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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 110

“I still like to see Ye Chen and my Reba playing together.。”

“Hahaha, Fatty has now been assimilated by Ye Chen, the sixth child.。”

“That’s too much. Are there any whispers that my VIPs can’t hear?”

“Reba, if you don’t let go of Ye Laoliu, I won’t like you anymore.。”

“Upstairs, don’t be too sentimental, I just like watching such a sweet scene. ”

Seeing Ye Chen and Dilraba so close makes many fans of Dilraba heartbroken.

However, everyone seems to be very familiar with this scene.

It’s lunch time. Now, there is no love house for Zhang Bichen and Ye Chen.

Cooking has become a problem.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi don’t know what to do in the kitchen.。

“Is the rice not cooked yet? ” Liu Yifei asked。

“It shouldn’t be, I put it in an hour ago. ”

Yang Mi said.

Liu Yifei opened the rice cooker and found that there was no movement at all.。

“Mimi, are you unplugged? “When Liu Yifei said this, she couldn’t help but laugh.

When Yang Mi saw it, she laughed so hard that she couldn’t stand up straight.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, Mi Mi can’t even stand up until now. You don’t even know how to cook? ”

Guo Qilin: “I feel like this family would be broken up without Ye Chen.

Yaya: “I’m curious, if there was no Ye Chen, would they have to order takeout? ” Yang Chaoyue: ”

In fact, you can lose weight without eating.”。”

“The stupid beauty is stoned。”

“You made me laugh so hard, Damimi, what are you doing?”

“It’s been an hour and the power has been turned off. Do you want the rice to cook naturally?”

“No, I can’t stand it anymore, I’m laughing so hard。”

“I didn’t expect that my fairy sisters and Da Mimi have such cute sides. ”

Hearing the conversation between the two, Ye Chen also got up and came to the kitchen.

Looking at the messy kitchen, he couldn’t help but frown.。

“What’s the matter? What does frown mean? “Yang Mi stared at Ye Chen, with a murderous look in her eyes.。

“No, I just think that you should really learn to cook. This family would be broken up without me. ”

Ye Chen sighed, and Liu Yifei covered her mouth and chuckled.。

“Then you do it, I’ll help you. “Liu Yifei said。

“good. “Ye Chen nodded, plugged in the rice, and after adjusting it, he started to prepare the stir-fry. The

vegetables have been washed.

But the fish on the plate, Ye Chen felt something was wrong no matter how he looked at it.。

“What’s wrong? “Liu Yifei noticed Ye Chen’s eyes and asked doubtfully。

“Did you tear this fish apart by hand? “Ye Chen looked at the fish pieces the size of his palm and couldn’t help but say。

“I don’t know how to cut it, so I just cut it casually. “Liu Yifei gave Ye Chen a resentful look.

Ye Chen cut the fish pieces again and cut them into small pieces.。

“You see, the fish needs to be cut like this. Press and bend it with your thumb so that the knife will not cut your hand. ”

Ye Chen was teaching on the spot, and Liu Yifei came close to watch.。

“Let me try it. “Liu Yifei said.

She had learned from Ye Chen before, but she hadn’t studied in the past few days.

Now that Ye Chen was not at home, Liu Yifei felt that she was almost a useless person.

In fact, Liu Yifei had forgotten one thing. She didn’t do anything at home at all. Do these things.

In other words, all these changes are actually because of Ye Chen。

“Be careful with your hands. “Ye Chen handed the kitchen knife to Liu Yifei. Liu Yifei picked it up and gestured, but it still seemed a bit cumbersome.

Seeing this, Ye Chen simply took action and hugged Liu Yifei from behind.

He taught her step by step.。

“Come on, this scene must be the scene where Ye Chen and the fairy sister are together.。”

“Woohoo, Ye Chen is so good at it, who can withstand this?。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you to stop quickly and cook properly, can’t you?”

“That’s it, it’s just cutting vegetables. Are you going to spread it like dog food?”

“I was so full. Just after I finished my meal, another bowl of dog food came and I couldn’t stand it. ” Liu Yifei did not resist

Ye Chen’s behavior. On the contrary, she seemed to enjoy it very much. Although the agent’s back teeth were almost broken, Liu Yifei did not take it seriously. But soon, she seemed to feel something was wrong. Ye Chen’s big pants are too thin and a bit obvious.

“This is the kitchen. What are you thinking about? ”

Liu Yifei blushed with embarrassment when she said this.。

“It would be nice if there were no cameras. I can take care of you here tonight. ”

Ye Chen leaned close to Liu Yifei’s ear and spoke in a low voice.

With one sentence, Liu Yifei’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

Thinking of what happened the night before yesterday, her whole body became even hotter.。

“Hey, hey, hey, just cook, that’s enough. ”

Yang Mi couldn’t stand it anymore. These two people started flirting in front of so many people. They

didn’t pay attention to the impact at all.

Only under Yang Mi’s scolding did Ye Chen restrain himself.

Let him After Liu Yifei cut the vegetables, she started cooking.

Zhang Zifeng and Bai Lu also came down.

Bai Lu helped Zhang Zifeng pack his luggage, and after making the bed, he hurried to the living room to see if there was anything he needed help with.。

“Brother Ye Chen, do you want my help? ”

Zhang Zifeng spoke softly and waxy.

When he said “Brother Ye Chen”, Ye Chen shivered all over.

Even Yang Mi on the side was a little jealous of this beautiful little girl with a sweet mouth.。

“It’s okay, just rest first and eat later. “Ye Chen said。

“Then I’ll wash the dishes first. ”

Zhang Zifeng is also restless.

If you have nothing to do, then find something to do.

He rummaged in the kitchen, then put the dishes and chopsticks away on the table.

Seeing Zhang Zifeng and Bai Lu here, Ye Chen didn’t want to be confused. Here we are.

We can only teach cooking honestly.

Director’s room.

Yaya: “Teacher He, has my sister always been so diligent? He

Jiong: “I can prove this. My sister is really hard-working and can do any job.”

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, my sister’s character is like this. She does whatever she has to do. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “It’s good to be young and beautiful. Hey. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what are you jealous of?”

“Yang Chaoyue, you are beautiful too, I still like you。”

“You made me laugh so hard, Yang Chaoyue, do you want to be so funny?”

“It has to be my sister, she is so diligent. ”

This meal can be said to have been completed by Liu Yifei under Ye Chen’s guidance.

Although it doesn’t look that good, it still tastes very good.

When the food is served, everyone is hungry.

Zhang Zifeng is placing the bowls and chopsticks and moving the stools Yes, it made everyone uncomfortable.。

“Zifeng, you don’t have to be like this, just be as casual as you are at home. “Yang Mi said。

“Yes, Zifeng, don’t be too polite. “Liu Yifei said。

“Be good and have a good temper, otherwise Lao Liu will bully you. “Dilraba said。

“Who is the sixth child? Zhang Zifeng asked doubtfully。

“Lao Liu is Ye Chen, hahaha, we all teach him Lao Liu. “Bai Lu laughed.

Zhang Zifeng covered his mouth and laughed. The moment his eyes came into contact with Ye Chen, he was still a little shy.。

“Can’t you keep your mouth shut while eating? Come work with me in the afternoon. “Ye Chen glared at Bai Lu and said angrily.。

“Work? What kind of work are you doing? “Bai Lu was confused.。

“Gao Yong said that there were still some edamame in his field that no one wanted, so we went to collect them in the afternoon so that we could cook the edamame in the evening. “Ye Chen said。

“The edamame is not delicious, so I won’t go there. “Dilraba murmured.

Ever since she learned that Zhang Bichen would not come back for the time being, Dilireba was not in a good mood.。

“I won’t go either. It’s so hot. I want to play games at home. ”

Bai Lu stuck out her ton

“I’ll go with you. “Liu Yifei saw this and took the initiative to say。

“Feifei, don’t go. Aren’t you feeling well recently? I’ll go. “Yang Mi said。

“I am coming too. “Zhang Zifeng weakly raised his hand and said。

“Okay, then the three of us will go. After cooking the edamame in the evening, Reba and Bailu will stop eating. “Ye Chen said。

“Even if I starve to death, even if I jump off the roof, I will never eat a bite of edamame, because I don’t like eating it at all. “Dilraba said。

“That’s right, I won’t eat it even if you kill me, and I won’t eat it even if you beg me. “Bai Lu followed.

This attitude made Zifeng laugh. (To read Baoshuan novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

She thought that she was the youngest, and the sisters here should be very mature.

But she didn’t expect , Bai Lu and Dilraba are like children.

This is too funny.。

“Reba, Bai Lu, are you two crazy?”

“I’m laughing so hard. Is this someone you don’t care about anymore?”

“Two stupid beauties, are they stimulated by something?”

“If you don’t want to go, don’t go. Why are you shouting so loudly? Scared my sister。”

“Does my sister also feel that these two people are childish?”

“No, you’re laughing so hard at me, you two childish ghosts, I can’t stand you. ”

After finishing the meal, Zhang Zifeng rushed to clear away the dishes.

However, he was stopped by Yang Mi.。

“Okay sister, when you come to the love house, don’t just think about work, but also enjoy life.。”

“That’s right, sister, you don’t have to rush to do everything. “Dilraba said。

“Reba, go and clear away the dishes. “Yang Mi changed the subject.。

“ah? why me? “Dilraba asked with her mouth pouted.。

“Because you haven’t done any work before dinner. Go now and don’t force me to deal with you when I’m happiest. ”

Yang Mi blinked, and Di Lieba quickly got up and cleaned up the dishes.

Bai Lu sat on the sofa and played games.

Zhang Zifeng once again refreshed his understanding of the love house.

Isn’t it recording a show?

Isn’t it a romance show?

Why is there only one male guest?

And he can also play games?

Isn’t this too casual?

When Zhang Zifeng participated in an entertainment show before, even though it was life,

under the camera, he didn’t even have a mobile phone Dare to play, let alone play games。

“Zifeng, can you play games? “Bai Lu asked。

“ah? I won’t. “Zhang Zifeng was startled, obviously not expecting Bai Lu to ask him, and immediately waved his hand and said。

“It’s okay, I’ll teach you how to play games when you have time. “After Bai Lu finished speaking, he continued to devote himself to his game.。

“Ignore her, go apply some sunscreen, wear sun-protective clothing, and preferably a hat. “Ye Chen said。

“Okay, thank you brother Ye Chen. “Zhang Zifeng nodded, then got up and went back to the room.

When he came down, Zhang Zifeng had already changed into a white shirt and put on a sun protection garment.

He put on gloves and a big hat, so to speak. It is fully equipped。

“Okay, Zifeng, I didn’t expect you to even have your hat ready. You do a lot of work during the day, right? “Yang Mi said jokingly。

“I’m used to it because I’m afraid of the sun. “Zhang Zifeng said.

But looking at Ye Chen, Zhang Zifeng was a little confused.。

“Brother Marven, doesn’t he need to wear sun protection clothing? ”

At this moment, Ye Chen is walking in the front, carrying two buckets, strutting around, still wearing those big pants and flip-flops. There is

no sun protection equipment at all.。

“Don’t bother with him, he’ll be tanned anyway. “Yang Mi said。

“Maybe it’s because I look so handsome even when I’m tanned. “Ye Chen heard the conversation and turned around and said。

“shameless. “Yang Mijiao said。

“Well done, hahaha。”

“Lao Liu is simply stinky and shameless.。”

“Where did you get the courage to say this?”

“Ye Laoliu, you’ve had enough, would you like to have some face?”

“I can’t bear it, I simply can’t bear it. ”

Arrived at Gao Yong’s field.

Ye Chen put down the bucket and started picking edamame. In

rural areas, edamame is planted on the edge of the field, about one meter apart.

Ye Chen remembered the last time Gao Yong dug sweet potatoes. This is the place.

The edamame on the field ridge is almost dry.。

“Be careful when you collect it, don’t get scratched. “Ye Chen reminded him and then started to work.

Zhang Zifeng was not far away.

He could see clearly.

Ye Chen’s working method was very professional, and it didn’t look like he was pretending at all.

At the beginning, Zhang Zifeng thought he was here to work. The work was just a show.

After seeing Ye Chen, Zhang Zifeng became even more sure of his guess.

After all, Ye Chen was so handsome and a perfect little boy.

Would he be able to work there?

But he didn’t expect it. , when it came time to start working, Ye Chen was actually so neat.

That posture and movements would never be trained without long-term work.

Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help but feel a little better about Ye Chen. He

worked hard immediately started harvesting edamame.

Harvesting edamame is very simple, just pick the edamame.

Then throw it into the bucket. It didn’t take long for the edamame to be harvested. Most of the bucket was filled with edamame.。

“Why don’t you install them separately? “Yang Mi asked.

Although he brought two buckets over, Ye Chen put all the edamame into one bucket.。

“I haven’t confiscated the ground cage for several days to see if there are any gains. “Ye Chen said and walked towards the river.

When he arrived at the river, he saw Ye Chen pulling up the first cage. There were two big carp jumping in it.

Zhang Zifeng was stunned.

She I used to participate in lifestyle variety shows.

For such a long time, no one thought of using ground cages to catch fish.

But at this moment, seeing this, Zhang Zifeng exclaimed in his heart that he had learned something.。

“Zifeng, hurry up and get the bucket. “Ye Chen’s voice brought Zhang Zifeng back from his thoughts.

He quickly ran to the river with an empty bucket, filled it with some water, and then placed it in front of Ye Chen. After

a few days of confiscating the ground cage, the harvest this time was still great. Big.

There are more than thirty fish in total.

A bucket full.

The fish are crowded.。

“So many fish. “Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help but sigh.。

“This is a stable income for our love house. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Brother Ye Chen, did you make all these floor cages? ”

Zhang Zifeng asked。

“That’s what’s necessary, and no one can do it except me. “Ye Chen didn’t hide his pride.

Yang Mi on the side rolled her eyes and almost rolled her eyes to the sky.

She always felt uncomfortable every time she heard Zhang Zifeng call Ye Chen brother.

She was a woman who heard this Zhang Zifeng’s soft and waxy voice was a bit uncontrollable.

What’s more, a man like Ye Chen。

“That’s awesome, brother Ye Chen. “Zhang Zifeng said with a thumbs up.

Yang Mi not far away shivered even more, crossing her arms with her hands as if she couldn’t bear it.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, what is Mi doing? ?

Yaya: “I guess I can’t stand being called sister like that. It feels so sweet. ”

Guo Qilin: “Really, who can refuse a little girl like my sister to call her brother? ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Hey, brother Dalinzi, hello.”。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what kind of monster are you?”

“Yueyue, are you going to laugh me to death?”

“So sweet, so sweet, I like calling her sister, it’s so sweet. ”

PS: The data is so bad. Fewer and fewer people are watching it. I feel unsure. I don’t know if I wrote it wrong. The author can only try to think about the plot behind it to make it more comfortable for everyone to watch. Thank you everyone. Support is support.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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