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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 096

“Ye Chen, do you want to film? “Yang Mi asked suddenly.

She looked at Ye Chen with a hint of expectation in her eyes. In fact , Yang Mi had already had this idea

since she saw Ye Chen and Liu Yifei playing against each other at noon today . Just a simple In the scene, Ye Chen performed five emotions with just one look. For today’s entertainment industry, this one scene is enough to sway many young talents.

“not yet. ”

Ye Chen refused very simply.

It’s not that he didn’t have this idea.

It’s that he prefers this kind of life now.

Although he is participating in the show, he is doing things he likes to do.

Returning to the countryside, relaxed and comfortable.


Let’s talk about it again.

A trace of disappointment flashed in Yang Mi’s beautiful eyes.

However, before she could react, Ye Chen had already stepped forward.

A battle was about to break out.

More than two hours later, Ye Chen covered the sleeping Yang Mi He got up and left the room.

Ye Chen didn’t notice that after he left, the sleeping Yang Mi opened her eyes.

Her face was flushed, and there was a hint of resentment in her eyes as she said: “This guy, I won’t pretend anymore.” If I fall asleep, I will probably be tortured to death by you. ”

After talking to herself, a look of happiness flashed across Yang Mi’s face, and then she closed her eyes and fell asleep beautifully.

Ye Chen came to the living room, but he was no longer sleepy.

He opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of A bottle of Fatty Happy Water.

Then I walked to the sofa and opened it.。


The sound of gas erupting sounded. Ye Chen was about to drink when he saw a head sticking out of the door.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at him。

“Why don’t you stay up all night and act like a ghost to scare people? “Ye Chen couldn’t help but complain.。

“What are you drinking? ”

Dilraba Dilraba has come in at this moment.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at the drink in Ye Chen’s hand, and she couldn’t help but grab it and drink it.。

“”Three three three” doesn’t matter whether Ye Chen has drunk it or not.

Anyway, for Dilraba, she doesn’t dislike Ye Chen at all.。

“What are you doing at the door? “Ye Chen was confused.

Maybe it’s because the live broadcast room has been closed.

At this moment, Dilireba was wearing very sexy clothes.

She was only wearing a pair of black lace pajamas, and some parts were looming.

The moment when she leaned over to get a Coke. , Ye Chen saw it clearly。

“Can’t sleep, bored. ”

Dilraba pouted, looking like I was very unhappy.。

“Who provoked you? “Ye Chen was a little confused.

He didn’t know what trouble Dilireba was having this night.。

“It’s you, you’re the one who provoked me, huh. “Dilraba is like a child when she is angry.

She folds her arms and pouts her mouth, looking like you can’t coax her.。

“Can’t sleep? How about I take you to see the stars? ”

Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Stargazing? Can’t you see it here? ”

Dilraba pointed outside. At night in the countryside, you can see stars everywhere, and there is nothing surprising about it.。

“The place I am taking you to must be a more beautiful place, go or not. ”

Ye Chen said。

“go. ”

Dilraba answered simply.

Ye Chen took the keys to the sports car and threw them to Dilraba: “Drive, I’ll show you the way.。”

“You take me to see the stars and you want me to drive? ”

Dilraba’s eyes widened, why does it feel like this is a trap? Isn’t this guy Ye Chen tricking her into being a driver?

“I don’t have a driver’s license. “Ye Chen said, Dilraba could only drive a sports car to take Ye Chen.

Gao Yong had told Ye Chen before that when arriving at the entrance of the village, there was a road that went straight to the top of the mountain, which is the highest mountain. Here we

are. After the top of the mountain, there is a pavilion from which you can see the most beautiful stars.

Ye Chen has not been there either. He can’t

sleep anyway at the moment, but he doesn’t mind going to see it with Di Lieba.

Di Lieba drives very fast. Following Ye Chen’s guidance, I saw the pavilion in more than half an hour。

“where is this? “Dilraba asked doubtfully.。

“look. “Ye Chen pointed to the sky. There were many stars, which were more shocking than those seen in the village.

And at this time, a shooting star passed by.

Dilraba quickly shouted: “Ye Chen, look, the shooting star is a shooting star.。”

“How is it? Does it look good? “Ye Chen leveled the seat and lay down, just in time to see the meteors passing by.。

“Is it a meteor shower? “Dilraba was surprised and stared straight at the sky with her beautiful eyes.。

“How’s it going? Are you feeling better now? “Ye Chen said jokingly。

“Hum, assuming you still have some conscience, tell me honestly, who have you brought here? ”

When Dilraba said this, she pounced directly on Ye Chen.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at Ye Chen’s cheeks.

Those fiery red lips looked extremely attractive.

Ye Chen did not answer, but I couldn’t help but kissed Dilireba on the lips.

Dilireba was as if she was electrocuted, and she was dumbfounded, with a flash of surprise in her eyes.

But soon, another flash of joy flashed, and then she looked at Ye Chen kissed her.

As the meteors passed by,

the roof of the sports car was slowly covered.

The two people in the car were entangled passionately.

In the grass not far away, a little rabbit was squatting and watching, with a pair of eyes. Looking at this huge thing dangling strangely.

They were crazy for a night.

Ye Chen and Dilraba both fell asleep in the car.

It was not until the next day that the sky became gray and bright.

Ye Chen then opened his eyes. , turned around, only to see Dilireba looking at him with a smile.

Seeing that he opened his eyes, he quickly lay down again, closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep.。

“Stop pretending, I’ve seen you. “Ye Chen found it funny.

This girl, like a child, pretended to be asleep.。

“Humph, you bullied me. ”

Dilraba opened her eyes and said with a blushing face.。

“Don’t worry, I will continue to bully you in the future. “As soon as Ye Chen said these words, Dilraba’s face turned even redder.

She stretched out her jade hand and punched Ye Chen.。

“Let’s go, it’s daybreak, it’s time for us to go back. ”

Ye Chen said.

Dilireba then started the car and set off towards the love house.

It was only around six o’clock in the morning, and everyone in the love house had not gotten up yet, and even the live broadcast room was not opened.

The two came back and parked the car. After that, they quietly went back to their rooms to wash up.。

“Come out quickly after brushing your teeth and make breakfast for me. ”

Before leaving, Dilraba also gave instructions.

Ye Chen could only nod obediently.

After Ye Chen and Dilraba washed up, changed their clothes and came out, the live broadcast room had already been opened.。

“Huh? Why did Ye Laoliu get up so early today?”

“It’s rare. Ye Laoliu also gets up early sometimes.。”

“Reba also got up so early? Do these two have any secrets?”

“I saw my Reba early in the morning, and I was in a wonderful mood all day long. ”

Marven went straight to the kitchen, opened the refrigerator and rummaged around.。

“Do you want hand cakes? “Ye Chen asked。

“No, it’s too greasy. “Dilraba muttered in reply, and then said: “I want to eat ramen.。”

“Ramen, no problem. “Ye Chen made an OK gesture. He

immediately took out the flour and started kneading the dough.

Ye Chen’s dough kneading technique was very professional. He kneaded the dough with one hand and started pouring water with the other.

Dilraba came over and saw Ye Chen didn’t have to stop with his hands. He

immediately started to do something bad. He raised a finger, dipped some flour in it, and smeared it on Ye Chen’s nose.。

“Hahaha, if only the flour were red, then you would become a red-nosed clown. ”

Dilraba laughed mischievously。

“Are you in need of cleaning up? “Ye Chen has a black streak on his head.。

“Can you take care of me now? “Dilr

She just took advantage of Ye Chen’s two hands to be busy, so she dared to be presumptuous.

And Dilireba even raised her fingers, and after they were dipped in flour, she touched Ye Chen’s His forehead and face were all painted.

Soon, Ye Chen’s face turned into a tabby cat.

Dilraba smiled even happier. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Director He

Jiong: “What’s going on? You started spreading dog food so early in the morning?

Guo Qilin: “No, this is too sweet. I can’t stand it. ”

Yaya: “Are these two people deliberately annoying people here early in the morning? ” Yang

Chaoyue: “It’s too much, it’s too much. Fortunately, I ate something in the morning, otherwise I would have been forced to eat dog food.”。”

“Love it, love it, it’s not too sweet。”

“Damn it, I didn’t expect Ye Chen and Dilraba to have such a sweet scene.。”

“What’s going on with these two people? Aren’t they just happy enemies? How did they successfully transition?”

“I love seeing pictures like this, please come to more. ”

While mixing the flour, Ye Chen had to endure Di Lieba’s torture.

Soon, as the flour turned into dough, Ye Chen put down the kettle and slapped Di Lieba on the butt.。


A crisp sound came.

Dilraba immediately froze on the spot.

She was wearing short shorts, and they were very thin.

Ye Chen’s slap just now was a solid slap.

At this moment, he looked at Ye Chen with tears in his eyes. He was no longer making trouble, but looked like he could cry at any time.。

“Um, are you trying too hard? ”

Ye Chen scratched his head, feeling that he had done something wrong.

Dilireba did not speak, but just nodded, looking aggrieved.。

“Then I’ll ask you to call back. ”

Ye Chen said, turned around and deliberately raised his buttocks.

This move directly made Dilraba laugh out loud, followed by a slap to Ye Chen’s buttocks。

“Huh, let you bully me. ”

After the beating, Dilraba took a few steps back proudly.。

“She is making trouble, he is laughing, this is too sweet, I feel sour。”

“What other noodles should I make? Dog food is enough for me, right?。”

“Hey, hey, hey, you two, please pay attention to the influence. There are many singles in the live broadcast room.。”

“Why should you pay attention? This is what romance should be like. How sweet.。”

“Just keep going, I want to watch more. ”

Ye Chen started to boil the water in the pot.

After the water boiled, the dough had already woken up.

Then he took the noodle knife and started to peel it.

Ye Chen was more than a meter away from the pot.

With the noodle knife in his hand , I scratched the dough again and again, and each noodle flew into the pot accurately. 0…….

Dilraba on the side was stunned。

“Ye Chen, can you still do this?”

“I’ve learned a little bit before, isn’t this coming in handy? ”

Ye Chen said。

“How about this, you open a restaurant, you become the chef and I become the waiter? ”

Dilraba said。

“Who will be the boss lady? ”

Ye Chen said jokingly.

Dilraba’s cheeks immediately turned red with embarrassment.

Although she had already had a relationship with Ye Chen,

for an artist, Dilraba still did not dare to disclose her relationship.

More importantly, , In fact, Dilireba knew that Ye Chen and Yang Mi had already had a relationship.

She now felt guilty towards Yang Mi.

But yesterday night, when facing Ye Chen, Dilireba really couldn’t help it. , then she would compromise obediently.

But at this moment, facing Ye Chen’s joke, Dilireba felt that she had become a third party.

But soon, as the first bowl of noodles came out of the pot, Dilireba interrupted Reba’s thoughts.

Ye Chen picked up the noodles, put them in a bowl, and then handed them to Dilraba。

“Add whatever seasoning you want.。”

“What seasonings are needed? “Dilraba looked puzzled.

She hasn’t eaten the noodles she prepared yet.。

“Forget it, I’ll adjust it for you. ”

Ye Chen had no choice but to take the bowl and start seasoning, salt, dark soy sauce, light soy sauce, mature vinegar, and a little bit of chili powder.

Put it in, stir it, and then pass it to Dilraba.

At this moment, Dilraba She feels like she is almost dying of happiness.

For such a man, what if she becomes a third party?

Asking herself, she has no regrets。

“It smells so good. What are you eating? ”

Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen also came down.

They went straight to the kitchen and saw Ye Chen making noodles. Bai Lu immediately took Ye Chen’s arm and begged.。

“Ye Chen, I also want a bowl of noodles, okay?”

“Okay, wait a minute, I’ll do it now. ”

Ye Chen smiled and continued to work.

When he first made the noodles, Ye Chen prepared enough for five people.

So naturally he would not refuse Bai Lu and Zhang Bichen’s request.

Soon, two bowls were served. After the noodles were cooked, Ye Chen handed them to the two of them and asked them to season them themselves.。

“Thanks. ”

After Zhang Bichen said her thanks with a blushing face, she took the prepared noodles to the table to eat noodles.

Ye Chen came to the third floor and knocked on the door. Yang Mi also got up and was about to come down with crutches. .

Seeing Ye Chen coming, it saves trouble. He was directly carried by Ye Chen, a princess, to the living room and sat down.。

“I’ll be fine if I just eat a little. “Yang Mi said.

Ye Chen nodded, and then started to cook the last two bowls of noodles.

After cooking, he helped Yang Mi mix the ingredients, then brought a bowl to Yang Mi, and sat down to eat In

the director’s room,

Yang Chaoyue swore wildly: “That’s too much. Why can Ye Chen know everything? ”

Ya Ya: “Indeed, although Ye Chen is not in tune at ordinary times, these life skills are still very valuable in love.

Guo Qilin: “I feel hungry. In fact, I like to eat noodles the most. ” He

Jiong: “Da Linzi, it’s not just you. Didn’t you see that I was swallowing my saliva?” ”

2.4 I’m eating the same noodles, hahahaha。”

“I feel like the buns in my hand lose their aroma instantly.。”

“For me, who doesn’t like noodles, seeing how delicious they taste makes me want to take a bite.。”

“It’s over, I feel like the price of noodles is going to go up.。”

“It doesn’t matter if the price goes up. The price of flour won’t go up. You can make the flour yourself. ”

And at this moment.

On the other side, Liu Yifei was filming the scene。

“Card. “As the director shouted to stop,

Liu Yifei couldn’t help but frowned.

When she was opposite Ye Chen yesterday, Liu Yifei quickly got into the role under the leadership of Ye Chen.

But she didn’t expect that the filming started early this morning until now. .

I have done it more than a dozen times.

Not only did I fail to get into the state, but even Han Guangqing, the male lead opposite me, couldn’t get into the state.

Thinking of how Ye Chen just used a look in such a short period of time yesterday. It can express five emotions.

But at this moment, Han Guangqing, who is opposite him, is like a fool. Apart from being dumbfounded, there is no other expression change. In

this way, how can Liu Yifei get involved in the play?。

“No, director, it’s too difficult for me to get this shot. ”

Han Guangqing said with some boredom.

One scene was shot more than a dozen times but it still didn’t pass.

He didn’t think it was because of his poor acting skills. He

simply thought the director’s request was too unreasonable.。

“Teacher Han, why don’t you do it again? I felt that the scene just now was not quite right. ”

The director was also very angry. However, the other party was a big star, so he could only suppress his anger and persuade him.

Friendly reminder: Regarding the pretentious and slap-in-the-face plot between Chapter 97 and Chapter 98, the author has received feedback. In the future, this This kind of plot will disappear and I won’t write it anymore. If the bosses don’t like to read this kind of part, you can skip to Chapter 98 and read it after a thousand words. The sweet daily life with the fairy sister, thank you all for your support

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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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