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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 132

An escape room like this.

Each checkpoint will have a fixed NPC.

During working hours, NPCs generally do not visit.

So when Xiaobai saw Xiaoou dressed up like himself at the door.

Only then would he think it was Xiao Ding who was in the same room as him.

But at this moment, Xiao Ding’s voice came from another direction.

Xiaobai was startled.

The audience in the live broadcast room was also amused by this scene。

“Hahaha, is the NPC lady so timid?”

“It makes me laugh to death. How can you be an NPC if you are so timid?”

“This little sister is so cute。”

“I learned it, I will do it the same way next time I go to an escape room。”

“It has to be Ye Laoliu, he is really good at playing. ”

The scream almost gave Xiao Ou a heart attack.。

“Stop calling me Xiaobai, it scares me to death. “Xiao Ou said.

Xiao Bai then opened his eyes wide, looked at Xiao Ou and said, “If you want to die, come to where we work.。”

“That’s it, aren’t there guests coming? If you don’t stay in your room, why are you here with us? ”

Xiao Ding also came out.

Three NPCs wearing white clothes and long hair shawls stood together and chatted. They looked a bit cute.

Zhang Zifeng, who was squatting in the corner, was a little scared at first.

But when he heard the three people scolding After a normal conversation, I felt Ye Chen’s warm hands again.

All the fear disappeared.

On the contrary, I still felt a little funny.

I covered my mouth and let out a burst of laughter.。

“ah? There is a ghost。”

“Who’s laughing? ”

Xiao Bai and Xiao Ding were like cats whose tails were stepped on. They were frightened and backed away. The

screams that kept coming out made Zhang Zifeng amused.

I didn’t expect that such a timid person would actually Can you still scare others?

This is amazing.

Xiao Ou also held his stomach and laughed non-stop.

But after explaining, Xiao Bai and Xiao Ding recovered.

After hearing Ye Chen’s plan.

Xiao Bai Xiao Ding and I naturally agreed with both hands.

It was fun to be able to scare other colleagues. So.


, the entire escape room was filled with all kinds of screams.

Each and every 20 NPCs were frightened. He had to run away with his head in his arms.

No one thought that an NPC could be so scared.

Some brave ones also chose to join Ye Chen’s camp

after learning the truth . They ran around chasing the fleeing NPCs. Even At this time, other players came in, but no NPC was found, and they all found it unexciting. After walking for a while, seven or eight NPCs suddenly appeared behind them chasing after them, scaring the players who had just complained that it was not exciting to tears. Father calls mother. Director’s room. He Jiong: “Hahahaha, why do I feel like every game can be played in new ways by Ye Chen? Yaya: “Lao Liu is Lao Liu. Really, don’t call Ye Chen from now on, just call him Lao Liu. ” ” Guo Qilin: “NPC didn’t expect that one day he would experience such a carnival. Yang Chaoyue: “I really want to play such an escape room. ”


“Hahaha, such a secret room escape is interesting.。”

“So many people were chasing after me, and in the end I didn’t even know who was one of my own or who was a player.。”

“Did you see that the player just now also joined the chasing camp?。”

“It made me laugh to death, Ye Laoliu knows how to play. ”

It is said that in the following days, the boss also gained inspiration and

played such a pursuit game.

As soon as the publicity came out, it immediately attracted a lot of traffic.

This escape room became popular for a long time.

Many NPCs were in When talking about this matter, everyone will talk about Ye Chen’s name with relish.

But all this is a story for later.

When Ye Chen and Zhang Zifeng came out,

the sky was already dark.

Zhang Zifeng and Ye Chen locked hands But he still hasn’t let go yet.

After coming out, Zhang Zifeng looked at Ye Chen excitedly and said, “Brother Ye Chen, this is the first time I’ve discovered that escape rooms are so fun.。”

“Like it? “Ye Chen smiled.。

“Yes, I like it. “Zhang Zifeng nodded with excitement on his face.。

“If you like it, I’ll take you to play next time, but we have to go back now. “Ye Chen said。

“OK, let’s go. “Zhang Zifeng turned to leave, and then noticed that her and Ye Chen’s fingers were intertwined.

It seemed that they had never let go since they entered the secret room to escape.

This feeling is really sweet.

Zhang Zifeng lowered his head, his face already embarrassed The face was red.

Ye Chen smiled, released his hand and took out the tricycle key, and then motioned Zhang Zifeng to get in the car.。

“Brother Ye Chen, should I sit in the back? ”

Zhang Zifeng looked at the front of the motorcycle-shaped car and saw that he had no place to sit, so he even wanted to walk towards the back.。

“The front is fine, but it’s dark now and there are a lot of mosquitoes in the back. “Ye Chen said.

Zhang Zifeng’s heart skipped a beat.

In fact, she was still looking forward to sitting in the front. In

this case, she could chat with Ye Chen on the road.

But Ye Chen didn’t say anything just now, and Zhang Zifeng was too embarrassed to take the initiative.

See you now. Ye Chen patted the position of the fuel tank in front of him, and Zhang Zifeng immediately ran over happily.。

“Come. “When Ye Chen saw this, he stretched out his hand and motioned for Zhang Zifeng to come up.

Zhang Zifeng grabbed Ye Chen’s hand and sat up carefully, directly on the fuel tank.

As Ye Chen grabbed the handle of the car with both hands, this was equivalent to directly Holding Zhang Zifeng in her arms.

Feeling Ye Chen’s warm chest on her back, Zhang Zifeng felt that her heart was about to jump out.

Fortunately, her back was facing Ye Chen, and her cheeks that were so red that they were bleeding were not touched by Ye Chen. Chen saw it.

Otherwise, Zhang Zifeng would have wanted to find a crack in the ground and crawl in.。

“Hey, hey, hey, it’s too much, Ye Laoliu, let go of my sister.。”

“I can’t bear it anymore. It’s outrageous to hold my little sister Zifeng like this.。”

“Ye Laoliu definitely did this on purpose. How could he let a girl sit in front of a tricycle?”

“I think it’s very sweet. Besides, my sister is willing to do it. Why are you so sore here? ”

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hey…”

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He’s sigh contains too much.”

Yaya: “Hahaha, Teacher He, it’s okay, I think Lao Liu is not bad.”

Yang Chaoyue: “Yes, Teacher He, Lao Liu He’s also quite handsome, at least he’s very real compared to some of the hotties in the entertainment industry.。”

“Yueyue, do you want to listen to what you are saying?”

“Is this a sentence that offends all the young people in the entertainment industry?”

“Yang Chaoyue, you have narrowed your path. ”

Ye Chen’s riding speed is not very fast.

There are thousands of roads, and safety is the first priority.

Ye Chen still remembers this clearly.

And it’s dark now. Riding a tricycle on this national highway, accompanied by the gentle sound of the mountain stream The wind was still very comfortable.

Zhang Zifeng slowly let go of the tension in his heart and looked at the scenery passing by on both sides.。

“Brother Ye Chen, this place is really beautiful. I like it here more and more. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Close your eyes, open your hands, and feel it. ”

Ye Chen said.

Zhang Zifeng obediently closed his eyes, opened his hands, tilted his head back, and leaned on Ye Chen’s shoulders.。

“Brother Ye Chen, I feel like I am flying. ”

Ye Chen just smiled and didn’t say much.

The photographer also had a good shooting angle. He took this scene in another car. He

immediately made Zhang Zifeng’s fans envious.。

“Oh my god, this scene is so beautiful.。”

“This is the first time I feel that my sixth brother and my sister are so well matched.。”

“Love, love, this is what a romance drama should look like。”

“It’s not like La

“Find a boyfriend who can ride a tricycle and go for a ride now…”(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

It wasn’t until about eight o’clock that Ye Chen returned to the love house on a tricycle.

The refrigerator Wang Churan ordered before has been delivered.

It was a brand new double-door refrigerator, and Ye Chen saw it at a glance.

Wang Churan is cooking at the door of the living room.

Yang Mi took action on the side.

Stop the bus No. 3, Liu Yifei has already come over。

“Why so late? I thought something had happened to you. ”

When speaking, Liu Yifei’s eyes were full of concern.。

“I took Zifeng for a walk. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Just be fine. “Liu Yifei glanced at Ye Chen resentfully, then brought a towel over. After rinsing it, she wiped Ye Chen’s cheeks.

Zhang Zifeng on the side saw this scene and felt mixed emotions in her heart.

Every time she saw Ye Chen When I was with Liu Yifei, I felt so sweet.

There was a feeling of being knocked.

However, Zhang Zifeng didn’t realize that Ye Chen’s weight in her heart was also increasing little by little.。

“Lao Liu, you still know how to come back. I thought you eloped with Zifeng? ”

Dilraba also came out and looked at the two of them and said loudly.

This directly broke the sweetness.。

“What nonsense are you talking about? “Ye Chen has a black streak on his head.。

“Haha, am I lying? Tell me honestly. Do you have such thoughts? “Dilraba’s breasts are so fierce that they are inserted into her waist.。

“I testify that there must be. “Bai Lu said。

“Go, go, don’t make trouble. “Ye Chen saw Zhang Zifeng lowering his head shyly, and then walked inside.

Bai Lu opened her arms and blocked the door, with a questioning tone: “Tell me, have you ever thought about running away with sister Zifeng?”

“Hey, I think you just need to take care of yourself. ”

Ye Chen carried Bai Lu on his shoulders and slapped Bai Lu’s butt three times. The

spanking made Bai Lu scream.。

“Let me go, Ye Laoliu, you are bullying me。”

“Reba, save me。”

“Lao Liu bullies others. ”

Several girls covered their mouths and laughed.

Bailu’s fans in the live broadcast room were angry.。

“Okay, okay, you just picked my Bailu to beat, right?”

“This sixth child, because my Bailu’s butt is big, is comfortable to spank, right?”

“That’s too much. The exposed butt is not for this purpose.。”

“upstairs,���Tell me, what is Bailu’s butt used for?”

“I’ll wipe it. Don’t drive randomly.。”

“My Bailu is still suffering, and you are here discussing the use of her butt.?”

“A bunch of beasts, this is outrageous. ”

After a few slaps,

Bai Lu became honest.

After being put down by Ye Chen, she lay on the sofa with a look of aggrievedness. She

looked like she was at your mercy.。

“Sister Bai Lu, are you okay? “Zhang Zifeng washed his hands and came over, asking with concern.。

“That’s how she died. “Ye Chen said。

“You are the one who is dead, huh, I will ignore you. “Bai Lu got up angrily and picked up her phone to play the game.

Wang Churan had already prepared dinner.

A portion of salted fish and eggplant stew, fish head with chopped pepper, beef with taro, scrambled eggs with leek, garlic mushrooms, and steamed carp…

At first, Song Qian said that Wang Churan’s cooking skills were very good.

Ye Chen still doesn’t believe it.

And now after seeing it, Ye Chen couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

Although Wang Churan’s cooking is definitely not as delicious as his own.

But it’s pretty good too.

After all, he is a man with a system.

The cooking skills are all given by the system, so of course they can’t be compared.

If this were placed in the culinary world, Wang Churan’s cooking skills would have been explosive.

Every dish is delicious and delicious。

“Chu Ran, please hurry up and eat. “Ye Chen said。

“Okay, let me put some water in the pot first. ”

Wang Churan nodded, poured a spoonful of water into the pot, and then shook the spatula, trying to knock off some vegetable leaves stuck to it.。

“Duang. ”

Suddenly there was a sound, and everyone was startled.

They turned to look at Wang Churan.

At this moment, Wang Churan was also standing on the same spot, and her whole body was stunned.

When she threw the spatula just now, she lost control and threw it The spatula was thrown into the pot, and it made a loud noise.

If it were an iron pot used on a gas stove, it would be fine.

But because the refrigerator exploded before, Ye Chen made a new stove

. A large iron pot was taken out from the room.

This kind of iron pot is used on earth stoves and has a thin bottom.

Wang Churan knocked it so hard that a big hole was broken.

The water that was poured into it just kept pouring. Falling down.

Wang Churan also realized that 567 he had gotten into trouble.

He looked at Ye Chen with an aggrieved look and said, “Ye Chen, I’m sorry, I got into trouble again. ”

Ye Chen held his forehead, feeling defeated.

But things have already happened, what else can he do?。

“Let’s eat first and buy a pot tomorrow. ”

As soon as Ye Chen said these words, several girls couldn’t help laughing.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, is Chu Ran here to tear down the love house?

Yaya: “Has Chu Ran always been like this? ” ”

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, we met before when we were filming, and that time we almost smashed all the crew’s cameras.

Yang Chaoyue: “I think Chu Ran should have more contact with me. I can bring her good luck. “。”

“Hahahaha, Wang Churan, you stupid beauty, you are really going to make me laugh to death.。”

“No, my stomach hurts from laughing。”

“First the refrigerator exploded, and now the pot was smashed. Wang Churan, you stupid beauty are you trying to laugh me to death?”

“It’s outrageous to smash the pot. People who don’t know better think you are here to cause trouble. ”

Seeing Wang Churan’s guilty face, Liu Yifei and Dilraba comforted her a few words, which made Wang Churan not feel so uncomfortable.。

“The pots used in earthen stoves like this are like this, so be careful when cooking. “After Ye Chen finished speaking, he sat down and prepared to eat.。

“Brother Ye Chen, give you rice. “Zhang Zifeng was very discerning and served Ye Chen a bowl of rice.。

“Thanks. ”

After a busy day, Ye Chen was not polite and started eating with big mouthfuls.。

“Chu Ran is very good at cooking and the food tastes very good. “While eating, Ye Chen also commented.。

“Then try this, fish head with chopped pepper, my best dish. ”

When Wang Churan heard this, he quickly picked up some food for Ye Chen.。

“Yeah, it’s delicious. It would taste even better if I used wild sansho pepper. ”

Ye Chen took a bite and gave a thumbs up.。

“Then I’ll go pick some wild pepper tomorrow. “Wang Churan said。

“Forget it, I got you lost. “Ye Chen waved his hands quickly。

“All right. “When Wang Churan heard this, she didn’t insist.

And she came here to practice dancing.

If she has time, of course she must master the dance moves first.

As for other things, we will talk about it when we have the opportunity.

Ye Chen The bowl of rice was finished quickly.

Zhang Zifeng on the side quickly picked up Ye Chen’s bowl and said, “Brother Ye Chen, I will serve you more rice. ”

However, when Dilraba and Bai Lu also reached out, they obviously had the same idea as Zhang Zifeng.

The atmosphere became a bit stalemate at this moment.。

“This is outrageous. If you have a meal, someone will still snatch it?”

“Ye Laoliu, tell me the truth, when did you save the galaxy?”

“On days like this, I don’t know what kind of sleeping position I should use to dream.。”

“I’m so numb. Three goddesses have to feed Ye Laoliu at the same time?”

“Is this the legendary three women in one drama?”

“Brother Ye Chen, are you accepting a disciple? I want to take you as my teacher。”



Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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