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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 128

After hearing Ye Chen’s popular science, Wang Churan realized how outrageous what he had done was.

Looking at Ye Chen with tearful eyes, he was about to apologize, but was interrupted by Ye Chen。

“Okay, let’s clean it up together. ”

Ye Chen said, taking the lead into the living room to clean up.

Liu Yifei also picked up the broom and started cleaning.

Yang Mi, Dilraba Dilraba, Bai Lu, Zhang Zifeng, and Wang Churan were not idle either.

Everyone was working hard to clean the place. The living room and kitchen are like a battlefield.

The living room is okay, the impact is not very wide, just clean up some residues.

But the kitchen cannot be repaired so quickly.

The stove, range hood, etc. are all destroyed. A piece of ruins is not an exaggeration.

As Ye Chen and others joined in, the staff who were cleaning up also stopped their cleaning work.。

“Hey hey hey, brothers, you can continue to help. ”

When Ye Chen saw this, he quickly said。

“We are not responsible for cleanup. ”

The director said.

Seeing Ye Chen’s uncomfortable face, the director was rarely happy for a moment.

After such a long time, Ye Laoliu finally felt uncomfortable for once. Thinking of the experience of being tricked by Ye Laoliu two days ago, it was so satisfying.。

“Hahaha, the director’s smile is so cunning.。”

“Ye Laoliu has cheated on directors a lot before, so it is normal for him to be resented.。”

“I can see that the director did it on purpose. This is called avenging private revenge.。”

“This move by the director is a bit unkind.。”

“Although I know I shouldn’t laugh at this time, I really can’t help it now. Wang Churan is the nemesis of the love house, right?。”

“Upstairs, after you said that, it really happened. Nothing happened in the love house for such a long time, but something happened as soon as Wang Churan came. ”

While everyone was cleaning up,

this matter quickly became a hot search topic.。

【How powerful is a refrigerator explosion?。】

【Why doesn’t the icebox clear ice cubes when it’s plugged in?】

【Actor Wang Churan was cleaning the refrigerator and it exploded, the scene was like a battlefield】

【On the dangers of cleaning your refrigerator]

Hot searches like this continue.

Many people in the industry have come forward to promote science and let more people know the correct way to clean their refrigerators.

This actually solves a lot of safety risks.。

“Damn it, this is too scary. Fortunately, I saw this video。”

“It scares me to death. I plug in the electricity and clean the refrigerator once a week. Fortunately, after seeing this video, I won’t dare to do it again.。”

“It’s so dangerous. Thank you for your popular science to avoid such safety hazards.。”

“Please forward it so that more people can see this video and let more people know the correct way to clean the refrigerator. ”

And at this moment.

The love house.

After more than an hour of cleaning, the living room and kitchen were finally cleaned.

Everyone was dusty and sweating profusely.。

“Sorry, I’m going to buy a new refrigerator right now, and I’ll have these damaged appliances delivered. ”

Wang Churan stood up and bowed to everyone.

His attitude was not insincere.。

“It doesn’t matter, it’s dark today, let’s talk about it tomorrow. “Bai Lu took Wang Churan’s hand and said。

“Yes, we haven’t eaten yet, let’s eat first. “Liu Yifei said。

“Where is the food? The kitchen is fried, can we still cook? “Dilraba was outspoken. As soon

as she said these words, Wang Churan felt even more guilty.。

“Let’s do this, we are cooking outside, and who of you is going to collect firewood? “Ye Chen stood up and clapped his hands.。

“Brother Ye Chen, let me go. “Zhang Zifeng raised his hand。

“I’ll go with Zifeng. “Dilraba said。

“I’ll go collect the firewood too. “Wang Churan knew that collecting firewood was the most tiring, so he took the initiative to take on the most tiring work.。

“Let’s do this. Reba and Zifeng will collect firewood. You two have experience.。”

“Bai Lu and Yang Mi went to Gao Yong’s house to carry some bricks back. Remember to wear gloves when they went there.。”

“Chu Ran, please don’t go. You can’t cook, right? Prepare all the dishes for tonight.。”

“Yifei, follow me, let’s get some mud back. ”

Under Ye Chen’s arrangement, everyone in the Love House also started to get busy.

Ye Chen found two dustpans in the yard and carried them towards the foot of the mountain to the west.

There was new mud dug up by the excavator over there.

Liu Yifei followed behind with a hoe.

The two of them went one behind the other, forming a beautiful scenery.。

“Why do I feel that the fairy sister looks so good when she is carrying a hoe~?”

“Nonsense, that’s the fairy sister, can she not look good?”

“Where did the fairy spirit of the fairy sister go?”

“Where does the fairy spirit come from when carrying a hoe upstairs?”

“I guess all the immortal energy was taken away by Ye Laoliu, hahahaha….”

The two came to the foot of the mountain, and Ye Chen waved the hoe and started digging the soil.

Dark red soil is most suitable for making stoves.

Ye Chen was moving very quickly. Both dustpans were filled to the brim, and then he picked up the load and prepared to go back.。

“Is it heavy? “Liu Yifei felt a little sorry for Ye Chen when she saw that the pole was bent.。

“Don’t worry, with my body type, am I worried about this little weight? ”

Ye Chen smiled and immediately walked back with the load.

He was walking as fast as flying, and the soil seemed to have no weight on his shoulders.

Liu Yifei followed behind with a hoe and almost missed it.

When the two returned to the love house, , Yang Mi and Bai Lu have already moved twenty or thirty bricks back.

They are both tired and panting now.。

“Ye Chen, are these bricks enough? “Yang Mi asked。

“Not enough, please have more. “Ye Chen said。

“Want more? “Bai Lu couldn’t help but wailed, her face covered with a mask of pain.。

“Bai Lu, you take a rest, Mimi and I will go. Liu Yifei said thoughtfully。

“Yifei, thank you for your hard work. I’ll come back after a break. “Bai Lu handed the gloves to Liu Yifei, her face full of gratitude.。

“It’s all because you were so aggressive yesterday night that my legs are still weak now, so I asked Yifei to help me do the work. ”

After the two of them left, Bai Lu leaned into Ye Chen’s ear and said fiercely.。

“Clean up and wait for me tonight? “Ye Chen chuckled.。

“No, go find Reba. “Bai Lu rolled her eyes and said angrily.

After joking, Ye Chen was not idle. He took a sip of water and immediately started working again. First, he poured

out the fresh soil, then added water and started stirring.

In this way The soil solidified faster. After the soil was mixed,

Ye Chen began to place bricks to make a simple stove.

Along with the fresh soil,

the simple stove was quickly completed.

He went to collect firewood. Dilraba Dilraba and Zhang Zifeng are also back.

The two of them learned smarter this time.

After finishing the firewood sticks, they put a long stick through the middle. It was much easier for the two of them to carry the sticks.

Ye Chen will The firewood was carefully put into the stove.

After lighting the fire, as the temperature rose, the fresh soil quickly solidified.

When it was almost done, Ye Chen took out the pot.。

“Ye Chen, the side dishes are all here. ”

Wang Churan moved a small table next to him and placed the ingredients on it.

After doing all this, Wang Churan quickly took a few steps back, looking like he was still frightened.。

“What’s wrong, Chu Ran? “Bai Lu was confused.。

“I’d better go farther away, I’m afraid I’ll overturn the table. ”

Wang Churan said.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, I feel that Churan is so humble.

Guo Qilin: “I have long heard that Chu Ran is bad luck. It seems to be true. It’s so pitiful. ”

Yaya: “Actually, just be careful. It may be a personality

Yang Chaoyue: “Does it feel like having a picnic? “”

“Yueyue has revealed the truth, I really feel like this。”

“I didn’t expect that Ye Laoliu’s life skills were so rich, he could even cook the stove.。”

“Okay, this wave of fans was attracted by Ye Laoliu. ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Indeed, Ye Laoliu still has a somewhat overall view. ”

With the stove, the rest is much easier.

Ye Chen made a local three delicacies, a sweet and sour carp, and a braised fish.

By the time the food was served, it was already past ten o’clock in the evening. .

Everyone was very hungry. After preparing the bowls and chopsticks, they couldn’t wait to eat.。

“I’m starving. “Dilraba took a bite of rice and felt like she was alive.。

“Eat slowly so you don’t get burned. “Yang Mi reminded。

“It’s okay, I’m not afraid of getting burned. ”

Dilraba ate with big mouthfuls, and looked a little cute with a gray face.

In fact, it was not just Dilireba, everyone was gray.

After all, she simply washed her hands after finishing her work, and then started Let’s eat.

It’s already reached this point, and everyone is so hungry that they can’t bear to worry about their image.

But a beauty is a beauty, even if she’s disgraced, she still gives people a different kind of beauty.

Half an hour later, simply Wang Churan ate all the three dishes.

Upon seeing this, Wang Churan quickly put away the dishes and chopsticks.。

“Sister Chu Ran, let me help you. “Zhang Zifeng saw this and quickly got up to help.

Liu Yifei was not idle either and started cleaning up together.。

“I need to take a shower first, it’s so uncomfortable. “Ye Chen said as he got up and walked towards the room.

After a busy day, his clothes had already been wet with sweat.

Although it wasn’t cold, the feeling of the clothes sticking to his body was still uncomfortable.。

“I am coming too. “Dilraba stood up and said。

“No, men and women are not allowed to be intimate. “Ye Chen said。

“Humph, I mean I go back to my room to take a shower, who wants to take a shower with you? ”

Dilraba put her hands on her hips and said fiercely.。

“That’s good. “Ye Chen smiled.。

“What do you mean? How dare you dislike me? ”

After reacting, Dilireba waved her little fist and chased after Ye Chen.

Unfortunately, Ye Chen had already run back to the room and closed the door.。

“Ye Laoliu actually dares to dislike my Reba? unacceptable。”

“Can’t bear it, absolutely can’t bear it。”

“This is outrageous。”

“Reba, break up with Ye Laoliu and come to me. I will never dislike you.。”

“Upstairs, stop dreaming。”

“Huh? Is this the end of the day’s live broadcast? ”

As the live broadcast room closed, the staff also packed up their tools and returned to the car to rest.

The lights in the love room gradually went out.

The lights in their respective rooms came on.

At this moment, Ye Chen, who had just finished taking a shower and was lying on the bed, suddenly Hearing a knock on the door.

Ye Chen put on a pair of underpants and walked to the door.

When he opened the door, he saw Wang Churan standing at the door wearing a pair of yoga pants and a sports bra.

This was the first time that Ye Chen saw Wang Churan’s perfect body. As for her figure.

Against the background of the sports bra, she was simply towering into the sky.

When she saw Ye Chen’s bare upper body, her cheeks turned red.。

“Sorry, I have to put on some clothes. “Ye Chen quickly picked up a T-shirt and put it on。

“Well, Ye Chen, is it convenient for you now? Can you teach me how to dance? ”

Seeing that Ye Chen had put on his clothes, Wang Churan walked in a little nervously. She

lowered her head and asked weakly.

She actually knew that Ye Chen was very tired. It was obviously not okay for her to ask Ye Chen to teach her how to dance at this time. It’s appropriate.

But it’s also a helpless move.

She doesn’t have much time, and her dancing talent is not very good.

If she doesn’t learn this dance quickly, she will have no chance to take on such a script in the future.。

“Okay, let’s do this. You can dance a section first and let me see how you are doing? ”

Ye Chen has chosen the music.

As the music plays, Wang Churan begins to twist his waist like a water snake.

The light gray yoga pants and the light blue sports bra show off Wang Churan’s perfect figure But

very quickly, Wang Churan’s shortcomings became apparent.


That’s right.

Wang Churan’s limbs are not stiff, on the contrary, they are very soft.

But because of shyness, Wang Churan’s every move is reserved.

No If you dare to fully unfold it, you will naturally look extremely stiff.。

《”Troublemaker” is a sexy pas de deux.

When she was on the set before, Wang Churan was always timid when facing a strange male dance partner, and did not dare to have too much physical contact with him.

This is also the reason why I couldn’t take pictures well for so long.

As a top dancer, Ye Chen could see the problem at a glance.

After Wang Churan finished dancing, Ye Chen said with a smile: “Have you never been in love?”

“ah? No. “Wang Churan was startled. Although he didn’t know why Ye Chen asked this, he still shook his head.。

“In fact, you have a good body shape and a talent for dancing. There is only one reason why you are not good at dancing.。”

“what reason? “Wang Churan looked at Ye Chen eagerly.。

“Shy, because you are too shy, maybe you have very little contact with boys, so you can’t let go in front of boys, which means you can’t complete this dance well. ”

Ye Chen said.

When Ye Chen said this, Wang Churan was a little confused.

She was still young and had never had a boyfriend at all, so naturally she couldn’t let go in front of boys.

Let alone dance such an intimate dance. (Qian (Good) “If you want to learn, you have to let go of yourself first. I can take you to dance for a while, how about it?” “Ye Chen asked。

“good. ”

Wang Churan nodded, stood up and walked to Ye Chen.

The distance between the two was very close. Wang Churan was a head shorter than Ye Chen.

When Ye Chen lowered his head, the hot breath just hit Wang Churan. On the neck.

Wang Churan wanted to hide, but thought of what Ye Chen said just now, he resisted and did not hide away.

Then Ye Chen put his hands on Wang Churan’s waist.

A burst of warmth hit him, and Wang Churan’s body couldn’t help but tremble. For a moment.

My mind went blank, and I even forgot what I was going to do next.。

“Did you forget the action? ”

Ye Chen took back his hand and asked。

“Ah, sorry. “Wang Churan apologized quickly。

“Do it again. “Ye Chen waved his hand.

This was the first time he met a girl who was so good at apologizing.

This time Wang Churan was much smoother.

As Ye Chen put his hands on her shoulders, Wang Churan bent her body and squatted down. She

raised her buttocks . Constantly swaying, the movements were extremely charming.

However, as Wang Churan stood up, Ye Chen continued to the next dance move.

He grabbed Wang Churan’s jade hand, put his handsome face against the jade hand and began to smell the neck.

The heavy breathing made Wang Churan embarrassed. Her cheeks were red.

I felt like my heart was about to jump out.

According to the dance moves, Wang Churan would turn around and walk behind Ye Chen at this time, then hug Ye Chen’s waist and start twisting.

Seeing that Wang Churan didn’t move, Ye Chen dodged. , walked up to Wang Churan.

Only then did Wang Churan react and began to twist against Ye Chen’s waist.

As the dance continued, Wang Churan seemed to let go a lot.

He put a hand on Ye Chen’s shoulder.

His expression was charming. , turning briskly in front of Ye Chen.

The next action requires Wang Churan to turn his back to Ye Chen, bending down nine degrees.

Then there will be a hot twerking dance.

PS: Please give me flowers, monthly votes, and evaluation votes. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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