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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 126

“Don’t make trouble, don’t make trouble, the call is coming. ”

As the phone rang,

Ye Chen patted Bai Lu’s butt and said。

“It’s you who’s causing trouble, okay? “Bai Lu is so angry. Stop making trouble. This guy can really speak his mind.

There were people coming and going on the street. Ye Chen put her on his shoulders and spanked her. He told her not to Noisy. Is there anyone who bullies people like this? If it weren’t for the fact that he couldn’t reach it, Bai Lu would have wanted to slap Ye Chen on the butt. Ye Chen took out his phone and saw that it was actually Song Qian calling. This was when he left just now Song Qian asked to exchange mobile phone numbers and social software with each other

“Hello. “Ye Chen answered the phone。

“Ye Chen, this is Song Qian, where are you now? “Song Qian’s voice came from over there.。

“Zhongyuan Road. “Ye Chen glanced at the street sign and told the place。

“It’s like this. I have something to ask you for help. I couldn’t explain it clearly on the phone for a while. So, just send me your location and I’ll go find you. ”

Song Qian said。

“OK, I’ll send it to you. ”

After Ye Chen hung up the phone, he sent Song Qian her location.。

“Hey, hey, hey, can you put me down first while you are doing these things? Aren’t you tired? ”

Bai Lu’s voice sounded, and Ye Chen realized that Bai Lu was still on his shoulders.

Then he quickly put Bai Lu down and said, “Who made you so light? I have forgotten。”

“Hahaha, Ye Laoliu, are you praising my Bailu for her good figure?”

“I have to say that Ye Laoliu’s physical strength is really good. He could carry Bai Lu for such a long time without gasping for breath.。”

“Indeed, compared with many young fresh meats nowadays, Ye Laoliu’s physical strength is incomparable.。”

“It made me laugh. Is this praising Bai Lu or slandering Bai Lu?”

“It’s so ironic that poor Bai Lu was carried on someone’s shoulders and forgotten. ”

Bai “380”‘s exposed back molars were almost broken.

He grabbed Ye Chen’s arm and took a bite.

Leaving a tooth mark.。

“Hum, let you bully me again. ”

Bai Lu put her hands on her hips, and her cheeks were bulging with anger. She was very cute.

Ye Chen chuckled and was not in a hurry. He decided to clean up Bai Lu tonight. After

all, so many oysters and lamb kidneys in the evening were not for nothing.

Ten A few minutes later, a black car stopped in front of the two of them.

The door opened, revealing Song Qian’s smiling face: “Ye Chen, Bai Lu, get in the car. ”

The two photographers stopped following.

After all, there was no room in the car, and now, the live broadcast room time has come.

As the live broadcast room closed, many netizens were stunned。

“I wipe it, is this the end?”

“Woohoo, I haven’t seen enough yet。”

“There seemed to be someone else in the car besides Song Qian just now.。”

“Indeed, I saw it too。”

“She’s a beauty. Brother photographer, keep following me.。”

“This year’s photographer brother must have a chicken butt. ”

After Ye Chen and Bai Lu got into the car, they realized that in addition to the driver and co-pilot Song Qian,

there was also a very beautiful girl in the back seat. She

was wearing a light blue skirt and a pair of jeans. Her

long hair was hanging loose Fa, looking from the side, she does have the charm of a fairy sister.

But she doesn’t have the aloofness of a fairy sister.。

“Hello, I am Wang Churan. ”

Wang Churan saw Ye Chen and Bai Lu getting into the car and said hello quickly. He

tried to stand up, but it was a pity that he was in the car. As soon as Wang Churan got up, his head hit the roof of the car.。


Wang Churan exclaimed and couldn’t help but touch his head, feeling a little embarrassed.。

“Hello, my name is Bai Lu. ”

Bai Lu suppressed her smile and shook hands with Wang Churan.

Ye Chen on the side laughed out loud without being polite at all.。

“I’m really sorry. I’ve been professionally trained and generally don’t smile unless I can’t help it. ”

Wang Churan glanced at Ye Chen resentfully.

What about this guy? He was still laughing so loudly.

But he also felt a little embarrassed.

But Song Qian in front laughed and said: “Churan is like this, with a carefree personality, very interesting. ”

As the two of them got into the car, the car started and went straight to a Japanese restaurant.

Under the guidance of the waiter, the four of them went straight to the private room.

Bai Lu was already hungry, and just now she was yelling at Ye Chen to take her for a late-night snack.

No. Thinking that Song Qian was so considerate, she even ordered Japanese food.

However, Bai Lu was not used to Japanese food.

After eating two pieces of sushi and eating another piece of salmon, her face almost wrinkled.。

“What’s wrong? Isn’t it delicious? “Song Qian asked quickly.

Wang Churan also looked at Bai Lu nervously, and then at Ye Chen.

Song Qian initially said that she was looking for Ye Chen’s help, which was obviously to help Wang Churan matchmaking.

So at this moment, Wang Churan was afraid that Ye Chen would not be satisfied with her. arrange。

“Ah, no, I’m just not used to eating. Bai Lu said politely.。

“It really didn’t taste good, it was all cold. ”

Ye Chen is not as polite as Bai Lu.

It’s his first time to eat sushi, and it’s all cold. Ye Chen really doesn’t understand what’s so delicious.

And Ye Chen saw it clearly just now.

The staff were there the whole time. It’s done by hand.

Dig out some rice, put it in your hands and pinch it around, just like playing with mud.

Finally, shape it into the shape you want, then put it on the plate, put salmon, sea urchin, etc., and serve On the table.

After taking one bite, Ye Chen vomited it out.

Of course, Ye Chen admitted that it was his own fault.

After all, the business of this store was quite booming when he came in just now.。

“So what do you like to eat? Let’s find some more food. ”

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Wang Churan was a little nervous.

It seemed that he wanted to get up and pour Ye Chen a cup of tea, but he ignored the plate in front of him.

After getting up, he raised his hand and directly poured the plate on the table. Broken。

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it. ”

Wang Churan apologized quickly and squatted down to clear the dishes.。

“Let me do it. “Ye Chen was sitting next to him, stretched out his hand to stop Wang Churan, and then squatted down to clear the plates.

Wang Churan was not idle either, squatting next to Ye Chen

. After clearing the plates, he got up and bumped his head directly on the table.。

“”Bang.” It hurt to hear it.

The table was shaken by the impact, and several cups placed on the edge fell to the ground.

A series of sounds were made.

Wang Churan, who was covering his head, looked like a Just like a child who does something wrong.

Squatting on the ground and not daring to get up。

“Are you OK? ”

Ye Chen knelt down and looked at Wang Churan, asking worriedly. The

bump just now was probably not light.

If it were an ordinary little fresh meat, he would have been clamoring to go to the ICU.

But Wang Churan shook his head. He shook his head and said: “It’s okay, I’m sorry, I feel like I’m too stupid。”

“Okay, Chu Ran, you are just too anxious and irritable to do things, that’s why you are like this. “Song Qian came over and comforted。

“Yes, it doesn’t matter, as long as the person is fine. “Bai Lu said, and already called the waiter to come and clean it up.

After all, the broken glass must be cleaned with a broom, otherwise it will easily scratch the hand.

Ye Chen helped Wang Churan stand up.

Wang Churan still touched one of his hands. When I raised my head, two lines of clear tears streaked down my cheeks.。

“How’s it going? Do you want to go to the hospital? “Ye Chen asked with concern.。

“It’s okay, I’ll just put some ice on it and it’ll be fine. “Wang Churan waved his hands quickly, obviously experienced in such bumps and bruises. He

directly asked the waiter for ice cubes and a bag.

He put the ice cubes inside and pressed it on his head. (Read Baoshuang novel, Just go to Feilu Novel Network!)

This is also fortunate that the live broadcast room has been closed now, otherwise this

Ye Chen also breathed a sigh of relief after repeatedly confirming that Wang Churan was fine.。

“How about we eat somewhere else? How about a steak? Song

Qian said.

She seemed to have been accustomed to Wang Churan bumping into the table for a long time. She

just patted Wang Churan on the shoulder without even a word of comfort.。

“Forget about steak, I saw a grilled fish restaurant on the way here. How about we go eat grilled fish? ”

Ye Chen suggested。

“Okay, okay, grilled fish is good. “Bai Lu was full of excitement.

Song Qian had no objection. As for Wang Churan, she came to Ye Chen for help.

Of course she would not object to Ye Chen’s proposal.

Because the distance was not far, Ye Chen suggested that the four of them just walk there. .

After walking for five or six minutes, I saw a grilled fish restaurant.。

“Shall we eat here? “Song Qian was stunned.

She thought that Ye Chen suggested going to eat grilled fish. It was a relatively large grilled fish restaurant.

But she didn’t expect that it was a small store with four tables inside.

It was late at night, although There were not many customers, but there were five or six tables at the door.

It was obviously a late-night snack stall.

Wang Churan was also a

little stunned. He looked at Ye Chen with a look of disbelief on his face.。

��Are you sure this guy is an artist?

Choose a grilled fish restaurant, but it’s actually a roadside stall?

Even if you sit inside, the conditions are a bit too crude.

Aren’t the little fresh meats all very demanding of themselves?

Why is Ye Chen so casual?

But at this moment, Wang Churan really wanted to stay here and eat.

After all, she liked this feeling too.

At this time, Wang Churan was just a newcomer and not very famous.

When I have dinner with friends, most of them eat at roadside stalls.

Speaking of which, today’s Japanese food was specially chosen by Wang Churan. He was afraid that Ye Chen would lose face, so he chose a high-end Japanese food store.

If he had known that Ye Chen was so talkative and liked to eat at roadside stalls, why would he have wasted that money?。

“Yes, it’s relatively close here. ”

The reason given by Ye Chen is also simple and simple.

It’s just because it’s relatively close here, so I ate here.

There was no deliberate choice. This is in line with Song Qian’s understanding of Ye Chen.。

“Okay, let’s eat here then. “Song Qian nodded.

Wang Churan had no objection.

Bai Lu found a place to sit down first.。

“Let’s have some grilled fish. I see you have sand turtle seeds on your sign, so I’ll have some too. ”

Marven ordered two dishes。

“What is a sand turtle? “Bai Lu asked doubtfully.

Song Qian and Wang Churan also looked at Ye Chen curiously…0

“Sha Biezi is just a name for a place. The correct term should be turtle. “Ye Chen explained。

“Turtle? “Song Qian couldn’t help but tremble. She had obviously never eaten this stuff.。

“I quite like eating soft-shelled turtles. “Wang Churan said with a smile.。

“By the way, you haven’t said anything about what you want from me? “Ye Chen suddenly remembered that today was not just about eating.。

“Well, let Chu Ran tell you. She is the one who is looking for you, and I am just the one leading the way. After all, you are my idol. Song

Qian said.

Ye Chen then turned to look at Wang Churan.

Wang Churan took off the ice pack on his head and then said。

“Ye Chen, it’s like this. I was filming a movie recently, and there was a scene that required me to dance a “Troublemaker” dance with a boy.。”

“Maybe it’s because I’m too stupid. I didn’t learn it after studying for several days.。”

“Today I watched you dance “Troublemaker” with Bai Lu. They danced really well, so I would like to ask you to teach me. It would be even better if you could guest star as the male dance partner. ”

Wang Churan didn’t dare to let Ye Chen make a guest appearance as soon as he came on.

After all, the program team only paid the cost of the dance partner. If Ye Chen was a guest star,

the price would definitely be expensive with Ye Chen’s current reputation.

So when he said it, Wang Churan changed his mind. Got it。

“A guest appearance? “Ye Chen was stunned. Although he has never acted, he has the “God-level Acting Skills” rewarded by the system.

If it is really a guest appearance, Ye Chen is not worried.

It’s just that he and Wang Churan are not familiar with each other, so he helps others for no reason? Ye Chen is not that great either。

“Ye Chen, if you feel embarrassed, you don’t have to make a guest appearance. I just hope you can teach me for a few days. ”

Wang Churan said quickly.

She didn’t dare to say that several dance teachers hired by the crew before were so angry that she ran away.

Because she was afraid that if she spoke out, Ye Chen would also reject her.

There were still a few days left before filming, and Ye Chen was Her last hope。

“But I’m recording a show now and want to go back to the love house, you know? “Ye Chen said。

“Can I go with you then? Wang Churan asked quickly.

Ye Chen glanced at Bai Lu, but Bai Lu looked indifferent.

As for the program team,

let alone that. Wang Churan was not invited by them, so there was no need to pay, and they could also take photos of Wang Churan.

This undoubtedly increased the popularity of the program group。

“Ye Chen, can you do me a favor? Chu Ran has worked really hard. Maybe she doesn’t have the talent to dance, but this drama is really important to her.。”

“And Chu Ran is also very good at cooking, so ask her to go with you, and when it’s time for dinner, let Chu Ran cook for you. ”

Song Qian also began to plead for mercy.。

“There are no rooms in the love house now, unless someone is willing to share a room with you. “Ye Chen said。

“It’s okay, I can do it. “Bai Lu on the side said.。

“Thank you Bailu. “Wang Churan was so excited that she immediately stood up and bowed to thank her.

But Wang Churan forgot that she was sitting on a small stool.

There was also a small table in front of her.

When she stood up, she straightened her knees, and the fragile small table was directly It was overturned.

The dishes and chopsticks on the table clinked and fell to the floor.

3.9 “I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” ”

Wang Churan apologized while touching his knees.

Ye Chen had a black line on his face. He felt that this Wang Churan was too unreliable. How

long had it been since they met?

He hit his head once in the car and once in a Japanese food store. Head.

Now he hit his knee again.

It can be said that he is covered with bruises.

Ye Chen even wondered how this Wang Churan grew so big?

Could it be that she is the so-called stupid beauty?

Fortunately, the grilled fish and sand turtles haven’t been served yet. table, otherwise, Bai Lu and Song Qian would probably be sent to the hospital.。

“Well, can we change to a higher table? “For the sake of her own safety, Bai Lu suggested changing the table.。

“Well, let’s go in and eat. ”

Ye Chen packed up the dishes and chopsticks on the floor and led everyone into the store.

Although the store was a bit crowded, the tables were quite high and explained.

Wang Churan followed behind, holding an ice pack on his head in one hand. On the table, her head was lowered, like a child who had done something wrong.

Song Qian looked hopeless.

After the four of them sat down, the store’s grilled fish and sand turtles were also served.。

“Would you like a glass of wine? “Wang Churan asked。

“But goodbye, you’re just as drunk if you’re not drinking. If you’re drinking, I’m afraid you’ll tear down this store. ”

Ye Chen quickly blocked it.

Both Bai Lu and Song Qian couldn’t help laughing.

PS: Wang Churan’s appearance was due to messages from many big bosses. The author then checked some information about Wang Churan.

So he thought of a character. , after all, each female guest has a unique personality and personality, so the setting for Wang Churan will be quite special. I hope all the bosses will like this setting. Thank you all again for your continued

support Support, the author will continue to work hard.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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