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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 140

“Okay, okay, not bad. ”

As Li Enfeng’s words rang out,

the shooting was paused.

Wang Churan and Song Yi just sat down to rest.

They picked up a fan and kept fanning themselves.。

“It’s so hot. “While Song Yi was fanning, one hand had already reached into her pocket.

But soon, she caught a glimpse of Lin Xiaoyu on the side from the corner of her eye, and she obediently took her hand out.。

“Where is Ye Chen? ”

Wang Churan held a fan and looked around, but didn’t see Ye Chen.。

“did not see it. “Song Yi got up and wandered around, looking like she was looking for Ye Chen.

In fact, she was looking for a suitable angle to avoid Lin Xiaoyu’s eyes.

In this way, she could eat beef jerky.

However, such an opportunity has not been found yet. .Suddenly

smelled a fragrance。

“smell good. ”

Song Yi sniffed her nose, and a pair of eyes burst out with light.。

“I also smelled it, it smelled so good, it seemed like the scent of beggar’s chicken. “Wang Churan also ran over quickly.。

“Where is the fragrance coming from? “Wang Churan asked。

“It seems to be over there. “Song Yi’s nose was very sharp, and she immediately found the source of the smell.

It was under a stone wall not far away. She

immediately turned around and ran,

and Wang Churan quickly followed behind her. At this moment,

on the other side, there

was a large piece of stone not far from the shooting point. Under the stone wall.

Ye Chen has already taken out the beggar’s chicken.

The tempting fragrance is constantly wafting out, which

greatly increases people’s appetite.

Ye Chen tears off a chicken leg and takes a delicious bite. It is almost impossible to enjoy it too much.

But it is very Soon, Ye Chen heard a burst of footsteps and turned around to see that it was Wang Churan and Song Yi.。

“Ye Chen, what are you eating? “Wang Churan asked.

Song Yi followed behind and said nothing, but when she saw the chicken drumstick in Ye Chen’s hand, her

swallowing became more obvious.

A pair of beautiful eyes stared straight at Ye Chen. The chicken drumstick in the hand.

The expectation on his face is self-evident。

“Hey, don’t you want to film a movie? “Ye Chen was confused.。

“Rest now, we will come here when we smell the fragrance. “Wang Churan blinked mischievously.。

“Then you can eat together. “Ye Chen made some room and let Wang Churan and Song Yi sit down.

The two of them were not polite and carefully tore the beggar’s chicken apart and started eating.。

“Mmm, so delicious. “Song Yi was not very familiar with Ye Chen, so she could only follow Wang Churan and behave well. But at this moment, she

put a piece of chicken into her mouth. Her true colors were immediately revealed. She closed her eyes and clenched her small fists tightly. She looked up and twisted her body slightly. The look of enjoyment and satisfaction on her face looked so cute. Director’s room. He Jiong: “Hahaha, Song Yi, a foodie, is so cute. ” Guo Qilin: “If we talk about foodies, Song Yi is a qualified foodie. Yaya: “I’m a little hungry looking at it. ” ” Yang Chaoyue: “A romance show was completed by Ye Laoliu on a food show?

“Okay, okay, let’s play like this, right?”

“While others are filming, you are there to protect yourself from the virus? Ye Laoliu, I’m angry. I can’t calm him down unless you send me the beggar’s chicken.。”

“Hahaha, upstairs, are you thinking about shit?”

“Love it, love it, I really like Song Yi’s cute look. ”

After taking a bite of the beggar’s chicken, Song Yi stopped pretending. She

kept tearing the chicken with the thumb and index finger of her right hand and put it into her mouth.

She nodded in approval while eating.

Wang Churan was no exception.

As a beautiful woman who can cook .Actually,

Wang Churan knew that his cooking skills were not as good as Ye Chen’s.

But he didn’t expect that the gap between the two was so big.

The dishes Ye Chen cooked were so delicious.

Just a beggar’s chicken, They can all be so delicious.

If possible, Wang Churan really wants Ye Chen to accompany him in filming.

Three people eat one chicken.

In comparison, Ye Chen is actually the slowest.

I just ate it A chicken leg.

I ate another chicken wing, and now I still have a chicken leg that I haven’t finished yet.

The whole chicken on the ground is gone.

Wang Churan and Song Yi are still sitting on the side, licking their fingers, looking like they are still unfinished. appearance。

“Hahaha, licking your fingers is too much.。”

“These two are so cute, I love them so much。”

“Is such a big chicken not full yet? These two are perfect snacks.。”

“Song Yi is all about sex, please understand。”

“Poor Song Yi was so controlled by her manager. ”

Ye Chen looked at the two of them, and the two of them also looked at Ye Chen.


They were looking at the chicken legs in Ye Chen’s hands.。

“Do you still want to eat? “Ye Chen asked。

“Give it to Song Yi. “Wang Churan said。

“Thanks. “Song Yi took the chicken leg without politeness and started eating it in small bites.

Although she is a foodie by nature, I have to say that Song Yi is still very polite when eating. She

ate it in small bites, just like a hamster. .

After quickly finishing a chicken leg, Song Yi clapped her hands, covered her mouth with a satisfied expression, and burped.

Then she looked at Ye Chen with a shy expression.。

“Ye Chen, let’s take one more scene and call it a day. “Wang Churan said。

“Go ahead, I’ll hang around here and call you tonight. “Ye Chen said。

“Wait for a call. ”

Before leaving, Wang Churan also made a gesture of making a phone call.

Song Yi smiled sweetly, and after walking a few steps, she ran back and took out a few packs of beef jerky and stuffed them into Ye Chen.。

“This is all I have left. You can take it and eat it first. ”

Then he ran away quickly, like a child who hasn’t grown up yet.。

“I just want to know how much beef jerky is in Song Yi’s pocket?”

“Hahahaha, this is a mystery。”

“Don’t go, Song Yi. I strongly urge Song Yi to come to the love house.。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you to be more sensible, follow me, and let me see Song Yi. ”

Although there was only one shot left, it took several hours of shooting.

It was not completed until dark.

Ye Chen had already wandered to the foot of the mountain.

Only then did he receive a call from Wang Churan.

After informing the other party of his address, Not long after, a car stopped next to Ye Chen。

“Ye Chen, get in the car. “The car door opened, Wang Churan waved, and Ye Chen got in the car.

Song Yi was also in the car. When she saw Ye Chen coming up, she quickly asked: “Ye Chen, what do you like to eat?”

“I also can. “Ye Chen said。

“I know a barbecue restaurant that’s really delicious. Let’s go eat barbecue. “Song Yi suggested。

“Eat barbecue? I’ll gain weight again soon. “Wang Churan was a little hesitant.。

“It doesn’t matter, just eat fat and then lose weight. Song Yi said with a smile.

In fact, there are not many people in the entertainment industry who can eat meat as casually as Song Yi.

The car stopped at a barbecue restaurant. The three of them got out of the car and were about to walk towards the store.

Song Yi’s mobile phone It rang.

When she took out her phone, Song Yi’s face immediately turned ugly.

It was actually her agent calling.

She hung up immediately.

However, a few seconds later, the phone rang again.

Song Yi was helpless and could only sigh. He took a breath and said: “It seems that we can’t eat today. Otherwise, we can eat it another day.”。”

“It doesn’t matter, you go ahead and do your work. “Ye Chen said。

“Yes, Song Yi, we will meet again when the time comes. “Wang Churan said。

“Ye Chen, we will meet again. “Song Yi looked at Ye Chen and blinked when she said this, as if she had some conspiracy.

After saying that, she answered the phone, turned around, got in the car and left.

Ye Chen was a little confused.

He himself Will we see Song Yi again?

This is not certain. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

But Song Yi is not here, and Wang Churan does not plan to eat barbecue.。

“Ye Chen, how about we change a store?。”

“Let’s go, what do you want to eat? “Ye Chen asked。

“There is a big seafood restaurant over there. “Wang Churan said, pointing to a shop not far away.。


The two of them switched from barbecue restaurants to seafood masters.

As the seafood masters came to the table, a big pot full of seafood.

Netizens were not calm anymore.。

“By the way, if you eat meat, you will gain weight easily, but if you eat seafood, won’t you gain weight?”

“Is Goddess Chu Ran making excuses for the food she likes to eat?。”

“Hahahaha, this excuse is refreshing and refined.。”

“My favorite seafood chef, wow wow, I was tortured while watching a show。”

“Is the abalone in the seafood restaurant delicious?

Wang Churan looked at Ye Chen and suddenly asked: “Ye Chen, would you like some wine? “”

“I’ll just have some beer. “Ye Chen said.

He doesn’t have a good drinking capacity, so naturally he won’t drink too much.

And Wang Churan didn’t know what he was thinking, but he actually asked for a bottle of white wine in a small bottle.。

“Are you so good at drinking? ”

Ye Chen was confused.。

“I’ve had liquor before, but I haven’t had it for a long time and wanted to try it. ”

Wang Churan’s cheeks were slightly red when he said this, and he didn’t know what he was thinking of. He didn’t

dare to look into Ye Chen’s eyes.

He poured himself a small glass of white wine and drank it in one gulp. His cheeks were already a little red, and then He raised his head and met Ye Chen’s eyes.。

“Come, have some food. “When Ye Chen saw this, he picked up a prawn and put it into Wang Churan’s bowl.。

“Thanks. “Wang Churan felt very happy.

This was the first time she had eaten alone with Ye Chen.

Moreover, looking at Ye Chen sitting opposite, she felt an unprecedented heartbeat.

The reason why she drank white wine was actually just to give herself It’s just to embolden people.

As the saying goes, drinking makes people daring, and Wang Churan felt that she was the coward. Without this glass of white wine, she wouldn’t even dare to look at Ye Chen in this situation. But Ye Chen didn’t notice anything


After half a glass of beer, I grabbed a crab and started to peel it off.

After peeling it off, it revealed a lot of crab paste. When I took a sip, it smelled delicious.。

“Well, yes, now is the fattest season for crabs. “Ye Chen said。

“I don’t know how to eat crabs, how can I eat them? “Wang Churan drank another small glass of white wine and asked in a low voice。

“Come, I’ll teach you. ”

Ye Chen grabbed a crab and started peeling it off.。

“Open the small shell at the bottom, and then open the lid. You don’t want to eat the gills on both sides, and you don’t want the black bit in the middle. You can eat the rest. ”

While speaking, Ye Chen had already peeled the crab, revealing the full crab paste.

0 Asking for Flowers

Wang Churan couldn’t help but swallowed when he saw it, but the crab in his hand did not open for a long time.

Ye Chen saw this , laughed and said: “Here, you can eat this. ”

Ye Chen originally wanted to hand the crab in his hand to Wang Churan.

But Wang Churan didn’t take it. Instead, he stood up, bent over and took a bite.

A touch of snow-white came into view on his chest.

Ye Chen could see it clearly. Chu.

But Wang Churan didn’t seem to notice it.

He continued to bend over and eat the crab.

The little cherry mouth was bit by bit, very gentle.

Even his tongue touched Ye Chen’s fingers inadvertently.

Let Ye Chen Chen trembled all over。

“I’m going to just eat a crab. What are you doing?”

“I have a weak question, can this kind of picture be seen by my ordinary members?”

“A good wave of dog food makes me full。”

“Now I am not convinced by the wall, so I will be convinced by Ye Laoliu。”

“Dinosaur Wolf….”

After finishing the crab paste, Wang Churan sat back to his original position.

Her pretty face was already flushed.

I don’t know if it’s because of shyness, or because of the intimate interaction with Ye Chen just now.

But I randomly poured another glass of white wine, and after drinking it, I smiled sweetly.。

“After eating the crab paste, there is still meat, so just peel it off. “Ye Chen showed it again.

Only this time, Ye Chen directly put the peeled crab meat into Wang Churan’s bowl.

A flash of disappointment flashed on Wang Churan’s face.

But it only passed by briefly, and then he ate it happily.。

“Ye Chen, this abalone is delicious, please eat more. ”

Wang Churan picked up an abalone and put it in Ye Chen’s bowl.。

“And this, please try it. ”

It can be seen that Wang Churan is still very happy. He

keeps picking up food for Ye Chen.

And the liquor in his bottle is getting less and less. He

eats a meal for more than two hours.

Until the live broadcast room is closed and

the photographer leaves . .

Only then did Wang Churan finish the last glass of wine in the glass.

At this moment, Wang Churan’s cheeks were already red, and Ye Chen was a little lucky. Fortunately, he only drank half a bottle of beer. Otherwise, he

would probably not be able to stand still.

Wait until the two of them get out of the bottle. When he came out of the store, it was already late, and there were no pedestrians on the street.

A cool breeze blew by, and Ye Chen felt comfortable.

When he turned his head and looked at Wang Churan, whose face was flushed, Ye Chen was a little surprised.

He didn’t expect that he would be blushing. Like an apple, Wang Churan is still sober and does not feel drunk.。

“You have a good capacity for drinking. “Ye Chen said。

“I just tend to blush easily when I drink alcohol, but I actually have a pretty good drinking capacity. “Wang Churan said。

“Let’s go, it’s getting late, we should go back. “Ye Chen said.

It’s not far from the hotel we booked. It only takes half an hour to walk.

So Ye Chen doesn’t plan to take a car.

Many shops on the street have been closed.

There is also a stall making marshmallows on the roadside. Closing the stall.

Wang Churan trotted over and bought a marshmallow.

After taking a bite, he felt that his mouth was full of sugar and sticky, so he could only stick out his tongue and lick it hard.

Ye Chen came over, looked at Wang Churan’s cute appearance, and couldn’t bear it. Can’t help but want to laugh。

“What are you laughing at? Am I greedy? “Wang Churan was a little shy.。

“I have been saying that I don’t dare to eat it all day long, for fear of gaining weight. Wouldn’t this marshmallow also make me gain weight? ”

Ye Chen said。

“Hee hee, I’ll just eat a little, and let you eat the rest. ”

Wang Churan said, handing the marshmallow in his hand to Ye Chen.

Ye Chen took a bite. It was so sweet that he couldn’t help but frown.。

“What’s the matter, don’t you like it? “Wang Churan was confused.。

“Too sweet and not tasty. “Ye Chen said。

“No, I think it’s fine. “Wang Churan tore off a bit of marshmallow with two fingers, put it gently into his mouth, and nodded with satisfaction. He

immediately tore off another piece and stuffed it into Ye Chen’s mouth.。

“It’s delicious. Try it. ” Seeing that Ye Chen was about to refuse, Wang Churan’s voice sounded.

Ye Chen could only open his mouth and take a bite, but unexpectedly, Wang Churan’s fingers were unwilling to take away and rubbed Ye Chen’s lips. This made

Ye Chen An unknown fire rose up in my heart.

I was about to bite Wang Churan’s hand, but unexpectedly she had already retracted her hand with a smile.。

“There’s room over there, let’s take a rest. ”

Wang Churan pointed to a stool not far away, and then ran over quickly.

Sitting on a bench by the roadside, dangling a pair of jade feet, holding marshmallows in his little hands and eating them happily.

It looked like a girl after school . A child who didn’t want to go home and stood at the entrance of the stairs eating snacks.

Ye Chen came over and sat next to Wang Churan.

From time to time, he opened his mouth and enjoyed Wang Churan’s feeding.

Wang Churan put his head on Ye Chen’s shoulder with a smile on his face. Go up.

However, gradually, the frequency of feeding became less and less.

When Ye Chen turned his head, Wang Churan had closed his eyes and fell asleep.

The sound of even breathing came, and he was obviously sleeping peacefully.

PS: Because he was not feeling well . , I am afraid of letting down the support of all the bosses, so I update the news in advance.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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