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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 101

As the camera focused on the editing knife and wood in Ye Chen’s hand.

Several people in the director’s room were stunned.

He Jiong: “Have you noticed that Ye Chen’s techniques seem to be very professional?”

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, unlike Reba and Bichen, Ye Chen’s editing knife movements are very standard.”

Yaya: “It’s difficult. Could it be that Ye Chen really knows how to carve?”

Yang Chaoyue: “This Lao Liu’s skills are quite good. If he really knows how to carve, I can ask Lao Liu to give me one one day.。”

“Others are joking, Ye Chen, are you serious?”

“Ye Laoliu, your method is too professional and I can’t accept it.。”

“This is your fault, Ye Laoliu, you obviously came here to be funny, but now you are serious?”

“Okay, okay, okay, come on, right?”

“This is outrageous. ”

Dilraba Dilraba and Zhang Bichen were just pretending to have fun at first.

As Ye Chen started carving, both of them widened their eyes.

Looking at Ye Chen, a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes.

Then it turned into shock. .

That’s right.

As more and more wood chips fell, the wood in Ye Chen’s hand also had a rough outline.

Just as Zhang Bichen said, there were traces of an elephant.。

“Ye Chen, can you really carve? “Zhang Bichen’s eyes widened and she looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.

Although Dilireba did not speak, she also put down the editing knife in her hand and supported her chin with a pair of jade hands. Her

beautiful eyes stared straight at it. The editing knife in Ye Chen’s hand.

As time passed, the wooden block in Ye Chen’s hand could be seen at a glance to be in the shape of an elephant.

But Ye Chen had no intention of stopping.

He changed to a smaller editing knife. The knife seemed to be undergoing some fine processing.

Long nose, big ears, thick legs…

When Ye Chen placed the wood carving in his hand in front of Zhang Bichen,

Zhang Bichen had already covered his mouth and was speechless.

Director’s room .

Yaya: “Oh my God, this is so beautiful. I want it too.”。”“”847” Yang Chaoyue: “Hmph, this is too much. I also want a wood carving like this. I’m so jealous.”

He Jiong: “Keep it hidden, Ye Chen. ”

Guo Qilin: “Okay, this wave is so awesome. I didn’t expect Ye Chen to have such a level of sculpture. “。”

“Ridiculous, the carving is so beautiful, it’s not funny at all。”

“If I remember correctly, Ye Laoliu came to be funny at first, but his style of painting has changed.。”

“Bad reviews, bad reviews, Ye Laoliu actually became excellent。”

“Woohoo, I want an elephant like this too, I like it so much. ”

Zhang Bichen took the wood carving and couldn’t put it down.

Dilireba on the side pouted and said。

“What about mine?”

“what would you like? “Ye Chen looked at Dilraba with a smile.。

“Hum, I want a tiger. If you disobey me, I will let the tiger bite you. ”

Dilraba said pretending to be fierce.

She also opened her mouth and showed her white teeth to Ye Chen.。

“Wait. ”

Ye Chen smiled, and immediately took the wood that Di Lieba put on the ground and started carving.

After about half an hour, a lifelike tiger wood carving appeared.

Only then did Di Lieba take it and hold it in Played with it in hand。

“In fact, it would look better with color. “Ye Chen reminded。

“There are no colored pens here. Shall we go to the small shop to buy some? “Zhang Bichen said。

“OK, let’s go, give me your pocket money. “Dilraba stood up and was about to leave when she thought of something again, turned back to Ye Chen and stretched out her hand and said。

“All the pocket money has been deducted a long time ago. Where can I get the pocket money? “Ye Chen said。

“Come on Reba, I have pocket money. “Zhang Bichen pulled Di Lieba’s arm.

The two of them walked towards the small shop.

Ye Chen stood up and was about to walk in when he saw Yang Mi standing at the door of the living room staring at him.

Her face There was also a vague smile, which made Ye Chen’s heart tremble.。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen was startled and asked.。

“How about using this little trick to coax a little girl? “Yang Mi said in a low voice。

“What is a little trick? This is craftsmanship. “Ye Chen said。

“I also want. “Yang Mi suddenly changed the subject, with a hint of the shyness of a little woman, and the domineeringness of a royal sister. She

said in a tone that could not be refused.。

“what do you want? ”

Ye Chen glanced at Yang Mi. On the surface, he compromised, but he had already made up his mind. He

must make it impossible for Yang Mi to get out of bed tonight.

He will make it difficult for her to walk tomorrow. Let’s see if she still dares to be so arrogant.。

“Eagle, spread your wings and fly high. ”

Yang Mi hesitated for a moment, then slowly spoke.。

“There is a fee. “Ye Chen said jokingly。

“When you are done, you will be rewarded. “Yang Mi blinked at Ye Chen.

That charming look in her eyes made Ye Chen stunned, and he couldn’t help but tremble.

It must be Yang Mi, one look can capture people’s hearts.

No matter what Be it the lively and lovely Dilraba, or the aloof fairy sister, or the innocent and lovely Zhang Bichen, or the carefree Bai Lu.

Under the charming eyes of Yang Mi, it can be said that they are all defeated.。

“If I read it correctly, Damimi winked at Ye Laoliu just now, right?”

“That’s right, I saw it too, that look is so tempting。”

“This is outrageous. Is Damimi hinting at Ye Laoliu?”

“No, I can’t accept it. Damimi’s attitude towards Ye Laoliu is a bit strange.。”

“What will happen to these two people?”

“Wuwuwu, please don’t, Da Mimi is mine. ”

It’s not that simple to carve an eagle.

Especially an eagle that spreads its wings and flies high.

Ye Chen immediately started looking for it in the yard.

He soon found a tree stump more than one meter high.。

“It’s you. “Ye Chen smiled, and was about to move the tree stump to the door of the living room.

After sitting down, he roughly calculated the position, and then picked up the editor’s knife and started carving.

Di Lieba and Zhang Bichen came to the small village in the village. shop.

I bought two boxes of watercolor pens and walked back happily.

Soon, a seven or eight-year-old girl who came out of the field jumped and passed in front of the two of them.

Dilraba and Zhang Bichen looked at each other, and couldn’t help but start jumping up and down, imitating the little girl’s walking style.

While jumping and walking, both of them were amused by each other.

He Jiong: “They say happiness is contagious, it seems. It’s true.

Guo Qilin: “They are so cute. ”

Yaya: “I don’t know how many people would envy this kind of life. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “No matter how many people there are, I am one of them anyway. “。”

“Hahahaha, my Yueyue is also envious. Hurry up and apply to go to the love house.。”

“I strongly support Yang Chaoyue to also go to the love house, it’s so cute。”

“Reba and Bichen are so happy that they were infected by the little girl, right?。”

“It makes me laugh so hard, these two people, why are they so funny? ”

When Dilraba and Zhang Bichen jumped back to the love house.

With the hearty laughter, Ye Chen couldn’t help but look up.。

“What’s wrong? You got epilepsy after eating raw pork?”

“Humph, you are the one who is going crazy with epilepsy. “Dilraba glared at Ye Chen and then entered the living room.

Zhang Bichen didn’t speak, but when she saw Ye Chen, she couldn’t help but feel shy. She lowered her head and quickly entered the living room.

The two took out their watercolor pens and began to paint themselves Colored wood carvings.

An elephant and a tiger. Although they are only the size of a fist, every part is carefully carved, making people unable to put it down.。

“Wow, where did this wood carving come from? It’s so beautiful? ”

Liu Yifei was making fruit salad in the kitchen. She came over with a plate of fruit salad while eating.

When she saw the wood carving, she couldn’t help but marveled.。

“Hehe, Ye Chen carved this for me. “Dilraba said。

“Mine is the same, Ye Chen’s craftsmanship is really amazing. “Zhang Bichen said。

“Do you want some fruit salad? ”

Liu Yifei then walked to the door with the fruit salad.

Ye Chen was still busy carving at this moment. He

didn’t even raise his head until he saw Liu Yifei’s white dress.

Then he raised his head, What came face to face was Liu Yifei’s pretty face。

“Eat fruit salad? “Liu Yifei handed the fruit plate to Ye Chen。

“How do I eat it? “Ye Chen stretched out his hand, both hands were pitch black.

Liu Yifei smiled, poked a piece of apple with the toothpick she had eaten and put it to Ye Chen’s mouth. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network !)

Just like feeding a child, he said: “Come on, open your mouth, ah…”

Ye Chen opened his mouth and bit off the apple fiercely.

Liu Yifei said with a smile on her face: “I have something to tell you.”

When Ye Chen heard this, he immediately wanted to spit out the apple in his mouth.

However, Liu Yifei seemed to have expected it.

Stretching out that slender hand, he covered Ye Chen’s mouth。

“No, eat it quickly and don’t spit it out. ”

Liu Yifei’s coquettish tone was like a little girl asking for a gift.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Oh, this is too sweet. ”

YaYa: “Yifei’s routine is a bit deep. ”

Guo Qilin: “I can’t help it, I’m so soft-spoken, hahahaha. Yang

Chaoyue: “Yes, it’s true. It’s too sweet.”。”

“This is what love drama should be like。”

“No, I, a man in his forties, was very happy when I saw this scene.。”

“Get more pictures like this, I’d love to see them。”

“The most promising ones are Ye Laoliu and the fairy sister. They are so sweet. It would be unreasonable if there is no official announcement.。”

“It must be officially announced that these two people will not be able to get off the stage unless they get married. ”

Under Liu Yifei’s strong request, Ye Chen couldn’t even spit out the mouthful of salad. He

could only chew it and swallow it.

And he stuck out his tongue without leaving any trace.

Liu Yifei took back his hand as if he was struck by lightning and looked at it with resentment. He glanced at Ye Chen.

That look was obviously saying, this is still live broadcast, are you going crazy?

“Tell me, what are your requirements? “Ye Chen chuckled and asked jokingly。

“I also want a wood carving, but I won’t tell you what I want. You can think of it yourself. ”

When Liu Yifei said this, she seemed a little arrogant.。

“Don’t worry, I’ll give it to you tomorrow. “Ye Chen made an OK gesture with a confident look, which made Liu Yifei startled……..

In fact, even Liu Yifei herself didn’t think about what she wanted.

Could Ye Chen really carve the wood sculpture he wanted?

If you can’t figure it out, then don’t think about it.

Liu Yifei continued to eat fruit salad.

But the more important thing is to feed salad into Marven’s mouth.

Ye Chen ate three-quarters of a large plate of salad.。

“Stop feeding me, I can’t eat anymore. ”

When Ye Chen was talking, there was still the pear he had just stuffed in his mouth.

Liu Yifei just stuffed it without caring whether Ye Chen had finished eating or not.

Seeing Ye Chen’s mouth bulging out, she couldn’t help but squirm. laughed out loud。

“No, I’m going to wash it. “When Liu Yifei saw this, she stood up and walked in with the plate.

Ye Chen hadn’t finished the carving yet.

Lunch was already done, so he immediately put down what he was doing and went into the living room.

Yang Mi, Liu Yifei and Dilmurat Dilraba , Zhang Bichen and four other people have already put away the dishes and chopsticks.。

“Where is Bai Lu? “Ye Chen was confused.

Ever since he came back from eating tofu pudding, Bai Lu had not been seen, which made Ye Chen confused.。

“Bai Lu feels a little uncomfortable and is sleeping in this room. “Zhang Bichen said。

“I feel uncomfortable. Where do I feel uncomfortable? “Ye Chen was startled.。

“Leave it alone. “Dilraba played with the tiger wood carving in her hand and couldn’t help rolling her eyes.。

“Why shouldn’t you care? I’m just asking out of curiosity. “Ye Chen looked innocent.。

“How about I go take a look? “Ye Chen said and walked upstairs.

He came to Bai Lu’s room on the second floor and knocked on the door.。

“Come in. “Bai Lu’s slightly weak voice came from inside.

Ye Chen pushed the door open and walked in. Bai Lu was lying on the bed, covering his stomach with one hand and holding a mobile phone in the other.

Seeing Ye Chen come in, he was obviously a little surprised: ” How did you come?”

“The meal is ready. I heard that you were not feeling well, so I came up to take a look. “Ye Chen said.

Because the door is open, the photographer can also take pictures at the door.。

“I’m here, my aunt has a stomachache. ”

Bai Lu speaks directly.

There is no subtlety at all.

Just now, Dilraba and the others knew how to be tactful.

But Bai Lu didn’t care at all.。

“Bai Lu, do you want to be so direct?。”

“Hahaha, Ye Chen, you shouldn’t have come up to ask, okay?。”

“I told you not to ask, but if you insist on asking, my aunt is here, why don’t you continue to ask?”

“Ye Chen, are you going to laugh me to death? Reba has told you everything, don’t ask what you shouldn’t ask. ”

Ye Chen also has a black streak.

No wonder Dilraba told herself not to meddle in her own business just now.

Now it seems that she is indeed meddling in her own business.。

“If you want to eat, I’ll bring it to you. “Ye Chen asked。

“No, let’s talk about it later in the evening. “Bai Lu said。

“Then have a good rest. “After Ye Chen finished speaking, he exited the room.

When he came to the living room, the four girls looked at each other.

All of them had smiles on their faces.。

“How about it? Did you ask clearly? “Dilraba laughed the most happily, and she also didn’t forget to hit Ye Chen.。

“Be careful I take care of you. “Ye Chen glared at Dilraba.

Dilraba’s pretty face turned red when she thought of what happened two days ago, but she was not to be outdone.。

“Hum, I’m not afraid of you, you just know how to bully me. “After that, he sat down and started eating. 2.9 Zhang Bichen had already served Ye Chen’s rice. Ye

Chen said thank you, and then he sat down and started eating.

I just felt that I didn’t have much appetite for eating.

Zhang Bichen’s cooking skills are good.

But Eating such a light meal every day, after a long time, my mouth will become like a bird, how can I bear it?

Ye Chen is used to the aroma of stir-frying, so naturally he doesn’t have much interest in steaming and boiling.

I just ate a bowl of rice and stopped eating.

I went to the yard and continued to carve the unfinished eagle.

After ten minutes, the remaining finishing work was finally completed.

The bottom of the wooden pier is the branch where the eagle’s feet stand. .

Above is an eagle flying high.

From the strong talons, to the majestic body, to the sharp eyes.

Every part is lifelike. Several

girls came out after eating and couldn’t bear to see this scene. Zhu exclaimed。

“What a domineering eagle, Ye Chen, have you ever learned carving before? “Liu Yifei exclaimed。

“Yes, it’s really domineering. If it’s a lustful thing, it will definitely be the same as the real thing. “Yang Mi is still very satisfied with this kind of work.。

“Why are mine so small and Sister Mi’s so big? “Dilraba looked at the tiger in her hand and pouted her mouth dissatisfied.

Zhang Bichen didn’t say anything.

She was already very satisfied with the elephant carved by Ye Chen.

How could she dare to ask for more?。

“I have been learning for a while, but I haven’t sculpted for a long time. As for the subsequent coloring, you can handle it yourself. ”

Ye Chen clapped his hands and said。

“Ye Chen, I want a bigger one. “Dilraba opened her hand and stopped in front of Ye Chen with a coquettish tone.。

“If you are not satisfied with one of them, I will do it for you when I have time. ”

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and scratched Dilraba’s nose.

Dilraba then retracted her hand unwillingly.

Liu Yifei on the side looked at Ye Chen’s back with a flash of expectation in her eyes.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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