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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 130

The dumplings are already wrapped.

A few girls are still cleaning up.

Next, just wait until the restaurant cooks the dumplings.

Ye Chen walked towards the door of his room.

Bai Lu’s sneaky look made Ye Chen feel funny-。

“Is there anything you can’t say directly? What are you doing sneakily?”

“You are so sneaky. Aren’t I afraid that Chu Ran will be shy? ”

Bai Lu glared at Ye Chen, then pulled Ye Chen into the room and closed the door.

In the room, Wang Churan had already changed into yoga pants and a sports bra. She

stood by the bed, lowering her head shyly.。

“I have already taught everything I can. How well Chu Ran dances depends on you. ”

After Bai Lu finished speaking, she simply sat on a stool on the side, as if

watching the fun.

To be honest, it was precisely because she had danced it that Bai Lu knew how ambiguous this dance was.

At this moment, she looked at Ye Chen Dancing with other girls, Bai Lu was still a little unhappy.

But she had already said her words, and there was no chance to regret it now. She could only sit and watch.

It was like a check, as long as she was there Here, if Ye Chen dances with Wang Churan, nothing else will happen, right?。

“Ye Chen, I’m sorry to trouble you. ”

Wang Churan said.

Thinking of the large body movements that he would perform on Ye Chen when he was practicing with Bai Lu.

Wang Churan’s cheeks turned red again.。

“bring it on. ”

Ye Chen is much more calm.

He wears the big pants and white vest over and over again.

For convenience, he also put the slippers aside.

The music plays.

This time, Wang Churan seems to be much bolder.

Those sexy and charming movements There was no hesitation at all.

The body like a water snake clung to Ye Chen’s body,

constantly swimming around.

With that charming expression, even Bai Lu couldn’t help but tremble while watching.

Who could not love such a woman? Ah.

Especially when Wang Churan performed a twerk on Ye Chen.

Ye Chen still had to hold Wang Churan and cooperate.

This time Wang Churan did a good job.

But Ye Chen was a little embarrassed.

As a normal man.

Of course. There will be a reaction.

The pants were already very loose, and Wang Churan, who was flicking the flashlight, seemed to feel something.

His whole body shivered violently.

His cheeks instantly turned red with embarrassment.

Ye Chen turned around and sat on the bed, using the quilt. Cover it up to relieve your embarrassment。

“What’s wrong? ”

Bai Lu asked doubtfully.

Because of the angle, she didn’t find anything wrong.。

“That, Ye Chen…”

Wang Churan was about to speak but stopped.

I feel so ashamed.

She had already deeply experienced the scene just now.


There seems to be an indescribable strangeness inside.

But Ye Chen was not that shy. As a normal man, facing his own embarrassment, Ye Chen didn’t hide anything.

He just said: “I’m sorry, Chu Ran, this is a normal phenomenon. It will be fine after a while.”

Bai Lu had a black line on his head.

She finally understands.

This guy has feelings for Wang Churan.

How dare you do this in front of yourself?

Is it because I haven’t squeezed this guy dry yet?

Bai Lu really wanted Wang Churan to go out and squeeze Ye Chen dry first.

However, thinking about how powerful this guy was, he still shrank back and did not dare to challenge his own endurance.。

“Chu Ran, why don’t you go change into something more normal. ”

Ye Chen suggested.

What Wang Churan wore was too sexy.。

“good. ”

Wang Churan left with a red face and lowered her head. This time she didn’t hit the door.

But after Wang Churan left, Bai Lu rushed towards the bed.

She sat on Ye Chen and said fiercely.。

“Okay, you still dare to be presumptuous while I’m here, is it because I can’t satisfy you?”

“Um. ”

Ye Chen nodded honestly.

Bai Lu, who had been so mean just now, was immediately stunned.。

“I bite you. ”

If you can’t say it, just use your mouth. Bai Lu hit Ye Chen’s shoulder and swallowed it down.

Ye Chen grinned in pain.

He turned over and pressed Bai Lu under him.

When Wang Churan changed clothes and came down, it was Bai Lu who opened the door.。

“Bai Lu, what’s wrong with you? ”

Wang Churan looked at the sweat on Bai Lu’s forehead and the difficulty in walking, and quickly asked with concern.

But soon, Wang Churan thought of something, looked at Ye Chen, and became shy again.

She changed clothes and changed For more than half an hour.

Maybe some indescribable things have happened in this half hour.。

“I’m fine, you continue. ”

Bai Lu waved her hands, glared at Ye Chen resentfully, and then walked to the side and sat down.

Although Wang Churan said she had changed her clothes, she was still wearing a pink dress.

She still looked sexy and beautiful.

But this time she had two The cooperation between people is much better.

Bai Lu’s contribution is not small.

Wang Churan is very satisfied with the completion of the dance.。

“Ye Chen, do you want to do it again? ”

Wang Churan found the feeling and the confidence.

At this time, there was a knock on the door.。

“Come in. “Marven said.

Dilraba opened the door, and there were photographers following behind her.。

“What shameful things are you three doing? “Dilraba asked carelessly.。

“Hahaha, what the hell are you doing, Reba, are you going to laugh me to death?”

“No wonder Reba and Bai Lu bicker all the time. Reba is so irritating that she won’t pay for her life. It would be weird if they don’t bicker.。”

“What shameful things can three people do?”

“Reba, what are you talking about? I can’t accept it。”

“Reba, Ye Chen was teaching me how to dance just now. “Wang Churan quickly explained.

Ye Chen had a black line on his head.

Bai Lu glared at Reba and said, “You will die if you talk well, right?”

“Okay, okay, I was just kidding, eating dumplings. ”

Dilraba smiled, then turned and went out.

Outside, there was a table in the yard with seven large bowls on it, each bowl filled with dumplings. A

temporary stove In the front are the youngest Zhang Zifeng and the fairy sister who are in charge of the kitchen.

For such a simple matter as cooking dumplings, the two of them are naturally the old lady blowing her nose and pinching them with their hands.。

“Zifeng did a good job. “Ye Chen smiled.。

“Brother Ye Chen, eat more. “Zhang Zifeng showed a cute smile。

“Come on, brother Ye Chen, eat more. ”

Seeing Ye Chen coming over, Yang Mi imitated Zhang Zifeng’s tone and said coquettishly, holding Ye Chen’s shoulders and asking him to sit down.。

“Yes, brother Ye Chen, you have to eat more and be full. The kitchen is waiting for you to repair it. ”

Dilraba also came over and said angrily.

Ye Chen couldn’t bear it anymore and slapped Dilraba on the butt.。

“Oh, brother Ye Chen, why are you touching someone’s butt? ”

This time, Dilraba didn’t dodge or scream like before.

Instead, she looked at Ye Chen in a cowardly manner,

making everyone laugh.

Director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue: ” Damn, it’s so bitchy, I almost want to hit Reba.

Yaya: “Hahahaha, Yueyue, you and Reba must have often quarreled when you were together, right? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “It’s not just quarrels, but fights every day. ”

Guo Qilin: “We should record it next time and let us see who of you is better. ” “(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

He Jiong: “I think we can set up a ring and let Yueyue and Reba fight in the ring.。”

“Hahaha, set up the arena, Mr. He, you are exposed。”

“It’s over, my goddess Reba has turned into a psychopath。”

“Sure enough, the longer I spent with Ye Laoliu, the more this goddess lost her temperament.。”

“Surprised, Reba actually

“Upstairs, you all have traffic. ”

This is the first time for everyone in the Love House to eat dumplings.

And everyone participates.

They taste different.。

“This dumpling is really delicious. “Dilraba took a sip, closed her eyes and enjoyed it.。

“Yes, I made your dumplings, they must be delicious. “Bai Lu said。

“No, no, you can tell by looking at the shape that it was made by me. “Dilraba continued to bicker.。

“By the way, we can make some dumplings and store them in the refrigerator. If we want to eat them later, we can just cook them. “Yang Mi said。

“The refrigerator is broken, how to store it? Liu Yifei said with a smile。

“I bought a new refrigerator and it will be delivered soon. “Wang Churan said weakly。

“There is a new refrigerator, which is great. Then we can make more dumplings with different flavors. “Bai Lu said。

“Director, you need to find someone to repair this kitchen quickly, otherwise it will be inconvenient for us. “Ye Chen said。

“That’s it. “Dilraba was eating dumplings and following the trend vaguely.。

“The kitchen can handle it on its own, we don’t care. “The director said angrily.

Of course, the director doesn’t want to worry about repairing the kitchen.

This is traffic.

Let Ye Chen and others build the kitchen stove by themselves, which will definitely bring a big wave of traffic.

If they hire workers to repair it , , what’s the point?。

“Do you want us to repair this kitchen ourselves? That’s too much. “Bai Lu is angry.。

“Just, director, do you think we can cultivate it? “Dilraba said.

The director looked at Ye Chen and said, “We will provide one thousand yuan as the maintenance fee for the kitchen. ”

At this moment, everyone’s eyes are turned to Ye Chen.

Obviously, Ye Chen is the only male guest in the love house.

If the kitchen really needs to be repaired, Ye Chen will also need to do it.。

“Director, repairing the kitchen is a big project…..Need to pay more. ”

Ye Chen said with a serious face.。

“Hahahaha, you have to pay more, Ye Laoliu, you really have enough。”

“What the hell do you need to pay more for? Killing me。”

“Can Ye Laoliu even repair the kitchen stove?”

“That’s not necessarily true. After all, the temporary stove built by Ye Laoliu is very standard.。”

“As long as it’s not something that should be done in the entertainment industry, Ye Laoliu seems to be able to handle it. ”

0request flowers

“It’s too much to pay more. ”

The girls covered their mouths and laughed.

Unexpectedly, at this point, what Ye Chen cared about was not whether he could fix it.

What he cared about was asking for more money.

This guy would not be obsessed with money. Alright。

“Add five hundred. “The director was also amused by Ye Chen.

In the end, he chose to compromise.

After receiving fifteen hundred yuan in cash, Ye Chen happily put it in his pocket.

He continued to sit down and eat dumplings.

There were not many dumplings, and everyone They are all fixed amounts.

Ye Chen finished them quickly.。

“Brother Ye Chen, are you full? “Zhang Zifeng asked weakly。

“Not bad, eighty percent full. “Ye Chen said。

“I can’t finish my food. Please help me eat some. ”

Although Zhang Zifeng is young, he is also very skillful in speaking.

If he gave it to Ye Chen directly, Ye Chen would definitely not want it.

So he said he couldn’t finish it.

In this way, Ye Chen would naturally not refuse.

After all, helping others is the foundation of happiness. Well.

Zhang Zifeng gave half of the dumplings in the bowl to Ye Chen, and then continued to eat.

Girls have smaller appetites

because the dumplings were divided evenly.

Dilireba, Bai Lu and Wang Churan ate. After finishing their own dumplings,

Liu Yifei and Yang Mi couldn’t finish them, so they gave the dumplings to Ye Chen.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong said: “Why do I feel like Ye Chen is eating leftovers? ”

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha, Teacher He, don’t tell me, there really needs to be someone who eats leftovers in a family.

Yaya: “It’s the same when I’m at home. Anyway, this person is my dad. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I am the one who eats leftovers in my family. “。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, how good are you at eating?”

“You see, everyone has someone like this in their family。”

“The problem is, the love house is full of beauties, and I also like to eat leftovers.。”

“You can send me the dumplings that fairy sister can’t finish eating, and I can also eat the leftovers.。”

“Upstairs, you think too much, you should just go to bed. ”

After eating the dumplings, several girls packed up the dishes.

Ye Chen then began to arrange the tasks to be done in the afternoon.。

“Let’s do this. You can eat dumplings with whatever fillings you want, and go buy groceries by yourself. I’ll go to the county town, buy a tricycle, and bring back materials for repairing the kitchen. ”

Ye Chen said.

It’s not appropriate to go to Gao Yong’s house to borrow a tricycle every time he needs to travel far.

After all, others also need to use it.

So Ye Chen decided to buy a tricycle for the love house.。

“Brother Ye Chen, let me go with you. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Okay, let’s go, let’s go by car first. “Ye Chen nodded.

Wang Churan originally wanted to go, but because Ye Chen left, Wang Churan was the only one in the love house who knew how to cook. So

Wang Churan could only stay here and make dumplings with a few girls.

Zhang Zifeng wore a sun protection jacket and a cute pink hat and followed Ye Chen to the entrance of the village.

A bus would pass by the village entrance in half an hour, which was very convenient.

Ye Chen took Zhang Zifeng on the bus and walked straight Went to the county town.

The two of them sat in the last row. Zhang Zifeng sat by the window and looked at the scenery outside the window. It felt so beautiful.

Sunset Village is located in the mountains. No matter where you go, you have to pass through the endless mountains. .The

scenery on the road is also a major feature.

Zhang Zifeng has obviously been attracted by this scenery.。

“Brother Ye Chen, look, the big windmill over there is really beautiful. ”

Zhang Zifeng said.

When he turned around, he saw that Ye Chen had fallen asleep with his eyes closed.

After running around for days, the huge physical exertion, coupled with the shaking of this kind of country bus, it seemed to be shaking. It’s like a car.

Sitting on it, it’s easy to feel sleepy.

Seeing Ye Chen’s eyes closed, Zhang Zifeng felt a little distressed.

Brother Ye Chen must be tired.

Thinking about the whole love house, no matter what happens, Ye Chen needs to be busy, it seems With Ye Chen here, the backbone of the love house is there.

Just like two days ago, Ye Chen and Bai Lu went on the show.

The love house was almost in chaos.

But when Ye Chen came back, everything returned to how it was before.

Zhang Zifeng felt a little bit Complex, a pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at Ye Chen.

Those closed eyes and long eyelashes seemed to have an inexplicable attraction.

He even forgot about the existence of the camera.

Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help but sit up straight.

He leaned closer to Ye Chen.

Then, he reached out his hand and moved Ye Chen’s head towards him, letting Ye Chen fall asleep comfortably on his shoulders.

After doing all this,

Zhang Zifeng I just remembered that it was live broadcasting now.

My cheeks turned red with embarrassment.

I quickly shifted my gaze and looked out the window.

PS: Thank you to Mr. Yizhuang for the tip ……

Asking for flowers, asking for monthly tickets, and asking for evaluation tickets. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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