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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 120

A night of silence.

Early the next morning.

Ye Chen got up early and just walked out of the living room.

I saw Li Yitong and Bai Lu practicing dance in the yard.

Both of them were wearing sexy dance clothes. Even though it was morning, they were still dripping with sweat.

You can even clearly see signs of wetness on your clothes.

What is highlighted is the increasingly obvious peak。

“Good morning. ”

Ye Chen said hello.。

“morning. “Bai Lu was panting.。

“morning. ”

After a night of adjustment, Li Yitong seemed to have recovered.

Looking at Ye Chen at this moment, he regained his boldness just yesterday.

After saying hello, he also did a twerking action.

A raised butt is good-looking.

Simple A single twerk action made Ye Chen swallow his saliva.

Li Yitong seemed to enjoy Ye Chen’s gaze, and a charming smile flashed across his face.

Seeing this, Ye Chen decided to stay away from Li Yitong. Now Ye Chen finally discovered that this woman was a real goblin.

He couldn’t tell when he was taken to the pit by Li Yitong.

However, at this moment, a figure suddenly ran past the entrance of the hospital.

After a moment, he turned around again He came back and said to Ye Chen: “Ye Chen, my brother saw three wild goats in the mountain just now. Everyone went to catch them. Whoever catches them gets it, so go ahead. ”

The person who spoke was Gao Yong, and Gao Yong was still holding a stick in his hand at this moment.

After speaking, Gao Yong ran away, leaving behind Bai Lu and Li Yitong who were confused.

Ye Chen was obviously interested. He

immediately picked it up and put it next to him. I’m about to set out with a hatchet。

“Wait for me, I’ll go. ”

Bai Lu is also a child who loves to play. How can she bear such good things?。

“I’ll go take a look too. “Although Li Yitong is not as playful as Bai Lu, it is her first time to catch wild goats, so she naturally doesn’t want to miss it. It’s still early at

this point.

The live broadcast room has just opened, and there are still relatively few viewers coming in.

But seeing I couldn’t help but laugh at this scene.。

“These two people didn’t even bring tools, so they could catch wild goats?”

“It makes me laugh, wearing yoga pants to catch wild goats?”

“Those are not yoga pants, they are dance pants, right?”

“Hahaha, these two people are going to cause trouble, right?”

“There are actually wild goats. I’m so jealous. I really want to catch wild goats.。”

“Ye Chen, wait for me. ”

Bai Lu’s voice came from behind.

Ye Chen, who was running so fast, had to stop and wait for the two of them.。

“Are you going to go up the mountain dressed like this? “Ye Chen looked at the two of them.

These clothes are too revealing.

Moreover, this is going up a mountain.

These two people are really ignorant and fearless.。

“What’s wrong? Can’t you?”

When Li Yitong said this, he deliberately puffed up his chest, as if he was declaring something.。

“Okay, I hope you won’t cry a moment. “Ye Chen said with a thumbs up.。

“I won’t cry. “Li Yitong promised swornly.

Bai Lu also looked stubborn, obviously having the same belief as Li Yitong.

But soon, as the three of them came to the foot of the mountain and started to go up the mountain,

Bai Lu flinched.

The branch passed by, and there were still things below. Well, they are wearing those very thin trousers.

Although they look translucent,

they can withstand the scratches of branches.

But the upper body is different.

They wear those small bra clothes. , I felt sore and sore from being cut on my stomach, shoulders, and arms.。

“I’m not going, you go. “Not long after leaving, Bai Lu gave up.。

“Look, I told you not to come, but you still don’t believe it, so you insist on coming?”

“Then please be safe when you go back. ”

Ye Chen said.

Bai Lu nodded obediently, turned and left.

Li Yitong originally wanted to leave.

But she had a stubborn temper.

When she heard what Ye Chen said, she immediately became upset.。

“Who said I wanted to go back? ”

Li Yitong said stubbornly。

“You don’t want to go back? Are you able to leave? “Ye Chen was startled. Not only did this girl have a bold personality, she also had a stubborn temper.。

“Huh, of course we can leave. Bai Lu, you go back first. I’ll catch a wild goat for you and roast it. ”

Li Yitong said, and continued to move forward.

Bai Lu still wanted to persuade him, but seeing Li Yitong not looking back, he finally gave up.。

“Ye Laoliu, don’t you know that my Yitong has a donkey temper?”

“Hahahaha, this is being set up. It’s a dilemma.。”

“As expected of Li Yitong, this temperament is really not something that ordinary people can withstand.。”

“Just now I saw that Li Yitong wanted to go down the mountain, but I didn’t expect that he was aroused by Ye Laoliu’s words.。”

“Damn, you are so strong-willed, eh…”

Ye Chen glanced at Li Yitong, shook his head helplessly, and could only continue going up the mountain.

However, in order to reduce Li Yitong’s injuries, Ye Chen wielded a hatchet to chop the weeds on both sides, trying to make the road as wide as possible.

Li Yitong still noticed this subtle move.

My heart felt warm and filled with inexplicable joy.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen was quite considerate.

However, before Li Yitong could be happy for long, Ye Chen’s voice sounded: “Be careful, don’t get hurt later, I don’t have time to carry you.” This

sentence almost made Li Yitong angry to death.

This guy.

On purpose?

Will you die if you let yourself be touched a little?

It’s nice to say something like this again to ruin the atmosphere.

Is this guy allergic to romance?

But thinking about it, the two of them had just met, so there was no romance at all.

But even before he was injured, Ye Chen was already cursing himself for being injured.

Li Yitong was angry.

He immediately said: “Don’t worry, even if my leg is broken, I don’t need you to carry me if I roll down from here.”。”


As soon as he finished speaking, Li Yitong’s screams rang out.

She stumbled as she was walking in stride and almost fell to the ground.

Now he was squatting on the ground, looking up at Ye Chen in pain.

A pair of beautiful eyes have been blurred by tears。

“injured? ”

Ye Chen stopped and walked over and asked.

Li Yitong didn’t speak and nodded aggrievedly.。

“Is your foot twisted? “Ye Chen continued to speak.

Li Yitong nodded again, not daring to look at Ye Chen.。

“Then you stay here until I catch the wild goat and then come back to take you down the mountain. ”

Ye Chen said and was about to leave.。

“Are wild goats less important than me? ”

Li Yitong was so angry that his blood pressure soared.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Ye Chen.

This guy

is too much.

He can go find the wild goat even if he

carries himself on his back. What’s the point of leaving him here?

“Ye Laoliu, how dare you leave my Yitong alone on the mountain?”

“Straight man? Is the wild goat less important than my Yitong?”

“Look, look, is this human language?”

“Be alone, hahaha。”

“It’s also a lumbar disc, why are you so prominent? ”

But Ye Chen just said it casually.

He walked forward because he found some herbs.

After pulling out a herb immediately, he put it in his mouth and chewed it.

Then he spit the herb into his hand and wanted to throw it towards Apply it to Li Yitong’s sprained ankle.。

“Ouch, how disgusting. ”

Li Yitong’s scalp was numb when he saw it, and he waved his hands repeatedly to refuse.。

“Then do you still want this foot? “Ye Chen’s words scared Li Yitong.

Immediately, he could only close his eyes obediently and let Ye Chen apply the herbs to his feet.

Not only that, Ye Chen also started rubbing it with his palms.

After all, it was a sprain . If you don’t massage your feet, the medicine will not be able to exert its maximum effect.

Yang Mi has done it once before.

But that time, Ye Chen gently knea

But now, facing the tough-talking Li Yitong,

Ye Chen was not so polite. He

immediately started kneading.

Li Yitong, who had his eyes closed, felt as if he was electrocuted.

His whole body He suddenly jumped up and opened his eyes. A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Chen.

It seemed that he wanted to intimidate Ye Chen with his eyes.

But after all, Li Yitong overestimated the lethality of his eyes.

Ye Chen’s speed was getting faster and faster. , harder and harder.

Li Yitong screamed repeatedly。


“lighter….ah…it hurts….”


“I do not want it….”

Fortunately, it was in a live broadcast room.

Everyone can see the picture.

If you just listen to the sound, it is probably still a question whether this segment can be broadcast.。

“Shocked, a man and a woman actually did such a thing on the mountain?”

“Beast, why is the woman screaming so much?”

“You’ve already said no, but you’re still going on? unacceptable。”

“Hey, hey, hey, don’t drive randomly, I haven’t gotten in the car yet.。”

“Wait for me, this is not the bus to kindergarten, I want to get off。”

“The speed is too fast and it is too late to brake. Wait a minute, I want to jump out of the car. ”

At this moment, Li Yitong felt that the whole world was dark.

A heartbreaking pain came from her ankle, which made her miserable.

Although she endured it, her eyes were still filled with tears.

A few minutes seemed to have passed for Li Yitong. Decades are like a long time. It wasn’t

until Ye Chen stopped that Li Yitong breathed a sigh of relief.

However, she soon discovered that her ankle, which had been so painful just now, no longer felt pain?

Wasn’t Ye Chen just taking revenge on herself ? , are you really undergoing treatment?

Does this guy still have this ability?

Li Yitong moved his injured foot and wanted to stand up and walk around to see if it still hurt.。

“You’d better not leave, or your feet will become crippled. Don’t blame me for not warning you. ”

Ye Chen said。

“ah? “Li Yitong stood up for a while, but his injured foot was still in the air and he didn’t dare to land easily.。

“Let’s go, I’ll take you back. ”

Ye Chen sighed.

It seems that there is no way to catch wild goats today.

He had already seen many villagers going up the mountain one after another, and they had obviously received the news.

If he continues to look for wild goats, he might have a chance.

But if If you send Li Yitong back and come back, you won’t even be able to drink the soup.

0 Please give me flowers .

But no matter what, people are more important.

Ye Chen squatted in front of Li Yitong. Li Yitong hesitated for a moment, but still lay on Ye Chen’s back. Go up.

But at this moment, I also feel a burning pain on my face.。

“Hahaha, didn’t Li Yitong just say that even if his leg was broken and he rolled down, Ye Chen wouldn’t have to carry it on his back?”

“This slap in the face came so fast that I couldn’t be prepared for it. It made me laugh to death.。”

“What I said just now was so tough, now I feel so embarrassed。”

“That slap on the face makes a slap bang sound.。”

“Blushing but not according to Goddess Tong? Don’t let Ye Laoliu take advantage. ”

As Li Yitong climbed on his back, Ye Chen stood up, holding Li Yitong’s buttocks, and suddenly felt a softness.

The massage was not very comfortable.

Although he only walked slowly, because the mountain road was not easy to walk, With every step Ye Chen took, Li Yitong on his back moved a lot.

Li Yitong clearly felt the bumps and bumps, and remembered the fierce force Ye Chen used to apply medicine to him. He

immediately said two things. Didn’t say anything, just hit Ye Chen’s shoulder and take a sip。

“Ah, why are you biting me? ”

Ye Chen felt pain and took a breath of cold air.。

“Huh, who told you to bully me just now? “Li Yitong feels much better.

With a playful expression on his face。

“Bite me? See if I don’t pinch your ass. ”

Ye Chen held Li Yitong’s buttocks with both hands. He

squeezed hard, and Li Yitong jumped up.

He screamed in pain.。

“I don’t dare anymore, I don’t dare anymore. “Li Yitong quickly begged for mercy.

She was still on Ye Chen’s back. If she insisted on fighting to the end, she would only suffer a loss.

And Ye Chen smiled, it still felt very good.

Moreover, the pants Li Yitong wore were very thin to begin with. That kind of thing.

If you pinch it hard, isn’t it the same as having no pants?

Li Yitong’s fans in the live broadcast room were angry。

“Ye Laoliu, you have gone too far.。”

“Li Yitong’s butt can be pinched if you want?”

“Let go of my goddess, I will fight with you。”

“Come on, bring me my 40-meter-long machete. Let Ye Laoliu run 39 meters first, and I’ll get there with one strike.。”

“Look, is this what a person should do? Give me your ass, I’ll pinch it。”

“A salty pig’s knuckle, a proper salty pig’s knuckle. ”

Seeing that Li Yitong was honest, Ye Chen continued to walk down the mountain.

However, after taking only two steps, he suddenly saw a white shadow not far away.

With sharp eyes, Ye Chen realized that it was a wild goat.。

“Ibex. “Li Yitong obviously noticed it too.

Although it was blocked by branches, it was still easy to see clearly.。

“Shh, don’t make any noise. ”

Ye Chen made a silent gesture, and then walked in the direction of the wild goat.

When he was almost close, the wild goat realized the danger, turned around and ran away.

Ye Chen had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the hatchet in his hand. He swung it out and threw it.

The hatchet hit one of the wild goat’s hind legs, and the blood flowed out instantly.

But the wild goat still endured the pain and escaped.

But the speed was obviously much slower.。

“It’s injured, chase it quickly. ”

Li Yitong lay on Ye Chen’s back and cheered.

At this moment, he didn’t care that his own part was in close contact with Ye Chen’s back. He

immediately waved his lotus arms, just to give Ye Chen’s ass a lifetime, and then said The word “argument” came out.

But Ye Chen’s reaction was not slow.

Seeing that the wild goat was injured, he chased after it with Li Yitong on his back.

The two photographers behind him thought they were about to leave here, so they took pictures with peace of mind. .

But I didn’t expect that something like this would happen again.

The two looked at each other, their eyes full of despair.

But they could only continue to chase.

But soon, the two photographers lost track of them.

Mainly because Ye Chen’s speed is so fast that even with Li Yitong on his back, he can still walk quickly in this mountain. The

two photographers even have to wonder if Ye Chen is a savage.

A little fresh meat can run in the mountains. So fast?

Still carrying an adult on his back.

The helpless photographer could only continue to follow Ye Chen’s footsteps.

But at this moment, on the other side.

Two huge stones formed a triangular gap more than ten meters long. .The

injured goat had already run into the innermost part.

Ye Chen and Li Yitong stood at the opening and watched.

Ye Chen had tried several times just now, but even if he squeezed in hard, he could not touch the injured goat. He had no choice but to do so

. Next, I can only quit and think of a solution.。

“How about I give it a try? “Li Yitong said while holding on to the stone on the side.

She could clearly see Ye Chen’s actions just now. He

could go in, but because of his size, Ye Chen couldn’t get into the innermost part at all.

In comparison, Li Yitong’s figure was just Much thinner.

If you squeeze in, you might have a chance to grab the goat’s legs and drag the wild goat out.

PS: Please give me flowers, monthly tickets, review votes, whatever. Thank you for your support. Next..


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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