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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 124

Wait until everyone has finished roasting the whole lamb.

After cleaning up the yard.

It was already after eleven o’clock in the evening.

Everyone said good night to each other and then went back to their rooms to rest.

Ye Chen had been busy for a day and was already tired.

When I returned to the room, I happily took a shower, but I didn’t expect that when I came out, I saw Li Yitong standing at the door.

Staring at myself。

“What are you doing? “Ye Chen was startled.。

“I want more. ”

Li Yitong glanced at Ye Chen charmingly.

With affection, a pair of lotus arms hooked Ye Chen’s neck.。

“Want more? ”

Ye Chen was startled, this Li Yitong is too strong.

Three times in one day?

Is he planning to squeeze himself dry?

More than two hours later, Li Yitong staggered out of Ye Chen’s room, struggling Walking upstairs.

Ye Chen breathed a sigh of relief and fell into a deep sleep on the bed.

Early the next morning,

when Ye Chen got up and came out,

he saw Bai Lu sitting alone on the sofa in the living room.

He hugged her . With his knees on his knees, his eyes were full of grievances.

Many viewers who had just entered the live broadcast room were confused.。

“Huh? Bai Lu actually got up so early?”

“What happened to my goddess Bailu?”

“Who bullied my family Bailu? Ye Laoliu, is it you?”

“Didn’t Ye Laoliu just come out? Are you not serious about watching the live broadcast?”

“That is, don’t involve everything with my Ye Chen.。”

“Huh? Lao Liu also has fans? ”

Ye Chen stepped forward, took a look at Bai Lu, and asked, “What’s wrong with you?

Seeing Ye Chen come out, Bai Lu said with aggrieved face: “I can’t participate in the competition. “。”

“Why? “Ye Chen sat next to him, took out a tissue and handed it to Bai Lu.

Bai Lu rolled his eyes and said, “I’m not crying, why are you giving me a tissue?”

“Isn’t this where all the emotions end? Wouldn’t it be appropriate for you to shed a few tears? “Ye Chen said。


Bai Lu laughed out loud.

The originally depressed mood instantly improved a lot.。

“Okay, let’s talk, what’s going on? “When Ye Chen saw this, he continued to ask。

“Haven’t I been practicing dance recently? Today’s evening show is about to start. According to the rules of the show team, the dance I will dance this time is troublemaker.。”

“I asked the program crew at the beginning, was my dance partner male or female?”

“The show crew also swore to me that he would definitely be a female dance partner.。”

“But this morning, the program team called me to tell me that my dance partner was a man.。”

“Huh, I can’t dance with a male partner. ”

At this moment, Bai Lu’s face was gloomy, and she was obviously very angry.

If she danced other dances, Bai Lu could accept it.

But 077 is the dance of “Troublemaker”, which can be said to be extremely hot and sexy.

Let her dance with other dances. If the men dance this dance together, Bai Lu would rather break the contract。

“It doesn’t matter, if you don’t want to go, don’t go. ”

Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“I really want to go, after all, I can’t afford the liquidated damages, but if I was asked to dance Troublemaker with other boys, I would rather go bankrupt and pay the liquidated damages. ”

Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen and said firmly。

“How about I go with you? “Ye Chen smiled.

If Bai Lu really breaks the contract, this girl will probably remember it for the rest of her life.

Rather than leaving such a knot in Bai Lu’s heart, it is better to participate in this show calmly.

After all, Bai Lu is his own woman. Of course Ye Chen had to do the pain himself。

“you? Can you dance? Have you forgotten what happened two days ago? ”

When Bai Lu heard Ye Chen’s words, she obviously thought of what happened two days ago. She

couldn’t help laughing.。

“Tsk, I lied to you two days ago. In fact, I am a very good dancer. ”

Ye Chen said.

If it was before, Ye Chen really wouldn’t have dared to say such things.

After all, he can’t dance.

But I don’t know what happened two days ago. After being held down by several girls and forced to do a straight line.

The system actually gave him a “Soul Dancer” skill.

In other words, Ye Chen’s current dancing level will definitely not be lower than any other dancer.

Otherwise, he would not dare to accompany Bai Lu to the show.

No If you can dance, why go up there?

Tear the host apart with your hands?

That’s unrealistic.

So Ye Chen naturally has his own confidence if he dares to say this.。

“Really? ”

Bai Lu was stunned. Although she didn’t believe it, she really didn’t want to pay liquidated damages.

Besides, although she was an actress, she also loved dancing.

And her dancing skills were not weak. Dancing had always been a hobby for her.。

“real. “Ye Chen nodded solemnly。

“Okay, then you go with me. “Bai Lu is a straight-tempered person, and she immediately laughed happily.

Of course, Bai Lu didn’t believe that Ye Chen could dance in her heart. After all,

when Ye Chen showed off the one-word horse two days ago, Bai Lu had the same pain. She can see it.

But for Bai Lu, it doesn’t matter if Ye Chen can’t dance.

As long as she can, it will be fine.

Her request is also very simple, dance a sexy dance like “Troublemaker”, or have a female partner, Or with Ye Chen.

Besides, it’s just a performance. As long as Ye Chen is by her side, Bai Lu feels (cacd) very confident。

“Damn it, Bai Lu doesn’t really plan to take Ye Laoliu to dance, does she?”

“Ye Laoliu couldn’t even do a word of horse, so he still wanted to dance? To embarrass yourself?”

“Even if he wanted to go there to embarrass himself, Ye Chen still had the courage to go there.。”

“That’s right, for Bai Lu, Ye Chen did not hesitate, I was so touched。”

“Suddenly, Ye Chen felt so warm. Even though he couldn’t dance, he still had no hesitation in order to take care of Bai Lu.。”

“I guess, this wave of fans has been attracted by Ye Laoliu. ”

Bai Lu originally wanted to teach Ye Chen some simple movements.

But the car to pick her up had already arrived.

Bai Lu could only take Ye Chen to get in the car and set off.

Because he and Li Yitong struggled for too long yesterday, it didn’t take long for Ye Chen to get in the car. Then he fell asleep.

His head rested on Bai Lu’s slender legs, and he fell asleep quietly.

Bai Lu didn’t make any noise to disturb Ye Chen.

Instead, he stretched out his slender fingers and stirred Ye Chen’s hair.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared at Ye Chen. Chen.

If you look carefully, you can find that Bai Lu’s eyes are full of Ye Chen at this moment.

The angle of the photographer’s shooting is also from bottom to top. The audience in the live broadcast room can clearly see Bai Lu looking towards Ye Chen. Chen’s eyes.

In the director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue: “What are these two people doing so early in the morning?

Yaya: “Isn’t Bai Lu going to dance? ” Probably let Ye Chen accompany him.

Guo Qilin: “Have you seen that look in Bai Lu’s eyes? It’s really amazing. ”

He Jiong: “Da Lin, do you want to say that this is just the beginning and you have eaten a lot of dog food? “”

“Hahaha, Teacher He is becoming more and more fashionable.。”

“Indeed, the way Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen was so affectionate.。”

“This look is absolutely amazing。”

“What does it mean to have all eyes on you? Bai Lu’s eyes fully explain this. ”

When the two arrived at their destination, it was already dark.

There was only more than an hour left before Bailu performed on stage.。

“Come on, let’s go rehearse quickly. ”

As soon as she got off the car, Bai Lu couldn’t wait to pull Ye Chen in.

She has her own special lounge. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Although Ye Chen can’t dance, the two of them first met in the lounge A simple rehearsal would be much better than Ye Chen being in a hurry and not knowing what to do after going on stage.

Although Bai Lu had the mentality of just having fun, as long as she didn’t have to pay liquidated damages,

she also wanted to do her

More importantly, she didn’t want Ye Chen to be embarrassed after he got on the stage.。

“No, I’m hungry. Why are we rehearsing? Let’s go get something to eat. ”

We have been in the car all the way from morning to now.

Ye Chen’s stomach was already growling with hunger.

And he saw a barbecue stall opposite and there were several tables at the door.

Ye Chen immediately pulled him Bai Lu’s hand ran towards the opposite side.

Arriving at the stall, Ye Chen started to order.。

“Boss, here are a dozen oysters, and these lamb kidneys, here are two, this, this….”

After Ye Chen expertly ordered the dishes, he sat on a small stool by the roadside.

Bai Lu did look distracted.

She now regretted bringing Ye Chen here.

What should I do if I really embarrass myself on stage?。

“Okay, don’t think about it so much. I told you that I can dance. When I get to the stage later, you can dance whatever you want and I will cooperate with you. ”

Ye Chen touched Bai Lu’s head and showed a sunny smile.。

“Huh, you better be like this, a conspicuous bag. ”

Bai Lu glared at Ye Chen and said coquettishly.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Can Ye Chen dance?

Guo Qilin: “No way. He couldn’t even do a horse two days ago. I don’t believe him when he says he can dance? ”

Yaya: “I just watched the barrage. It was because the dance partner arranged by the program team was a man, so Bai Lu asked Ye Chen to take his place. ” ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Let Lao Liu take over, but Bai Lu, a big fool, can think of it. Isn’t this embarrassing?””

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what are you talking about? It makes me laugh.。”

“It doesn’t matter, Ye Laoliu is thick-skinned anyway, just be embarrassed if you lose face, what does it matter?。”

“That is, if it were anyone else, I would still sympathize, but as for Ye Laoliu, I just like to see him embarrassed.。”

“The matter of Ye Laoliu taking my Bailu to a roadside stall for barbecue will be settled later. Now I want to see Ye Laoliu embarrassed.。”

“The words “conspicuous bag” are so true. I really look forward to Ye Chen’s performance on stage with this conspicuous bag. ”

As the barbecue was served, the very nervous Bai Lu didn’t care so much. He

started eating with big mouthfuls.。

“It would be nice to have a bottle of beer. “Ye Chen said。

“You might as well forget it, as long as you have the drinking capacity. “Bai Lu quickly stopped.

She knew exactly why she was eaten by Ye Chen.

Wasn’t it because she drank some wine?

If it was normal time, Bai Lu could still drink some.

But she was about to perform on stage.

This When you drink, are you afraid that you are not embarrassed enough?

“I was just talking casually. Ye Chen chuckled and immediately shouted: “Boss, another order of oysters, three lamb kidneys.”。”

“Let me go, Ye Laoliu, just order the food carefully, okay? Order so many oysters and lamb kidneys, are you going to fly?”

“Something’s wrong, something’s so wrong. You’re going to have a barbecue and just pick these things to eat?”

“Eating so many oysters and lamb kidneys at once, Ye Laoliu, you are a bit cruel.。”

“Ye Laoliu, tell me honestly, what do you want to do? ”

Not to mention that the audience in the live broadcast room felt something was wrong, even Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen with a resentful look.

She was not stupid, Ye Chen ate so many oysters and lamb kidneys at once.

When the performance was over, wouldn’t he be in trouble?

No Bai Lu couldn’t bear these supplements,

let alone after a lot of supplements.

Thinking of this, Bai Lu couldn’t help but tighten her legs….

After finishing the barbecue, Bai Lu looked at the time.

I immediately panicked.

There are less than ten minutes left before her performance.。

“Come on, it’s my turn to go on stage. ”

Bai Lu yelled, pulling Ye Chen and running away.

He didn’t even bother to wipe his mouth. Ye Chen had quick eyes and quick hands. After leaving the cash to the boss, he also took out a few pieces of paper.

The two of them ran very fast and went straight to the opposite side. performance venue.

As soon as she ran backstage, before she even had time to enter the lounge, Bai Lu heard the host reading her name in front of her.。

“It’s over, I haven’t changed my clothes yet, what should I do? ”

Bai Lu looked anxious.。

“It’s okay. You can change it. I’ll go up and hold it for you for a while. “Ye Chen touched Bai Lu’s head and then walked towards the stage.

Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen’s leaving back, and the panic in his heart instantly eased a lot.

It seemed that as long as Ye Chen was there, he wouldn’t need to Worried.

Even if he is late, maybe Ye Chen will help him get it done.

Bai Lu was moved, but did not waste any more time. He turned around and entered the lounge to change clothes.

As for Ye Chen, he strode onto the stage。

“Huh? Who are you? “The host Song Qian was wearing a black butt-covering skirt and high heels, looking hot and sexy.

When she saw Ye Chen, she was stunned.

If you look carefully, you will find Song Qian’s eyes flashing. I felt a bit happy and excited.

But with many years of stage experience, I quickly calmed down.。

“Hello everyone, my name is Ye Chen, and I am the dance partner invited by Bai Lu. ”

Ye Chen took the microphone handed over by the staff and said。

“Ye Chen, you know, I am your fan. “Song Qian smiled happily.

As a host and a professional dancer.

In fact, Song Qian’s daily life is also very stressful.

Occasionally after work, she will watch variety shows to relax herself.

Recently, Song Qian has become obsessed with The variety show “Heartbeat”.

However, due to work reasons, Song Qian was unable to watch the live broadcast and could only watch the recording, which was still intermittent.

But it did not prevent Song Qian from falling in love with Ye Chen.

Of course, this This kind of love is not the kind between men and women, but rather like envy.

Perhaps it is because she feels that Ye Chen lives a free and easy life and does not care about the eyes of outsiders. That kind of free and easy makes Song Qian envious. So when she

saw Ye Chen just now , For a moment, Song Qian’s eyes flashed with joy.

Because based on the progress of her watching the show, Bai Lu didn’t appear in “Heartbeat” yet.。

“Oh, is it so? I actually have fans too, thank you. ”

Ye Chen smiled and started chatting with Song Qian.。

“But Ye Chen, as far as I know, you can’t dance. Song

Qian said jokingly.

As soon as these words came out, the audience in the live broadcast room of “The Most Beautiful Dancer” were stunned.。

“what’s the situation? Can someone who can’t dance be your partner?”

“Who is this Ye Chen? She is actually Song Qian’s idol?”

“I just checked, this Ye Chen is the male guest in the program “Heartbeat Signal”, and he really can’t dance。”

“I guess, it’s funny, how dare you go on stage even if you don’t know how to dance, how conspicuous you are?”

“Anyway, I don’t care, I’m here to see Bai Lu。”

“Come down quickly. If you can’t dance, don’t be a conspicuous person. I can’t stand it.。”

“He’s quite handsome, but it’s a pity that he can’t dance, so it’s a waste. ”

However, in response to Song Qian’s doubts, Ye Chen smiled and said, “You can learn if you don’t. I didn’t know how to dance two days ago, but I have learned it today.。”

“Really learned it? “Perhaps because she was envious of Ye Chen’s chicness, Song Qian did not continue to make things difficult, but cooperated with Ye Chen to delay time.

Fortunately, Bai Lu did not keep the two of them waiting for too long.

A few minutes later, she came up in dancing clothes.

Because it was Dance “Troublemaker”.

So Bai Lu is also very revealing.

Her slender waist and legs are on full display.

No wonder Bai Lu can’t accept that her dance partner is a man.。

“In this case, the stage will be left to the two of them, and I look forward to their wonderful performances. ”

Song Qian saw this, blinked at Ye Chen, and then left the stage.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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