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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 107

The director originally wanted to insist on buying it based on one thousand catties.

See the pitiful look of Dilireba.

Finally compromised。

“One thousand and one, just one thousand and one. ”

Seventy cents per catty, eleven hundred catties, that is seven hundred and seventy yuan. It

is also a huge sum of money for everyone in the love house.

After getting the money, everyone happily entered the living room.

Zhang Bichen was almost It was time to prepare for dinner.

Ye Chen and the four of them went back to the room to take a shower.

However, after taking a bath, they still felt itchy all over their bodies. Ye Chen put on his swimming trunks and prepared to go to the swimming pool to rinse off. Unexpectedly, just

after they came out, Liu Yifei and Bai Lu were still itching. Yang Mi and three others were already waiting here.

It was obvious that all three of them felt the same way.

No matter how they washed themselves, they all felt itchy and uncomfortable.

Naturally, they thought of the swimming pool in the yard.。

“Ye Chen, do you want to come down too? ”

Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen jokingly.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi looked at each other, and they both covered their mouths and laughed.。

“Come on, why not? Let me show you what a depth charge is. “Ye Chen said, and jumped directly into the swimming pool.

Like a bomb, splashes of water were everywhere.

The three girls quickly turned their heads to avoid this wave of attacks.

Until they saw Ye Chen coming out of the water When his head popped up, Bai Lu suddenly splashed water on Ye Chen’s face。

“Let you make trouble, you make trouble. ”

They were shouting while splashing.

When Liu Yifei and Yang Mi saw this, they started to attack Ye Chen without hesitation.

The three girls surrounded Ye Chen, and Ye Chen couldn’t even open his eyes.

They just felt a constant constant on their faces. Water splashed from the ground.

I could only dive into the bottom of the water and grabbed a jade foot in a panic. I

immediately swam behind the person and hugged him to resist the attack of the splashing water.。

“let me go. ”

Yang Mi didn’t expect Ye Chen to do such a thing. He

just grabbed his feet from the water.

He actually hugged himself from behind.

And he came out of the water with Ye Chen.

Everyone saw it. This scene.

Yang Mi’s fans in the live broadcast room instantly became angry.。

“I’m going to fuck you, you’re the sixth child, and you can play with me. What’s going on with you hugging my big honey?”

“It’s too much, it’s too much. You dare to hug my big honey。”

“Ye Laoliu, let go quickly。”

“Hey, hey, hey, what’s the point of taking advantage so blatantly?”

“You have to be the sixth one. Is this swimming pool open to the public? One thousand dollars an hour. ”

Because she was in the water, Yang Mi could clearly feel Ye Chen’s strong chest.

That powerful boyfriend power was filled with Ye Chen’s hormones.

In an instant, Yang Mi almost fell。

“Let go of Sister Mi. “When Bai Lu saw this, she immediately pointed at Ye Chen and threatened.

Yang Mi couldn’t help rolling her eyes. At this moment, she really wanted to say to Bai Lu: Are you okay?

This girl, can’t see that she is Are you enjoying it?

Playing it?

What should you play?

You don’t understand my sister’s happiness.

But thinking about it is one thing, saying it is another thing.

After all, it is still live broadcast, and Yang Mi can only struggle shyly, thinking Wanting to break away from Ye Chen’s arms.

Liu Yifei obviously saw through Yang Mi’s little thoughts, quietly leaned aside, covered her mouth and chuckled。

“Let go quickly. “Bai Lu was really worried when she saw this.

She opened her arms and tried to pounce on her.

Ye Chen had no choice but to let go of Yang Mi.

Then he dived into the water again and hit Bai Lu’s butt hard. I took a picture of it。

“Ah, Ye Chen, you dare to spank me. ”

Bai Lu covered her butt and yelled loudly.

No one knew what happened underwater.

Bai Lu yelled like this, and the live broadcast room exploded.。

“Ye Laoliu, you’ve had enough. You dare to touch anyone’s butt?”

“Crazy? You dare to touch my white buttocks, aren’t you afraid of getting into trouble?”

“It’s too much, it’s too much, Ye Laoliu, do you still want your hand?”

“Cut your hands, Lao Liu, Bailu’s butt is not something you can touch if you want.。”

“I can’t bear it, I really can’t bear it. First it was Reba, and now it’s Bailu. Why, are you free to touch the female guest’s butt? ”

Ye Chen, who had just emerged from the water, instantly felt two eyes full of murderous intent. He

turned around and saw that it was Liu Yifei and Yang Mi.

Yang Mi’s back teeth were almost broken.

Thinking in his heart, he and Liu Yifei They were all eaten by Ye Chen.

This guy actually dared to touch Bai Lu’s butt?

What is this?

Isn’t it enough? Is

it provocative?

Can’t stand it.

Absolutely can’t stand it.

Yang Mi thought, she must kill Ye Chen tonight It has to be squeezed dry.

Otherwise, this guy won’t know how to be satisfied.

Late at night,

the door to Yang Mi’s room was opened, and Ye Chen stuck his head out. After seeing no one, he quietly closed the door. As the door closed, the sound of closing the door sounded

. .

Yang Mi and Liu Yifei, who had their eyes closed as if they were asleep, then opened their eyes.

Both of their faces were flushed.。

“If he doesn’t leave, I feel like I’m going to die. Liu Yifei pouted and said。

“This guy is so awesome. ”

Yang Mi couldn’t help but muttered.

She originally wanted to teach Ye Chen a lesson.

Unexpectedly, she was punished by Ye Chen instead.

When Ye Chen came to the living room, he was about to go back to the room.

He saw Zhang Bichen sitting there On the sofa, hugging his knees, his face full of disappointment。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen stepped forward in confusion.。

“Ah, Ye Chen, are you still awake? “Zhang Bichen didn’t know what he was thinking.

After hearing the question, he raised his head and answered in a panic.。

“I’m also getting ready to go to bed. I see you sitting on the sofa alone. What’s wrong? If you have anything, you can tell me. ”

At this moment, Ye Chen transformed into a close brother.

He sat next to Zhang Bichen.

Maybe it was because he had sweated too much just now.

At this moment, his body exuded an aura full of hormones.

Zhang Bichen was shocked, but he didn’t know. Why, I actually feel very reassured。

“I have a singing competition to participate in, and the program stipulates that original songs must be used。”

“And the singers and composers are also required to sing on stage together。”

“Originally, these were all decided, but just now my friend called and said that he didn’t have time to go on stage with me, and he didn’t even write the song yet.。”

“The game will start tomorrow night, and I don’t know what to do now. ”

Zhang Bichen’s voice became softer and softer.

He felt more and more aggrieved in his words.

At the end of the sentence, his eyes were red.

His pitiful appearance made anyone feel distressed when he saw it.。

“Is there no other solution? “Ye Chen asked。

“If I had spoken earlier, I could have found someone else, but now, with only one day left, I could only abstain this time. ”

Zhang Bichen said aggrievedly.

She didn’t know why this happened.

She had contacted her friend several days ago.

If the other party had informed her earlier, she would have been able to prepare.

However, there was only one day left. , let yourself find a composer to write a song, and then rehearse it.

You can imagine how difficult it is。

“How about I go with you? “Ye Chen said。

“It’s useless. The program team asked for new songs to be used in the competition. Without songs, it would be useless for anyone to participate. ”

Zhang Bichen said helplessly.

She had never heard Ye Chen sing, so she didn’t know that Ye Chen could sing.

Now when she heard what Ye Chen said, she just thought that the other party wanted to comfort her.。

“Song? do you have any requests? “Ye Chen is confused.

It’s just

As long as Zhang Bichen tells the request, Ye Chen can write a song in the shortest time.。

“There are no big requirements, just love songs and duets. ”

Zhang Bichen sighed, feeling helpless.

She has been preparing for this show for a long time.

As a singer, Zhang Bichen is absolutely unwilling to give up such a song competition.

However, external factors are irresistible.。

“Wait a moment. “Ye Chen got up, went back to the room, took out a pen and paper and started writing.

Zhang Bichen was a little confused and didn’t know what Ye Chen was going to do.

He kept coming closer to see what Ye Chen was writing.

Fortunately, this was a live broadcast room. It has been closed. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Otherwise, Zhang Bichen’s move will probably break the hearts of many fans.



As Ye Chen writes more and more.

Zhang Bichen His eyes were getting wider and wider.

His eyes were full of disbelief.

Because Zhang Bichen discovered that what Ye Chen wrote was a song.

Ten minutes later, the lyrics and composition had been written.

Zhang Bichen looked like he was struck by lightning. This Ye Chen is just like looking at a monster.

Is this guy creating on the spot?

The speed is too fast, right?。

“Okay, take a look at these lyrics first, practice them, and I will go to the competition with you tomorrow. ”

Ye Chen said.

Zhang Bichen took the lyrics and couldn’t recover for a long time. She

felt that her CPU had been burned out.

When she read the complete lyrics and music in her hand, she was even more shocked.

She felt that this song, In the music world, it is enough to scorn most of the works.

But Ye Chen actually created it in such an understatement.

Thinking of this, Zhang Bichen hugged Ye Chen。

“Thank you Ye Chen. ”

Zhang Bichen’s arms hooked around Ye Chen’s neck.

He hugged her very tightly.

The feeling of hope emerging in despair is beautiful and exciting.

That’s what Zhang Bichen is like at this moment. It

was Ye Chen’s song that gave him She hoped.

So she couldn’t wait to rub herself into Ye Chen’s body。

“Why are you so polite? Take the time to practice. If possible, we’ll come back tomorrow night. ”

Ye Chen patted Zhang Bichen on the shoulder and said softly.

If someone asked Ye Chen if he was moved at this time?

Ye Chen would definitely answer that he was not moved.

Because Zhang Bichen wore too little.

A thin suspender pajamas, maybe because It was because I used too much force when I hugged Ye Chen.

Some of the slings fell off.

Can Ye Chen move?

Of course not.

I don’t know how long it took for Zhang Bichen to realize that his behavior was a bit rude.

He immediately blushed. Said: “Sorry, I was too excited just now。”

“Okay, don’t think so much, go to bed early. ”

Ye Chen touched Zhang Bichen’s head.

Then he turned and left.

Ye Chen didn’t notice that the moment he turned around, Zhang Bichen’s pretty face was already red.

The head-touch just now was so useful to Zhang Bichen.

Secondly It was early in the morning.

Zhang Bichen got up early.

Not only did she cook millet porridge, she also prepared a series of sumptuous breakfasts of bread and vegetable salads.

The first person to come down was Yang Mi. She

felt a little unnatural when walking.。

“Sister Mi, what’s wrong with you? not comfortable? ”

Zhang Bichen saw this and quickly asked with concern.。

“Ah, I’m fine. Maybe my foot injury hasn’t fully healed yet. ”

Yang Mi explained with a black line.

Thinking of that guy Ye Chen, she was filled with hatred at the moment.

The second person who came down was Liu Yifei. Compared with Yang Mi, she was not much better.。

“Yifei, what’s wrong with you? ”

Zhang Bichen has one head and two heads. Why do everyone feel a little abnormal today?。

“Ah, I’m fine. I accidentally fell when I was supporting Mimi yesterday night. I’ll be fine if I take a rest. ”

Liu Yifei smiled awkwardly.

Seeing that Zhang Bichen still wanted to ask, she immediately walked into the kitchen and changed the subject.。

“Wow, it smells so good. Can we have breakfast now?”

“Okay, I’ve got the dishes and chopsticks ready. You guys can eat quickly. ”

The topic was successfully changed, and Zhang Bichen did not continue to ask questions.

By the time Dilireba and Bai Lu both got up, Zhang Bichen had already finished breakfast and was carrying a backpack and was ready to set off.。

“Hey, Bichen, where are you going? “Yang Mi asked。

“I’m going to participate in the competition. If it’s fast, I’ll be back tonight. If it’s slow, I’ll be back tomorrow. ”

Zhang Bichen said。

“Great, come on. “Liu Yifei cheered.

Several people gave Zhang Bichen a hug.

Dilireba’s voice has recovered a lot.

Although her speech is still a bit hoarse, 357 can already speak out.。

“come on. “Patted Zhang Bichen on the shoulder and said two words。

“By the way, where is Ye Chen? Haven’t gotten up yet? “Bai Lu looked around。

“I’ll call him. “Zhang Bichen said, walked to the door of Ye Chen’s room and knocked on the door.。

“I’m coming. “Marven has already washed up and happened to come out wearing shorts and big slippers.。

“Why don’t you go change your clothes? ”

Zhang Bichen asked。

“What should I change? I’ll be back in the evening. “Ye Chen waved his hand and said very casually.

Zhang Bichen laughed out loud.

This guy is so casual in the love house. He

is so casual when he goes to participate in the show with him.

It’s really funny.

But Zhang Bichen is not She didn’t feel disgusted, but found it very cute.

She was really afraid that Ye Chen would dress up handsomely and fascinate other contestants. Wouldn’t she have a few more competitors? Eh?


? Think so?

Could it be that she has fallen in love with Ye Chen?

Zhang Bichen quickly shook his head and dismissed those messy thoughts.

And Ye Chen had already come out.

Only then did the other girls know that Ye Chen was going to participate in the competition with Zhang Bichen.

Bai Lu was fine.

Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Mi all looked at Ye Chen with strange expressions.

They looked like they wanted to eat Ye Chen alive.。

“Well, let’s leave first. “Ye Chen also realized something was wrong.

He quickly waved his hands and said goodbye to everyone.。

“Don’t you have some breakfast? “Zhang Bichen hasn’t realized the seriousness of the problem yet.。

“If you don’t want to eat, let’s go. “Ye Chen urged.

That anxious look confused Zhang Bichen.。

“What is Ye Laoliu panicking about?”

“I don’t understand, I feel like I did something bad so early in the morning, I’m in a hurry。”

“If you say that Ye Laoliu did nothing wrong and was beaten to death, I won’t believe it.。”

“It doesn’t matter whether I did something wrong or not. What’s important is that I want to know what competition Goddess Bichen participated in.。”

“It should be the show “Who is the Singer”?。”

“I guess, “Who is the singer”? Is there still a single pure one?”

“That’s right, that’s it, and there seems to be Deng Ziqi。”

“Looking forward to it, hahaha. ”

Because he was going to participate in a competition, Zhang Bichen had a special driver to pick him up.

When he arrived in the town, Ye Chen waved and said, “Brother, stop the car, I’ll go buy something. ”

The driver obediently parked the car on the side of the road.

Ye Chen entered the market and came out not long after.

From a distance, everyone could see that Ye Chen was holding a cup of soy milk, two fried dough sticks, and two Big meat buns, walking towards this side while eating.

With that posture, if there were not photographers following him, no one on the street would regard Ye Chen as a star.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Why do I see Ye Chen every time? Chen and I both find it so funny.

Guo Qilin: “The action of eating breakfast can be made into an emoticon. ”

Yaya: “Does he really never care about his own image? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I feel that Bi Chen made a mistake in inviting Ye Chen to help this time. “。”。


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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