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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 135

It’s still a long way from Chashan, if you want to send Bailu back.

Obviously not suitable.

But if you go to Chashan, considering Bai Lu’s current injury, whether he can stay is also a question.。

“Bai Lu, do you want to go back or continue to follow us? ”

Ye Chen asked。

“Nonsense, of course I am with you, I am not that weak. ”

Bai Lu rolled her eyes, but she despised Ye Chen.

Several girls couldn’t help laughing.。

“Okay, then I will carry you into the car, and you will hold me steady. ”

Ye Chen said, and immediately picked up Bai Lu in a princess hug and placed her in the bed of the tricycle.

When everyone saw this, they also climbed into the car.

Fortunately, the road behind was smooth, and no one needed to push the cart. Situation.

Everyone arrived at Chashan.

Dilraba, Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei got out of the car.

Ye Chen came over and wanted to hug Bai Lu and get out of the car. Bai Lu waved her hand and said, “It doesn’t matter, I’ll get down by myself.” ”

Then he was going to perform a backflip for everyone.

However, after a few gestures, Ye Chen slapped him on the butt and stopped him.。

“You spanked me again? ”

Bai Lu covered her butt and looked at Ye Chen resentfully.。

“When you fall down and break your other leg, you will really be a disabled person. ”

Ye Chen said。

“I’m not that stupid. ”

Bai Lu pouted and said weakly.。

“Hahaha, what Ye Laoliu said is right.。”

“Yes, many people get hurt because they think they are fine and can do it.。”

“It made me laugh so much, Bai Lu is so cute when she pouted her mouth and muttered something.。”

“By the way, most of the people who drowned were those who knew how to swim. Bai Lu was already injured, so it would be strange if he didn’t fall when he jumped down again. ”

What’s rare is that Bailu’s fans in the live broadcast room were very grateful to Ye Chen this time.

It’s a pity that Ye Chen couldn’t see it.

He immediately greeted everyone and started picking tea leaves with baskets.。

“The tenderest part of the tea leaves should be picked, and the rest should not be used. ”

Ye Chen reminded.

Then everyone started to work.

The Gao Yong family couldn’t handle this large tea mountain at all.

That’s why Ye Chen came to pick it.

Ye Chen was busy picking tea leaves, and Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei were very busy. They quietly followed each other to help.

But Dilireba and Bai Lu couldn’t sit still.

Not long after it started, Dilireba’s attention was attracted away。

“Look, are the red fruits over there bayberry? ”

Dilraba asked, pointing to a big tree in the distance.。

“Seems to be. “Bai Lu looked at it for a moment, nodded and said。

“Let’s go and have a look. ”

Dilraba waved her hand, and Bai Lu naturally didn’t say anything.

The two put down the basket and left.。

“Be careful and don’t eat wild fruits randomly. ”

Ye Chen reminded me。

“Don’t worry, we won’t eat randomly. ”

Dilraba’s voice came, and she had already run away.

Behind her was Bai Lu.

She didn’t run, she was limping, but her speed was not slow.

The photographer quickly followed her.

He captured the two people’s backs very well. Record it.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “My legs are injured, but Bai Lu is still so playful, hahahaha.

Yang Chaoyue: “That’s what Bai Lu is like, a big idiot. He doesn’t get hurt once or twice. ”

Guo Qilin: “You can see it. Sister and Yifei are the quiet ones, while Bai Lu and Reba are the wild horses. ” ”

Yaya: “Hahahaha, Dalin, your description is so apt, Ye Ye, there’s nothing wrong with what you said.。”

“Little Mustang, hahaha, it sounds so good。”

“They are all limping, but they still don’t forget to play, which makes me laugh to death.。”

“My goddess, why do you go crazy when you get to the countryside?”

“No, I can’t stand it anymore. These two people are making me laugh to death. ”

Ye Chen, Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng continued to pick tea leaves.

In fact, picking tea leaves is very simple. Just pinch the tenderest tea leaves with your thumb and index finger.

But after a long time, over and over again, you will feel It’s boring.

But the voices of Di Lieba and Bai Lu not far away added a little fun to this boring situation.

Bai Lu: “Idiot, that’s Yangmei. ”

Dilraba: “It’s not bayberry, it seems to me to be a wild fruit?

Bai Lu: “If you say another word about wild fruit, I will beat you to death. Let me go up and pick it for you to see. ” ”

Dilraba: “Go ahead, you are injured, why are you going to pick it? Didn’t you break your leg? ”

Bai Lu and Dilraba are still arguing.

It can be heard from the conversation between the two that Bai Lu’s eyes are definitely better than Dilraba’s.

Neither of the two stubborn people is willing to give in.

But Bai Lu wants to The only way to prove himself is to pick off the bayberries.

Unfortunately, the tree is too tall, and Bailu was injured, so obviously there is no way to do this easily.。

“Ye Chen, come here quickly and help us pick fruits. ”

Bai Lu was furious and could only find reinforcements.。

“coming. “Ye Chen had no choice but to put down the basket and walked towards the two of them.

Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei also followed after seeing this.。

“Such a big bayberry tree? ”

After coming over, Ye Chen was also stunned.

This is a wild bayberry tree, very big, and the tree is covered with bayberry trees.。

“I just said it was bayberry, but you still don’t believe it. “Bai Lu looked proud, like a child who had won an argument.。

“Otherwise, let’s pick some bayberries and go back to eat. “Dilraba’s face was full of excitement and she had already started to swallow her saliva.。

“Hahaha, Reba, are you serious when you swallow?”

“As for Reba, isn’t it Yangmei? Are you still swallowing?”

“This is outrageous, okay? You haven’t even eaten bayberry?”

“Hahahaha, it made me laugh so hard. As expected of a foodie, I started to swallow my saliva when I saw Yangmei. ”

Ye Chen looked up and saw that many of the bayberry trees in this bayberry tree were already black and red.

This is the color that only appears when they are ripe. Now it’s time to pick them and take them back to eat.

Even if you can’t finish them, you can still dry them in the sun. Drinking it soaked in water can also reduce inflammation。

“Okay, you wait, I’ll go up and pick it. ”

Ye Chen said。

“Brother Ye Chen, you are so tall, please be careful. Zhang

Zifeng said worriedly。

“Yes, Ye Chen, otherwise I wouldn’t want it, it’s too high. ”

Liu Yifei said.

Bai Lu and Dilraba didn’t speak anymore.

Both of them regretted letting Ye Chen pick bayberries just now.

After all, it’s such a tall tree.

If you accidentally fall down, it’s not a joke.。

“It’s okay, wait until I come down. ”

Ye Chen said, pouring the tea leaves in his basket into Liu Yifei’s basket.

In this way, his basket was empty.

He hung the basket on his shoulder and started to climb the tree.

There were several bayberry trees at the bottom. Rice is smooth and has nothing to rely on.

Ye Chen rubbed his hands, then jumped up, grabbed the trunk of the tree and started to climb.

The movements were smooth and fast, and he climbed up effortlessly. .

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “If you ask me to explain now, I just want to say one thing, don’t do it six times.

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha, Teacher He also keeps up with current events. ”

Yaya: “I’ve guessed it. As long as it has nothing to do with the entertainment industry, Lao Liu is very good at it. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “You have unlocked new skills again, right? “”

“Ye Laoliu, tell me honestly, what industry did you work in before?”

“Damn it, they say someone can be the number one scholar in thirty-six professions. Ye Laoliu has done all thirty-six professions, right?”

“Don’t do

“This is outrageous. Even many rural children cannot make such a tree, right? ”

Under the tree, several girls couldn’t help but heave a sigh of relief.

Seeing Ye Chen climbing the tree, several of them had mixed feelings.

It seemed that there was no problem that Ye Chen couldn’t do.

Especially Zhang Zifeng, since Go to the love house. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everything he met and happened seemed to come at his fingertips.

At this moment, he looked up at Ye Chen on the tree. The sun shone through the branches and shone on Ye Chen’s body, seeming to be coated with a different light.

But soon, Zhang Zifeng no longer felt this way.

Because Ye Chen found a tree branch to sit down on, and then began to eat He stood up.

He picked a red bayberry, blew it, and then threw it into his mouth.

It made him happy to eat it.。

“Well, not bad, very sweet. ”

Ye Chen said while eating。

“Give me a taste. ”

Bai Lu said。

“I want it too, I want it too. ”

Dilraba said quickly。

“Here is a black one. Open your mouth and I will throw it into your mouth. ”

Ye Chen said.

Dilraba and Bai Lu quickly opened their mouths and raised their heads, looking like they were waiting for food.。

“Is this considered feeding? Ye Laoliu, what are you doing?”

“I’ll rub it. This is too much.。”

“Reba, Bai Lu, can you two wake up? You are goddesses. What are you doing?”

“I’m numb. My goddess has become a goddess since she came to the love house.。”

“It’s too much, it’s too much. I just want to say, I want to feed it too. ”

The two of them stood under the tree and opened their mouths. Their posture made many fans call them good guys.

Ye Chen threw the bayberry into Dilireba’s mouth.

Dilireba started to eat it and returned it while eating. He gave a thumbs up and said, “Well, it’s so sweet and delicious.。”

“And me? ”

Bai Lu put her hands on her hips and asked fiercely.

Just one bayberry was given to Dilireba, but what about herself?

Is it important not to have Dilireba?

Bailu expressed dissatisfaction.。

“Don’t worry, and open your mouth, this one is for you. ”

Ye Chen’s voice came, and Bai Lu obediently opened her mouth, closed her eyes, and waited for feeding.

She saw a bayberry hit Bai Lu’s face accurately.。

“Oops, wrong throw. “Bai Lu shouted。

“Again, and more. “Ye Chen picked another bayberry.

Bai Lu could only continue to open his mouth.

All of this was lost, but after one bite, Bai Lu’s face seemed to be wearing a mask of pain.

0 The flowers

were a little distorted Get up.

Then he spit out the bayberry he just threw into his mouth.

It was green, obviously an immature bayberry.。

“So sour. ”

Bai Lu took a big mouth to protect her breath, and stared at Ye Chen on the tree with her beautiful eyes. She

looked like she wanted to eat Ye Chen alive.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, Ye Chen did it on purpose. ”

Yaya: “I put on the pain mask, it must be intentional, otherwise how could it be green.

Guo Qilin: “This kind of cyan is good for making wine. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I have taken a screenshot of Bai Lu’s expression just now. I can laugh at her later, hahaha. “。”

“Yueyue, you are a good bestie.。”

“Ye Laoliu, can’t you be nicer to my Bai Lu?”

“Ye Laoliu, if you treat my Bailu like this, you will get retribution.。”

“Unable to bear it anymore, he had to use the knife to let Ye Laoliu know that Bai Lu needed to be cared for.。”

“Although I have received professional training, I really want to laugh at this moment, hahaha. ”

Even Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help laughing.

They looked at Ye Chen and then at Bai Lu’s furious look.

They felt full of life.。

“Bailu, I picked the wrong one just now. I’m sorry. Open your mouth and I’ll give you another one. ”

Ye Chen’s voice came.

Bai Lu said angrily: “Huh, I won’t believe you anymore. ”

After saying that, Bai Lu walked to the side and sat down.。

“I don’t want to eat the bayberries you picked. Even if I starve to death or jump from here, I won’t eat them. ”

As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Chen threw down a large bunch of bayberries with their branches.

The black and red bayberries looked very conspicuous.

When Dilireba saw this, she quickly picked one off and blew it. Blow it, then put it in your mouth and eat it。

“Well, it’s really delicious. Try it. After saying that

, he handed it to Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng.

They both started eating and nodded: “Not bad, it’s so sweet.” ”

Bai Lu sat on the ground angrily, lowered her head, and didn’t say anything.

She was waiting, waiting for Di Lieba to give her bayberries, and then she could taste it naturally.

But no.

After waiting for a moment, Di Lireba Reba seemed to have forgotten her existence.

Bai Lu then looked up at Dilraba and said, “Give me a taste. ”

Actually, Bai Lu didn’t want to take the initiative.

But Di Lieba, Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng were eating and praising the sweetness of the bayberry.

This is outrageous.

Isn’t this intentional to make herself angry?

I can’t bear it, absolutely can’t bear it.。

“Don’t you want to eat? ”

Dilraba said with a puzzled look on her face.。

“I also heard, Bai Lu said that if you jump from here, you won’t be able to eat. ”

Ye Chen’s voice came and almost made Bai Lu angry to death.。

“Humph, you did it on purpose, so I’ll eat it. ”

Bai Lu dodged the bayberry in Di Lieba’s hand and ate it.

It was indeed very sweet, and she was so happy that she raised her head like a child, showing off that she had also eaten the bayberry.

Unexpectedly, Ye Chen didn’t look at her at all. This actually made Bai Lu feel like he had been punched on cotton.。

“Hahaha, the slap in the face came too quickly.。”

“It makes me laugh. Is this the so-called law of true fragrance?”

“Don’t eat, don’t eat, I won’t eat, ah, the truth, hahaha, Bailu, are you going to laugh me to death?”

“Bai Lu, could you please wake up? This is love. Don’t you want to fall in love?”

“For Bai Lu, it doesn’t matter whether she’s in love or not, what’s important is that she can eat delicious food. ”

After a bit of fussing, Ye Chen began to pick bayberries seriously.

He also said, “Don’t wait down there. Go pick tea leaves first. We’ll go back early.” ”

Hearing this, several girls walked back and got busy in the sea of tea leaves.

But Ye Chen was on the bayberry tree, jumping up and down like a monkey, unusually flexible.

Even the photographer I couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.

I have been a photographer for so many years and have photographed so many celebrities and artists.

Only Ye Chen can do this.

About half an hour later, Ye Chen got out of the tree. Come down.

The basket is already filled with black and red bayberries.

I grabbed a few and handed them to the photographer and said, “Would you like to have a taste?” ”

The photographer was not polite and took the bayberry and started eating it.

When Ye Chen came over, the girls also picked a lot of tea leaves.。

“Let’s go, it’s getting late, let’s go back first. “Ye Chen said。

“I want to eat bayberry. “Dilraba ran over.

Ye Chen picked the bayberries from the basket and wanted to hand them to Dilireba.

In fact, there was no need to choose, the bayberries were all black and red.

Although they were not big in size, they were sweet. It was definitely enough.

However, after choosing a few bayberries for Dilraba,

Ye Chen looked up and was about to say something.

Suddenly his pupils dilated….

PS: I will continue to write code even when I am sick, and I will never update more or less frequently. I will base it on 10,000 words a day. Thank you all for your support. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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