bai Lu was still laughing.

Zhang Bichen, who was quiet just now, had disappeared.

Ye Chen secretly thought that it was not good, he was looking for the wrong person for revenge?

What followed was Zhang Bichen coming out of sleep, with a shy look on his face. Looking at Ye Chen, he said, “Ye Chen, why are you pulling my leg? ”

Zhang Bichen’s voice also became lower and lower.

Because when she was under the water just now, she could feel Ye Chen’s big hands groping for something.

That feeling was so embarrassing.

Of course, there was a faint expectation in her heart. feel。

“Ye Laoliu, what are you doing? Be honest。”

“Did Ye Laoliu touch my Bichen’s leg?”

“Which hand touched it? Just cut it off。”

“Do you even need to ask? I must have touched it with both hands.。”

“No, I can’t bear it anymore, my Bichen’s leg was actually touched by Ye Laoliu。”

“Woohoo, come on, Bichen, you and Ye Chen are in the swimming pool together, isn’t this a sheep entering a tiger’s mouth?”

“I feel so distressed. What is going on? Can’t you take me with you? Ye Chen also scratched his head in embarrassment: ”

I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it.”。”

“Hahahaha, Ye Chen, you must have eaten Bichen’s tofu. “Bai Lu burst out laughing. As soon as

these words came out, Zhang Bichen became even more shy.。

“You also said, believe it or not, I will deal with you now? “Ye Chen stared at Bai Lu。

“I do not believe. “After Bai Lu said this, she turned around and ran away.

She thought she was relatively close to the shore, so she could escape easily.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was faster, grabbed Bai Lu’s arm, and followed closely He pulled the cart and pulled Bai Lu into his arms.

At this moment, Bai Lu had obviously become a little sheep waiting to be slaughtered.。

“I was wrong, brother Ye Chen, I was wrong, I never dare to do it again. ”

Being held in Ye Chen’s arms, Bai Lu’s face was filled with fear.

This was in the water, and she was really afraid that Ye Chen would push her down.

Although she could swim, it would not be fun if she really choked on the water.

However, Bai Lu soon felt that something was wrong.

She was only wearing a swimsuit, and Ye Chen was only wearing swimming trunks. The two of them could only be seen having a skin-to-skin kiss.

Moreover, such a move seemed a bit too intimate.

Immediately, I couldn’t help my heartbeat speeding up, and my face turned red.

I wanted to push Ye Chen away, but I felt like my hands were not in control.。

“If you dare to be arrogant again, I will throw you into the water. ”

Ye Chen also realized that such behavior was somewhat inappropriate under the camera.

So after giving a warning, he quickly let go of Bai Lu.

Despite this, a group of Bai Lu’s fans in the live broadcast room were still clamoring to fight Ye Chen.。

“You guys can play, I’m going back first. “Zhang Bichen was also blushing by what happened just now. After saying hello, he got up and left.。

“Wait for me. “Bai Lu quickly followed.

After the two left, Ye Chen slowly got up and walked towards the room. After a

simple shower, Ye Chen just lay on the bed and wanted to sleep.

But suddenly he received a text message, It’s from Yang Mi。

“You haven’t massaged my feet yet. ”

The message was very simple, but with a shy expression behind it, it became more than simple.

Only then did Ye Chen remember that he had to press Yang Mi’s feet. He

immediately left the room, went to the third floor, and knocked on Knocked on the door and then went in.

The light was still dim.

Yang Mi was sitting by the bed at the moment, looking at Ye Chen with a shy face.。

“How are you feeling today? “Ye Chen came over and squatted at Yang Mi’s feet and asked。

“Well, I feel better today and I should be able to leave tomorrow. “Yang Mi said。

“Not even tomorrow, at least the day after tomorrow. “Ye Chen said, grabbed Yang Mi’s feet and put them on his belly, and then started kneading them.

Yang Mi looked at Ye Chen carefully, with a smile in her eyes.。

“why are you laughing? “Ye Chen was a little confused.。

PS:Thank you to Mr. Xia Mujin for the reward, thank you all for your support with flowers, monthly tickets and evaluation votes, and thank you to all the bosses for voting for the update.

Now every day starts at 15,000 words, or even 20,000 words, so the author is glad that he has not been ashamed of the reminder votes from the bosses.

Thank you all for supporting B. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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