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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 119

“I once, by myself, watched one of those little movies, you know. ”

After Ye Chen said this, he winked at Li Yitong. As soon as

these words came out, the live broadcast room exploded.。

“Okay, okay, just drive right away, right?”

“Ye Laoliu, what kind of short movie can you share?。”

“Is this something that ordinary VIPs like me can hear?”

“No, who can bear to drive on the highway like this?”

“I can’t stand it, I can’t stand it anyway. ”

Dilraba and Bai Lu looked confused, obviously not understanding what Ye Chen meant.

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi covered their mouths and chuckled.

They didn’t know if they had seen it before.

Zhang Zifeng looked even more confused. She looked at Ye Chen, then turned to look at everyone, her eyes full of confusion.

Only Li Yitong squinted at Ye Chen.

She knew very well that Ye Chen was obviously digging a hole for himself when he said this.

But Li Yitong is not afraid.

She has a bold personality. Now that Ye Chen has dug a hole, she dares to jump in.。

“I’ve seen it too. ”

Li Yitong’s words are not surprising.

He Jiong and the other two people in the director’s room are already laughing.

Even the director behind him is shocked.

I didn’t expect that playing an after-dinner game can be so exciting.

763 Ye Chen is also black. Line.

Although he was prepared, Li Yitong would expose the black information in order to let himself be punished.

But he didn’t expect that Li Yitong would be willing to blow up the black information.

At this moment, facing Li Yitong’s proud look, Ye Chen directly raised his hands Surrender, looking helpless and defeated.。

“Let me think about it, what punishment would be better for you?”

“How about this? How about you choose one of the six of us and hold him and do thirty squats? ”

Li Yitong said with a proud look on his face.。

“Thirty? Is this too much?”

“Hahaha, Li Yitong is so ruthless. Who can do thirty squats while holding someone in his arms?”

“Although I admit that Ye Laoliu is in good health and is different from other little fresh meat, but it is absolutely impossible to do thirty squats。”

“Twenty people can stand up to the sky, who can withstand this?”

“I just like watching Li Yitong take care of Ye Laoliu, it’s so cool。”

“Cool? You actually think it’s great to hug my goddess and do squats?”

“Woohoo, brother, I was wrong. ”

Even Ye Chen felt that Li Yitong’s punishment was too harsh.

He couldn’t help but said: “Thirty, it’s probably enough.。”

“So I give you the opportunity to choose yourself, you can choose the girl you think is the lightest. ”

Li Yitong dug another hole for Ye Chen while chatting and laughing. She is

the lightest girl.

Girls all feel that they are very light and are afraid that others will say they are fat.

Li Yitong said this, no matter who Ye Chen chooses, other girls will have some doubts in their hearts. A little resentful.

At this moment, a group of people were looking at Ye Chen with a faint smile on their faces.

They all wanted to see what Ye Chen would choose.。

“Since it is punishment, I think it should be harsher. The lightest one is not necessary. I will choose the fattest one and it will be yours. ”

Ye Chen looked at Li Yitong and said.

In an understatement, he not only solved the trap Li Yitong dug, but also defeated an army. As soon as

these words came out, Li Yitong almost got angry.

This guy.

Actually said that he was the fattest?

But the trap He dug it first, and Li Yitong had no reason to refute.

Under Ye Chen’s gaze, he could only stand up obediently.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong couldn’t help laughing: “I didn

Guo Qilin: “Ye Chen has mastered the essence of this language technology. Yaya: ”

So, are you really not afraid of offending Yitong to death?”

Yang Chaoyue: “I guess Ye Chen doesn’t care anymore. Anyway, the jar has been broken. ” “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Chen hugged Li Yitong and started to do squats.

To be honest, Li Yitong is not actually fat. His seemingly plump figure is actually less than 100 kilograms. .

It’s easy for Ye Chen to do squats while holding Li Yitong.

It’s just that up and down, holding the scantily clad Li Yitong, it’s inevitable that there will be some close contact.

As a normal man, Ye Chen, if he didn’t If there was a reaction, wouldn’t there be a problem?


Li Yitong seemed to have sensed it.

A pair of lotus arms wrapped around Ye Chen’s arm, looking at Ye Chen with a look of disbelief. He

wanted to say something, but he didn’t dare to say it, so he could only say it. He bit his teeth lightly and glanced at Ye Chen resentfully before turning his head away.

Thirty squats ended quickly.

Li Yitong blushed and let go of Ye Chen’s arm, glanced at the time and said, “It’s getting late. , everyone, let’s go to bed early. ”

After saying that, Li Yitong left quickly.

Returning to Bai Lu’s room, Li Yitong closed the door and gasped for air.

It felt like his heart was about to jump out.

Don’t look at Li Yitong’s careless manner in speaking and acting, and even flirting with her. Ye Chen several times.

In fact, she is just a young girl. She

has never experienced anything between a man and a woman.

Originally, it was nothing to have a blowjob.

But just now, Ye Chen held her and did thirty squats.

There are some places that should be touched. They were all exposed to it.

That feeling gave Li Yitong a new understanding in an instant. At

this moment, she urgently needed an independent and quiet space to relax.

Seeing Li Yitong leave, several girls also said goodbye to each other and went back. Room。

“Woohoo, I haven’t seen enough, is this the end?”

“What happened to Goddess Yitong? Just ran away?”

“Goddess Yitong made me laugh to death, isn’t she very courageous? Why did you run away now?”

“Could it be that Ye Laoliu took advantage of him?”

“Huh? I just saw Li Yitong blushing? ”

As everyone left, the live broadcast room was closed.

The day’s live broadcast was considered over. As

soon as Ye Chen returned to the room, before closing the door, he felt someone pushing the door in. When he took a

closer look, he saw Liu Yifei looking at him with a smile on his face. With Ye Chen。

“What’s wrong? “Ye Chen smiled, a little confused.。

“Tell me honestly, what did you just do to Yitong?”

“No, I just did dozens of squats. “Ye Chen spread his hands and said.

Liu Yifei didn’t say anything, but just stepped forward and put a pair of arms around Ye Chen’s neck. She

stared at Ye Chen with a smile on her face, obviously not believing what Ye Chen said.。

“Still staring at me? Do you think I won’t take care of you? ”

When Ye Chen saw this, he pretended to be fierce and said, picked up Liu Yifei and walked towards the bed。

“Hate….”Liu Yifei let out a coquettish cry.

More than an hour.

Liu Yifei slowly left Ye Chen’s room and walked upstairs with difficulty.

PS: Thank you to the boss Henry.Jack for the reward.

Thank you to the boss for looking for Ni Yunlong’s super update ticket. I got up early in the morning and updated a chapter before going to work. I will code hard after work to repay everyone for their support. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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