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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 131

In fact, from the moment Zhang Zifeng turned to look at Ye Chen.

The four people in the director’s room noticed something was wrong.

As Zhang Zifeng took the initiative to rest Ye Chen’s head on her shoulder.

Everyone’s eyes in the director’s room fell on He Jiong.

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He, do you feel like a good cabbage has been taken away from you?”

Yaya: “Dalin, when you say this, aren’t you pouring salt on Teacher He’s wound?”

Yang Chaoyue: “I feel like Ye Chen and Zi Feng is also a good match. Besides, Zifeng has grown up and is old enough to fall in love.”

He Jiong: “I think Yueyue is right. Zifeng has grown up. How should I choose? , Zifeng has his own judgment。”

“Teacher He, wake up, that’s Ye Laoliu, you don’t need to support him。”

“Oh my god, Teacher He was actually led astray by Yueyue?”

“No, I can’t accept it. That’s my sister. Ye Laoliu, that’s enough for you.。”

“Don’t you find this scene really sweet?”

“Yes, yes, it feels so sweet to me too, I bumped it。”

“Ye Chen is not that old either, he is in his twenties, almost like his sister, okay?。”

“Oh my god, I was melted when I saw sister Zifeng looking at Ye Chen, full of love. ”

The car was moving slowly.

Zhang Zifeng felt the weight on his shoulders. He

felt inexplicably relieved.

There was also some secret joy.

It was like when he was in school, he was just in love, sitting with the boy he liked. He

secretly glanced at each other. It felt like that.

Zhang Zifeng only lamented that the journey was too short.

He had arrived at the county town in more than half an hour.

As the car stopped, Ye Chen slowly woke up.

Opening his eyes, he saw that he was on Zhang Zifeng’s shoulder.

Only then did Ye Chen move. He touched his neck and said: “Zifeng, I’m sorry, I fell asleep.。”

“Brother Ye Chen, you should also pay more attention to rest. Being too tired is not good for your health. ”

Zhang Zifeng’s “950” voice was inaudible.

She didn’t know if Ye Chen heard it. She

just saw Ye Chen showing a smiling face, the sun was shining down, and that handsome face made Zhang Zifeng even more obsessed.。

“Let’s go, get out of the car. ”

Ye Chen got up and got out of the car. When he woke up, he became energetic again.

Ye Chen had been to this county before and was familiar with the roads here.

He took Zhang Zifeng straight to the tricycle market .。

“Brother Ye Chen, why don’t you take a driver’s license test? “Zhang Zifeng was confused.

Ye Chen even took out a tricycle driver’s license, but he didn’t have a car driver’s license.

This was something Zhang Zifeng couldn’t understand.。

“I don’t have time. When I have time someday, I’ll take the exam. ”

Ye Chen said, then turned to look at the boss and asked。

“Boss, how is this car? How much does it cost?”

“Nine thousand eight. “The boss is a middle-aged man, and he is dressed somewhat similar to Ye Chen. Of course, the boss is shirtless.。

“So expensive? Cheaper, boss, didn’t I buy one last time? ”

Ye Chen started to bargain.

Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help covering his mouth and laughing.。

“Well, if I give you nine thousand six, I really have no profit. ”

The boss said in embarrassment.。

“Just two hundred less? I’ll see if it’s available online. ”

Ye Chen said, took out his mobile phone, opened Pinshao Shao Shao, and scanned the tricycle.

The boss originally offered a tricycle with a price of 9,800, but in Pin Shao Shao there was actually a tricycle with free shipping for 4.5 yuan.

The photographer is also a good photographer. There’s something wrong.

When Ye Chen took out his cell phone, the photographer kept taking pictures of Ye Chen’s cell phone.

When they saw the page, everyone in the director’s room laughed.

He Jiong: “The four-and-a-half dollar one is Are you serious? ”

Guo Qilin: “This is the first time I saw someone buying a tricycle using Pinshao Shao Shao to compare prices, hahaha.

Yaya: “Now I know why everyone calls Ye Chen Lao Liu. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “This wave of operations can definitely be regarded as a six-six-six. “。”

“It makes me laugh. Some people use Pinshao Shao Shao to compare prices. Why don’t you go to heaven?”

“I’m so tired of trying to buy something from Shaoshao. Isn’t the main point of it just a benefit?”

“Is there any price comparison like this? Ye Laoliu, are you sure you won’t be beaten?”

“It doesn’t matter that Ye Laoliu was beaten, but just don’t implicate my sister Zifeng.。”

“Sister, please go away quickly, cherish life and stay away from Lao Liu. ”

Zhang Zifeng stood next to Ye Chen.

He stood on tiptoes and looked hard at Ye Chen’s mobile phone.

When he saw the tricycle with free shipping for 4.5 yuan, he immediately laughed out loud.。

“This is fiction. ”

Ye Chen said, and clicked on the flagship store with the highest price.

The prices inside were about the same, nine thousand and three thousand.。

“Boss, it’s cheaper, 9500, I’ll ride away. ”

Ye Chen knew that the profit of this kind of tricycle was quite large,

so he didn’t cut it too hard.

Compared to the nine thousand sixty-six the boss said, it was a hundred yuan cheaper.

The boss waved his hand: “Okay, I’ll help you. Do it and you’ll come ride the bike in an hour. ”

After getting the tricycle, Ye Chen took Zhang Zifeng to buy materials.

The materials for building the stove were similar. Gao Yong had cement porcelain boards and bricks at home.

After all, Ye Chen didn’t need a large amount, so it was hard to buy them. It’s better to buy some from Gao Yong.

By the time I got on the tricycle and pulled up the materials, it was already four or five o’clock in the afternoon.。

“Do you want to take a stroll? ”

Ye Chen saw that Zhang Zifeng was curious about everything around him.

He couldn’t help but ask。

“Don’t we have to rush back? “Zhang Zifeng still wants to feel the night here.

But he is afraid that he will waste Ye Chen’s time.。

“It doesn’t matter, just play if you want. ”

Ye Chen knows that celebrities like Zhang Zifeng usually don’t dare to go shopping.

Finally, he has such an opportunity, but he doesn’t mind accompanying Zhang Zifeng to release his nature.。

“Brother Ye Chen, can you accompany me to the amusement park? I’ve never been to an amusement park. ”

Hearing what Ye Chen said, Zhang Zifeng immediately happily pulled Ye Chen’s arm and asked expectantly。

“Amusement park, let me see if there is one. ”

Ye Chen turned on his phone and started searching.

There are very few large amusement parks in this small county.

Sure enough, Ye Chen only found some small amusement parks, which are suitable for adults to take their children to play.

Zhang Zifeng looked at a little disappointed。

“There is an escape room here, do you want to check it out? ”

Ye Chen suddenly saw an escape room and immediately became interested.。

“Escape room? I’m a little scared. ”

Zhang Zifeng was stunned, a touch of excitement flashed across his face, but he was more worried.。

“Then it’s gone. ”

Ye Chen waved his hand。

“How about we give it a try? “Zhang Zifeng’s beautiful eyes flashed with a strange light.

Ye Chen smiled, waved his hand, and rode a tricycle straight to the escape room.

The photographers who were following him were all numb.

I wonder if you, the old man, can play a little more normally. It’s for people to play.

Most of the escape rooms in this small place are not difficult.

The main thing is a real NPC pretending to be a ghost to chase.

The problem is that the photographer is also afraid.

Although he knows that the other person is a human, in that environment , after seeing each other’s makeup and dressing up.

No matter what, I would feel timid.

But Ye Chen and Zhang Zifeng had already started to enter.

The photographer had to follow them.。

“Hahaha, if you are asked to film a romance drama, will you take your sister to play in an escape room?”

“Ye Laoliu, please do some personnel work.。”

“Romance can be done in the county. If you take your sister to a movie, I will give you a thumbs up.。”


“I now understand that this guy has no romantic qualities at all. ”

Ye Chen walked in the front, holding Zhang Zifeng’s weak and boneless little hand.

It could be washed and felt a chill.

Ye Chen smiled and said, “Don’t be afraid, they are actually real NPCs.。”

“Um. “Zhang Zifeng just nodded obediently, but he was still scared to death. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) After entering the door, there is

a long corridor.

It gives people an eerie feeling. The people

on both sides of the corridor There is also a small hole in the wall.

Ye Chen explained: “Be careful, there will be hands sticking out of these holes, don’t be scared. ”

When Zhang Zifeng heard this, he immediately stepped behind Ye Chen, fearing that he would be really frightened by the sudden hand.

But he didn’t know that the NPC hiding behind the wall was numb. Is

there anyone who can explain this?

How can I play this?

But what needs to be done is still done.

The two NPCs hiding behind the wall looked at each other, stretched out their hands, and made strange noises.

Fortunately, Ye Chen reminded Zhang Zifeng that Zhang Zifeng only felt a little bit in his heart and was not frightened.

The two photographers behind him couldn’t help but take a step back

because one of their hands grabbed the trouser leg of an NPC .。

“Brother Ye Chen, I’m afraid, please leave quickly. ”

Zhang Zifeng’s voice started to tremble a little.。

“Don’t be afraid, it’s okay, just treat it as a courage exercise for you, look at it.

Ye Chen said, grabbed one of the hands and said, “Look, I caught the ghost. “。”

“Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?”

“Damn it, Ye Laoliu, you know how to play, and you caught all the NPCs?”

“That’s too much. NPCs are just making a living. What the hell are you doing trying to catch someone?”

“Hahaha, I’m laughing so hard, even if I don’t run away, I’m actually catching an NPC?”

“Ghost: I don’t want to lose face?

The NPC behind the wall couldn’t help but complain: “Hey, hey, hey, it’s too much. I don’t want to lose face. This is not a prosthetic leg. ” ”

Zhang Zifeng laughed directly after hearing this.

Although he was still a little scared, the fear was much reduced.。

“Sorry bro. ”

After Ye Chen let go of his hand, he apologized politely.

Then he took Zhang Zifeng and continued walking forward. At

the end of the corridor was a corner, and there was a door at the corner, which was eerie.

The fear in Zhang Zifeng’s heart came up again.

Hiding timidly in the leaves���Behind him, one hand held Ye Chen’s hand, and the other hand grabbed Ye Chen’s arm.

He was afraid that Ye Chen would disappear if he let go。

“If there is an NPC behind you, please stay away. I’m going to kick the door, don’t get it…0″

Ye Chen walked to the door and said something to the inside. As

soon as he finished speaking, Ye Chen opened the door quietly. The door.

The door was an ancient wooden door with no lock. As the door opened,

everyone saw a large snakeskin bag moving on the wall opposite the door.

Zhang Zifeng wanted to say something, but Ye Chen covered his mouth and

made a silent gesture.

Then he tiptoed towards the snakeskin bag.

Ye Chen’s movements were so light that the NPC in the snakeskin bag hadn’t even reacted. Ye Chen He grabbed the mouth of the bag, then grabbed the rope next to it and quickly wrapped it around him. Only then did

the NPC in the snakeskin bag react and kept struggling.

Zhang Zifeng was a little scared and could only stand behind Ye Chen and grab Ye Chen. clothes。

“It’s okay, don’t be afraid, I caught her. “Ye Chen said.

The NPC in the bag was still struggling, but unfortunately as the mouth of the bag was tied, the struggle became useless. In the

director’s room,

He Jiong laughed like crazy.

He was lying on the table, unable to say a word.

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He, take it easy. I’m a little worried when I see you smiling like this.

Yaya: “Can escape rooms still be played like this? ” Yang

Chaoyue: “When we played escape rooms in the past, didn’t we have to unlock them?” Why is Lao Liu so successful? ”

Guo Qilin: “In this area, some more complex escape rooms need to be unlocked, but most of the escape rooms are actually haunted houses.。”

“Dalinzi has experience. The escape room here is actually a haunted house. Just go in and run around.。”

“Hey, hey, hey, you’ve gone astray, okay? The question is, even if it’s a haunted house, have you ever seen someone putting ghosts in a bag?”

“Hahaha, Lao Liu is Lao Liu, it made me laugh to death。”

“Poor NPC, I guess even if I beat him to death, he wouldn’t even think about it.���, it can still be put in a bag. ”

After a while, the NPC in the bag seemed to know that he couldn’t break free.

Then he said: “Brother, just play games and have fun. How can you be like this? ”

It’s a nice female voice。

“Then I’ll open the bag, don’t scare us? ”

Ye Chen said。

“Okay, I promise not to scare you. ”

The girl said.

Ye Chen then opened the bag.

The girl was dressed in white and had disheveled hair.

After she was freed, she deliberately lifted her long hair and gave Ye Chen a resentful look.

This scene made Zhang Zifeng amused. .

She found that the scary atmosphere that came in at the beginning was getting weaker and weaker.

On the contrary, it seemed to be quite fun. Moreover,

this NPC girl was also quite good-looking. Zhang Zifeng was no longer afraid at this moment.。

“Huh? Are you Ye Chen? And Zifeng? ”

The young lady glared at Ye Chen. After seeing Ye Chen’s appearance clearly, she looked surprised.。

“Hello, what’s your name? “Ye Chen smiled.。

“Everyone calls me Xiaoou. “The girl is very cheerful。

“Xiao Ou, is this a room? How many NPCs are there? “Ye Chen asked。

“Does this count as cheating? “Xiao Ou stared at Ye Chen non-stop.。

“Zifeng is timid, so I just brought her to experience it, so it doesn’t need to be scary. “1.3 Ye Chen explained.

After Zhang Zifeng heard this, she was instantly moved.

She thought at first that Ye Chen did this because of his character.

But she didn’t expect that Ye Chen did it entirely because of himself.

She wanted to take herself to experience it. With this kind of terrifying aura, I was afraid that I would be frightened.

That’s why I did this series of actions.。

“I’ll go, Ye Laoliu’s details are so heart-warming。”

“It seems that I misunderstood Ye Laoliu just now. I love you.。”

“Thank you Ye Laoliu for taking such good care of my sister, Lu became a fan。”

“So sweet, who said Ye Chen was the sixth child? Would you like to see more of Ye Chen’s advantages?。”

“It’s just that, I took such good care of Reba before, always remembering that Reba doesn’t eat pork, and now I take such good care of my sister, I’m so touched. ”

Xiao Ou glanced at Zhang Zifeng.

He gave Ye Chen a thumbs up and said, “Behind this door is the living room. There are two NPCs inside, but they are my classmates. They are very beautiful.。”

“How about we scare them? ”

Ye Chen asked。

“Hahaha, I thought so too. “When Xiao Ou heard this, he immediately became interested.

He immediately arranged his clothes and hair, and then walked to the front. He

slowly opened the door of the room, and there was only a faint light inside.

Xiao Ou lowered his head and slowly walked in. Let’s go.

Ye Chen and Zhang Zifeng slowly squatted down. After entering the door, they squatted in the corner. After

waiting for a while, a figure dressed like Xiao Ou came over.

Originally wanting to scare people, when they saw Xiao Ou After Ou De dressed up, he pushed him and said impatiently: “Xiao Ding, you big idiot, why don’t you hide away and go out?”

“Xiaobai, I didn’t go out. “Xiao Ding’s voice came from another corner.

The girl called Xiao Bai was obviously startled.

Then she let out a scream…….。


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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