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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 097

Under the director’s gentle words, Han Guangqing agreed to do it again.

But when he turned around and looked at Liu Yifei, he couldn’t help but said: “You can’t pass it after filming so many times. Do you really think you are so famous that you have to use a stunt double for a kiss scene?” Han Guangqing had

already Not happy.

Although Liu Yifei is well-known, as the actor Han Guangqing, his status in the entertainment industry is still much higher than that of Han Guangqing.

The biggest reason he took on this drama was because he wanted the female lead to be Liu Yifei.

Hearing that there was a kiss scene, Han Guangqing was even happier.

Let me ask you, if word spreads about being able to film a kissing scene with the goddess sister Liu Yifei, how many people will be envious.

It wasn’t until he entered the crew that Han Guangqing realized that Liu Yifei had a stand-in for all her kissing scenes.

Han Guangqing’s wishful thinking came to nothing.

Naturally, I feel dissatisfied.

At this moment, I had not taken more than a dozen pictures in a row, and I felt even more resentful.

Just put all the responsibility directly on Liu Yifei.

After all, he is an actor and will not take the blame.

Liu Yifei was so angry.

Although she was not in the state, Han Guangqing was not in the state either.

She didn’t blame him yet, but he blamed himself first.

At this moment, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but see Ye Chen’s figure in her mind.

If Ye Chen were to film this scene, maybe he could pass it in one go.

Thinking of this, Liu Yifei said: “Director, why don’t we find a substitute for him?”。”

“What? substitute? “Han Guangqing looked at Liu Yifei with wide eyes as if he had heard a big joke.。

“You figure it out, who am I, Han Guangqing, the best actor? I can’t act in scenes. Do you think a substitute is useful? ”

As soon as Han Guangqing said these words, the director also felt the same way.


In the crew.

If a stand-in is used, it is usually a physical stand-in, or a naked stand-in, or a kiss stand-in like Liu Yifei.

But for a scene like this, it’s Emotional scenes are scenes in which emotions are expressed with eyes.

This is a great test of acting skills.

It is almost impossible to complete this scene with a stand-in。

“Just because you can’t do it, doesn’t mean others can’t do it. ”

Liu Yifei said coldly.

Without Ye Chen by her side, she once again regained her cold personality.

If Han Guangqing hadn’t put the blame on her just now, she wouldn’t even bother to say a word to him outside of filming.。

“Oh, since you are so confident, why not let us take a gamble. ”

Han Guangqing’s eyes flashed with a hint of viciousness.。

“What to bet on? “Liu Yifei looked at the other party coldly, with a trace of disgust flashing in her eyes.。

“If you can find a substitute to star in this scene and perform better than me, then I will kneel down and call you “Master”。”

“If it doesn’t work, you have to reshoot all the kissing scenes in this movie. ”

When Han Guangqing said this, not to mention how proud he was.

This was the effect he wanted.

To anger Liu Yifei, and then make a bet with himself.

Then, he could kiss her in the name of filming.


It’s not just once, this scene seems to have happened many times.

Although this is the last scene.

But if the previous scenes are re-filmed, we can probably kiss for a whole day.。

“OK, I’ll bet you. ”

As soon as Liu Yifei said these words, the surrounding staff were in an uproar.

Many people thought Liu Yifei was crazy.

No, she probably regretted kissing her instead.

After all, Han Guangqing is handsome and is an actor. The reason why Liu Yifei agreed This bet is actually just borrowing money, isn’t it?

After all, no one would think that Liu Yifei can really find a substitute to complete this play.

There is no line.

Just a look, all the emotions have to be expressed.

And he has to act. Even better than Han Guangqing.

If there is such a person, he can only be regarded as an experienced actor, and he definitely cannot be a stunt double.

The director originally wanted to persuade him, but seeing that Liu Yifei had already agreed, he could only sigh immediately.

He greeted everyone to finish filming the remaining scenes first. In

the love room,

Ye Chen was the only one in the living room.

He was lying on the sofa watching TV.

Suddenly his phone rang. When he took it out, he saw that it was a message from Liu Yifei.。

“Ye Chen, can you come and help me? /Cry loudly. ”

Ye Chen frowned, not knowing what happened, and immediately replied with a message。

“Send me your location. ”

Ye Chen’s directness made Liu Yifei startled, and then her heart warmed up. She

didn’t need any reason, just a message to send her location. This simple message gave Liu Yifei a sense of security.

Immediately afterwards, Ye Chen received the location from Liu Yifei.

When he turned on the navigation, he saw that it was not very far away, only about a hundred kilometers.

It would be very fast if he drove a sports car, and he would arrive in two hours.

But Ye Chen would not Driving.

It’s obviously not appropriate to ask Dilraba to drive. After all, he doesn’t know what happened to Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei’s crying expression is completely inconsistent with her aloof persona, so it’s better not to fall in love with this matter It would be better for the people in the house to know.

Soon, Ye Chen remembered a mountain bike in the backyard. He

immediately ran to the backyard and moved the mountain bike out。

“Dude, you better get in the car because I’m going on a long trip. ”

Before riding the bike, Ye Chen also said something to the photographer.

The photographer was so grateful.

He was not afraid of Ye Chen traveling far away, but was afraid that Ye Chen would go up mountains and down rivers.

If that really happened, he would follow Ye Chen He can run and break his legs behind him.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “What is Ye Chen planning to do?” After traveling far away, can you go to heaven? ”

Guo Qilin: “When I looked at Ye Chen’s cell phone just now, it seemed like it was a call from Yifei.

Yaya: “I saw it too, and the note seems to be Xiao Feifei. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Hahaha, Xiao Feifei, Ye Laoliu, do you dare to be more intimate in your remarks?” ”

Ye Chen got on the mountain bike and set off.

The road in the village was a little better, and the speed was not very fast.

However, after leaving the village and reaching the asphalt road, Ye Chen was like a wild horse running wild, and his speed was astonishingly fast.

Even the photographer behind him was shocked.

Ye Chen’s bicycle is so handsome, right?。

“Damn it, Ye Laoliu’s bicycle can bend.。”

“This speed is probably over forty yards, right?”

“Forty yards? Calculating based on the speed of the car that passed just now, it’s at least sixty yards.。”

“Oh my god, when the bike reaches sixty yards, is Ye Laoliu going to fly?”

“It’s not that I’m riding too fast, it’s that I’m flying too low. ”

The audience in the live broadcast room were shocked by the speed of Ye Chen’s bicycle ride.

At this moment, everyone was more curious about where Ye Chen wanted to go while riding his bicycle.

After all, he had passed through the town and the county seat.

Ye Chen He still had no intention of stopping.

Moreover, after more than an hour of driving along the way, Ye Chen didn’t even take a break.

Two hours later,

He Jiong couldn’t help but sigh: “It’s good to be young. Guo

Qilin also looked envious: “Yes, I have been riding for more than two hours. Isn’t Ye Chen tired?”

Yaya: “What I’m more curious about now is where Ye Chen is riding his bike? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “He can’t ride to the city, right? ” ”

At this moment.

On the filming set.

All the scenes that can be filmed have been filmed.

Now there is only one last scene left.

That is the scene where Liu Yifei made a bet with Han Guangqing.

Han Guangqing glanced at Liu Yifei sitting on the pony and said with a sneer. : “Where is the substitute you found? Isn’t it because you don’t dare to come?”

“He will come. “Liu Yifei didn’t even raise her head. Now s

“will come? It’s been more than four hours. Is it possible that our entire crew is made to wait for a stand-in? ”

Han Guangqing found it funny.

As an actor, he usually has others waiting for him. When has he ever waited for other actors, let alone just a stand-in?。

“Director, our time cannot be wasted like this. “When Han Guangqing saw Liu Yifei ignoring him, he could only put pressure on the director.。

“Yifei, how long will your friend last? “The director came over humbly and asked。

“Don’t worry, director, he’ll be here soon. ”

Although Liu Yifei appears calm and relaxed on the surface, she has long been extremely anxious in her heart. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The

manager Zhang Li on the side was also sweating profusely, not from heat, but from She felt weak and lacked confidence.

She knew very well that if she really angered Han Guangqing, it would be difficult for Liu Yifei to walk in this industry in the future.

More importantly, Zhang Li had no idea how good Ye Chen’s acting skills were. Damn it.

Zhang Li didn’t see the scenes of Ye Chen and Liu Yifei’s scene in the love room yesterday because she took her antihypertensive medicine and went to rest, so she wasn’t present at all.。

“Let’s do this. I’ll give you another ten minutes. If the trash you’re looking for doesn’t arrive in ten minutes, don’t blame me for being rude.���。”

Han Guangqing said coldly.

He has even thought about how to place his hands if he shoots a kissing scene with Liu Yifei.

However, at this moment, an angry shout reminded me of。

“Who do you think is a waste? ”

Everyone turned around and saw a wind-like man rushing towards him on a bicycle.

The bicycles were already in front of them, and without slowing down, they rushed towards Han Guangqing.

Han Guangqing was yelled at by Ye Chen. I was frightened. At

this moment, I saw that the opponent was riding a bicycle very fast without stopping, so I immediately stepped back to avoid it. In a

panic, I accidentally fell to the ground. Seeing that I couldn’t escape, I could only yell at him. Shouting for help, he raised his hands to resist.

His embarrassment was evident.

At this time, Ye Chen also squeezed the brakes, the front wheel was firmly fixed, and the rear wheel was lifted high due to inertia.

Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen’s handsome The figure felt warm in his heart, and he quickly stepped forward and threw himself into Ye Chen’s arms.

The people around him were stunned, looking at Ye Chen up and down with their eyes.。

“Who is this person?”

“I don’t know, but I feel so handsome, even more handsome than the actor Han Guangqing。”

“Oh my God, did you see that the cold goddess actually hugged him?。”

“Isn’t he Liu Yifei’s boyfriend?”

“I haven’t heard that Liu Yifei has a boyfriend?”

“No matter, this guy is so handsome, take a photo first, he’s so sweet. ”

At this moment, the photographer who was following Ye Chen also arrived. They stopped the car and walked towards this side.

Because at this moment everyone’s eyes were attracted by Liu Yifei’s hug.

But no one noticed the little photographer who was mixed in. Brother.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Did you come so far to spread dog food? ”

Guo Qilin: “Really, it’s too much. I strongly condemn Ye Chen’s behavior. It’s like dog food, hahahaha.

Yaya: “I think after this incident, Ye Chen might consider getting a driver’s license. ” Yang

Chaoyue looked like a little girl: “I think Ye Chen looks so handsome when he rides a bicycle.” ”

At this moment, Han Guangqing, who felt that he was insulted, stood up in shock, stared at Ye Chen and roared。

“Where did this brat come from? He has no manners at all. Does he know how to ride a bicycle? ”

Ye Chen patted Liu Yifei on the shoulder and turned to look at Han Guangqing.

A hint of coldness flashed in his eyes.

Just now Liu Yifei had told Ye Chen the whole story.

In other words, Han Qing had made Liu Yifei suffer. The culprit was.

Ye Chen naturally didn’t need to be polite.

He immediately said: “Where did the wild dog come from that barked here? Is it because I braked too well just now and didn’t kill you?””


Han Guangqing pointed at Ye Chen and didn’t say a word for a long time.

He didn’t expect that Ye Chen would not take him as the best actor into consideration.

And what he said was so rude.

For Han Guangqing, just being a movie star is enough to make him proud.

In the entertainment industry, when facing celebrities and artists, they basically walk sideways.

Where have I heard such insulting words before?

I almost lost my breath at this moment。

“What are you, tongue-tied? You’re a movie star, can you pronounce your lines? Did the actor pick it up? ”

Ye Chen’s mouth was like a machine gun, leaving Han Guangqing speechless.

He wanted to refute, but couldn’t find a chance to speak.

At this moment, the audience in the live broadcast room was confused.。

“If I read it correctly, that person is the actor Han Guangqing, right?”

“It is indeed Han Guangqing, I call 710, the actor was actually speechless by Ye Laoliu?”

“That’s the movie king. Ye Laoliu, can you please take it easy?。”

“Damn it, although Han Guangqing is the best actor, his character is very poor. This guy is also very lecherous, so you know。”

“I heard that Han Guangqing relied on his status in the entertainment industry to deceive many girls. Such a scumbag was finally punished.。”

“I support Ye Laoliu this time。”

“It relieves one’s anger, it relieves one’s anger so much, it’s such a good fight. ”

On the set, Liu Yifei didn’t want to make things worse.

She immediately pulled Ye Chen’s arm.

Then Ye Chen said。

“Okay, stop talking nonsense. I’ve heard about your bet with Feifei. Why don’t you increase the bet?。”

“How do you want to bet? ”

When Han Guangqing said this, his eyes were red and almost bursting with fire.

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Well, I will only shoot this scene once. If you don’t pass it, you can make a request. , no matter what you ask me to do, I promise you, and I promise to complete it。”

“If it’s passed, then kneel down and apologize to Feifei。”

“Okay, if you lose, I want you to kneel down and lick my shoes clean. ”

When Han Guangqing said this, he gritted his teeth and almost came out word by word.

You can see how angry he was at this moment.

I don’t know when he started to dare to provoke himself like this.

After hearing the bet between the two, many staff members were actually worried for Ye Chen.

Although it was their first time seeing Ye Chen,

they were more willing for Ye Chen to win than Han Guangqing.

After all, Han Guangqing He has no character for a long time.

Even if he is a big name, he relies on his status as an actor to often fight with the staff on the set.

Due to Han Guangqing’s status, everyone does not dare to resist and can only endure it silently.

So just now Ye Chen’s angry remarks actually won a lot of hearts.

But support is support, and people still don’t have much hope for Ye Chen as a substitute.

After all, such scenes are a great test of acting skills.

As for a young person like Ye Chen , Fresh meat, how can there be any acting skills?。

“Okay, everyone, get ready. ”

As the director gave the order, everyone began to get into intense preparations.

PS: I stayed up late to update a chapter.

In fact, this chapter was very complicated to write because the author was worried that writing about things in the village would make everyone feel uncomfortable. I was tired and tired.

So I added some scenes outside the village, and in this way, I can naturally accept the fairy sister.

But I was afraid that people wouldn’t like this type of plot. But

in the end I wrote it, everyone can Leave a message in the comment area. If you like it, the author will add more plots of this type in the future.

If you don’t like it, don’t write it. After all, the author is the most persuasive person on the Internet.

I will definitely write it according to the preferences of everyone. .Thank

you all for your support.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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