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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 150

For Yang Mi.

For the newly established Jiaxing Entertainment, everything is just getting started.

Ye Chen’s songs are the foundation for Jiaxing Entertainment to break out of the industry.

Of course you can’t miss it.

Several calls came in a row.

Make an appointment with the person in charge of each major music platform to meet and discuss.

Yang Mi then turned off her computer and prepared to go out.

This side of the love house.

The song “Qili Xiang” ends.

The five girls were all stunned.

After a while, Dilraba took the lead in applauding, followed closely by Bai Lu, Liu Yifei, Song Yi and Zhang Zifeng.

Even the staff on site applauded vigorously。

“This song is really nice. “Dilraba said。

“Yeah, do it again. “Bai Lu looked pitiful.。

“I also want to listen to it again. “Song Yi said。

“The rain has stopped. Let’s clean up the water in the yard first. “Ye Chen changed the subject.

The drainage system in the yard is not good.

After the heavy rain just now, fish can be raised in the yard now.

The ditch outside has overflowed into the yard because the water was too full.

Ye Chen opened Door, go out, the water is already up to your ankles。

“There’s so much water, I’m going to change into slippers. “Dilraba saw this and quickly went back to the room to change into slippers.。

“Wait for me. “Bai Lu followed closely.

Zhang Zifeng, Song Yi and Liu Yifei were also not idle.

Soon, Dilraba came down wearing a pair of slippers and a pair of ultra-short jeans. She

jumped in front of Ye Chen, and the water splashed on her On Ye Chen。

“Be careful. “Ye Chen was helpless。

“I feel so fun. “Dilraba said and jumped up again, like a child, having so much fun.

Seeing this, Ye Chen quickly stepped back and hid a little, leaving Dilraba alone to go crazy.

However , As Bai Lu appeared, she jumped again and jumped directly in front of Ye Chen.

The shorts that had just been splashed were once again damaged. Looking at the happy smiles of Di Lieba and Bai Lu, Ye Chen had black lines on his head.。

“”843” “Is it fun?” “Dilraba asked。

“Well, fun. “Bai Lu nodded.。

“It’s more fun this way. “Dilraba said, she immediately took off, her feet landed on the ground at the same time, causing a large splash of water.

Bai Lu followed suit, and Ye Chen had no place to hide now, looking at the two crazy girls. He

could only look angry. Standing there helplessly.

Inside the broadcast room.

Looking at Ye Chen’s expression, He Jiong almost laughed out loud.。

“Hahaha, Ye Chen’s expression is really cute. ”

Guo Qilin: “I have to say that Ye Chen’s expression explains what it means to truly have no love in life.

Yaya: “If this scene is cut, it will be a very explosive scene in the entertainment industry. ”

Yang Chaoyue: ” Yeah.”…Um…That’s right…”

Everyone felt that something was wrong with Yang Chaoyue’s voice.

Turning his head, he discovered that Yang Chaoyue’s bulging cheeks were hiding the chicken feet he had just eaten under the table.

Then showed an awkward smile。

“Hahaha, Yueyue, what are you doing?”

“Are you actually eating secretly during work hours? Yueyue, you don’t want your salary anymore?”

“You made me laugh so hard, Yueyue, why don’t you be so cute?。”

“Okay, okay, are you eating chicken feet secretly like this? I also want。”

?Liu Yifei, Zhang Zifeng and Song Yi also came down wearing slippers.

Looking at Dilraba and Bai Lu playing wildly in the yard, and then looking at Ye Chen who was already soaked through.

Everyone couldn’t help laughing out loud。

“Come and play quickly, it’s so much fun. “Dilraba greeted, like a child。

“Yes, yes, come down quickly, there is a lot of water. “Bai Lu said。

“Look at Ye Chen. “Song Yi pointed at Ye Chen.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu turned to look.

Only then did they realize that Ye Chen didn’t even hide. He

was standing not far away, wet all over his body, as if he had just been there. It’s like the heavy rain has been absorbed by him。


Dilraba and Bai Lu laughed and bent over at the same time。

“Okay, stop making trouble and clean out the accumulated water first. “Ye Chen said.

He picked up the shovel and tried to clean out the accumulated water.

But at first glance, the ditches outside were full. He

immediately thought of a way and dug a small hole next to the wall.

In this way Come on, the accumulated water was successfully drained out.。

“Ye Chen, Ye Chen. ”

There was a voice outside, and Ye Chen looked over, only to find that it was Gao Yong. He

also held a few net bags and a bag in his hand.

He walked in with it: “This is bayberry wine, mulberry wine, Lychee wine and wine, you can drink it slowly。”

“Have a cup of tea. I’ll make some tea later. “Ye Chen said。

“No, no, it’s just rained, there’s a lot of water, go catch fish. Gao Yong said。

“Catching fish? Where to catch fish? “Dilraba asked quickly。

“Come on, I’ll take you there. Gao Yong said.

Everyone cheered, and then they set off with Gao Yong.

Because there had been heavy rain,

the river swelled, and there was a rice field downstream. After the river water washed away, there would be a lot of fish left in the rice field.

Many villagers would come to catch fish.

When everyone followed Gao Yong to the rice fields, there were already more than a dozen villagers fishing here.。

“Let’s go down a little bit. “When Gao Yong saw this, he led everyone to walk for a while.。

“Okay, that’s it. “Gao Yong stopped.。

“Is it too dangerous here? “Ye Chen was confused.

Looking around, the ridges of the rice fields were no longer visible.

The turbid river water covered everything.。

“In fact, the water is not deep. I will insert a pole later. If you don’t cross the pole, it will be fine. ”

Gao Yong said, picked up two long poles from the ground and walked out.

About thirty meters away, Gao Yong looked at them and inserted the poles.

Within the poles was the rice field. Because the river water was turbid, it was difficult to tell the depth, but It can only go up to the ankle, so there is no need to worry about safety issues.

As for the ten meters beyond the pole, it is also a rice field. However, in order to ensure everyone’s safety, Gao Yong narrowed the scope of everyone’s fishing. Beyond that, there is the river.。

“When you catch fish, you must know your position clearly and don’t go over the pole. “Ye Chen said。

“Don’t worry, I promise to complete the task. “Dilraba said loudly。

“I saw a fish, a big one. “Bai Lu suddenly shouted.

A fish swam over here with its tail flapping.

Bai Lu quickly ran over and aimed at the fish with both hands.。

“Caught, caught. Bai Lu shouted, grabbing a big carp with both hands and raising it high to show off.

Unexpectedly, the carp flicked its tail and hit Bai Lu’s face several times.。

?Bai Lu couldn’t find Bei, so she let go and dived into the water again.

This scene made everyone laugh.

In the director’s room, Yang Chaoyue was eating chicken feet and was laughing so hard that she was out of breath.。

“Hahaha, is this an idiot? Taught a lesson by a fish? ”

Yaya: “You can’t stand this fish anymore, so why don’t you just slap Bai Lu a few times?

Guo Qilin: “Hahahaha, this can be considered a famous scene. ”

He Jiong: “Although I shouldn’t laugh, I really can’t help it. “。”

“It made me laugh so much, there are a few more emoticons。”

“Please make an emoticon out loud and send it to me.。”

“What bad thing did Bai Lu do that he couldn’t even bear to look at the fish and gave her a few slaps?”

“Bailu has been responsible for my laughter for a year. ”

Bai Lu was so angry.

She touched the water on her face and pounced towards the carp again.

Because the water was shallow, the carp could see clearly even after it returned to the water.

Bai Lu pounced , He was definitely risking his life.

He threw himself over with his whole body.

However, the frightened carp swam very fast.

Bai Lu jumped into the air, and a large piece of water soaked on his chest.

It made everyone laugh.。

“Bai Lu, you big idio

“You are awesome, come on. “Bai Lu stood up, regardless of whether she was wet or not, and glared at Di Lieba angrily.

Di Lieba picked up the net bag, directly covered the fish, and then successfully caught it in the bucket。

“Do you see what wisdom is? This is wisdom. “Dilraba pointed to her head with a proud look on her face.

Bai Lu wanted to refute, but after thinking about it carefully, she really didn’t have any wisdom. She

could only catch fish angrily. (Reading Baoshuang novels, just Go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Gao Yong only took five net bags, and he used one for himself.

The remaining four were occupied by Di Lieba and Bai Lu each.。

“I also want a net bag. “Song Yi picked up a net bag and went to catch fish.。

“Brother Ye Chen, give it to you. “Zhang Zifeng handed the net bag to Ye Chen。

“Okay, please be safe. “Ye Chen said, and then he joined the group of catching fish.

As the water flow slowly decreased, there were more and more fish.

There were both big and small.

Dilraba and Bai Lu were already crazy, so there will be With the addition of Song Yi, they formed a crazy trio.

They played so happily.

They were just like children.

They didn’t care whether they were wet or not, as long as they could catch fish.

Looking at this scene, it was really fun. The audience in the live broadcast room was very envious。

“This is life, I’m really envious。”

“It feels so fun。”

“That dead memory is attacking me crazily。”

“I did this kind of thing a lot when I was a kid. Seeing this scene made me miss home too.。”

“I would like to ask if there is such a place. I also want to catch fish.。”

“It doesn’t matter whether you catch fish or not, what matters is that you have fun. ”

After a few hours, a group of people were already soaked.

And as the water flow decreased, the ridges of the rice fields were gradually revealed.

Many fish were flapping in the rice fields.

There was no need for a net bag, just pick them up.

Liu Yifei squatted On the ground, he was already soaked. After catching it for a long time, he finally caught a small fish.

He ran to Ye Chen and said, “Look, is it big?” ”

The happy smile was on his face.

Ye Chen took a look and saw Liu Yifei’s white shirt sticking to her body, vaguely visible. He immediately stretched out his hand to help Liu Yifei tidy up her clothes. He nodded and

said, “Well, very big, big。”

“I’m talking about fish. “Liu Yifei pouted and glanced at Ye Chen resentfully.。

“Yes, I’m talking about fish too, otherwise what else could it be? “Ye Chen was confused.

Liu Yifei blushed, then put the fish in the bucket and ran to catch the fish again….

“Brother Ye Chen, there is a snake here. “Suddenly a voice sounded.

Ye Chen turned his head and looked. Not far away, Zhang Zifeng was so frightened that his face turned pale.。

“Go away quickly. “Ye Chen shouted as he ran.

When several girls heard that there was a snake, they hid far away.

After Ye Chen ran over, they realized where the snake was. It was obviously a big eel.。

“This is not a snake, this is an eel, which is delicious. “Ye Chen grabbed it and gestured at Zhang Zifeng.

Zhang Zifeng quickly backed away. Although he knew it was not a snake, he was still frightened.。

“Brother Ye Chen, I’m afraid. Zhang Zifeng said in a low voice。

“It’s okay, if you’re scared, just follow me. “Ye Chen touched Zhang Zifeng’s head, and then caught the eel in the bucket.

In the director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue: “It’s too much excrement, it’s too much excrement, and it will be killed by touching the head again.”

Guo Qilin: “It’s okay, Teacher He is already used to it. ” ”

Yaya: “Teacher He, hahaha, your expression…”

He Jiong: “Hey, the child has grown up.。”

“A sigh like that of an old father。”

“Ye Laoliu, please be careful and keep your distance from your sister.。”

“This guy, the sixth one, would kill everyone with a slap on the head. This is too much.。”

“Teacher He was desperate inside. ”

It wasn’t until both buckets were filled with fish that Ye Chen said, “It’s almost done. Let’s go back first.”。”

“Ye Chen, you go back first, and we’ll catch you for a while. “Dilraba said。

“Yes, yes, we still need to catch him. “Bai Lu said。

“It’s not dark yet, don’t worry. “Song Yi said.

Gao Yong had already left. Ye Chen looked at these three crazy girls and didn’t say much.

He picked up the burden and walked back.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng followed.

From morning to now, everyone has not even had lunch. Eat, it’s already afternoon.

I have to say that after a heavy rain, the temperature dropped a lot.

A gust of wind blew, and it was still very cool.。

“Are we going to sell all these fish? ” Liu Yifei asked。

“No, I have a great idea. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Brother Ye Chen, what’s a good idea? “Zhang Zifeng was confused.。

“You will know when you get back. “Ye Chen said。

“You’re telling the truth again, right?”

“If you have any good ideas, please tell me.。”

“Okay, okay, so showy, right?”

“Ye Laoliu, who are you trying to kill?”

“Shameless, I hate people who sell their stuff the most. ”

The three of them returned to the love house, and each went to their room to take a hot shower and change into clean clothes.

After coming out, Ye Chen put the chopping board in the yard and moved a small stool to sit down. .

He took the fish and started slicing it.

Ye Chen’s knife skills were very good, and the fish was cut into thin slices in his hands.

Pieces were placed on the side.

There were also prepared flour and glass beer bottles on the side.

Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei I was confused when I came down.。

“Brother Ye Chen, what are you doing? Boiled fish? “Zhang Zifeng asked。

“Let me cook you a different delicacy, Hammer Fish. “Ye Chen said。

“Hammer fish? “Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng both looked at a loss.

Obviously they have never heard of such a name.

Director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “Teacher He, have you heard of Hammer 2.7 Fish?

He Jiong wanted to take off: “No, it’s unheard of. ”

Yaya: “What a strange name. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “Is it delicious? “”

“Where is this specialty?”

“I’ve never heard of it. Can any brothers who know about it tell me?”

“I don’t understand, I don’t understand。”

“I’ll fillet it, and you can coat the fish fillet in flour, and then use a wine bottle to crush it back and forth until the flour coating doesn’t fall off. ”

Ye Chen said and demonstrated.

The operation method is very simple, just wrap each piece of fish in flour.

Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei understood after looking at it once. They

immediately took the wine bottle and started crushing the fish fillets.

Ye Chen cut it very quickly, and each fish was just sliced. The

remaining fish bones were put aside.

But because there were too many fish,

the workload was still very large.

Until it was almost dark, Ye Chen Only then had all the fish been cut.

The rest of the work was left to Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng.

Their workload was no less than that of Ye Chen.

And as the sky got darker, there were more and more mosquitoes, and the two of them had already Moved the table to the living room。

“If you are tired, take a rest. “When Ye Chen saw Zhang Zifeng and Liu Yifei, he would shake his arms from time to time.

It was obviously sore due to long-term exertion.。

“It’s almost done, hurry up and finish it before resting. “Liu Yifei said。

“Brother Ye Chen, please go and rest first. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Then you do it first, I’ll go take a look, those three crazy girls haven’t come back yet. “Ye Chen said, and then walked outside.

It was almost dark, and Dilireba and the others hadn’t come back yet.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but feel a little worried.

PS: I have a cold, feel dizzy and uncomfortable, insist on typing, next There is one more chapter, don’t ask for leave, keep updating, don’t owe manuscripts, and must be worthy of the support of all the bosses.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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