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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 149

Originally hot weather.

Suddenly a dark cloud swept over.

It rained instantly.

Big raindrops fell down.

Hitting the dusty dirt road, a burst of white mist was set off.

Visibility is getting lower and lower.

Looking around, the world outside the living room is washed away by abalone.

Everyone’s footsteps were blocked in the living room。

“It’s raining. “Dilraba murmured in a low voice.。

“It’s raining heavily. “Bai Lu said。

“This is the first time I have seen rain in this long time here. “Liu Yifei said。

“Will it rain as soon as Sister Mi leaves? “Song Yi was confused.。

“What does this have to do with Sister Mi? “Zhang Zifeng was puzzled.。

“Just talking casually. “Song Yi smiled and took off her sun protection clothing and simply sat on the sofa to rest.

Several girls followed suit and put their sun protection clothing aside, then sat on the sofa. You looked at me and I looked at you. The atmosphere was tense

. Time seems a little dull。

“That’s right, let’s take a break today and continue working to make money tomorrow. “Ye Chen said, taking out a bottle of happy water from the refrigerator。

“Lao Liu, I want to drink too. “Dilraba ran over quickly, trying to snatch the happy water from Ye Chen’s hand.。

“Just the last bottle. “Ye Chen said。

“Give me, give me, I’ll take a sip first. “Dilraba opened her arms and waved.

Ye Chen took a big sip before passing the bottle to Dilireba.。

“Give me a sip. “Bai Lu greeted。

“Gone. “Dilraba drank all the remaining Coke and threw the bottle directly to Bai Lu。

“oops. “Bai Lu stood up and wanted to dodge. Unexpectedly, as soon as he got up, he was hit by a Coke bottle. He

covered his head and let out a cry. Yang Chaoyue

in the director’s room : “Hahahaha, Bai Lu, this big idiot, can’t even answer the question for a second.


Yaya: “Bai Lu’s ability to pick up the Coke bottle is quite accurate. ” Guo Qilin: ”

Hahaha, is this a skill?” ”

He Jiong:” Hahahaha….”

“Fortunately, Bai Lu couldn’t hear the sound from the director’s studio, otherwise, she would probably be mad to death。”

“Ask for Bai Lu’s current psychological shadow area.。”

“No need to beg, it’s all shadows。”

“Ha ha ha ha….”

Dilraba looked left and right and suddenly said。

“How about we play a game?”

“what game? “Bai Lu immediately became interested.

Everyone also turned their attention to Di Lieba.

After all, it was raining heavily at this time and there was no way to go out. All we could do was stay in the living room.

We can’t all play our own games. Yeah.

Or just playing with your phone here.

How embarrassing.

After all, it’s still live broadcast.

Playing games has become the best way to adjust the atmosphere.。

“Was the game we played last time called “Do I Have You or Not”? Zhang Zifeng asked in a low voice。

“Yes, the one I played when Yitong was here last time. Liu Yifei nodded and said。

“Are you still playing that? “Bai Lu was startled.。

“Otherwise let’s change the game. “Dilraba said.

A game will no longer be fun after playing it.

After all, everything that needs to be said was said the last time I played it.

If you play the same game, it will inevitably make people feel tired.。

“I have a proposal. Song Yi raised her hand and said.

Everyone turned to look at Song Yi, waiting for her to speak.。

“We can sit together and spin a bottle around, and whoever the bottle is pointed at will choose truth or dare.。”

“If you don’t want to choose, how about performing a show? ”

Dilraba nodded quickly: “Yes, I agree.。”

“This game is good, so that’s it. “Bai Lu said。

“Can any program be used? “Zhang Zifeng asked。

“Yes, any program will do. “Song Yi said。

“OK, I’m fine with that. “Zhang Zifeng nodded and said.

Liu Yifei also agreed with this proposal. Now everyone looked at Ye Chen。

“Aren’t you guys playing? Do you want me to participate? “Ye Chen was stunned.。

“Nonsense, you must participate. Aren’t you a member of the love house? “Bai Lu said。

“If you don’t participate, you will be thrown out directly. “Dilraba said fiercely.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, humble Ye Chen. ”

Guo Qilin: “Sometimes I feel that Ye Chen is really humble in the love house.

Yaya: “Isn’t this enjoyment? ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Painful and happy at the same time “。”

“If Ye Laoliu can’t accept this kind of life, he can leave. I can participate.。”

“I have already signed up. If Ye Laoliu leaves, I am willing to go without any notice fee.。”

“Upstairs, why do you have such a big face, and you still need notification fees? Eat shit if you want。”

“I’m willing to go even if I pay some money.。”

“Brothers, you can’t take it from me, I’m ready to go。”

“Come here, pee and wake him up。”

“My urine is yellow, I come first. ”

Everyone sat in front of the dining table and formed a circle. Song Yi found an empty beer bottle and started spinning in a circle.

As the bottle slowly stopped,

the mouth of the bottle was pointed at Song Yi herself.

Everyone laughed immediately, Looking at Song Yi one by one。

“This is a mistake. “Song Yi was helpless, but she could only accept her fate.。

“Then I choose to tell the truth. “Song Yi said。

“Who is asking? “Bai Lu was confused.。

“Anyone can ask questions. “Song Yi said。

“So have you ever talked to a boyfriend? “Dilraba asked。

“No. “Song Yi answered with a smile, obviously feeling lucky for such a question.

She thought the other party would ask some sharp questions.

Unexpectedly, she dealt with it so lightly.。

“So do you have someone you like? “Bai Lu followed and asked。

“I can only ask one question. “Song Yi raised a finger and shook it.

Then the game continued, this time the bottle was pointed at Liu Yifei。

“Song Yi just chose to tell the truth, so I’ll take a big risk. “Liu Yifei said。

“big Adventure? Hahaha, I thought of one, let Yifei hold Ye Chen for a walk. “Bai Lu burst out laughing.

Everyone laughed when they heard this, obviously agreeing with such a big adventure.

Of course, only Ye Chen looked at Bai Lu and said, “I’m not being punished, why are you holding me? ?”

“Do you dare to say that letting Yifei hold you is punishment? “Dilraba’s beautiful eyes widened.。

“When you said this, didn’t you think about the consequences? “Song Yi said。

“That is, I strongly condemn you. “Bai Lu said.

Even Liu Yifei stared at Ye Chen with big eyes.

It seemed that he couldn’t believe what this guy said.

In desperation, Ye Chen could only stand up and let Liu Yifei complete the big adventure.

But Liu Yifei’s physique, where I can hold Ye Chen.

I tried hard for a long time, but I still couldn’t hold Ye Chen up.。

“Ye Laoliu, please cooperate with me.。”

“This big adventure is really adventurous enough.。”

“Ye Laoliu is too fat, at least 160 pounds.。”

“Not really, I think Ye Chen weighs about 140 pounds at most。”

“Hahaha, the fairy sister worked hard for a long time, but she didn’t even move Ye Laoliu’s feet. ”

Liu Yifei was still working hard, holding Ye Chen’s waist with one hand and grabbing Ye Chen’s right leg with the other hand.

But she couldn’t move Ye Chen for a long time, and everyone fell down laughing.。

“Or let me do a dance. “Liu Yifei gave up reluctantly.

She gave Ye Chen a resentful look.

Ye Chen was wronged.

You can’t hold me, so what does it have to do with me?

No.���Ye Chen didn’t say this.

It is irrational to reason with women.

When they heard that Liu Yifei was about to dance, everyone applauded.

Liu Yifei dances not that kind of hot dance, but classical dance.

Wearing a long white dress, she looks like the little dragon girl in the Condor Heroes.

The temperament of the iceberg beauty can be seen at a glance, and her cold temperament is beyond the reach of others.

The audience in the live broadcast roo

Even a group of girls at the scene were stunned. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Everyone knows that no one can compare to Liu Yifei’s aloof temperament.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but swallowed his saliva. To be honest, this dance was a bit touching.

After all, who doesn’t like fairies?

And Liu Yifei.

It’s that fairy, isn’t it?

After the dance ended, applause broke out, and Liu Yifei sat back down.

The game continues, this time the bottle is pointed at Ye Chen。

“Ye Chen, how about you choose a big adventure? “Dilraba said。

“I agree, you choose a big adventure. “Bai Lu said。

“Can’t you choose by yourself? Are you trying to force me to make a choice? “Ye Chen has a black line.

What is this? And letting yourself choose a big adventure is outrageous, okay?。

“I don’t want to, I want to choose the truth. “Ye Chen said.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you, all thinking about what questions to ask.

At this moment, Bai Lu suddenly said: “The last time you took a nap,….When is the flight? ”

After saying this sentence, everyone’s jaws dropped in shock.

They all looked at Bai Lu dumbfounded, and then turned to look at Ye Chen.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room did not expect that such an explosive person would suddenly appear in the game of truth or dare. topic。

“Oh my god, Bai Lu is too brave to ask.。”

“This is what truth or dare should be like.。”

“Okay, this wave is exciting enough, Bai Lu, you know how to play it。”

“This is outrageous. Brother Ye Chen, please answer quickly. I want to know too.。”

“Family members, who knows, this game is so popular. ”

Ye Chen also had a black line. This Bai Lu was too brave to ask.

But he was not too shy and said lightly: “It was half a year ago, right?。”

“Okay, next round. “Song Yi’s cheeks turned red with embarrassment, and she quickly picked up the bottle and continued to spin it.

Although she was very excited just now

, Song Yi is still a girl after all, and her face is not that kind.

At this moment, she just wants to change the topic quickly.

Also I don’t know if it’s bad luck, but this time the bottle mouth is still pointed at Ye Chen。

“still me? “Ye Chen was stunned, and several girls nodded one

after another. They looked like I thought you were in trouble.。

“Then take a big risk. “In order to prevent these girls from asking more pointed questions, Ye Chen simply chose to take a big risk.

Please give me flowers 0

“Why don’t you sing a song? I want to hear you sing. “Liu Yifei said。

“I chose the big adventure. “Ye Chen was startled.。

“Yes, it’s a big adventure. Isn’t it enough adventure for you to sing? “Liu Yifei’s rebuttal was well-founded.

Ye Chen was speechless for a moment.

Everyone couldn’t help laughing.。

“Hahaha, that’s right, it’s a big adventure, you can do whatever you are told. “Dilraba said。

“Agreed, here’s a song, I want to hear you sing too. “Bai Lu said。

“come on! Come on. “Song Yi made a very cute expression and said in a sweet and waxy voice.

Zhang Zifeng also looked at Ye Chen expectantly.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong couldn’t help laughing: “I discovered Yifei for the first time. So sharp-tongued.

Guo Qilin: “I really can’t tell it at ordinary times, but Ye Chen’s singing is really nice, and I want to listen to it too. ” ”

Yaya: “My favorite is “Sunny Day” sung by Ye Chen.》。”

Yang Chaoyue: “I like “Confession Balloon”, it’s really nice.。”

“Shrimp? Is Ye Laoliu going to sing?”

“Ready to record screen。”

“What song is it? “Nunchaku”?”

“《”Dimples”, my favorite, it’s really sweet, especially when I sing a duet with Zhang Bichen, I love it. ”

As soon as they heard that Ye Chen was going to sing, the audience in the live broadcast room became excited. Everyone

pricked up their ears. Many people had turned on the screen recording or recording function, and planned to record this section. No matter

what In this way, such an important moment cannot be missed.

Ye Chen knew that he could not escape.

Looking at the heavy rain outside the house, it had become much lighter.

The originally chaotic sky became clear again.

Suddenly, a song came to mind.

Then he said: ” Let me sing a song for you: “Qili Xiang”。”

“Qilixiang? “Dilraba was confused.。

“New song? “Bai Lu asked。

“It has a nice name, Qilixiang. Is it a kind of flower? Song Yi said.

Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei were also confused, and their eyes were full of expectation. They have

never heard of this song title, which means that this so-called “Qili Xiang” is a new song。

“Let me go, new song。”

“Qilixiang, just hearing the name makes me feel good。”

“No, I want to listen to “Sunny Day” again。”

“I want to listen to the live version of “Little Dimple”, Ye Laoliu, there is no need to try new songs. ”

The audience in the live broadcast room was full of expectations, and some were disappointed. They were

posting comments

one after another. But Ye Chen couldn’t see all this, so naturally he didn’t need to pay attention to it.

In the love room and living room, the atmosphere instantly became quiet.

Ye Chen stretched out his hand and gently He tapped the table gently, and an extremely rhythmic sound sounded.。

【The sparrow outside the window is talking too much on the telephone pole】

【You said this sentence makes it feel like summer】

【The pencil in the hand goes back and forth on the paper】

【I use a few lines to describe who you are to me.】

【Both cats and you want to know the taste of saury】

【I will continue writing】

【Write my love for you forever at the end of the poem】

【You are the only one I want to know]

As Ye Chen’s singing sounded.

Even the staff in the living room were too embarrassed to show up.

It was as if he was afraid of disturbing Ye Chen’s beautiful singing voice.

The barrage in the live broadcast room seemed to be half cleared.

Not a single barrage appeared for several minutes.

If it weren’t for his previous experience, the director would have suspected that there was something wrong with the system.

Until the end of a song.

It’s the director’s room.

He Jiong was the first to applaud.

Followed by Guo Qilin, Yaya, and Yang Chaoyue, they patted hard.

Although Ye Chen couldn’t hear it, several people felt that Ye Chen deserved such applause.

Tens of seconds later, barrages came swarming。

“I was wrong. I wanted Ye Laoliu to sing “Sunny Day” just now. I really deserve to die.。”

“Why should I doubt the quality of Ye Laoliu’s new songs? Isn’t it good to listen to a new song?”

“I was wrong, I shouldn’t have doubted Ye Laoliu’s talent in music。”

“This song is absolutely as good as any previous song.。”

“There is a new song added to the playlist that can be played endlessly。”

“I ask weakly, is it still too late for me to kneel down now?”

“Are you just kneeling? My legs are numb。”

“It doesn’t matter if I’m numb on my knees, I’m going to die now and go to the hospital now. ”

Magic City.

Inside the office of Jiaxing Entertainment, which was just established.

Yang Mi’s phone was almost buzzing with calls.

After getting through, she learned that Ye Chen had released a new song.

Since Ye Chen became popular, he has become more popular than before. The contract with his small company has been terminated.

So at this moment, Ye Chen’s company is also in Jiaxing Entertainment.

The previous few songs were handled by Yang Mi.

But now, Ye Chen has released a new song, and the heads of major music platforms immediately Of course, it was Yang Mi who contacted her.

Opening the live broadcast room and looking at Ye Chen’s handsome face, a smile appeared on Yang Mi’s face. She

immediately made a call…..seven..


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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