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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 122

Not long after, Liu Yifei came out.

It’s still the same cup.

Just a few tea leaves were added to the cup.

You can tell that the water is hot and steaming。

“Okay, I added some tea leaves for you, would you like to try it? ”

Liu Yifei said with a gentle face, and handed the teacup in her hand to Ye Chen。

“It’s a little hot, wait a minute. “Ye Chen glanced at it and continued to work.

He kept applying various seasonings to the mutton.

Then he started massaging.

Only in this way can the seasonings be fully integrated into the lamb.

Only in this way can the roasted whole lamb be fully Melted into the fragrance.

Liu Yifei did not disturb Ye Chen, but squatted down, held the water glass, came close to him, opened her little cherry mouth slightly and started to blow.

Liu Yifei’s movements were very light, and even the blowing movement made people feel It’s a pleasing feeling.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Oh my God, Yifei is too considerate, isn’t she?

Guo Qilin: “Really, what kind of divine treatment is this? ”

Yaya: “To be honest, I’m jealous. Ye Chen is so lucky, right? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “If Ye Chen cooks roasted whole lamb for me, I will help Ye Chen bring tea and water every day. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what are you talking about?”

“Are you afraid that others won’t know you are a foodie?”

“Woohoo, did Ye Liu save the galaxy?”

“The fairy sister just made tea, but now she’s giving Ye Laoliu a cold blow? No one else gets this kind of treatment。”

“I’m so jealous, I don’t know what kind of sleeping position I have to use to have such a dream.。”

“Don’t worry, upstairs, you can’t have this dream. ”

I don’t know how long it took, but Liu Yifei felt that her cheeks were a little painful.

She took a drink of water from the water glass and felt okay, then handed it to Ye Chen and said。

“Okay, I’ll cool it down for you. Can you drink some? ”

Liu Yifei’s voice was still so gentle.

After Ye Chen took it, he took a big sip.

He nodded with satisfaction and said, “Not bad, thank you. ”

This scene made countless fans beat their chests and beat their feet.

Who is that?

That is their fairy sister.

And now, she not only brings tea and water to Ye Chen, but also helps to cool her down.

With this kind of treatment, fans even I didn’t even dare to dream about it. 20

But I didn’t expect Ye Chen to enjoy it.

But unfortunately, Liu Yifei couldn’t see the fans’ shouts at all.

After seeing Ye Chen drink more than half of it in one breath, Liu Yifei held it happily The cup went in.

When she came out, the tea in the cup had been filled。

“I added a little white sugar for you, which should make the taste better. You sweat so much, so you need to pay more attention to replenish it.。”

“Okay, leave it alone, I’ll drink it later. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“It doesn’t matter to me, I have nothing to do anyway, so I’ll help you cool off. ”

Liu Yifei seemed to like this feeling.

Taking care of Ye Chen, being needed by Ye Chen.

Even just looking at Ye Chen, she was very satisfied.

So she would rather hold a cup and help Ye Chen blow the water in the cup tea.

At least for her, this kind of life is very peaceful.。

“That’s enough, stop spreading dog food, okay?”

“You are going to eat roasted whole lamb, let us eat dog food first? This is outrageous。”

“Forget us using roasted whole lamb to satisfy our cravings, now they’re also feeding us a lot of dog food。”

“The dog food is also good, I find it very sweet。”

“That’s right, I think the scene of Ye Chen and the fairy sister together is the most beautiful.。”

“Get more pictures like this, I’d love to see them。”

“The forty-five-year-old young man said that he liked to see such a scene, it was so sweet. ”

Ye Chen applied it for a long time.

It wasn’t until the whole roasted lamb changed color that he washed his hands with satisfaction.

Di Lieba and Zhang Zifeng, who knew how to pack firewood, also came back.

They didn’t know Who did I learn from? Use the long rope to tie the firewood together.

Then drag the rope back.

The firewood is dragged from the foot of the mountain all the way to the love house.

Such a long distance can be said to be half the result with twice the effort.

Wait until you return to love When she walked into the house, Dilireba collapsed on the ground tiredly.

She was dripping with sweat.。

“I’m so exhausted, so tired, oh my god, I’m so tired. ”

Although Zhang Zifeng didn’t speak, it could be seen from her expression that she was breathing heavily.

She was very tired now.。

“Hahaha, Reba, who taught you to bring firewood back like this?”

“It made me laugh so much. She is indeed a stupid beauty. I am so shocked.。”

“Doesn’t sister Zifeng often work? Why did you do such a shocking thing?”

“My sister used to have help when she worked, but this time she went to work with Reba, who helped?”

“Hahaha, working with this stupid beauty Reba makes me laugh to death.。”

“It would be strange if you don’t die from exhaustion if you get twice the result with half the effort. ”

Seeing the two of them looking like this, Ye Chen couldn’t help but laugh.。

“dare you laugh? We are almost exhausted, okay? “Dilraba is angry.。

“It’s no wonder you’re not tired when you work like this. How can anyone collect firewood like this? You bring a pole with you and it will be easier to pick it back up. ”

Ye Chen said。

“But we asked a grandma and she said just tie them up and drag them back. ”

Dilraba is still defending.。

“Yes, tie them up and drag them back with a pole. I didn’t ask you to drag them back with a rope. ”

As soon as Ye Chen said these words, Liu Yifei laughed out loud.

Dilireba had a black line on her head.

She seemed to understand something now。

“Brother Ye Chen, this is our first time too and we don’t have much experience. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“It’s okay, you guys wash your hands first and take a rest. “Ye Chen didn’t continue the fight.

What he had to do now was to quickly light the fire, and then put the whole sheep on the rack for barbecue.

After all, it takes several hours to roast the whole sheep, and all these need to be prepared in advance.

Ye Chen packed up Firewood.

Zhang Zifeng also quickly stepped forward to help.。

“Zifeng, you should take a rest first, I will do all this. “Ye Chen said。

“It’s okay, brother Ye Chen, I’m not tired. “Zhang Zifeng wiped the sweat from her forehead and said stubbornly.

Seeing this, Ye Chen didn’t say much and immediately started to pile firewood.

Zhang Zifeng started to do it on the side.

It could be seen that she was very tired, but she still stubbornly put away the firewood. In

the director’s room,

He Jiong’s eyes were slightly red: “My sister is like this, no matter how hard or tired she is, she never knows how to rest. ”

Guo Qilin: “Zifeng’s character is really good. I admire Zifeng very much for this.

Yaya: “If someone marries his sister, wouldn’t he be very lucky? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I totally agree with what Sister Yaya said, but I don’t know who has such good luck. “。”

“My sister is my goddess。”

“Woohoo, whoever dares to bully my sister, I will never let him go.。”

“You think too much, don’t think my sister is introverted, but she has high vision, most people don’t like her at all。”

“At this age, my sister must be focused on her career. ”

After Ye Chen and Zhang Zifeng prepared the fire, they nailed the shelves on both sides.

Then they lifted the prepared roasted whole lamb to the top.

Then they started to light the fire.

As the bonfire was lit and the heat came up, Ye Chen Then I brought out a stool and sat down, while slowly rotating it.

If you want the roasted whole lamb to taste good, you have to pay more attention to it, and you can’t relax for a moment.。

“Okay, you guys go in and take a rest first, roasting a whole lamb won’t be ready so quickly. “Ye Chen said。

“Brother Ye Chen, let me take a shower first. If you need anything, just call me. “Zhang Zifeng said.

Ye Chen nodded, and Zhang Zifeng obediently entered the living room.


Liu Yifei originally wanted to accompany Ye Chen.

But it was too hot outside.

Although there was a big tree to block it. He was exposed to direct sunlight.

But the heat breath still hit his face, making him feel upset.

Ye Chen didn’t want Liu Yifei to suffer such a sin, so he said, “Hurry up and cool down. If I’m too hot, I’ll It’s your turn. ”

After hearing this, Liu Yifei obediently went in.

In the living room, Bai Lu was still practicing her dance.

Li Yitong was coaching on the side.

Yang Mi started playing with her mobile phone. (For reading Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Di Lieba and Zhang Zifeng went back to the room to take a shower.

The coolness in the living room and the heat outside were simply two different worlds.

Liu Yifei stood at the door of the living room and looked towards Ye Chen.

Because she felt the heat outside Temperature, that’s why Liu Yifei felt sorry for Ye Chen who worked hard for everyone.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Wow, Yifei is really considerate. Yaya: ”

They say that Yifei is a fairy sister and a cold goddess. That’s because she doesn’t show such a gentle side.” ”

Guo Qilin: “It seems that except in front of Ye Chen, Yifei has never shown such a gentle side.

Yang Chaoyue: “I’m so envious of me. This is the biggest blow to singles. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, that was a critical blow to you, I have a girlfriend。”

“Upstairs, don’t show off. Showing off will easily break up your relationship.。”

“When did a girl care about me silently like this, I would get married right away。”

“These two people are so sweet even when they are not together. ”

Yang Mi on the sofa also noticed Liu Yifei. She

immediately stood up and walked over, took a look at Ye Chen who was having a barbecue under the tree, and instantly understood what was going on. She

pressed Liu Yifei’s shoulders with both hands and said, “Okay, you go. Take a rest and let me help.。”

“Thanks. Liu Yifei said in a low voice。

“Thank you for what? He is not yours alone. ”

Yang Mi came close to Liu Yifei’s ear and whispered.

Liu Yifei was startled, but she quickly realized.


Ye Chen is not hers alone.

Liu Yifei has known this for a long time.

But even so, Liu Yifei is very Happy.

Even she herself didn’t know where Ye Chen got such charm.

After comforting Liu Yifei, Yang Mi opened the door and went out. As soon as she

opened the door, a wave of heat hit her.

She almost forced Yang Mi to retreat.

But it was precisely because of this that Yang Mi looked at Ye Chen in a different light.

Compared to the comfort of the living room, who would want to barbecue outside.

But Ye Chen was obviously paying for everyone by doing this. For this alone, Yang Mi Mi was still very satisfied.

She immediately walked up to Ye Chen and said, “I’ll do it. You go in and have a rest.”。”

“It’s okay, I’m used to it. “Ye Chen raised his head and laughed.

Big beads of sweat slid down his cheeks.

After Yang Mi saw it, she took out a tissue from her pocket and handed it to Ye Chen and said, “Wipe off the sweat.。”

“Thanks. “After Ye Chen took the paper towel and wiped it,

Yang Mi also moved out a stool and sat down.

She said in an unquestionable tone: “Okay, go in and have a rest. If you are asked to do everything, it will make us look useless. use。”

“Then pay attention to the heat. ”

Ye Chen entered the living room, opened the refrigerator and took out a bottle of Coke to drink.

Di Lieba and Zhang Zifeng also came down after taking a shower.

Seeing Ye Chen come in, Zhang Zifeng quickly asked: “Brother Ye Chen, do you want me to go? Watching from the outside?”

“No, Yang Mi is outside. ”

Ye Chen said.

As the sky gradually darkened,

the temperature outside dropped.

Liu Yifei and a group of people also moved the tables and chairs out.

Everyone sat in the yard chatting and laughing.

Ye Chen continued to control the whole sheep.

For several hours BBQ, roasted whole lamb has begun to emit bursts of fragrance.

It is floating in every corner.

Even the staff who are preparing to eat box lunches can’t help but sniff their noses.

Obviously they are attracted by the aroma of the roasted whole lamb.。

“smell good。”

“I really want to take a bite too。”

“Aren’t we in love? Is this almost becoming a food show?”

“It’s not all Ye Chen, he is too good at it. ”

A few staff members were whispering while holding the lunch boxes.

Not to mention them, even the director felt uncomfortable holding the lunch box.

A chicken leg lunch box, looking at the chicken drumsticks, always felt greasy.

He even wanted to call and ask. Why don’t these chicken legs taste like roasted whole lamb?。


Ye Chen, who was having a barbecue, suddenly heard a strange sound.

He turned around and saw the director waving to him.

The photographer also knew how to cooperate and captured the director.

The audience in the live broadcast room burst into laughter。

“Director, wake up, you are the director, is it appropriate to act like a thief?”

“Hahaha, the director also wants to eat roasted whole lamb, right?”

“This director makes me laugh so hard, can you have some backbone?。”

“Director, isn’t he just a roasted whole lamb? Are you going to hiss here?”

“It’s so cute, so funny。”

“What’s wrong, director? “Ye Chen was startled and asked loudly.

As Ye Chen spoke, everyone’s attention also shifted to the director.

Everyone looked curious.

After all, directors generally don’t speak.。

“Well, Ye Chen, are you ready to roast the whole lamb? Have a piece? “The director asked with a kind smile.。

“This is an authentic wild goat, and it’s not cheap, director. “Ye Chen said。

“How much? asked the director。

“Well, let me cut a piece for you to try. “Ye Chen chuckled.

He cut off a small piece of roasted whole lamb with a knife and came over and put it in the director’s lunch box.

The director quickly picked it up and started eating.

After one bite, oil sizzled.

Not only did it smell like roasted whole lamb, There is also a unique aroma that comes from onions, garlic, and cooking wine. It instantly fills

the entire mouth.

The director couldn’t help but close his eyes and enjoy it.

It’s delicious.

It’s simply delicious.

This is better than any big hotel he has ever tasted. All the delicacies are delicious.

It’s a pity that this piece is too small.

After the director finished eating, he looked at Ye Chen with unsatisfied eyes and asked with bright eyes: “More, please。”

“Is this enough? “Ye Chen took the knife and cut off a piece of meat.

It was about the size of a palm. The director looked at it and nodded quickly.

He looked cheerful.。

“Enough is enough。”

“One hundred dollars. “Ye Chen said.

The director who was smiling just now was instantly angry.

He thought about Ye Chen asking for money, but he never thought that Ye Chen would dare to open his mouth.

Such a piece of meat the size of a palm actually costs a hundred yuan?

“Why don’t you go and grab it? ”

The director is angry。

“Yes, I’m just robbing you, but forget it if you don’t give it to me, and I won’t force you. ”

Ye Chen chuckled, dangled the mutton in his hand, and walked over deliberately.

Now the director knew why Ye Chen was so kind just now.

This guy did it on purpose. He let himself taste a small piece first to whet his appetite.

Then came the lion’s mouth again.

As the fragrance continued to penetrate into the nasal cavity,

the glutton in the director’s stomach was also aroused.

Now he looked at the mutton pieces in Ye Chen’s hand and swallowed wildly.。

“Hey, forget it, I will eat it myself. ”

When Ye Chen saw that his goal was achieved, he immediately started eating.。

“Wait a moment. “The director roared angrily.

He immediately took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and handed it to Ye Chen.

He stared at Ye Chen with a pair of eyes.

If you didn’t know this, you would have thought that the director and Ye Chen had some deep grudge.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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