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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 102

I don’t know what’s going on today, the sun is more fierce than usual.

At noon, with the air conditioner turned on, everyone can feel the heat wave coming.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi went back to their room to take a nap.

Dilraba is sitting on the sofa watching TV.

Zhang Bichen was sitting next to the trash can at the door of the living room.

Holding the editor’s knife, he carefully carved the wood in his hand.

Zhang Bichen was originally interested in carving, especially after seeing the animals carved by Ye Chen, his interest became even stronger.

She also wanted to carve a small animal and give it to Ye Chen.

Seeing this, Ye Chen also found a slightly larger piece of wood, moved a small stool, and sat across from Zhang Bichen to start carving.。

“Did you carve this for Feifei? “Zhang Bichen asked。


“What to engrave?”

“I’m still thinking about it, and I don’t know what Yifei likes. “Ye Chen sighed.

A woman’s heart is like a needle in the sea.

I don’t know what Liu Yifei likes.

Zhang Bichen couldn’t do anything about it.

But soon, Ye Chen had a direction and immediately started carving with a editor’s knife.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “What kind of animal do you think Ye Chen can carve out?

Yaya: “Yifei likes cats. If you carve a cat, Yifei will definitely be very happy. ”

Guo Qilin: “It seems like Ye Chen doesn’t know. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I think Ye Chen can carve a tree. “。”

“You are so fucking carving a tree, Yueyue, what kind of brain circuit do you have?。”

“Hahahaha, Yueyue, can you be more serious? This is a love story.。”

“It’s strange, shouldn’t this sentence “Home is Love” be said to Ye Laoliu?。”

“That is, Ye Laoliu won’t leave? ”

Zhang Bichen couldn’t help Ye Chen, so she could only lower her head and concentrate on carving.

Originally, she wanted to carve a cheetah for Ye Chen.

But as she continued carving, she felt that it was a bit small and something was wrong, so she planned to carve a wolf.

But after she finished carving , When she was looking at the wolf to carve,

she felt that she was making mistakes again and again. She thought of the rat in the Chinese zodiac, so she decided to carve a rat for Ye Chen. Rats

are also very smart. Thinking of this, Zhang Bichen was still very satisfied.

More than half After an hour, he handed his results to Ye Chen。

“Look, Ye Chen, does it look good?”

“Well, it looks good. This duck neck seems to have some shape. “Ye Chen nodded.

Zhang Bichen blushed. He

quickly lowered his head.

His toes were digging into the ground in embarrassment.

What a duck neck? He clearly carved a mouse, okay?。

“I’m not good at carving, how about you teach me? “This is the difference between Zhang Bichen and Dilraba.

If it were Dilraba, she would have grabbed Ye Chen’s collar with a wooden sculpture and warned: “This is a mouse, not a duck neck.。”

“In fact, the way you hold the knife is wrong, you see, it should be like this. ”

Ye Chen put down the wood carving in his hand, walked over, and grabbed Zhang Bichen’s hand holding the editing knife from behind.

Zhang Bichen couldn’t help shaking.

She didn’t expect that Ye Chen taught her to hold the knife just like her mother taught him to hold a pen when he was a child. The same.

The movements were so intimate, and they all came from behind.

Especially at this moment, Zhang Bichen could clearly feel Ye Chen’s chest leaning against her back.

When she spoke, the hot breath blew on her neck.

That strange emotion made Zhang Bichen blush with embarrassment。

“If you are carving a small piece of wood like this, you need to know which side you are carving on when carving, so when you pick it up, you have to pick up the other sides, otherwise you will be easily injured. ”

Ye Chen said, and grabbed Zhang Bichen’s hand holding the wood.

Together, the two hands began to teach the carving. Take a

picture from the photographer’s point of view.

That is Ye Chen bending over and standing behind Zhang Bichen, gently Holding Zhang Bichen gently.

This action, not to mention how intimate it is。

“Wow, so sweet。”

“This is what a love drama should look like, okay?。”

“Ye Chen, please let go of my Bichen。”

“Don’t let go, hold on tight, I love watching。”

“Hahaha, such a famous scene。”

“I would like to ask weakly, if I am going to learn sculpture now, is there any girl who would let me hold her like this while teaching?”

“After studying wood carving for eight years, I am now missing a girl. ”

Zhang Bichen’s face was so red that it was bleeding.

She felt that her mind was blank.

As for what Ye Chen said, she couldn’t hear clearly. She just kept thinking that Ye Chen was holding her like this, and she really felt so happy. Ah.

What’s more important is that Zhang Bichen knows very well that her good sister Dilraba must like Ye Chen.

And she is sitting on the sofa watching TV. At this time, as long as she turns around, she will definitely find her intimate interaction with Ye Chen.

This This feeling


a bit exciting.

At this moment, Zhang Bichen even thought about the names of her children and where they would go to school.

But this happiness did not last long.

Ye Chen taught Zhang Bichen how to hold the knife and relaxed. Get started.

After all, wood carving is a craft that cannot be taught step by step.

It takes a long time of practice and continuous proficiency to carve good works.。

“Wood carving requires patience. Only by constantly trying can you carve good works. Then you can learn slowly by yourself. ”

Ye Chen said。

“Okay, thank you. “Zhang Bichen didn’t dare to look up at Ye Chen’s handsome face,

because she was afraid that she wouldn’t be able to control herself after just one glance. It was just too handsome.

However, as Ye Chen sat back down, he carved the When he picked up the wooden sculpture,

Zhang Bichen’s eyes widened instantly.。

“What a beauty. ”

Yes, the wood carving in Ye Chen’s hand is the shape of a woman.

Although it has not been colored yet,

you can still see it. The long hair is fluttering and the long skirt is flying up.

The photographer stepped forward and took a close-up of the wood carving.

Director He

Jiong’s eyes widened: “Is this carved according to Yifei’s pattern?

Guo Qilin: “It seems so beautiful, and it feels so romantic. ”

Yaya: “Really, at this moment, I feel sour. I really envy Yifei. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I used to think that Lao Liu was a straight man, but now it seems that I was wrong. “。”

“Ye Laoliu, you are serious, you are so good at flirting, right?。”

“This is too much. It was just a joke, but now you start flirting with girls?”

“I have a weak question, how many years does it take for Ye Laoliu to learn this skill?”

“It is estimated that it would be impossible within 5,678 years. ”

Zhang Bichen was really sour.

Looking at the wood carving in Ye Chen’s hand, it was obviously carved after Liu Yifei.

And it was so beautiful.

Is this the unique romance of Ye Chen?

“Okay, you learn slowly. “Ye Chen just smiled and didn’t say anything else.

He stood up immediately, washed his hands, and rinsed the wood carving. He

originally wanted to go upstairs to Liu Yifei.

Unexpectedly, Liu Yifei actually came down.

Looking at Ye Chen Chen also likes the wood carving in his hand very much.。

“Do you want to color it? “Ye Chen asked, holding the watercolor pen on the table.。

“Just use this? “Liu Yifei pouted, this watercolor pen only costs a few yuan, and the quality is definitely not very good.。

“Yes, isn’t that all there is to it? “Ye Chen said。

“Okay, then I’ll go with you. “Liu Yifei came over, sat at the dining table with Ye Chen, and started coloring with a watercolor pen.。

“Let’s start with the blue hair. “Ye Chen said。

“Do you think I’m the Blue Enchantress? “Liu Yifei was speechless.。

“Black is too earthy. “Ye Chen said。

“Let’s go for pink. I’ve always wanted to try pink hair.。”

“Okay, let’s go for pink. As for this dress, w

“green? What color is that? I haven’t worn it yet, okay? “Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen in astonishment.

She now seriously doubted whether this guy could match the colors.

The fan’s hair, green clothes, and this outfit are not too outrageous.。

“It’s just because I haven’t worn it before that I decided to try it. “Ye Chen said it righteously.

Liu Yifei could only compromise. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) The

two of them were sitting together, joking with each other, which can make the audience in the live broadcast room stunned. Envy is bad.

One of them is hooked.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “It’s starting again, hahaha, I know that as long as Ye Chen and Yifei are together, they will sprinkle sugar.

Guo Qilin: “This is too much. ”

Yaya: “I think the candies of these two people are very sweet. You can have more. I like them. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “I now seriously suspect that I am going to have diabetes.”。”

“Yueyue, do you want to listen to what you are saying about tigers and wolves?。”

“Hahaha, diabetes, Yueyue, are you serious?”

“Yueyue, you are sour, I feel like you are jealous. ”

Actually, Zhang Bichen, who was carving, could hear it clearly.

She really envied Liu Yifei.

She could be as unscrupulous as Ye Chen���Joking.

Even as a guest, Zhang Bichen felt sweeter than ever before.

It would be great if I were like Liu Yifei.

Dilraba, who was watching TV, apparently heard something and immediately turned up the volume.

Obviously I don’t want to eat dog food like this anymore.

After the wood carving was lustrous, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but have a black line.

She shouldn’t believe in Ye Chen’s aesthetics.

Good wood carving, the painting looks like a non-mainstream。

“It’s okay, you can wash it. “Ye Chen said.

There is another advantage of poor quality watercolor pens, that is, they can be rinsed off quickly.。

“No, I want this. “Liu Yifei said, holding the wood carving in her hand.

As if she had found a treasure, she ran back to the room and carefully put it away.

Seeing Liu Yifei gone, Zhang Bichen breathed a sigh of relief.

After all, the bowl of dog food just now was really It feels so good.

Suddenly something came to mind and Zhang Bichen said。

“By the way, Ye Chen, we are out of food。”

“There’s no food left, so I’ll buy some food in the afternoon. “Ye Chen said, something suddenly occurred to him and he touched his pocket.

Then he remembered that he hadn’t collected the floor cages in the past few days. He had no income, only expenses. How could he support his living expenses?

After rummaging through all his pockets, he finally found that Only a dozen dollars left。

“Well, Bichen, do you still have money? “Ye Chen asked。

“I still have three hundred. “Zhang Bichen said。

“Then can you lend us your money first?”

“All right. “Zhang Bichen stood up and wanted to take out his pocket, but saw that his hands were full of sawdust. He originally wanted to wash his hands before taking out his pocket. But he didn’t expect

Ye Chen to be faster and said: “It’s okay, which pocket is it, I’ll take it out for you. alright. ”

Ye Chen was also afraid that Zhang Bichen would regret it, so he acted so positively.

Seeing this, Zhang Bichen raised a finger and pointed at the pocket behind her butt.

She was wearing tight jeans today. Her

buttocks were so round that Ye Chen When her hand reached in, Zhang Bichen almost jumped forward.

She couldn’t be blamed for this.

After all, this was the first time a man touched her butt. Although

it was through jeans.

But this person was Ye Chen.

A very handsome guy.

How could Zhang Bichen have such good concentration?。

“Ye Laoliu, stop it。”

“Let go of my Bichen, Ye Laoliu, haven’t you taken advantage of me enough?”

“This is outrageous. It won’t take long to wash your hands.。”

“That’s right, just wash your hands and you’ll be fine soon. Ye Laoliu, you’ve made it clear that you want to eat my Bichen’s tofu.。”

“Is the butt easy to touch? Is it easy to touch? I chopped off my hands for you。”

“Hahahaha, why are there so many sour radishes in this live broadcast room?”

“I’m laughing so hard. Is this a case of jealousy? ”

Ye Chen was already very careful.

He took out the money from Zhang Bichen’s pocket and walked away.

However, Zhang Bichen was a little unsatisfied.

There was a clear look of disappointment on his face.

She even wondered if she was not charming enough. Let Ye Chen take advantage?

Thinking of this, Zhang Bichen quickly shook his head and put aside these messy thoughts.

It felt funny again. How could he be disappointed if others didn’t eat his tofu?。

“Then when will you pay me back? “Zhang Bichen ignored her when she saw Ye Chen holding the money.

She was a little angry immediately and couldn’t help but ask 113。

“Don’t worry, I’ll return it to you soon. “Ye Chen said。

“Reba, stop watching TV and go make money. ”

Ye Chen shouted。

“I dont go. “Dilraba pouted, feeling very unhappy.

She just ate a big bag of dog food, how can she be in the mood to pick fruits?。

“If you don’t go, don’t have dinner tonight. “Ye Chen said pretending to be fierce.

Dilraba immediately stood up from the sofa.

She put her hands on her hips

and glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

Although she didn’t speak,

anyone could feel that Dilraba was at this moment. dissatisfaction。

“By the way, I have a way to make money. Do you want to go with me? ”

Ye Chen suddenly thought of something。

“any solution? “Zhang Bichen asked quickly.

Dilireba didn’t say anything, but still stared at Ye Chen.。

“You will know when you go. ”

Ye Chen ran back to his room, took out a picnic mat, and then took out the thirty sets of pants and vests he bought from the city two days ago.

These thirty sets of pants and vests haven’t been worn yet. It’s taken apart.

You can walk with the rope.

There are so many, in fact, Ye Chen can’t even wear them all.。

“what is this? “When Zhang Bichen saw Ye Chen coming out with a big bag, she couldn’t help but ask.

Di Lieba, who was angry just now, also came over.

Looking at such a big bag.

In fact, when Ye Chen came back, It ‘s never been taken out.

So neither of them knows what’s inside.。

“These are underpants. Each of you put on a pair, and we will set up a street stall together. “Ye Chen suggested.

When Di Lieba heard this, she immediately became interested.

She was very angry just now, but now she had forgotten all her worries. She

quickly took out a pair of pants and ran back to the room. .

Zhang Bichen was still a little hesitant.

After all, she was wearing tight jeans, and as a shy girl at heart.

It was a bit difficult for Zhang Bichen to wear pants, and men’s pants.

But after repeated hesitation, Zhang Bichen still compromised.

She didn’t want Ye Chen to feel that she didn’t fit in.

She also wanted to be like Dilraba Dilmurat, like Liu Yifei, and get along with Ye Chen. She had a lot of


Although she was coy, she still went back to the room with a pair of underpants.

But even though she was wearing For the panties, Dilireba still added a pair of black stockings, while Zhang Bichen wore flesh-colored stockings. They

are all very thin.

After all, these panties have not been washed, so they must not be very clean.

Don’t tell me, The pants are also worn by different people.

Marven is wearing pants, except for his handsome face, the rest can only be said to be down-to-earth.

And Dilraba is wearing blue patterned pants, paired with black stockings, but it is eye-catching. .

Let’s talk about it, it is indeed a thing, but when it comes to fashion, it can be considered very trendy.

This is not the point.

The point is that when Zhang Bichen came out, the flesh-colored stockings were paired with white panties.

Even Ye Chen couldn’t help but give a thumbs up: “Really, this outfit matches perfectly.。”。


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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