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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 116

“I remember I put half a catty of duck intestines in the refrigerator before. ”

Ye Chen answered while rummaging around.。

“Ah, um, I thought the duck intestines were broken, so I threw them away. They were a bit smelly. ”

Zhang Zifeng was startled and said with some worry.。

“Where did it go? ”

Ye Chen looked up at Zhang Zifeng。

“Went into the big trash can outside. “Zhang Zifeng pointed outside.

There are three trash cans at the entrance of the village, and sanitation workers come to collect them every morning.。

“When was it lost? “Ye Chen asked。

“Just when I came down. “Zhang Zifeng’s voice became smaller and smaller, like a child who had done something wrong. But

Ye Chen didn’t say much. When he learned that the duck intestines had been thrown outside, he hurried towards the trash can at the entrance of the village. .Zhang

Zifeng saw this and quickly followed behind.。

“What’s wrong? “Bai Lu looked confused.。

“I don’t know either. Let’s go and have a look. “Dilraba saw this and ran out quickly.

The four of them quickly came to the trash can at the entrance of the village. Fortunately, sanitation workers emptied the trash can in the morning.

There was not much garbage in the trash can now.

Ye Chen saw the duck intestines in the white garbage bag at a glance. He immediately leveled the trash can and took out the bag of duck intestines.。

“Ye Laoliu, what are you doing? Come to dig through the trash can in the middle of the day?”

“What are you doing with duck intestines? Are you going to catch crabs again?”

“I don’t know if I can catch crabs or not, but seeing Ye Laoliu looking through the trash can makes me really want to laugh.。”

“I’m so jealous that when Ye Laoliu rummaged through the trash can, there were three beauties following him。”

“Indeed, when I play golf, I always play with a group of older men.。”

“Damn it upstairs, why are there a bunch of big men playing golf? Are you fucking kidding me?”

“Hahaha, pretending failed。”

“Brother Ye Chen, this duck intestine is broken, why are you still here? “Zhang Zifeng asked weakly, “One, three, seven.”。

“Fishing for crayfish. What crayfish likes most is this broken duck intestine. ”

Ye Chen chuckled.

Dilraba immediately became interested: “Where to go to catch crayfish?

Bai Lu said quickly: “I want to go too, I want to go too. “。”

“It’s not very far. I’ll take you there later. “Ye Chen said, and then walked back with the duck intestines.

After Dilireba, Bai Lu and Zhang Zifeng learned that they were going to catch crayfish, they also returned to the love house, applied sunscreen and put on sun protection clothes to prepare. Set off。

“Bai Lu, you can’t go. “After Li Yitong learned about it, Bai Lu’s careful preparations were ruined by one sentence.。

“Ah, Yitong, how about you come too? Bai Lu pouted and said。

“Do you still want to dance? ”

Li Yitong put her hands on her hips, pretending to be angry, and immediately asked Bai Lu to come down. It’s

not long before she goes on the show.

She hasn’t learned the dance she wants to dance yet, and she can’t delay it any longer. Even if she doesn’t want to, They had no choice but to compromise.

However, except for Bai Lu and Li Yitong, the other girls learned that they were going to fish for crayfish, and they all set out together with all the equipment.

Yang Mi originally wanted to drive a sports car, but Ye Chen stopped her: “Fishing for crayfish.” The roads around Lobster are not easy, so don’t drive a sports car.。”

“Then how do we get there?” Yang Mi wondered.。

“Wait me a moment. “After Ye Chen finished speaking, he walked towards Gao Yong’s house.

Not long after, he came over on his brand new tricycle.。

“Go, get in the car. “Ye Chen waved.。

“Tricycle? ”

Yang Mi has a black line.

She has been in the love house for so long, and Yang Mi has never ridden a tricycle.

For a character like her, tricycles are still somewhat difficult to accept.。

“It’s okay, otherwise you can sit in the front. Liu

Yifei patted Yang Mi on the shoulder and said。

“Yes, Sister Mi, tricycles are very fun. We will give you the seat in front. “Dilraba chuckled.

Zhang Zifeng didn’t say anything, but at this moment he had climbed onto the back of the carriage obediently.

Tricycles are nothing unusual for Zhang Zifeng.

She had participated in the show before, let alone riding a tricycle. I can ride.

But it is electric, which is different from this kind of gas-powered one.

Liu Yifei and Dilraba Dilraba got on the back, and then Yang Mi walked to Ye Chen.

She looked at where she was going to sit.。

“Come on, you sit in the front. ”

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and gave Yang Mi a hand.

Yang Mi didn’t refuse. She stepped onto the tricycle with her slender legs and sat in front of Ye Chen.

But Yang Mi obviously didn’t expect that the front of the tricycle would be so crowded.

Although Ye Chen She had already leaned back very hard.

Most of Yang Mi’s butt was still sitting on Ye Chen’s body.。

“Why is your butt so big? “Ye Chen couldn’t help but complain.

Yang Mi was so angry.

As a girl, shouldn’t she be very proud of her big butt?

Why did it sound like a burden when it was said in Ye Chen’s mouth?

Besides, when this guy had sex with her, he didn’t dislike his butt. Now that he was able to

ride in a car, he actually disliked the size of his butt.

More importantly, Yang Mi could realize that her posture was really not very elegant. .

Sitting in front, you have to work hard to lie down so as not to block Ye Chen’s view.

Just imagine, a girl lies down in front of you, that action is so picturesque.。

“Hey hey hey, is this scene really not going to be blocked?”

“My body is numb. Damimi, what are you doing? This posture is a bit tempting.。”

“I can’t stand it anymore. Where’s my forty-meter-long machete?”

“This picture is so imaginative.。”

“No, I can’t stand it anymore. Ye Laoliu, get out of the car quickly. I can’t stand you doing this to my big honey.。”

“Whoever goes to beat Ye Laoliu to death will be paid for by me. ”

Even He Jiong and the others in the director room were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

No one spoke for a long time, and finally Guo Qilin spoke: “This scene is a bit exciting.

He Jiong: “Indeed. ” ”

Yaya and Yang Chaoyue both looked at this scene in confusion.。

“Wait a minute, I’d better go to the back. ”

As if she felt something, Yang Mi’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

She turned around and glared at Ye Chen fiercely.

This guy is too presumptuous.

This is on a tricycle, not in a room.

The two of them were wearing the same clothes. Young.

Yang Mi didn’t want anything to happen to Ye Chen on the tricycle.

So she quickly got off the car and climbed behind the carriage.

Liu Yifei saw Yang Mi’s pretty face turned red, and thinking about the actions of the two of them just now, she obviously also guessed When he reached something, he covered his mouth and laughed.。

“Still laughing. ”

Yang Mijiao said angrily and touched Liu Yifei’s waist.。

“Okay, okay, hold on tight, let’s go. “Liu Yifei quickly reminded.

Ye Chen then set off on a tricycle.

With the photographer following him, this scene gave people a feeling of reaching the pinnacle of life.

Just imagine.

A man wearing big pants and flip-flops.

Riding a tricycle on a dirt road in the countryside.

All this was normal.

But as the camera moved, I saw that the people standing on the side of the tricycle were Zhang Zifeng, Dilraba Dilraba, Yang Mi, and Liu Yifei.

Everyone will think that this tricycle is not an ordinary tricycle.

This is a tricycle that reaches the peak of life.。

“This scene makes me numb。”

“I can only pull a load of sand on a tricycle, but Ye Laoliu can pull four beauties on a tricycle?”

“This is outrageous, okay, Ye Laoliu, please be a human being。”

“I would like to ask weakly, do you buy a tricycle and give it to a beautiful woman?”

“This is a wave of advertising for tricycles, hahahaha。”

“This ad was caught off guard.。”

“If it’s really an advertisement, I’d love to see it。”

“Is this the correct

“Brothers, I have bought a tricycle. May I ask, where can I get the beauty? ”

The place to catch crayfish is not far away.

There is a small road in the middle from the village to the town. It only takes seven or eight minutes to get there.

The dirt road is not easy to walk. Seeing the road conditions, Yang Mi was glad that she did not drive a sports car.

Otherwise, no matter how good a sports car is, it will be stranded here. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When he arrived at the place where he fished crayfish, Ye Chen parked the tricycle and got off the car.。

“Are there any crayfish here? ”

Dilraba looked around.

There wasn’t even a fish pond, only a stream next to it.

And unlike the stream where she caught crabs before, it was obviously very deep here.。

“Give it a try, I also heard what Gao Yong said. “Ye Chen said.

He was not familiar with this area. Most of the information came from Gao Yong’s mouth.

Ye Chen really didn’t know whether there were any crayfish.

But after taking a look at the deep ditch, Ye Chen knew Chen judged that there must be crayfish. He

immediately took out the prepared sticks and handed them to several people and said: “Tie the duck intestines yourself. ”

One end of the stick was connected to a very long rope.

Ye Chen took out a piece of duck intestine and tied it to it.

Several girls followed the same example.

But when they got close to the duck intestine, they were instantly persuaded to retreat.。

“It stinks. “Dilraba covered her nose and said with a look of disgust.。

“It’s too smelly. Can’t we use better duck intestines? “Yang Mi frowned.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng didn’t speak, but it was obvious that they both disliked this bag of duck intestines.。

“Good duck intestines have no smell, so they are not that attractive to crayfish. ”

Ye Chen spread his hands and said helplessly.。

“Ye Chen, help me tie the duck intestines. “Yang Mi handed the rope to Ye Chen and said domineeringly.

Ye Chen had no choice but to help Yang Mi tie up the duck intestines.

By the way, he also gave the duck intestines of Yang Mi, Dilraba Dilraba and Zhang Zifeng. Tie it up.

Fishing for crayfish is different from fishing.

Fishing requires adding bait all the time.

But crayfish don’t need it. Just tie it once is enough.

Because crayfish can’t eat much duck intestines, tie it once and the cycle will continue.

Wash it Only then did a few people start to find a good position to catch crayfish.。

“Oh, yes, yes. “Dilraba just threw the pole out, and within a few seconds, she pulled it up.

A crayfish was greedily eating the duck intestines.

Even though it had been pulled out of the water, it still refused to let go of its claws. .0Dilraba

pulled hard and dragged the crayfish to the shore.

The crayfish seemed to feel the crisis, let go of the duck intestines, and opened its two large pliers vigilantly, preparing to fight back。

“Ye Chen, come here quickly, I dare not catch you. “Dilraba shouted loudly. She

was stamping her feet anxiously.

Seeing this, Ye Chen stepped forward, grabbed the crayfish and threw it into the bucket, and said, “What’s wrong with this?。”

“Hum, don’t leave, just stay here with me, I don’t dare to catch you. “Dilraba said with a pout.

Ye Chen then thought about it. Anyway, fishing is all about fishing, so he might as well stay with Dilraba. There are

so many crayfish here that it’s beyond imagination.

It didn’t take long. , Yang Mi also pulled up her fishing rod, and four or five crayfish were greedily eating on the duck intestines.。

“There are so many. “Seeing this scene, Yang Mi was as happy as a child.

By the way, this was her first time fishing for crayfish. She

originally thought she had no interest and just wanted to fit in with the group, so she came along.

When catching crayfish At that moment, Yang Mi realized that this kind of life was really interesting.

Four or five crayfish were pulled to the shore and fell to the ground one after another.

Yang Mi squatted down, trying to catch it in the bucket.

However, what happened next The big pliers raised high on the crayfish, but there is no way to get started。

“Ye Chen, come here quickly and help me catch him, I don’t dare to catch him. ”

Yang Mi’s voice came, and Ye Chen could only run over to help catch crayfish.

Next came Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng.

The girls didn’t know whether it was because they were lucky or because there were too many crayfish here. .

Ye Chen had no chance to catch crayfish at all. He

could only run back and forth and catch the crayfish one by one in the bucket.

Director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha, this family will be separated sooner or later without Ye Chen.

He Jiong: “Ye Chen has worked hard, really, it’s been too hard. ”

Yaya: “Other people fish for crayfish to relax, but Ye Chen’s fishing for crayfish has become a hard work. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “It’s fun, when can we go fishing for crayfish?””

“Yueyue, wake up, this is the director’s room, not the love room。”

“It made me laugh. Yueyue is really not suitable for the director’s room. Hurry up and join the love room.。”

“How many crayfish are there here? Half a barrel so quickly?”

“There are so many crayfish. Which one is better, garlic or spicy?”

“I just love to see Ye Laoliu running around for life, it makes me laugh so hard. ”

In the blink of an eye, half the bucket of crayfish has been caught, and Ye Chen didn’t even swing the pole. He

just ran back and forth around the four girls.

At this moment, Ye Chen was sweating profusely.

Liu Yifei felt a little distressed when he saw it.

He stretched out his hand and used his sleeve to help wipe the sweat from Ye Chen’s forehead.。

“Okay, you should also take a rest. In the worst case, you won’t be able to fish so fast.。”

“I’m fine. “Ye Chen showed a smile.

Liu Yifei always exudes a faint fragrance of flowers. It

smells very comfortable.

Especially when she sweats a little, the smell is not very good.

Ye Chen sniffed greedily, and that Watching the subtle movements, Liu Yifei covered her mouth and chuckled.

She liked Ye Chen, and she liked every aspect of Ye Chen.

Sometimes he was mature, and sometimes he was 1.9 childish.

Just like now, she actually smelled the body fragrance on her body.

Liu Yifei Although he was shy, he didn’t say much, obviously acquiescing to Ye Chen’s move.。

“so sweet。”

“Damn it, this picture is so beautiful。”

“The funny thing is that I was still laughing at Ye Laoliu just now. Are you going to feed me some dog food now?”

“Hey, hey, hey, be more serious when fishing for crayfish. There is no need to spread dog food at this time.。”

“This is outrageous. Dog food is literally everywhere.。”

“I love to see this scene. No matter what kind of crayfish you are fishing for, more scenes like this would be better than anything else. ”

More than two hours later, the bucket was filled with crayfish.

When Ye Chen saw this, he asked everyone to stop.。

“Okay, let’s go back. There are too many crayfish to finish.。”

“Then when will we come again? ”

Dilraba asked.

Apparently she was still unsatisfied.

There were too many crayfish.

Once the rod was lowered, it could be pulled in a few seconds.

How comfortable it was.

Although Yang Mi, Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng did not speak.

But obviously there are still some unfinished ideas。

“Come back after eating, I can’t hold it anymore. ”

Ye Chen said.

Then several girls dropped their fishing rods and climbed onto the truck body one after another.。

“Army attack. ”

As the tricycle started, Dilraba waved her little fist and shouted.

Ye Chen started to set off very cooperatively.

The tricycle bumped all the way back to the love house.

However, as soon as it stopped, Ye Chen heard a scream Voice……..

PS: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes.

Thank you all for your continued support.

The author has also been studying hard.

I may not be able to satisfy every boss, but I hope you can bear with me. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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