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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 115

Hearing Li Yitong’s words.

Several girls looked at Ye Chen with smiles on their faces.

Obviously, everyone wants to see Ye Chen learn to dance.

After all, Ye Chen wears big pants and flip-flops and wanders around this love house all day long.

What is it like to really learn to dance? Everyone is still looking forward to it。

“Then forget it, I won’t study. “Ye Chen quickly waved his hand and refused.。

“It doesn’t matter, I can teach you, it’s very simple, just right, I also need a male dance partner. ”

Li Yitong said, walking towards Ye Chen step by step.

He looked up and down at Ye Chen, with his wheat-colored skin and strong muscles.

It was different from all the little fresh meat she had ever seen.

Ye Chen was so handsome. He is a handsome man who exudes sunshine and vitality.

A handsome man who makes people fall in love with him after looking at him a few times.

At the same time,

Liu Yifei and the other four people also walked towards Ye Chen.



Ye Chen lay down. On the ground.

Her right hand was held down by Liu Yifei.

Her left hand was held down by Yang Mi.

Her right leg was held by Dilireba.

Her left leg was held by Bai Lu.。

��Chen was lying on her back. No matter how strong she was, even if four girls grabbed her limbs at the same time, she still couldn’t break away.。

“Hahaha, I was laughing so hard. Is Ye Laoliu’s retribution coming?”

“Ye Laoliu, you are so arrogant at ordinary times, now you are better, retribution is coming.。”

“Don’t let Ye Laoliu go, deal with him ruthlessly。”

“Let me ask you weakly, what are you so proud of? Ye Chen was being held down by four beauties. If you think about it from their perspective, who would want to?”

“I guess, yes, what was I so proud of just now? Damn it?”

“Woohoo, Ye Laoliu is enjoying it too much. Four beauties hold him down. I am willing too.。”

“Swap me and Ye Laoliu, and I would live one year shorter.。”

“Upstairs, the situation is open, and I am willing to live ten years shorter. ”

Just now, many viewers laughed at Ye Chen and hoped that Ye Chen would be punished.

As a netizen expressed his opinion, everyone woke up.


Was it possible that Ye Chen was held down by others?

Was it by Liu Yifei, Liu Yifei, Yang Mi, Dilraba and Bai Lu were pressing down.

Any audience would be willing to do this kind of posture.

The funny thing is that they were still laughing at Ye Chen at the beginning. Thinking about it, they felt really damned.

But at this moment Ye Chen didn’t feel good. He felt a pain in his thigh.

Turning around, Bai Lu gritted his teeth and pinched himself.

This is definitely a public revenge.

And Dilraba.

Hey, hey, don’t mess around. Touch it. If you touch it again, it won’t be broadcast.。

“The basic skill of dancing is to move forward. Ye Chen, I believe you can do it. ”

As soon as Li Yitong said these words, Dilraba immediately understood.

She pulled Ye Chen’s legs and wanted to do a one-word horse.。

“Don’t, don’t, don’t, it will break if you break it off again. “Ye Chen shouted quickly。

“It’s okay, it can’t be stopped. ”

Dilraba glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

There were so many people at this moment. If we were alone, Dilireba would definitely question me.

That night, in the car, you broke up with me in the same way. Legs.

I had experienced all kinds of difficult postures at that time.

Now I give you a straight horse, and you say it will break?

How is that possible ?。

“Okay, Reba, put it down, I’m here. ”

Bai Lu discussed with Reba, and then the pain came from the other leg.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but shudder.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hey, it hurts just looking at it. ”

Guo Qilin: “This is the so-called play to death, do you want to continue playing? ”

Yaya: “Hahahaha, it can be seen that everyone has great opinions on Ye Chen.

Yang Chaoyue: “With deep love, there is deep responsibility. ” ”

Ten minutes later.

Ye Chen was lying on the ground, with tears of humiliation flashing from the corner of his eyes.

These four women were definitely avenging private revenge.

Ye Chen even suspected that the four of them knew each other’s relationship with him.

Want to Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible for him to do such a thing.

At this moment, the four of them have let go of their hands, but Ye Chen has no strength to stand up.

Because at this moment, Ye Chen has truly experienced what pain in the balls is.

However, Li Yitong But he had no intention of letting Ye Chen go.

He clapped his hands and said, “Okay, it can be seen that Ye Chen’s flexibility is still very good. Come on, let’s dance a bit. ”

Ye Chen was startled.

He looked at Li Yitong in disbelief.

How could this girl be so vindictive?

It was his fault for pushing the door and hitting her just now.

But he had already apologized.

In addition to the torture just now, he also Not enough?

Now I want to dance by myself.

As soon as he heard this, Ye Chen also got angry. He

immediately stood up and said: “Come on, how to dance?

Seeing Ye Chen’s posture, Li Yitong was also stunned, but he quickly recovered and said immediately: “There will be a few dance moves later. If I lift my right leg, you can just catch me. “。”

“There are also a few turning movements. You hold my hand and I will spin myself. ”

Li Yitong briefly introduced his dance moves and what Ye Chen needed to cooperate with.。

“no problem. “Ye Chen made an OK gesture.

Li Yitong then started to dance.

That hot figure, sexy dance posture, and every swing had the greatest impact on the vision.

Especially when Li Yitong danced, one hand Hooking Ye Chen’s neck.

When facing Ye Chen and making all kinds of sexy and hot moves,

it directly confused the audience in the live broadcast room.。

“Who can withstand this?”

“Oh my god, Li Yitong’s dance is so sexy, right?。”

“No, no, it’s going too fast. I haven’t gotten on the bus yet.。”

“This is not the bus going to kindergarten, I want to get off。”

“Wait for me, I haven’t gotten in the car yet。”

“It’s just a dance, what do you think? Wait a minute, give me some tissues, I need to wipe my nosebleed. ”

I have to say that Li Yitong’s dance is so sexy and hot that even He Jiong and others in the director’s room were embarrassed to comment. Bai Lu on the side

watched it with gusto.

She has been practicing such a sexy dance for a long time, but she still can’t reach her own level. The desired effect.

At this moment, Liu Yifei, Yang Mi and Dilraba were all a little jealous.

After all, seeing other girls dancing such sexy dances in front of Ye Chen, they felt somewhat uncomfortable.

But very Quickly, with Li Yitong’s jumping movement, the entire painting style changed.

According to Li Yitong’s previous design, the moment her right leg was raised,

Ye Chen was going to catch her.

Then a princess hug, Li Yitong would flip down and

form a perfect turn.

However, when Li Yitong raised her right leg, Ye Chen actually grabbed her ankle directly. He

didn’t put it down or pick her up, but

came directly . A one-character horse。

“not like this. “Li Yitong quickly stopped.

Ye Chen didn’t answer.

Instead, he turned around and gave Li Yitong the most direct wall-dong.

That’s right.

It was a wall-dong.

At this moment, one of Li Yitong’s jade feet was still resting on Ye Chen’s shoulder. .

The whole body was pushed against the wall by Ye Chen. It

was a perfect feeling of sight.

For a moment, Li Yitong’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

But soon, it became normal again, as if the blush just now was just someone else’s. Hallucination-like。


“Wall bang? Ye Laoliu, you know how to play。”

“How dare you knock on my Li Yitong? Is there any royal law or heavenly justice?”

“I can’t bear it, I really can’t bear it. Ye Laoliu, I advise you to let go quickly. ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“This Bidong is so handsome, I love it. ”

For a time, there were divergent opinions in the live broadcast room.

Liu Yifei and the other two were also dumbfounded.

Ye Chen made a good wall-dong. Is this revenge for being forced to do a one-word horse just now?

However, Ye Chen still muttered about Li Yitong’s boldness and fieryness.

After a fleeting moment of shyness, he actually stretched out his hand and hooked Ye Chen’s neck.

Those fiery red lips came towards Ye Chen.。

“Now that the postures are ready, let’s go with nature. ”

Li Yitong’s words were very direct, and every move was so direct that it made people panic.

Ye Chen originally wanted to teach Li Yitong

a lesson. Instead, he was defeated by Li Yitong. He

immediately had to let go of Li Yitong.。

“Stop it, keep going, do you feel it? My flexibility is very good. ”

When Li Yitong said this, he also winked at Ye Chen.

Those explicit words made the four people in the director room feel ashamed.

Yaya: “Teacher He, can we listen to this? ”

Guo Qilin: “I won’t express my opinion on this kind of thing. He Jiong said with a black line: ”

Da Linzi, do you mean that I can express my opinion?” Yang

Chaoyue: “Is this really not going to get banned?””

“Hahaha, the god was banned, Ye Laoliu actually blushed。”

“I saw it, it was the first time I saw Ye Laoliu being flirted with by someone, it made me laugh to death。”

“It has to be Li Yitong, who made Ye Laoliu feel shy as soon as he came up.。”

“Li Yitong was strongly urged to join the love house and restrain Ye Laoliu. ”

Facing Li Yitong’s enthusiasm and unrestrainedness,

Ye Chen’s shyness was seen by everyone.

Even Yang Mi and Liu Yifei couldn’t help covering their mouths and laughing.

They didn’t expect that Ye Chen had such a shy side.

You know, when she had a relationship with Ye Chen before,

it was all Ye Chen’s initiative.

Bai Lu also had mixed feelings in her heart, thinking that she had a relationship with Ye Chen in a daze yesterday night because she was drunk.

But at this moment , and seeing Ye Chen being so shy under Li Yitong’s offensive, I didn’t know how to express my inner thoughts for a while.。

“Blushed? “Dilraba Dilraba stepped forward and started joking.。

“Well, it’s time to eat. I’ll go cook first. ”

Ye Chen ran away.

The proud laughter of Li Yitong and the girls could be heard in the room.

After leaving the room, Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

In the kitchen, Zhang Zifeng had already begun to work.

Zhang Zifeng didn’t know how to cook. But she will try her best to do what she can。

“Brother Ye Chen, I have cooked the rice and washed the vegetables. ”

Zhang Zifeng said。

“Okay, let me cook. “Ye Chen nodded, rolled up his sleeves and started working.。

“Brother Ye Chen, have you drank? “Zhang Zifeng looked at it for a long time and found that Ye Chen’s face was a little red, so he immediately asked。

“ah? No, I didn’t drink. ”

Ye Chen touched his cheek and explained quickly.

That panicked look made Zhang Zifeng confused. It’s

all right, why is brother Ye Chen so panicked?

This doesn’t seem like his style.

But Zhang Zifeng also He didn’t think much about it.

He helped Ye Chen.

It was obvious that Zhang Zifeng was quite comfortable with the work of helping out in the kitchen.

When he cooperated with Ye Chen, he was also able to do it with ease.。

“I feel like this scene is what a romance drama should be like.。”

“This picture is a bit sweet。”

“I was so drunk when I saw this scene. If it were me, I would have even thought of the name of my child.。”

“I asked weakly, is sister Zifeng old enough to get married?”

“Is not this nonsensical? Sister Zifeng can get married long ago。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you not to harm my sister Zifeng. ”

After lunch was ready, Yang Mi and others also came out.

They were all sweating profusely. It was obvious that they had exercised a lot this morning.。

“smell good. “Li Yitong looked at the four dishes and one soup on the table and couldn’t help but smell it.。

“Ye Chen, don’t tell me you did all this? ”

Li Yitong looked at Ye Chen。

“Ye Chen is the only one in this love house who can cook for the time being. “Bai Lu said。

“It’s so awesome, really, my mouth is watering. ”

Li Yitong’s expression when he said this didn’t look like he was pretending.

And after confirming that these dishes were all made by Ye Chen, Li Yitong looked at Ye Chen differently.。

“Eat more if you like. “Ye Chen smiled.。

“Don’t worry, I have plenty to eat. ”

Li Yitong squinted his eyes and laughed.

If Dilraba and Bai Lu are snack foodies,

then Li Yitong is a big foodie.

She is the kind of person who eats a lot.

And because of dancing, Li Yitong eats a lot every day. She exercised a lot.

She ate a lot, but she didn’t look fat at all.

Because the meals she ate every day were consumed due to a lot of exercise.

So she never had to control her diet.

Three bowls of rice, one After finishing the bowl of soup, Li Yitong touched his flat belly.

He said with a satisfied look: “I haven’t had such a delicious meal in a long time.”。”

“It doesn’t matter, you can eat it every day from now on. ”

Bai Lu patted Li Yitong on the shoulder and said。

“They say that if you want to conquer a woman, you must first conquer her stomach. This is true.。”

“Conquered you in just one meal? Li Yitong, wake up。”

“No, I can’t accept it. Li Yitong, my cooking skills are also very good, how about you come and try it?”

“Hey hey hey, are you upstairs still awake?”

“I have to say that Li Yitong eats really much, but he also has a really good figure。”

“Hehe, can I order some food? “Li Yitong asked with squinted eyes.。

“Of course not, you thought this was a restaurant. “Ye Chen has a black streak on his head.。

“What if I buy my own groceries? Can I invite you to do it? “Li Yitong asked.

Ye Chen’s eyes suddenly lit up.

Li Yitong was not a guest, she was just a dance teacher who came to teach Bai Lu how to dance.

So it is impossible for the program team to control Li Yitong using his own money.

And if Li Yitong spends his own money to buy food here, If it was, it was in the form of a guest.

Then the director team had no reason to stop it.

Doesn’t it mean that if you want to eat whatever food you want, you can just invite your friends?

But Ye Chen soon stopped.

As a small He is so transparent, where does he have friends from?

If he had any friends, they would already be here.。

“Okay, whatever you want to eat, just buy it and I’ll make it for you. ”

Ye Chen said。

“That’ll do. “Li Yitong got the answer he wanted, and then he looked satisfied.

After finishing the meal,

Zhang Zifeng was still clearing away the dishes.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi also joined in.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu were also busy washing. put some fruits on the table。

“Sister, stop working and eat some fruit. “Dilraba said。

“Thank you, Sister Reba. “Zhang Zifeng took the apple and took a bite.

Turning around, he saw Ye Chen squatting in front of the refrigerator, rummaging for something.。

“Brother Ye Chen, what are you looking for? ”

Zhang Zifeng stepped forward and asked.

PS: Please give me flowers, monthly votes, and evaluation votes.

Thank you all for sending reminder votes. The author is grateful.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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