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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 123

“Director, don’t look at me like that. Our business is a consensual one. Don’t make it look like I’m bullying you. ”

Ye Chen said, and stepped forward to take the money from the director’s hand.

However, the director squeezed it tightly with two fingers.

Ye Chen suddenly exerted force, and then he got the money.

He happily put it in his pocket.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, Ye Chen is too smart, let the director have a taste first.

Yaya: “I didn’t expect the director to be so greedy. ”

Guo Qilin: “Such a small piece of meat costs 100 yuan. The director probably regretted it. ” Yang

Chaoyue swallowed wildly: “It must be delicious. I really want to eat it.”。”

“I knew that Ye Laoliu was not so kind. He gave the director a small piece. It must have been for a purpose.。”

“Director, please be careful and don’t be fooled again.。”

“Fuck you, how greedy is the director? He jumped into it even though he knew it was a trap.。”

“This is the first time I saw the guest routine director in Love TV Series, Ye Laoliu, please be a human being. ”

Not just the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even the girls Liu Yiyi and Yang Mi couldn’t help laughing.

You know, they don’t have much living expenses.

Ye Chen exchanged a piece of meat for a hundred yuan , such a business can definitely be done.

But at this moment, Ye Chen, who had received a hundred yuan, did not leave immediately, but looked at the director with a smile on his face.。

“what? “The director was furious when he saw Ye Chen.

He found that Ye Chen was getting more and more difficult to deal with.

This guy actually played tricks.

If he hadn’t eaten a bite of roast lamb in advance, he would never have spent a hundred yuan. Buying such a piece of meat。

“Director, we still have quite a few here, why don’t you call on everyone and see who wants to eat? You can also buy it with money. ”

Ye Chen chuckled and expressed his inner thoughts.。

“No one wants it, don’t worry, no one wants your roasted whole lamb, it’s too expensive. ”

The director waved his hands repeatedly.

The staff who wanted to eat roasted whole lamb just now shut up obediently.

No one is stupid. The director’s palm-sized piece of meat just now cost one hundred yuan.

As a staff member, the salary is also high. It’s not high, so naturally I’m not willing to spend this money to buy a piece of mutton.。

“No, director, it’s a bit expensive to sell it to you. It can be cheaper to sell it to someone else. How about this? Can we bid?”

“I cut a piece of meat, and the starting price is five yuan. If you want to eat it, you can ask your own price, and the one with the highest price will get it. ”

As soon as Ye Chen said these words, the director, who had been so happy just now, almost vomited blood.

What do you mean if it’s more expensive to sell to yourself, but cheaper to sell to others?

Do you look like a big resentment?

“Hahaha, Ye Laoliu, I’m afraid your words didn’t make the director mad to death.。”

“Ye Laoliu, you have deceived the director and still spoke so straightforwardly, are you afraid that the director’s life will be too long?”

“Poor director, he looks like a big grudge at the moment.。”

“Indeed, when Ye Laoliu said this, the director really became a source of resentment. ”

Not just the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even Liu Yifei and a group of people looked at the director with sympathy

when they heard Ye Chen’s words. Those eyes seemed to say, indeed, spending a hundred yuan to buy such a piece of meat is a good idea. There is no doubt that they have a big complaint.

However, everyone is happy when they think that the director gave everyone a small amount of living expenses at the beginning. The

staff agreed with Ye Chen’s proposal.

After all, the highest bidder gets it. In this way, if you think it is too expensive , there is no need to increase the price.

So, an auction soon started in the yard.

Ye Chen sat under the tree, took a knife and cut off a palm-sized piece of mutton and asked: “Okay, now the auction starts, this piece Meat, five dollars。”

“Ten bucks. ”

Someone immediately made an offer。

“Eleven dollars. ”

Immediately afterwards, someone increased the price.。

“fifteen yuan。”


“twenty-three. ”

More and more staff joined in.

In the end, a palm-sized piece of mutton was sold for thirty-three yuan. The

successful bidder was Luo Yu, the fruit buyer.

She happily put the mutton into the lunch box.

Luo Yu also walked to The director started eating in front of him。

“Can you stay away from me? ”

The director is so angry.

The mutton he just spent 100 yuan to buy is almost the same as what Luo Yu Thirty-three bought, or even a little less.

Seeing how happy Luo Yu is eating, the director has a saying in his heart: MMP, don’t you know? Shouldn’t you say it?。

“Director, don’t be angry, you are the first to eat crabs..。”

Luo Yu chuckled and ate happily.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha….”

Guo Qilin: “Mr. He, don’t let the director know about your smile like that.”

Yaya: “The director is the director. The mutton you can buy for 100 yuan is not as much as other people buy at Thirty-Three. Ye Chen is too good at it, right?” .”

Yang Chaoyue: “I really want to eat roasted whole lamb. This guy has turned a love show into a gourmet show. This is outrageous.。”

“Not to mention, this roasted whole lamb should look good。”

“Upstairs, be more confident and remove the word “should”。”

“Indeed, have you noticed that Lao Liu is still very good at cooking, and several barbecues were organized by Lao Liu himself, and his skills look good.。”

“I’m so greedy. No, I also want to order a roasted whole lamb. ”

The auction didn’t last long.

Basically every staff member bought a piece.

The most expensive one cost forty-two yuan, and the cheapest cost five yuan.

A quarter of the mutton has been sold out.

The rest, Ye Chen looked at it and didn’t dare to continue the auction.

After all, there were still seven people in the love house who wanted to eat.

Of course, they had to prepare enough portions.

And when Ye Chen was auctioning just now, Dilraba was squatting On one side, he held chopsticks in his hand.

When he saw Ye Chen cutting the mutton, he used chopsticks to pick up the fallen piece of mutton and put it into his mouth from time to time. He

looked like a typical snacker.。

“Okay, Reba, don’t eat it secretly. Go bring the plate over and I’ll cut it up for you. ”

Ye Chen said。

“coming. “Before Di Lieba got up, Bai Lu couldn’t wait to come over with a plate. She

stood next to Ye Chen obediently. Ye Chen took a knife and started to cut the mutton.

He cut off pieces of the sizzling and oily mutton and put them on the plate. Go up.

But Ye Chen was cutting the meat here, and Bai Lu, who was holding the plate on the other side, stretched out his hand to grab a piece of meat and put it in his mouth from time to time.。

“Huh? Why is it missing? ”

Ye Chen was confused.

He had clearly cut four or five pieces of meat just now.

Why are there only three pieces left now? He

looked up at Bai Lu.

His face was expressionless, just like a dedicated waiter serving the plate.。

“Did I remember it wrong? “Ye Chen asked。

“…”Bai Lu didn’t speak, just shook her head slightly.

Looking ahead, looking upright。

“It’s okay if you don’t have it. I just picked up the piece of mutton from the ground. “Ye Chen said.

As soon as the words came out, Bai Lu couldn’t hold back anymore and laughed out loud.

Although she knew that Ye Chen was teasing her.

But Bai Lu, who loves to laugh, really didn’t do it without teasing.

This With a smile, the mutton in his mouth was clearly visible. He

looked like a typical foodie.

When Ye Chen saw this, he raised his hand and slapped Bai Lu on the butt.。

“Anyone who ate it secretly and still pretended to do so should be beaten. ”

A crisp sound came. Bai Lu glared at Ye Chen resentfully and continued to eat.。

“It’s just a piece of mutton, so it won’t be a spanking, right?”

“Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right? Tomorrow I will buy a sheep and give it to my family, Bai Lu.。”

“Hahaha, Bailu, you stupid beauty, can’t you hold it in for a while?”

“Spanking is too much. That butt is for touchi

“Hey hey hey, people upstairs, don’t drive.。”

“It’s outrageous to drive just after a disagreement. ”

Ye Chen did not cut off all the mutton because he saw Dilraba’s longing eyes on the side. He

immediately left four large legs of mutton. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When handing the leg of lamb to Dilraba, Dilraba burst into laughter. She

hugged Ye Chen’s neck and said, “Hehe, I love you.” ”

Dilraba was as happy as a child. She hugged a leg of lamb and started chewing it. The

audience in the live broadcast room almost made the audience in the live broadcast room envious.

When the remaining three legs of lamb were served on the table.

Liu Yifei and Yang Midu expressed no interest.

Although Liu Yifei shed her cold demeanor in front of Ye Chen, she couldn’t do such a thing as holding a leg of lamb and eating it.

As for Yang Mi, let alone that.

A lady royal sister , can you do such a low-price thing?

However, Bai Lu completely ignored her own image and saw that no one was eating, so she grabbed a leg of lamb and started to chew it.

After a few bites, her mouth was full of oil, just like chewing the lamb. Dilraba looked at each other, and both of them couldn’t help laughing.。

“There are two legs of lamb, which of you will eat? “Ye Chen asked。

“It’s so big, I can’t finish it. “Li Yitong said。

“Brother Ye Chen, eat it. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“If that’s the case, then let’s have one each. “Ye Chen handed one of the lamb legs to Zhang Zifeng, and then picked up one and ate it himself.

Zhang Zifeng’s small body hugged the big leg of lamb, and he didn’t know how to eat it for a while.

That cute and entangled look, It made He Jiong laugh.

He Jiong: “Although my sister is not a typical lady, it is really embarrassing for her to eat leg of lamb like this.

Guo Qilin: “I’m already hungry. By the way, Teacher He, let’s go eat as well. ”

Yaya: “I have contacted the roasted whole lamb. It will be ready to eat in half an hour. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Sister Yaya, I really love you to death.”。”

“Yaya, you are outrageous, you secretly ordered a whole roasted lamb。”

“Instantly, I felt that the instant noodles in my hand no longer smelled good.。”

“You do it on purpose, do you do it on purpose to be so irritating?”

“I also want to eat roasted whole lamb. If anyone has contact information, please give me one. ”

Xinjiang Province.

In front of the hospital.

Li Bo, who is in his fifties, is sitting on the steps with a cigarette butt.���All over the place.

Li Bo was originally an office worker, but later switched to the roasted whole sheep business.

I originally thought that I had some savings, and as long as I worked hard, I could start a business.

Unexpectedly, fewer and fewer people eat roasted whole lamb these days.

Sometimes even a whole roasted lamb cannot be sold for several days.

What’s even more sad is that Li Bo’s wife is sick.

I’m in the hospital now, waiting for surgery.

The operation fee required 60,000 yuan, but at this moment Li Bo invested all his money in the roasted whole sheep business.

How can I get 60,000 yuan in my hand?

After smoking his last cigarette, Li Bo took out his cell phone and prepared to call to borrow money.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took out his mobile phone, he received a strange call。

“Hello, I want to order a roasted whole lamb。”

“Okay, when do you want it? ”

When business comes to your door, Li Bo will naturally not refuse.

After quickly recording the time required by the customer, he hangs up the phone.

However, just after hanging up, a second call came in.。

“Hello, do you sell roasted whole lamb? I want to order one. ”

Li Bo was confused by the continuous calls.

In just ten minutes, he had already received seven or eight calls.

They were all for reservations for roasted whole lamb.

And they all paid for it.

What’s going on?

Roasted whole lamb . Is it popular?

It’s not just Li Bo.

That night, many owners of roasted whole lamb businesses across the country were buzzing with phone calls.

Countless roasted whole lamb restaurants that were on the verge of closing came back to life at this moment.

Some people laughed, some were confused. Wow, there are also people like Li Bo who cry with joy.

But the bosses of the roasted whole sheep business know how to go online. After searching, they naturally understand the cause of the matter.

And at this moment, these bosses of the roasted whole sheep business all remember I gave him a name, and that was Ye Chen.

Countless people were grateful to Ye Chen in their hearts.

In fact, even Ye Chen didn’t expect that he could save an industry just by cooking a roasted whole lamb. He had

helped so many people invisibly.

At this moment Ye Chen was sitting on the swing eating a big leg of lamb.

Like a child, his mouth was full of oil.

At the dining table not far away, the same was true for Dilraba and Bai Lu.

Only Zhang Zifeng ate the most elegantly. .

Put the leg of lamb on the table, take the knife, cut it into pieces, and eat one piece, which gives people the feeling of eating steak in Western food.

Liu Yifei was already full.

She got up and walked to Ye Chen with a tissue, and saw Ye Chen Like this, I couldn’t help but smile and help Ye Chen wipe the sweat from his forehead.。

“I’m already sweating after eating mutton. Are you going to add seasonings to the mutton leg? ”

Liu Yifei said softly.

Although it was evening, the temperature in the yard was still very high.

Even if you didn’t do anything, you would easily sweat if you stayed in the yard.

Not to mention Ye Chen was eating roasted leg of lamb. .

The sweat continued to drop, and Ye Chen could only wipe it briefly with his arm. It was

when Liu Yifei saw this scene that she washed her hands and came over to help Ye Chen wipe the sweat after eating.

And Liu Yifei did not leave after wiping. , he brought a stool over and sat in front of Ye Chen.

He held a tissue in his hand. Whenever he saw Ye Chen sweating, he would start wiping it with a tissue.。

“Oh my god, Ye Chen definitely saved the galaxy in his last life, otherwise how could he get such treatment? “(Wang’s Zhao)

“Fairy sister, wake up, is it appropriate to wipe someone else’s sweat like this?”

“I’m so jealous, this is so sweet。”

“This is no longer ordinary dog food, right? This is top-quality dog food, right?”

“Woohoo, it’s me who feels so bad. When did I get such treatment?”

“Ye Laoliu finally became the man I envy most。”

“Draw your sword, Ye Laoliu, the fairy sister is mine。”

“Upstairs, what time has this happened, and you still draw your sword? Let’s finish this bowl of top-quality dog food first. ”

Not only the audience in the live broadcast room, but also the staff on the scene are envious.

Who is that?

The fairy sister Liu Yifei.

A famous cold goddess in the entertainment industry.

Now she actually sat in front of Ye Chen considerately and helped Ye Chen wiped the sweat carefully.

He also accompanied Ye Chen to eat roast leg of lamb.

If he hadn’t seen it with his own eyes, who would have dared to believe that this kind of thing would happen to the fairy sister?。

“Do you eat it? “Ye Chen handed the roasted leg of lamb to Liu Yifei’s mouth.

Liu Yifei opened her little cherry mouth, took a small bite, and said happily: “Your cooking skills are really good. Otherwise, consider opening a restaurant. A hotel?”

“Are you going to be the boss lady? “Ye Chen chuckled.。

“The salary of the boss lady is very high. Can you afford it? “Liu Yifei winked playfully.。

“If you become the boss lady, I will be yours, not to mention my salary. All the money I earn will be given to you. “Ye Chen said.

In the broadcast room.

Yang Chaoyue: “I can’t listen anymore. Really, if I don’t leave, I will be full of this dog food.

Guo Qilin: “Sister Yaya, is the roasted whole lamb you ordered ready? ” Let’s eat quickly.

Yaya: “Okay, the boss has called. Let’s go. ” ”

He Jiong: “I can’t stay any longer. This dog food is so full. Hum…..”

“Hahahaha, even Teacher He can’t stand it anymore。”

“Teacher He’s “Humph” sounds a bit arrogant. ”

PS: Please ask for flowers, monthly tickets, and evaluation votes.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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