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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 113

Saw Zhang Zifeng coming out.

Many viewers in the live broadcast room noticed something was wrong.。

“I wiped it, why is my sister’s face red?”

“Something’s wrong, something’s wrong. My sister is blushing. Could it be what happened just now?”

“Just now I was laughing at Ye Chen for being a little party boy, and got drunk after just a few glasses of wine. Now I realize that Ye Chen is far more clever than I expected.。”

“I wouldn’t believe this guy if he wasn’t pretending. I just saw my sister helping him back to his room, and my heart almost broke.。”

“Poor sister, she was tricked by Lao Liu like this. No, I can’t accept it.

After tidying up the yard, Yang Mi sighed and said, “No, I’m sweating all over. I have to go back and take a shower. “。”

“Me too, it was too hot to eat just now. “After Liu Yifei finished speaking, she turned to look at Zhang Zifeng.。

“Zifeng, you should also go to bed early.。”

“Sister Yifei, what about Sister Reba and Sister Bailu? “Zhang Zifeng is a little worried.

Dilraba and Bai Lu are still sitting on the sofa playing games right now.。

“Don’t pay attention to them, just go back and sleep. ”

Yang Mi waved her hand.

Zhang Zifeng then went upstairs to his room to rest.

It was late at night and the live broadcast room had been closed.

But at this moment,

on the sofa.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu were sitting on the same sofa. .

One person on one side, shoes placed randomly on one side, four jade feet crossed together。

“Come on, big idiot, protect me. “Dilraba said。

“I am a mage, you want me to come? Your damage as a shooter is too low. “Bai Lu couldn’t help complaining.。

“Isn’t your mage used to attract fire? Do you still have much output?”

“My output is higher than yours. Look at my economy, which is much higher than yours. ”

A few minutes later.

Dilireba put down her phone and looked at Bai Lu angrily.

Bailu also put down her phone and glared at Dilireba.

Neither of them accepted the other. They

were playing a game. In the end, if you lose, you will blame your teammates.。

“Where is Ye Chen? Let him fight with us. “Bai Lu suddenly thought that there is a thigh in the love house.。

“He seems to have gone back to his room to sleep. Go and call him out. ”

Dilraba said.

Bai Lu stood up unsteadily and walked towards Ye Chen’s room.

Seeing this, Di Lieba also got up and walked towards Ye Chen’s room unsteadily.

It was night On the bed, Ye Chen thought he had a dream.

In the dream,

two soft and delicate bodies got into his bed.

They were like two fishes.

They were entangled in various ways on the small bed.

Until early in the morning, Ye Chen opened his bed. It was only when I opened my eyes that I realized that

this was not a dream, but a fact.

Next to me, Bai Lu and Dilraba were still sleeping soundly.

Ye Chen suddenly felt as if he was as big as the other.

Everyone said that drinking can make things worse, and this is not unreasonable. Ah.

I didn’t know what happened that night.

But at this moment, I saw Bai Lu and Dilraba both naked and lying on the bed.

There were even red blood stains on the sheets. You didn’t need to think about it to know that it was Bai Lu’s. .

Because Di Lieba has already had it once.

Perhaps feeling Ye Chen’s hot gaze, Bai Lu also opened her eyes.

Looking at everything around her, her heart suddenly thumped.

But she soon calmed down again. , obviously understood all this.

Bai Lu felt a little ridiculous.

His originally careless character became extremely shy at this moment, he got up and left Ye Chen’s room。

“Reba. “Ye Chen patted Reba’s arm.。

“Um? “Reba then opened her eyes in a daze.

She looked at everything around her blankly.。

“It’s almost dawn. Go back to your room. “Ye Chen said。


Dilraba let out a cry, but still got up and put on her clothes.

A pair of lotus arms hugged Ye Chen’s neck, kissed him hard, and then stood up and left the room.

And at this moment.

Bai Lu, who had just returned to the room, stood behind the door, her heart beating fast.

She tried hard to recall everything that happened yesterday night.

It seemed that after I went to Ye Chen’s room and saw Ye Chen sleeping, I felt sleepy.

Then, he just took off his clothes and got into Ye Chen’s bed?

Later, Dilraba also came in.

When Bai Lu thought of this, her pretty face turned red.

Shaking his head vigorously, he thought about what kind of mess this was.

Are you actually serving the same man as Dilraba?

How should I face Dilraba in the future?

How should I face Ye Chen?

“Oops, this is so embarrassing. ”

Bai Lu scratched her hair randomly, with an extremely complicated expression on her face.

She didn’t know whether she was happy or sad, but she was no longer as free and easy as before.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door.

A gentle knock. The door sounded, Bai Lu opened the door, and Dilraba walked in with a smile on her face.。

“What’s wrong, are you shy? “Dilraba saw Bai Lu’s tangled expression and naturally guessed the reason.。

“Isn’t it embarrassing? Isn’t it embarrassing? “When Bai Lu heard this, she almost pinched Di Lieba’s neck and questioned her.。

“They say you have sex after drinking, but I think you are really showing off your temper. “Dilraba looked at Bai Lu with a wicked smile.。

“I didn’t, I was drunk. Bai Lu pouted and said。

“So do you like Ye Chen? ”

Dilraba’s question made Bai Lu fall into deep thought.

Do you like it?

Bai Lu has never been in love and doesn’t know what true love is.

But she knows that even if this happened, she has no objection to Ye Chen.。

“I don’t know if I like it or not. “Bai Lu shook her head slightly.。

“That means I don’t hate it, it’s okay, and I will become more in love over time. “Dilraba said with a smile.

After reacting, Bai Lu immediately opened her eyes wide and looked at Dilireba in disbelief: “You are so dirty.。”

“Dirty? It’s not your fault, let me check it for you. ”

Dilraba said that she was about to take action.

The grudge in Bai Lu’s heart also dissipated a lot, and the sound of the two laughing and playing came from the room.

At dawn, Zhang Zifeng got up.

He took a mop and mopped the floor of the living room. After cleaning, I started working in the kitchen。

“Huh? My sister got up so early?”

“I didn’t expect that it would be aired so early and the first person I saw would be my sister.。”

“My sister is so diligent。”

“For the first time, I feel like my sister has grown up. I’m so happy.。”

“Woohoo, my sister is already participating in a love show, and I’m still single. I can’t stand it, I really can’t stand it.。”

“Good morning. “Ye Chen’s voice came.

In fact, Ye Chen hadn’t fallen asleep since he woke up this morning.

He came out when he heard the noise.。

“Good morning, brother Ye Chen. “Zhang Zifeng said hello.。

“What are you going to make for breakfast? “Ye Chen asked。

“I want to cook noodles for everyone, but there are no vegetables in the refrigerator. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Let me take you to the vegetable garden to pick some vegetables. “Ye Chen said and walked outside.

Zhang Zifeng quickly followed.。

“This is a fish pond with fish and an orchard. If you have time, you can also go to the orchard to pick fruits.。”

“The rice fields over there belong to us. We just harvested the rice two days ago. When next spring comes, we will plant the rice seedlings.。”

“This is the vegetable garden. ”

Along the way, Ye Chen introduced.

Zhang Zifeng nodded repeatedly. Although he didn’t say anything, he was extremely shocked inside.

She didn’t expect that the property of the Love House was so comprehensive.

There were orchards, fish ponds, rice fields and vegetable gardens.

This is not a romance show, this is just life.

Zhang Zifeng in

“Brother Ye Chen, let’s pick more vegetables and go back. We can eat them at noon as well. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Okay, you can choose what dishes you want to eat. I’ll go to town to buy some meat later. “(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Chen said。

“Can I go to town with you? “Zhang Zifeng looked forward to it。

“sure. “Ye Chen nodded.

After picking a basket full of vegetables, the two returned to the love house.

At this time, the chickens and ducks also came out to look for food.。

“so cute. “This is the first time Zhang Zifeng noticed that there are chickens and ducks in this love house.。

“It will be ready to eat in two months, and it will be even cuter by then. “Ye Chen said.

Zhang Zifeng covered his mouth and laughed.。

“He’s so cute, Ye Laoliu, you’ve been staring at my Reba’s little duck all day long, right?”

“That chick belongs to my goddess Bichen. My Bichen hasn’t come back. If you dare to eat it, damn you.。”

“Ye Laoliu, are you kidding me?”

“It made me laugh so hard, I guess Ye Laoliu was staring at the changes in the chickens and ducks every day. ”

After picking vegetables, Zhang Zifeng started to cook noodles.

As Yang Mi, Liu Yifei, Di Lieba, and Bai Lu got up and came to the living room, the noodles were already cooked.

Moreover, Zhang Zifeng was very considerate and served everyone Everyone had a bowl of noodles and placed them neatly on the table。

“Zifeng was so considerate and served us all. Liu Yifei said with joy on her face。

“Thank you sister Zifeng. “Yang Mi squinted her eyes and laughed.。

“Then I’m welcome, thank you Zifeng. “Dilraba received。

“Thanks. “Bai Lu also had a smile on her face.。

“You don’t have to be so polite, it was actually Brother Ye Chen who helped. “Zhang Zifeng said very shyly.

But when they heard Ye Chen also did it, everyone just rolled their eyes and didn’t say anything more.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, this difference in treatment is too obvious.

Guo Qilin: “What’s going on? Has Ye Chen become a public enemy? ” ”

Yaya: “But after the relationship between girls is good, men become obstacles.

Yang Chaoyue: “If that doesn’t work, invite Ye Chen to the director’s room. We welcome Ye Chen here. “。”

“Yang Chaoyue, your purpose is not pure.。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, are you going to laugh me to death?”

“Yang Chaoyue, who has evil intentions, tell me honestly, whatever you want Ye Chen to do in the director’s room, I can do it for you. ”

After breakfast, Ye Chen took Zhang Zifeng to buy groceries on a small electric donkey.

After Bai Lu answered a phone call, she looked towards the door as if she was waiting for someone.。

“What’s wrong, Bai Lu, what are you looking at? “Yang Mi was confused.。

“My dance teacher is coming here to teach me how to dance. “Bai Lu said。

“ah? dance instructor? But we don’t have any rooms here. “Liu Yifei was startled.。

“It doesn’t matter, you can live with me, my dance teacher is also a girl anyway. Bai Lu said with a smile.。

“Who? “Dilraba’s face was full of curiosity.。

“You will know when it comes. “Bai Lu smiled mysteriously.

The four girls were waiting eagerly at the door.

After about ten minutes, a car slowly came over.

It stopped at the door of the love house, the door opened, and there was a tall man wearing bold clothes. The woman got out of the car.

Yes, she was dressed boldly.

She wore an orange-red short coat on her upper body, which not only exposed her navel, but also exposed her snow-white shoulders. It

can be said that except for the pair of tall breasts Outside of being blocked, the rest of the body is exposed.

She wears ultra-short leather pants, exposing her long, snow-white legs to the camera.

She wears a pair of blue flat shoes.

Although facing Dilraba, Bai Lu, Liu Yifei and Yang Mi are the four beauties, but the woman still does not fall behind.

Even her bold dress has the advantage of crushing the four of them.

The visitor is the new generation actor Li Yitong, who is also Bai Lu’s dance teacher .Director


Guo Qilin: “Is Yitong Bai Lu’s dance teacher?

Yang Chaoyue: “It’s so strange. I didn’t know Yitong could dance? ”

Yaya: “Yitong graduated from the Shanghai Dance Academy. Although she also acts, her dancing is really beautiful. ” He

Jiong: “Don’t you know this? Yitong is an amazing dancer.”。”

“Oh my god, Li Yitong is actually Bai Lu’s dance teacher?”

“Love it, love it, such a beautiful dance teacher。”

“Is this outfit and figure really something that my ordinary VIPs can see?”

“Just one look and I feel like I’m in love。”

“Li Yitong, my goddess, actually came to the love house?”

“Li Yitong is not here to fall in love, she is here to teach Bai Lu how to dance。”

“But Li Yitong is also single。”

“Ye Laoliu is saving the galaxy, right? There are more and more beauties coming to the love house. ”

When Bai Lu saw Li Yitong, she quickly pulled her over and introduced him.。

“This is my dance teacher Li Yitong. These are Reba, Yang Mi and Yifei. ”

Everyone said hello to each other.

They were acquainted.

They are all new-generation stars in the entertainment industry. Even if they don’t know each other, they have heard each other’s names.

And the relationship between the girls is heating up very quickly.

Short Just a few minutes of getting along can make several people as close as sisters.

What’s more, Li Yitong has the advantage of graduating from a professional dance academy.

He is here to teach Bai Lu how to dance. In this way, Liu Yifei, Dilraba, and Yang Mi are all People naturally want to learn dance from me.。

“Yitong, shall we start now? “Bai Lu can’t wait.

She has a dance show to participate in recently, so she invited her good friend Li Yitong to come over and teach her how to dance.。

“Okay, where can I jump? Li Yitong asked.

Although the living room is large enough, there is a lot of furniture, and this is a live broadcast. Li Yitong is not a guest of this show. It is really

inappropriate to dance in the living room.。

“How about we go dance in the room? “Bai Lu said。

“Ye Chen’s room is the largest here. How about discussing with Ye Chen and asking him to give up the room? ”

Yang Mi suggested.

In fact, she also wanted to learn to dance.

It is said that dancing girls are the most attractive to men.

In front of Ye Chen, Yang Mi knew that she had no advantage.

But if she could dance, it would be different.

Which One day, when she and Ye Chen were alone together, they had a hot dance, and she didn’t believe that Ye Chen could still withstand it.

Thinking of this, a happy smile appeared on Yang Mi’s face。

“I agree with Sister Mi’s suggestion. “Dilraba raised her hands in a gesture。

“I agree too. “Liu Yifei said with a smile.

Bai Lu didn’t speak. Ye Chen’s figure appeared in her mind.

What happened yesterday night was still vivid in her mind, and she was blushing at the moment.。

“I’ll make a call and talk to Ye Chen. “When Yang Mi saw this, she immediately took out her mobile phone and dialed Ye Chen’s number.。

“Ye Chen, your room has been requisitioned by us. ”

Simple and clear, Ye Chen didn’t even react to what was going on, and Yang Mi hung up the phone.。

“Hahaha, it has to be my big Mimi, she is domineering enough。”

“Ye Laoliu eventually became a homeless child。”

“Relieve your anger, it looks so relieving, hahahaha。”

“With six girls gathered together, Ye Laoliu’s status became lower and lower.。”

PS:Thanks to the boss Henry.Jack for the reward.

Thanks to the boss Shanshan Erli for the reward.

Thanks to Feilu book fans 5382180 for voting for the super update.

Thank you all for your continued support.

The author would like to thank you all. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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