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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 139

In fact, at first Wang Churan contacted the director and said that he wanted Ye Chen to make a guest appearance.

Li Enfeng couldn’t be more happy.

Before filming the love drama, Ye Chen was just a little transparent.

But now, Ye Chen’s popularity is not to mention that he is a first-tier artist, but he is still a second-tier artist.

Therefore, Li Enfeng naturally agreed to Wang Churan’s invitation.

When we met at this moment, Li Enfeng was also very enthusiastic.

In his opinion, this kid knows how to handle things and is a talent.

There may be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

And several girls on the crew were also whispering to each other.。

“This is Ye Chen, so handsome。”

“Yes, the real person is much more handsome than the show。”

“I like Ye Chen so much, but everyone calls him Lao Liu. This name is not nice at all.。”

“Is it Lao Liu? Isn’t it called Lao Tie Liu Liu Liu?”

“Regardless of Lao Liu or Ye Chen, when I see him wearing pants every day, I want to buy him a pair of pants.。”

“Hahaha, okay, I’ll pay half of it. ”

Ye Chen also heard a little bit of the conversation between several people. He didn’t say much, but stretched out his hand to shake Li Enfeng’s hand.。

“Hello director, I am Ye Chen。”

“By the way, have you eaten? “Li Enfeng asked after introducing his name.

This meeting happened to be at noon. The crew was in a hurry to shoot and couldn’t take care of so many things.

If it were an ordinary guest actor, how could Li Enfeng ask so many questions? He came up directly Just leave after filming.

But for young people like Ye Chen, especially when the love variety show is still live broadcast.

Li Enfeng will still be more polite.。

“We have already eaten the airplane meal, so we can finish the photoshoot as soon as possible while it is still early. ”

Ye Chen said。

“Okay, feel free, let’s go change our clothes. ”

Li Enfeng clapped his hands, and a staff member brought the clothes over.

Ye Chen and Wang Churan each took a set of clothes and went to change.

The clothes for dancing are black tight trousers and short sleeves.

Wear them on your body, Basically, it can highlight the outline of the figure.

This is the first time for Ye Chen to wear this kind of clothes, so he is a little uncomfortable.

And wearing this kind of clothes, he is always afraid of some embarrassing scenes.

For example, he takes a look at his assets from time to time , Don’t be too obvious.

But this is the requirement of the crew, and Ye Chen can’t be independent.

But when Ye Chen changed his clothes and came out,

the four people in the director room were already laughing.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, I seem to be This was the first time I saw Ye Chen wearing clothes other than pants.

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He, when you say this, it seems that this is really the case. ”

Yaya: “Wearing this kind of clothes also depends on your appearance. Ye Chen looks very good in what he is wearing now, and his 910cm figure is completely revealed. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Why does it hurt my eyes? “”

“Hahaha, Yueyue spoke to my heart. This is so annoying.。”

“It was the first time I saw Ye Laoliu wearing other clothes. I felt so uncomfortable.。”

“Not bad, not bad. It’s my type. Ye Chen is so handsome. I love it.。”

“Upstairs, when did you become blind?”

“Isn’t Ye Chen handsome? You lemonades. ”

Li Enfeng looked at Ye Chen with envy.。

“Yes, with this figure, she is a good candidate for dancing.。”

“Thanks. “Ye Chen was a little helpless. Although the clothes were fine, he always felt uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Wang Churan also came out.

In comparison, Wang Churan looked much better in pink dancing clothes. The

bumps and convexities set off that perfect figure. .

The long and beautiful legs made countless fans think: Legs are playing in the New Year.

But when Wang Churan saw Ye Chen’s outfit, he couldn’t help but cover his mouth to hold back his laughter.。

“Just laugh if you want, what does it matter? “Ye Chen said generously.。

“No, no, Ye Chen, I didn’t mean that, I’m just not used to the way you dress. ”

Wang Churan explained quickly.

It’s okay if he didn’t explain it. Once he explained it, even the director was shocked.

The staff who were talking about it just now were even more confused.。

“Damn, what did I hear?”

“Very cute? Did Goddess Chu Ran speak just now?”

“Not used to the way Ye Laoliu dresses? Does it mean that Goddess Chu Ran is used to Ye Laoliu not wearing clothes?”

“What’s wrong with me? If I make a mistake, God can punish me. Why should Ye Laoliu torture me? ”

Wang Churan also realized that he had said the wrong thing.

His cheeks instantly turned red with embarrassment and he quickly explained.。

“Because since we met, you have been wearing big pants and flip-flops. This is the first time I have seen you wearing other clothes.。”

“Make it clear, you almost ruined your innocence. ”

Ye Chen said with a haha,

making everyone burst into laughter.。

“Okay, let’s get ready, let’s almost get started. ”

Li Enfeng clapped his hands and said.

After Ye Chen and Wang Churan were ready, they followed the director and shouted: “Start. ”

Ye Chen quickly entered the state。

《Ye Chen doesn’t need to review the dance moves of “Troublemaker” at all.

As long as he wants to jump, any movement can be done at his fingertips.

Although Wang Churan was nervous and a little jerky.

But as the music started playing and Ye Chen took the lead.

There were no problems.

And it’s not just once or twice that I dance with Ye Chen.

If it’s another male dance partner.

Wang Churan may not be able to overcome his psychological barriers.

But dancing with Ye Chen, Wang Churan felt that she was lucky.


And a little exciting.

After all, such a intimate dance.

In addition, both of their dance costumes were very thin.

With every movement, he seemed to be able to feel the warm body temperature on Ye Chen’s body.

There is also that ubiquitous hormonal smell.

Let her gradually become intoxicated and enter the state more and more.

A dance, from beginning to end, passed perfectly。

“OK, passed. ”

After a moment, Li Enfeng shouted.

He looked at Ye Chen with more and more love in his eyes.

When filming this scene before, God knows how painful Li Enfeng was.

I NGed it dozens of times, but couldn’t find the reason.

Now it’s over once , although Wang Churan’s efforts were involved.

But Li Enfeng is not stupid.

When the two danced just now, Wang Churan was half a beat slow several times.

In the end, he found the rhythm under the leadership of Ye Chen.

The facial expression scenes were even more impressive. Impeccable.

This alone is enough to make Li Enfeng look at him in a new light.

After all, if you don’t like little freshmen like Ye Chen, then who do you like? Do

you like those little freshmen who recite numbers while filming?

Or do you say it halfway ? , I thought I was very moved, but in the end, I was at a loss for words and just used the sentence “Thai pants are hot”, which is embarrassing for the singer?

“Is this over?”

“No, it’s that simple?”

“I wipe it, simple? Upstairs, do you want to listen to what you are saying? Is this called simplicity?”

“How many people can complete a complete “Troublemaker” dance?”

“That’s it, is it so difficult to admit that Ye Chen is excellent?”

“Why didn’t I see anything? ”

Because this was a crew shoot, the photographer following Ye Chen very wisely moved the camera to another place at this time. The audience in the

live broadcast room could not see the dance performed by Ye Chen and Wang Churan.

Neither did Ye Chen. Thinking that the filming went so smoothly.

After confirming again and again that there was no need to shoot any more dance scenes, I ran back to the fitting room and put on my own shorts and white vest. I

walked out wearing those flip-flops.

It felt like two One word.


“If nothing happens, I will go back first? ”

When Ye Chen learned that Wang Churan was going to shoot outdoor scenes, he said。

“ah? Are you in suc

Wang Churan was startled, and a hint of loss flashed in his eyes.。

“Ye Chen, if you’re not in a hurry, you can come with us to shoot the location. ”

Li Enfeng also wanted to get closer to Ye Chen, so he sent an invitation.。

“Yes, Ye Chen, you came here with me to film, and I haven’t thanked you yet. I have to treat you to a nice dinner tonight. ”

Wang Churan said, holding Ye Chen’s arm.

He looked pitiful.

Ye Chen hesitated for a moment, after all, he was recording a love story now. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If there is It doesn’t matter if the female guest from the program team is here.

But Wang Churan is not a female guest, so it is obviously not appropriate to come out alone.。

“The earliest flight back is tomorrow. ”

The photographer who was following the photo reminded me.

When Ye Chen heard this, he realized that there were no planes anymore, so he could only stay for a night.。

“Okay, let me go and have a look with you. ”

Ye Chen nodded.

Wang Churan, who had been looking disappointed just now, instantly became happy.。

“Great, I have to treat you to a nice meal tonight。”(cace)

After Wang Churan finished speaking, he hugged Ye Chen and jumped up excitedly。

“Chu Ran, please calm down. There is no need to be so excited.。”

“Wang Churan, are you a bit promising? Ye Laoliu only stayed because he didn’t have a plane.。”

“It’s over, my goddess Chu Ran is not attracted to Ye Laoliu, right?”

“No, I can’t accept it. Ye Laoliu, please go back to the love room as soon as possible. Don’t worry about my goddess Chu Ran. ”

Wang Churan was still wearing the close-fitting dance skirt, and she was jumping and screaming while holding Ye Chen.

The outstanding advantages made Ye Chen stunned for a while.

After a while, Wang Churan also realized that he was too excited. , and then quickly let go, blushing and ran back to the room to change clothes.

Because she had to shoot an outdoor scene next, Wang Churan changed into a black sportswear.

She looked like a mature lady.

Of course, if Wang Churan didn’t knock her head when she went out just now, the mature royal sister would feel better.

As the car drove to the top of the mountain,

everyone got off the car, and there were already many staff waiting here.

One of them was still There is a very beautiful girl.

She is wearing a white sportswear, white shoes,

and a ponytail. She is the kind of person who makes people marvel at just one glance.

This person is Song Yi.

She is a person who can wear cheongsam with different effects. female artist。

“Song Yi, long time no see. ”

Wang Churan got out of the car and hugged Song Yi.

Then they introduced。

“This is Ye Chen。”

“Ye Chen, this is Song Yi, the heroine of this drama. ”

Marven shook hands with Song Yi politely.。

“There is actually Song Yi? I’m looking forward to this movie more and more。”

“Song Yi is so beautiful。”

“Not wearing a cheongsam? Bad review。”

“Upstairs, do you dare to give Song Yi a bad review? Don’t want to live anymore?”

“I strongly urge Song Yi to participate in the Love House, I’m really looking forward to it. ”

On the set.

Song Yi and Wang Churan have already started to put on makeup.

Although they are climbing a mountain, they still need to change to light makeup.

After all, when filming, there are very high requirements for what kind of makeup to use for each shot.

Ye Chen is sitting on the While waiting.

Feeling a little bored.

Ye Chen was about to get up when he suddenly saw Song Yi, who was putting on makeup next to her, secretly reaching into her pocket.

Then she took out a small package of beef jerky, tore it open, and stuffed it quietly. into the mouth.

Song Yi’s movements were very careful and secretive, as if she was afraid of being discovered.

It didn’t take much for Ye Chen to know that the person Song Yi was guarding against was none other than his manager Lin Xiaoyu.

An aunt in her thirties.

However, Song Yi’s little move was still recorded by the photographer.

It made the audience in the live broadcast room laugh.。

“Hahaha, Song Yi is too cute, right?”

“Do you still want to secretly eat while wearing makeup? They say Song Yi likes to eat meat. I didn’t believe it before, but now I believe it.。”

“I feel like Song Yi’s manager is so scary. He doesn’t even give him any meat. Look, Song Yi is so hungry that she has lost weight.。”

“This action of stealing food is too cute, right?。”

“No, no, Lu has become a fan, and Song Yi has attracted her fans. ”

Perhaps she felt a gaze looking at her.

Song Yi turned her head and met Ye Chen’s eyes.

Song Yi was a little flustered, and then made a silencing gesture towards Ye Chen, and pointed at Ye Chen. Manager Lin Xiaoyu in the distance.

Ye Chen didn’t speak, but just made an OK gesture.

Song Yi took out a pack of beef jerky from his pocket and threw it to Ye Chen, giving a thumbs up.

That means this The beef jerky is delicious.

Ye Chen burst into laughter.

Suddenly, Song Yi felt so cute.

And there was still beef jerky stuffed in her mouth that she hadn’t finished eating.

It was more like a little hamster with bulging cheeks.

Director’s room.

He Jiong : “Hahaha, the conversation between these two people was actually silent.

Guo Qilin: “Song Yi is eating beef jerky and probably doesn’t dare to speak. ”

Yaya: “This kind of beef jerky is delicious, but it’s hard to chew. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Sister Yaya, do you have a connection? Give me one. I also want to stock up on some.”。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue, are you starting to connect now?”

“Foodie Yang Chaoyue exposes her foodie nature all the time. ”

Ye Chen was eating beef jerky, and Song Yi looked back from time to time.

She was afraid that Ye Chen would betray herself.

More than half an hour later, Song Yi and Wang Churan’s costumes were painted.

Song Yi got up and left He came to Ye Chen and asked in a low voice: “Is it delicious?”

“Yes, Not Bad. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“Don’t betray me, I’ll give you another pack. Song

Yi said, took out another pack of beef jerky from her pocket and stuffed it to Ye Chen, and then walked away.

Ye Chen was not polite.

He tore it open and ate it.

The beef jerky was still very chewy and tasted good. Not bad.

Ye Chen chewed the beef jerky, stood up and stretched.

Suddenly his eyes lit up, as if he had discovered some new world.

Following Ye Chen, he followed the path and walked towards the mountainside.

A few minutes later, Ye Chen Chen caught a pheasant in his hand, weighing about four or five kilograms.。

“Huh? What kind of bird is this?”

“This is a wild pheasant. It’s strange. Where did Ye Laoliu catch it?”

“It seems that it was tangled in a branch just now. Ye Laoliu picked it up directly, right?”

“Picked it up? Can you pick up wild pheasants when you go up a mountain? This is outrageous, okay?。”

“Ye Laoliu must be very lucky. ”

Many viewers in the live broadcast room were beating their chests when they saw this scene.

They complained about Ye Chen’s good luck.

But Ye Chen couldn’t see it, so naturally he didn’t take it seriously. He

looked at the pheasants with pleasure.

When he was on the top of the mountain just now I saw this pheasant flapping here.

When I came down, I found out that it was entangled in the cane.

This is simply an arrangement from God.

Such a snack must be eaten.

Think of this , Ye Chen carried the pheasant and walked towards the dining car of the program crew.

Naturally, there was a dining car following the crew for filming. After all, it was the only way to make cooking more convenient.

He asked the staff for some seasonings.

Ye Chen found a place Started to get busy.

Director’s room.

Yaya: “What is Ye Chen doing?

Guo Qilin: “Is this for extra meals? ”

He Jiong: “Others are filming, but Ye Chen is having a picnic? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Can Ye Chen finish eating such a big pheasant by himself? ” I want to eat it. ”

Followed by a series of swallowing sounds.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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