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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 151

Ye Chen said “crazy girl” and made the audience burst into laughter.。

“Dare you say that my Reba is a crazy girl?”

“Ye Laoliu, what do you mean, do you dare to say that my Bai Lu is a crazy girl and come out to challenge her?。”

“Song Yi is not a crazy girl, she is a cheongsam goddess, okay?。”

“Hahaha, why are everyone so anxious?”

“No matter how good a goddess is, if she stays with Ye Laoliu for a long time, she will become a psychopath.。”

“There is nothing wrong with this, even the fairy sister with a fairy spirit has become a female psycho, let alone Song Yi. ”

Before leaving, Ye Chen asked Liu Yifei to cut some leeks and chop them into stuffing. Then he went out to find someone. The

sky was getting darker and darker, and Ye Chen walked along the path towards the place where he caught fish.

It was a long way away. I heard the laughter of Di Lieba, Bai Lu and Song Yi.

When Ye Chen walked to the field and stood on the ridge, Di Lieba, Song Yi and Bai Lu were all lying in the rice field.

They were all wet. Her hair is messy, but she still looks like a goddess. She is a perfect girl.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room was shocked when they saw this scene.。

“Is this still my goddess?”

“Hey, I knew it would be like this。”

“Sure enough, when the goddess becomes crazy, she becomes a female psycho。”

“I really want to join, looking forward to it。”


“Kill the monster…”

Ye Chen also has a black streak.

I couldn’t help but ask: “What are you doing?”

“Have a water fight. “Dilraba said with a smile。

“It’s so fun, Ye Chen, do you want to play together? “Bai Lu asked。

“Are you crazy? You’re having a water fight. It’s already dark and you don’t know how to go back? “Ye Chen was helpless。

“What else can you say, grab Ye Chen and play together. “Song Yi stood up, walked to Ye Chen, and suddenly shouted. She

jumped directly on Ye Chen.

It can be said to be the kind of imageless one.

One hand hugged Ye Chen’s neck, and her legs were entangled like a water snake. Ye Chen’s waist.

The peaks on his chest pressed against Ye Chen’s chest without any scruples.

Dilireba and Bai Lu got excited and stood up one after another. One of them pulled one of Ye Chen’s arms down.。

“Don’t make trouble, I’ve finished taking a shower. “Ye Chen shouted。

“It’s okay. I’ll give you a bath when you get back. “Dilraba said。

“I can also wash it for you. “Bai Lu said。

“Then add me and I’ll wash it for you too. “Song Yi said 21.

The three of them laughed and pushed Ye Chen into the water and ravaged him.

In the director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue looked at this scene and couldn’t help but frowned: “Look, look at what kind of tiger-wolf game this is. word.

Yaya: “In this case, can it still be broadcast? ”

Guo Qilin: “Did we misunderstand what they meant? ” ”

He Jiong: “Well…”

“Hahaha, even Teacher He can’t explain it clearly.。”

“Look what you are saying?”

“It’s too much. So many people want to help Ye Chen bathe. I can’t accept it.。”

“Are you preparing to make headlines?”

“I have no other request. I just want to watch a live broadcast while you are giving Marven a bath. ”

Ye Chen, who was originally clean and came to ask people to go home,

was now being ravaged by three people under the water.

In desperation, Ye Chen fought back.

He lifted Song Yi on his shoulders and faced Song Yi’s butt Just a slap in the face…

The beating made Song Yi scream repeatedly.。

“Let me go, let me down. ”

Because she wanted to play in the water, Song Yi wore very cool clothes.

A white T-shirt and ultra-short white hot pants.

After these few slaps, Song Yi’s thighs turned red.。

“Let go of Song Yi. “Dilraba shouted。

“If you don’t let go, I’m going to take off your pants. “Bai Lu roared。

“Reba, Bailu, help, my butt is about to explode. “Song Yi shouted.

Ye Chen knew that Bai Lu was definitely not joking, and this girl would definitely do what she said. She

immediately turned around and ran away with Song Yi

on her back. Dilraba and Bai Lu chased after each other.

What a scene of rural harmony. Picture.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong, who had just taken a sip of water, sprayed it out.

He sprayed it all over Dalinzi’s face.。

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, Dalin, I really didn’t mean it, I’m sorry.

Guo Qilin smiled and said, “It’s okay, Teacher He, just think that we are also playing in the water. ”

Yaya: “Hahahaha, can you stop talking about playing in the water? ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Reba and Bai Lu, these two idiots, couldn’t catch up after chasing them for so long. They are so stupid.”。”

“Is this still a love story? It feels like the style of painting has changed.。”

“Upstairs, you didn’t know this, right? This show has long ceased to be a romantic drama.。”

“I think I can completely change my name and become Ye Laoliu’s happy life。”

“Hahaha, this is a good name。”

“Let’s just say this, Ye Laoliu, can you put my Song Yi down first? Song Yi said her butt is about to split.。”

“They are all a group of talents. ”

Ye Chen’s speed is very fast, and Dilraba and Bai Lu obviously can’t catch up.

And because they were tired from playing before, they basically walked away this time.

Poor Song Yi was carried on Ye Chen’s shoulders, Her belly was pressed against Ye Chen’s shoulder, and she

would be slapped on the butt from time to time.

The pain made her pretty face turn red, and she was so angry.

When they returned to the love house, Ye Chen put Song Yi down.

Dilraba and Bai Lu also came back. Seeing this scene, they stopped making trouble.。

“Let’s go, let’s go back and take a shower first. “Dilraba said。

“Wait for me, I’ll go too, I’m going to be exhausted. “Bai Lu followed closely.

But Song Yi did not leave. She stood in the yard, blinking her big eyes with tears, as if she was about to cry.。

“What’s wrong? “As soon as Ye Chen walked to the door of the living room, he turned around and saw this scene。

“Butt hurts. Song Yi said aggrievedly。

“Forehead…”For a moment, Ye Chen was speechless.

Song Yi said that her butt hurt so much. Ye Chen couldn’t say “I’ll blow it for you”.

And the reason why Song Yi is in pain is because Ye Chen hit her。

“Otherwise, I’ll give you a piece of shit? “Ye Chen asked.

Song Yi couldn’t hold it back and laughed out loud.

Realizing that she was so unprincipled, Song Yi immediately glared at Ye Chen again and continued to feel aggrieved.。

“Okay, don’t be angry, I’ll make something delicious for you tonight. “Ye Chen said。

“Is there any meat? Song Yi asked in a low voice.。

“Fish, very delicious. “Ye Chen said。

“Pull the hook, don’t lie. “Song Yi then raised her little finger to hook up with Ye Chen.

Then she showed what it means for a girl to fall out of love faster than flipping through a book. She was

aggrieved just now, but when she heard that there was something delicious, she immediately turned into a smiling face. .In

the director’s room,

He Jiong also looked helpless: “If someone is with Song Yi, it’s really easy to coax him/her.

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, just remember that she likes to eat meat. ”

Yaya: “Anyway, if you’re angry, just have a meal of meat. If that doesn’t work, just have two meals. ” Yang

Chaoyue: “Actually, I am also such a person. If you treat me to a delicious meal, I will be easy to coax.”。”

“Yueyue, do you want to listen to what you are saying?”

“Cute Song Yi, how can she be so cute?。”

“My cheongsam goddess, she is so cute。”

“Song Yi is so easily satisfied。”

“My family owns a pig farm. I would like to ask, how can I invite Song Yi to come to my house to eat pork?”

“While dreaming. ”

In the living room.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng have prepared all the fish meat.

Each piece of fish meat is coated with thick starch.

If they are stacked together, they will not stick together no matter how long they are stored.

And they will still stay in the refrigerator. It can be stored for a long time.


When Ye Chen came out, Liu Yifei asked: “Ye Chen, do you want to make dumplings? ” (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Isn’t this a fish fillet? How to make dumplings? “Zhang Zifeng was confused.。

“Just wrap it directly. Use the fish as a dumpling wrapper and wrap it with leeks. It tastes very good. ”

Ye Chen said, and had already come over to start making dumplings.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng also started to wrap them.

I originally thought that the fish meat would rot quickly, but I didn’t expect that with the blessing of starch, the fish meat would become extremely tough.。

“No, the mouth can’t be pinched tightly. “Liu Yifei made a dumpling. Everything else was fine except that the joint could not be pinched. In this case, the dumpling was made in vain.。

“There is fish skin here. “Ye Chen took out a bowl of fish skin from the refrigerator.

This was saved when he first cut fish fillets.

Use the fish skin instead of the rope, wrap it around, and then tie a knot. The cooked taste will be better .Liu

Yifei and Zhang Zifeng also learned from it.

Not to mention, the dumplings made like this are really pretty.。

“I’ll rub it, what’s the way to eat it?”

“It’s unheard of to use fish fillets as dumpling wrappers and fish skins as ropes to tie into knots.。”

“Got it, I’ll buy a fish and try it tomorrow。”

“Which place’s specialty is this? It feels so good and I can eat it.。”

“It looks really good. I like fish and I also like leeks. I must try it.。”

“Ye Laoliu, why don’t you start a live broadcast teaching cooking? You have to learn how to cook. ”

When Dilraba, Bai Lu, and Song Yi came down,

they couldn’t help but curiously came over to help after seeing this novel way of making dumplings.。

“Lao Liu, did you create this method yourself? “Dilraba asked。

“Of course not. “Ye Chen smiled.。

“Where did that come from? “Bai Lu was confused.。

“The wisdom of the ancients is endless. If you have time, you can read more books and become a knowledgeable fool. “Ye Chen said。

“Who are you calling stupid? “Song Yi was confused.

Ye Chen looked up and was about to speak, but he saw five girls staring straight at him. With

that attitude, no matter who he said was a fool, he would inevitably be punished.

Think about it, let’s forget it. Got it。

“Me, I’m the fool. ”

As the saying goes, those who know the current affairs are heroes, Ye Chen’s clever answer made everyone laugh.

After the dumplings were wrapped, they were put into the pot to cook.

A large pot of fish dumplings was taken out of the pot, and then the fish Some of the slices were cooked inside, and the rest was stored in the refrigerator.

After Liu Yifei washed the dishes, Dilireba, Bai Lu, and Song Yi were already standing next to Ye Chen with the dishes and chopsticks. We started to wait.

All three of them were impatient.

They had never eaten this kind of dumplings in their lives.

Naturally, they wanted to give it a try.。

“Are you in such a hurry? “Ye Chen was helpless。

“Of course, as for that, I was starving to death. “Song Yi said。

“Come on, come on, give me a taste first. “Dilraba said。

“I want to eat fish dumplings. “Bai Lu yelled.

The three of them are like three children waiting to be fed. They

directly fill the lovely atmosphere of the love house.

The size of the fish dumplings is still very big.

A bowl can only be full with two at most.

Here you go . After the three people were divided, Ye Chen brought the remaining fish dumplings and hammered fish to the table。

“So delicious. ”

Song Yi took a bite, and her whole body became excited. She

also pointed the bite position at the camera so that the audience could see clearly.

The snow-white fish meat was mixed with leeks.

Several people in the broadcast room swallowed their saliva while watching. .

Yaya: “This is too much.

Guo Qilin: “Good guy, Song Yi is obviously trying to attract hatred. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I want to eat too. Director, when can I go to the love house? ”

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, Yueyue, go ahead, I support you. ” Yang Chaoyue: ”

Really?” ”

Yaya: “It seems that there is no place to live in the love house.

Yang Chaoyue: ” Ah….”

“Poor Yueyue, don’t go to the love house. I have already learned how to make fish dumplings. Come to me.。”

“I strongly support Yueyue to go to the love house.。”

“Otherwise, let the guests from the love house take turns coming to the director’s room, and let Yueyue also taste the delicious food.。”

“Hahaha, I agree with this. ”

Here in the love house, the food that the girls eat is delicious.

Ye Chen has already cleaned the fish bones when slicing them. You

don’t have to worry about fish bones when you eat them.

And the fish is mixed with leeks. The taste of starch is perfectly blended.

It’s like eating to a new level。

“Brother Ye Chen, this method is really delicious. “Zhang Zifeng couldn’t help but give a thumbs up.。

“Once you know how to do it, do more. “Song Yi said。

“By the way, didn’t Gao Yong bring some wine this afternoon? “Dilraba suddenly asked。

“It seems to be bayberry wine and lychee wine? What other wine is there? “Bai Lu’s eyes lit up.。

“There is also wine and mulberry wine. Brother Marven and I have both tasted them. They are very delicious. ”

When Zhang Zifeng said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and his cheeks instantly turned red with embarrassment.。

“Give it a try. “Liu Yifei said.

This kind of fruit wine is still very attractive to everyone.

Even Liu Yifei couldn’t help it.

Seeing Dilraba excitedly taking out four bottles of wine, Ye Chen instantly felt a headache.

He My drinking capacity is not good, and I did something wrong after drinking yesterday night.

I didn’t expect to drink again.

But the girls didn’t care whether Ye Chen answered or not.

They brought six glasses, one for each person, and poured Full of wine。

“Come, celebrate, cheers. “Dilraba raised her glass and said.

Then everyone took a sip.。

“So sweet, this is wine. Song Yi said happily。

“Is this mine a mulberry? It feels so strange. “Bai Lu said。

“Sweet and sour, delicious. “Dilraba tasted it happily.

When Ye Chen saw that everyone was chatting so happily, he put down the wine glass he picked up.

He didn’t take a sip of it.

When Liu Yifei next to him saw it, he didn’t expose it, but just thought it was funny.

That’s right Zhang Zifeng drank all the wine in his glass.

Then he exchanged his empty glass with Ye Chen’s wine glass.

This small gesture moved Ye Chen. Unexpectedly,

Zhang Zifeng at such a young age still knew how to take care of her. The self who doesn’t know how to drink。

“Ye Chen has finished drinking, please have another drink. Seeing this, Song Yi stood up and poured wine.。

“No, I won’t drink anymore, you can drink. “Ye Chen said quickly。

“Don’t blame Ye Chen, he is just a loser. “Dilraba said.

Ye Chen had a black streak in his head and really wanted to slap Dilireba on the butt to let her know what a real little party is.

But in the end, he held it back.

Everyone was drinking happily. Yeah.

The director suddenly said。

“We received a call from Sister Mi today, saying that she cannot come back for the time being, so a new guest will arrive in the empty room tomorrow. ”

Hearing this, Ye Chen didn’t think anything was wrong, because Yang Mi had already called him.

Now the company has a lot to deal with, and as the boss, Yang Mi is certainly busy.

After all, Ye Chen is behind the scenes. The big boss is so cool here, there must be someone outside to take care of it.

But a few girls immediately became curious.

They quickly asked who it was.。

“The secret cannot be revealed. “The director said something incomprehensible.

Dilraba was so angry that her mouth twisted.。

“Director, have you never experienced any beating from society? Bai Lu asked.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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