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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 106

“The rice planted by the program crew has matured, and you have to take time to harvest it. ”

As soon as the director said these words,

everyone was stunned.。

“How to harvest rice? “Yang Mi was the first to ask.

Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilraba and Zhang Bichen shook their heads, saying that they didn’t know.。

“I know how to harvest, using a harvester. Bai Lu raised her hand and said。

“There are no harvesters, just old-fashioned foot-operated threshing machines. “The director reminded。

“ah? What is a pedal threshing machine? “This time even Bai Lu was stunned.。

“It means harvesting rice manually, which requires someone to cut the rice, and someone to use a threshing machine to beat down the rice. ”

Ye Chen explained.

Thinking of the threshing machine, Ye Chen shivered.

It was simply his childhood nightmare.

For many children in rural areas, they should have harvested rice.

Just imagine, the heat In the summer, some dust from the rice fields fell on various places on the body.

Not to mention itching, it was also accompanied by tingling.

That feeling was sour just thinking about it.

After hearing Ye Chen’s explanation, everyone couldn’t bear it I shivered for a moment.

It makes me shudder just thinking about it.。

“It doesn’t matter, let’s try it, don’t we still have money? Yang

Mi clapped her hands and said。

“That’s right, give it a try, director, how do you harvest this rice? “Ye Chen asked。

“Fifty cents a pound. “The director said。

“so cheap? “Bai Lu was startled, and Di Lieba next to her also widened her eyes.

Obviously, Di Lieba also wanted to talk, but in this situation, she was not allowed to speak.。

“This is too cheap. Let’s increase it a bit. “Ye Chen started bargaining mode.。

“Yes, director, please raise it a bit, fifty cents is too cheap. “Bai Lu said。

“Let’s do it, seven cents. “The director said。

“Just one dollar, otherwise it’s not worth it. “Yang Mi said。

“No, just seven cents, no more. “The director was determined not to compromise.

Everyone looked at each other with “320”, and they could only agree immediately.。

“Reba, please don’t go and have a good rest at home. Bichen, don’t go either. You will cook for us when we come back in the evening. ”

Ye Chen began to allocate manpower.

Dilraba looked at Ye Chen and felt moved in her heart.。

“I can. “Zhang Bichen said weakly。

“It’s okay, Bi Chen, just listen to Ye Chen and prepare dinner for us. “Liu Yifei said.

Zhang Bichen didn’t insist anymore.

Because he was harvesting rice, Ye Chen had to wear long-sleeved clothes and sneakers.

Otherwise, some branches and leaves on the rice could easily scratch the skin.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi also had The three of Bai Lu were even more fully armed.

They applied sunscreen, wore long-sleeved clothes and pants, hats, masks and gloves. Then the four of them went out and walked towards the rice fields.。

“As expected of Director Yan, what he plays is real.。”

“To be honest, harvesting rice is a childhood nightmare. Every time after harvesting, my hands are covered with injuries that won’t heal for a few days.。”

“You’re so right. You can’t feel the leaves on the rice when you put them on your hands at first. But when you finish harvesting them, you’ll find scars all over your arms. It hurts like hell.。”

“Okay, okay, this is how you play, right? Director, you are ruthless enough.。”

“Obviously I was in a variety show, but now I’m working in the countryside. Director, you know variety shows, hahaha。”

“Director, please be kind, this is too outrageous. ”

Many fans in the live broadcast room began to feel sorry for the goddess.

After all, many people have experienced the pain of harvesting rice.

Everyone knows that this kind of thing is not something ordinary people can do.

Unfortunately, the fans’ roars have no effect at all.

When Ye Chen and the four of them came to the rice field,

the threshing machine was ready and was on the shore.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi had no clue at all.

With sickles in their hands, they stood on the shore and stared blankly.

Bai Lu Although I have seen it before, I have never done it.

So I tried it with a sickle and found it very difficult to cut rice.。

“In this way, Bai Lu, I’ll teach you to grab the rice with your left hand and harvest it with the sickle in your right hand. If you can’t catch too much, just put it aside for now. ”

Ye Chen immediately demonstrated.

The movements were so skillful that Bai Lu was dumbfounded.。

“Ye Chen, you are as good as my mother. My mother used to be like this when she was harvesting rice. ”

Bai Lu couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi also covered their mouths and chuckled when they saw this scene.

There was a different kind of emotion in their eyes when they looked at Ye Chen.

In the director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “Really, People are so infuriating when compared to others, why is Ye Chen so good at everything?

He Jiong: “Indeed, since the show started, Ye Chen seems to be unable to do anything. ” ”

Ya Ya:” Ye Chen doesn’t know how to ride a horse.

Yang Chaoyue: “But Ye Chen still knows a lot of skills in life. ” ”

Because this was the first time for Bai Lu, Yang Mi and Liu Yifei.

The speed of harvesting rice was obviously slow.

Ye Chen was able to control the threshing machine by himself.

With each step of his right foot, the inside of the threshing machine The bearing will rotate.

The rice on top of the rice will be beaten into the bucket at the back.

Cutting rice is a very tiring job because you have to bend down

all the time. If this continues, the discs in the waist will fly out.

It didn’t take long for Yang Mi to take it anymore.

She stood up, supported her waist with one hand, and couldn’t help complaining: “I can’t stand it anymore, I really need to take a rest.”。”

“Then you have a good rest and I will cut it for you for a while. ”

When Ye Chen saw this, he immediately took Yang Mi’s sickle and started cutting rice.

An acre of land was either too much or too little.

But the four of them obviously couldn’t finish the harvest in one afternoon.

As time passed , , Liu Yifei and Bai Lu couldn’t hold on any longer.

They sat on the edge of the field and rested.。

“Ye Chen, you should also take a rest. ”

Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen who was still harvesting rice, and couldn’t help but feel distressed. She

came over and wanted to help Ye Chen wipe the sweat from his forehead.

But she found that the clothes on her hands were dirty.

Even the paper towels were dirty. Did not bring。

“It’s okay, I’m not tired, you can rest. ”

Ye Chen grinned.

His wheat-colored skin and white teeth

made Liu Yifei’s heart tremble. He was so


He was so handsome that he felt deep in his heart.

And he was obviously doing such a tiring job. Live.

Ye Chen didn’t even complain.

Just for this point, I don’t know how many young people were beaten.

Liu Yifei felt very lucky.

Giving herself to this man a few days ago can prove that her vision is right.。

“Be good, be obedient, and go rest. If I’m tired, I’ll rest myself. ”

Ye Chen said, and bumped Liu Yifei’s forehead with his head.

That intimate move instantly detonated the live broadcast room.。

“God, this action is so sweet.。”

“Even if your hands are dirty and your clothes are dirty, you can still show affection with your forehead.。”

“I hit it. It’s really, so sweet.。”

“Just like how diligent Ye Laoliu was when he was working, I was convinced after eating this bowl of dog food.。”

“I have to say that Ye Laoliu is really good. Who can blame him for his hard work and hard work?”

“Brothers, just eat the dog food, don’t be a fool.。”

“Hahahaha, it seems that no one is cheating on Lao Liu. ”

Looking at Ye Chen working alone.

Liu Yifei, Yang Mi and Bai Lu didn’t rest long.

They were already busy with sickles.

Although the speed of these people was much faster.

But compared to For one acre of rice,

not even one-tenth has been completed yet.

A feeling of despair enveloped everyone.。

“Ye Chen, we helped harvest the rice. ”


Ye Chen looked up and saw that it was Gao Yong who was walking towards here with a dozen of his football friends.

Everyone was fully equipped and carried a sickle.。

“Gao Yong, why are you here? “Ye Chen was stunned.

In order not to affect the lives of the villagers,

the rice fields arranged by the program team were all in the most remote places, not far from the love house.

Very few villagers passed by here.。

“I was drying rice on the roof of my house just now. Seeing that you are not very skilled at it, I asked everyone to come and help. Gao

Yong said。

“Yes, you are not good at harvesting rice.。”

“That’s right, just rest for now and leave the rest to us. ”

The dozen or so little friends who play football have started to get busy talking to each other.

Although Ye Chen didn’t play football with them during this period,

Ye Chen would still give some pointers every time he passed by the football field. .

It’s enough for these amateurs. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone remembers this incident.

Of course, more of it is the simplicity of the villagers.

They regard Marven as a friend.

When they see a friend and want to help, they will naturally spare no effort.。

“Okay, thank you all, come over for dinner tonight. ”

Ye Chen didn’t rest.

Instead, he worked with everyone.

After all, if others came to help, Ye Chen would just sit aside and watch, right?

Liu Yifei, Bai Lu, and Yang Mi were forced to rest。

“There is no need to eat, just have time to play football together. ”

Gao Yong said.

Everyone agreed, chatting and laughing, and then started to get busy.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong’s eyes were slightly red: “Really, I’m a little touched. ”

Guo Qilin: “At this moment, the simplicity of the villagers was fully revealed.

Yaya also wiped the corners of her eyes and said, “There is also mutual help between friends. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “You have said everything, so I won’t take a stand. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, you are obviously moved, is it so difficult to admit it?”

“I was touched. This kind of friendship is so precious.。”

“I really envy the friendship between you boys. Is it as good as just playing football once?”

“I was moved by this wave of operations and praised the villagers. ”

One acre of land is difficult for Ye Chen and the others.

But it is very easy for Gao Yong and the others.

There are many villagers who have been doing farm work all year round, and they are all laughing and joking. They can finish the work in less than two hours.

And the rice is threshed. They were all packed in bags.

A big snakeskin bag weighed about one hundred kilograms.

Gao Yong also specially brought a cart from home to help push the rice back.。

“Let’s all take a break and drink some water. ”

Yang Mi has already bought drinks and mineral water from the small shop for everyone.

Ye Chen is still loading the truck.

Put the cart aside and put the rice on it.

A bag of rice weighs more than one hundred kilograms. , but Ye Chen didn’t put too much effort into it.

Gao Yong and the others were stunned by this scene.。

“Ye Chen, it’s okay. With your strength, you don’t look like a star at all. Gao

Yong said。

“Yes, Ye Chen, this bag of rice weighs a hundred pounds, can you carry it?”

“When I watched TV in the past, those little fresh meats were very weak. I didn’t expect Ye Chen to be so powerful.。”

“Everything on TV is a lie, just watch Ye Chen。”

“Ha ha ha ha. ”

A group of people laughed.

After Yang Mi distributed the water to everyone, she walked to Ye Chen, unscrewed a bottle of mineral water and handed it to Ye Chen。

“Drink some water and take a break. ”

Ye Chen wanted to pick it up.

But his hands were full of mud, and Yang Mi frowned when he saw it.。

“Open your mouth and I’ll hold it for you. ”

Ye Chen obeyed obediently, raised his head and opened his mouth.

Yang Mi was not tall enough, so he could only stand on his toes.

Seeing this, Ye Chen simply sat on the ground.

Ye Chen drank quickly, and it didn’t take long for him to finish the bottle of mineral water.

Mineral water flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

When Yang Mi saw this, she couldn’t help laughing. She also stretched out her jade hand to

help wipe the corners of Ye Chen’s mouth.

Yang Mi had washed her hands when she went to buy water, but she didn’t bring a tissue. That’s it.

The moment her jade hand touched the corner of Ye Chen’s mouth,

Yang Mi remembered that this was a live broadcast. She

quickly took her hand back, glanced at Ye Chen charmingly, turned around and left.。

“Damimi, you are crazy��?”

“Hey, hey, that action just now was a bit too intimate.。”

“Doesn’t my Da Mi Mi have any thoughts about Ye Chen?”

“Oh my god, that action was so sweet just now。”

“It’s the bump, it’s the inadvertent actions that are the sweetest。”

“By the way, based on Ye Chen’s performance this afternoon, isn’t it right to capture Da Mi Mi’s heart?”

“I feel like Ye Chen’s whole body is exuding hormones。”

“Awesome. ”

After everyone drank the water, they hurriedly put the rice on the shuttle bus.

There were eleven bags in total, and the cart was full of them, totaling more than a thousand kilograms.。

“Ye Chen, how about the two of us try to push each other? ”

Gao Yong looked at the rice and couldn’t help but want to show off.

After all, Ye Chen’s behavior just now made Gao Yong look at him differently.。

“Can come. “Ye Chen smiled and grabbed one of the armrests of the cart.

Gao Yong also came over and grabbed the other armrest.

The two of them shouted one, two, three at the same time, and then lifted the cart.。

“Walk. ”

As Ye Chen roared, the cart was slowly pushed and set off towards the love house.。


“Yes, this operation is a bit impressive. ”

Everyone applauded.

Of course, this applause was for Ye Chen.

After all, everyone knows what kind of strength Gao Yong is.

A rough man who works all year round, and nothing else, he has a lot of strength.

And Ye Chen lives in 1.0 Ran can push a cart weighing more than a thousand kilograms with Gao Yong. This action alone is enough to win the respect of everyone.

Putting all the rice in the small courtyard, Gao Yong and the others refused the invitation of everyone in the love house. left。

“Director, please weigh me and see how much it weighs. “Bai Lu said。

“Let’s do this, don’t weigh it, just think of it as 1,300 catties. “Ye Chen suggested。

“No, too many. “The director is also a thief.

Although he doesn’t want to be weighed, he doesn’t want to let Ye Chen take advantage either.。

“Then one thousand and two, okay? “Ye Chen said。

“One acre of land can hold up to one thousand catties of rice. Let me give you one thousand catties. “The director said。

“One thousand and one, director, you can’t be too strict. “Bai Lu wailed.。

“Yes, director, give us an extra hundred pounds. You know, we were almost exhausted all afternoon. “Yang Mi said。

“Yes, it must be calculated as 1,100 kilograms. “Liu Yifei nodded solemnly, with a serious look on her face.

Dilireba also walked out of the living room.

After hearing everyone’s conversation, she opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

But her voice was still extremely hoarse.

Squeaky. After talking for a long time, no one understood a word。

“Hahaha, Reba, what are you talking about?”

“It was originally a very boring thing, but when Reba appeared, it became funny。”

“God is so boring. When has the love house ever been dull? But Reba is a god assist.。”

“I’m very curious, how many fried loaches did Reba eat, and she got so angry? It made me laugh to death.。”

“Poor Reba, I feel so sad, but also feel so funny. ” Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but even the director couldn’t help laughing

when he saw Reba’s expression, her movements, and her voice. A group of staff members turned away and suppressed their laughter. PS : Asking for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes. Thank you all for your tolerance and support.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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