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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 154

After Zhao Liying cooked a pot of mung bean soup, she added ice cubes and rock sugar.

Then everyone lined up to drink mung bean soup like children。

“It tastes great, thank you Sister Liying. “Zhang Zifeng took a sip happily.。

“It feels like Yingbao is here to save us. “Bai Lu said。

“Why, did I lack you for food or clothes before? “As soon as Ye Chen opened his mouth, everyone laughed.。

“I don’t know anything else, but you must have never cooked mung bean soup. “Zhao Liying said.

Ye Chen was speechless.

Putting the mung bean soup aside, Zhao Liying was busy cooking again.

Zhang Zifeng started, and now Ye Chen was happy and relaxed.

Originally, he wanted to lie on the sofa and take a good rest.

But Pulled up by Liu Yifei。

“Stop being lazy and continue practicing before dinner is over.。”

“That’s right, Ye Chen, you are the only male guest here, and you are our face, so you can’t let it slip. “Song Yi said。

“Then let’s all practice more with Ye Chen. “Bai Lu and Dilraba also nodded.

So, the extra practice continued.

In order to see clearly, Bai Lu also asked the headlights of the love house to be moved to the rice fields next to them,

so that they could see more clearly.

Liu Yifei and Ye Chen’s group.

Opposite are Dilraba, Bai Lu and Song Yi.。

“Ye Chen, just practice your offense first. “Every time Liu Yifei lifts the ball, she will find an angle suitable for Ye Chen.

This allows Ye Chen to launch an attack well.

In fact, from midday practice to now, Ye Chen’s skills have improved significantly.

With every dunk , can make it difficult for the opponent to deal with.

The most pitiful one is Bai Lu. With Ye Chen’s dunk, the volleyball came towards Bai Lu’s face.。


After being beaten, Bai Lu covered her face and let out a scream.。

“Ye Chen, you’re done. You’ve crooked Bai Lu’s newly made nose. Please pay for it. “Dilraba said fiercely.。

“When did I lose my nose? “Bai Lu was angry.

He let go of his hand and looked at Dilraba angrily.

The tip of her nose was obviously red, but it can be seen that Bai Lu’s face is definitely imported from the real thing.

In the director’s room,

Yang Chaoyue smiled. That’s called happiness: “Hahahaha…..”

Yaya: “Yueyue, stop laughing. Seeing you smiling makes me worried.”

Guo Qilin: “Bai Lu’s nose was even red. That ball just now was so hard.”

He Jiong: “This is going to happen. If Ye Chen hadn’t just learned it, there would be some personal grudges involved.。”

“Hahaha, Teacher He, look, what are you talking about?”

“The enemies Reba and Bai Lu really made me laugh to death.。”

“It has to be Bailu, the nose is imported, no matter how hard it is hit, Ye Laoliu, continue. ”

When a few people were laughing and playing, Zhang Zifeng had already come out to call for dinner.

Then everyone entered the living room, looking at the sumptuous meals on the table, and they were all gearing up.。

“Yes, Ying Bao’s cooking skills are quite good. “Ye Chen ate the rice with big mouthfuls.

Liu Yifei, who was sitting on the left, carefully picked up the vegetables.

Zhang Zifeng, who was on the right, also helped Ye Chen peel the shrimp shells.

Put the peeled shrimp into Ye Chen’s bowl.

The two looked at Ye Chen Chen’s eyes are full of care。

“Brother Ye Chen, eat slowly, don’t choke. “Zhang Zifeng’s caring words rang out.

Like coaxing a child, although Zhang Zifeng is the youngest.

But isn’t there a saying that goes well?

When girls are in love, when they see the man they like, they will involuntarily have a thought. You have to take care of the other person’s psychology.

That’s what Zhang Zifeng is like。

“I’m not a child anymore, can I still choke? “Ye Chen smiled and continued to take big mouthfuls of rice.

I don’t know if it was because of being too confident.

After taking a few big mouthfuls of rice, he really choked.

Ye Chen stretched his neck . He seemed to have a weird expression and struggled to say one word: “Water”…”

In fact, Ye Chen is not that serious.

Eating too fast and choking are common things for an adult.

Just drink some water and take it easy.

However, others didn’t know it, especially Zhang Zifeng, who immediately stood up nervously and went to pour water.。

“Brother Ye Chen, drink some water. “Zhang Zifeng handed the cup to Ye Chen’s mouth.

Ye Chen took a sip and spit it out. Only

then did Zhang Zifeng realize that he was pouring boiling water.。

“Oops, I’m sorry brother Ye Chen, I didn’t mean it. “Zhang Zifeng quickly went to pour another glass of water.

Ye Chen took a sip of water, and then he calmed down a lot.

Even more pitiful was Song Yi who was sitting opposite Ye Chen.

This water sprayed Song Yi directly. Face.

In the director’s room, Yang Chaoyue laughed like crazy。

“Ha ha ha ha….Hahaha…”

Yaya: “Did Zifeng pour boiling water?”

Guo Qilin: “It should be, look at the steaming water, it feels hot enough.” He Jiong

: “I took such a big sip just now, Ye Chen’s mouth is probably blistered Yes, hahaha….”

“Teacher He, what do you mean when you smile so happily?”

“I guess Teacher He also feels very happy. Who made sister Zifeng treat Ye Laoliu so well?。”

“Hahaha, I just want to say that you deserve it. Who makes Ye Laoliu so hateful now?。”

“Sister Zifeng did a great job, making Ye Laoliu’s memory long。”

“Poor Song Yi, her face was washed directly。”

“Song Yi, don’t you know how to hide for a while? ”

Love room.

In the living room.

Dilraba and Bai Lu laughed out of breath.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying looked surprised.

Zhang Zifeng looked guilty.

Song Yi, on the other hand, as the victim, looked indifferently at the moment. Looking at Ye Chen,

he said with a faint smile on his face: “Ye Chen, tell me, how do we settle this account?”

“Forehead…Sorry, I really didn’t mean it. “Ye Chen said with some embarrassment.

Anyone would feel guilty for spraying water on someone else’s face.

He immediately took a tissue and helped Song Yi wipe it.。

“I don’t care, anyway, this matter can’t be solved without a barbecue. “Song Yi said。

“Don’t worry, we’ll win a roasted whole lamb for you to try in this volleyball match. “Ye Chen said。

“It’s good to be drunk….”The words Song Yi were almost squeezed out from between her teeth.

It directly resolved Ye Chen’s embarrassment and made everyone laugh.

But just now, Ye Chen sprayed a mouthful of water, and the food on the table suffered a disaster.

Ye Chen was also embarrassed to ask everyone to continue eating.。

“So what shall we eat? “Dilraba actually doesn’t dislike Ye Chen.

It’s just that it’s not appropriate to continue eating in front of so many viewers in the live broadcast room.”。

“Yes, Ye Chen, what should we eat? You pay. “Bai Lu said.

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng also don’t dislike it.

After all, they both have a substantial relationship with Ye Chen. They

have kissed everywhere they should.

They have done everything they should and should not do.

There is nothing else. Disgusting.

Ye Chen did this just because he didn’t want to embarrass Zhao Liying and Song Yi。

“How about some roasted sweet potatoes? “Liu Yifei suggested。

“Roasted sweet potato? Is it tasty? “Song Yi was startled.

She loves meat and has never tried roasted sweet potatoes.。

“I’ve eaten it, and it’s delicious. Where can I find sweet potatoes? “Zhao Liying asked quickly。

“Lao Liu went to dig. “Bai Lu said。

“Brother Ye Chen, let me go with you. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“Okay, you prepare firewood at home, and I’ll dig the sweet potatoes. ”

Ye Chen nodded, got up and went out with a flashlight.

Zhang Zifeng and Song Yi followed closely behind.

In the evening, the three of them walked towards Gao Yong’s sweet potato field with flashlights.

Although the sweet potatoes had been harvested, there was still a lot of water in the field. There must be some leftovers.

The owner of sweet potatoes like this will definitely not want them, and there is no need to say hello at all.

For rural people, this is a default rule.

It’s just that the three of them were walking in the dark, for See the road c

With your waist slightly bent and your head lowered, you look like a thief.。

“Ye Laoliu, you know how to play. You took your sister and Song Yi to steal sweet potatoes in the evening, right?”

“No, brother, even if you don’t regard this show as a romance show, is it appropriate for you to take people to the fields to steal sweet potatoes this evening?”

“I’m laughing so hard. Is it true that no matter who goes to the love house, they can’t escape becoming a psychopath?”

“Has rural life become so rich?”

“Has anyone organized a group to dig sweet potatoes together?”

“Those upstairs, aren’t you afraid of being beaten to death?”

……..(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!) It

will definitely take a lot of effort to find the harvested sweet potato fields.

The three of them came to the field, squatted on the ground, and started searching with flashlights. It would be embarrassing

if someone came and asked at this time: “Are you here to poop?” Fortunately no one came here tonight. Song Yi, who was inexperienced, squatted on the ground and pulled on the left and right, without any clue. However, it didn’t take long for Ye Chen and Zhang Zifeng to gain something.

“How did you find it so quickly? Song Yi asked with a pouted mouth.。

“Look for fresh sweet potato seedlings. “Ye Chen said.

After hearing this, Song Yi had an idea and started looking for the fresh sweet potato seedlings.

Soon she found a sweet potato: “I found it, I found it. ”

After all, in the place where they were dug, the sweet potato seedlings were all withered and yellowed. The

green sweet potato seedlings represent freshness and are easy to identify.

It didn’t take long for the three of them to dig a big bag of sweet potatoes.

Before leaving , Ye Chen also grabbed a handful of sweet potato seedlings。

“Brother Ye Chen, what do you want with these sweet potato seedlings? Zhang Zifeng asked curiously。

“Eat stir-fried vegetables. Stir-fried sweet potato sprouts are delicious. “Ye Chen chuckled.。

“Stir-fried sweet potato sprouts? Never eaten. “Song Yi didn’t catch a cold at all.

However, many viewers in the live broadcast room expressed emotion.。

“Unexpectedly, Ye Laoliu also knew that sweet potato sprouts could be fried and eaten?”

“To be honest, stir-fried sweet potato sprouts are really delicious.。”

“Add some garlic, stir-fry, it’s a great rice cooker, even ginseng and abalone are not required.。”

“Do so many brothers in the live broadcast room like to eat sweet potato sprouts?”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise Mouse Tail juice to send me some sweet potato seedlings. ”

When the three of them returned to the love house.

Asking for flowers,

Liu Yifei and the others had already lit the bonfire.

They washed the sweet potatoes, wrapped them in tin foil, and then threw them into the fire.

Ye Chen washed the sweet potato seedlings he had picked. Clean it, then add garlic and stir-fry it.

When it was brought to the yard, several girls looked puzzled.。

“Try it, these are sweet potato sprouts. “Ye Chen said。

“Can sweet potato seedlings still be eaten? “Dilraba was confused.。

“I do not want. Song Yi shook her head。

“I take a bite. “Zhao Liying picked it up with chopsticks and took a bite.

Her eyes immediately lit up and she quickly gave a thumbs up and said: “It’s delicious, it’s really delicious. ”

Liu Yifei and Zhang Zifeng also started to taste it.

They couldn’t stop eating.

One bite after another.

Di Lieba and Bai Lu also joined the ranks of eating sweet potato sprouts.。

“Is it so delicious? “Song Yi was confused, picked up the chopsticks, picked some and put it in her mouth.

Then she also joined the ranks of eating sweet potato sprouts.

Because the sweet potato sprouts were cut into very small pieces, they were just a little bit difficult to hold with chopsticks.

Di Lire Ba quickly ran to the kitchen, took a spoon and took a spoonful。

“Reba, you are shameless for cheating. Bai Lu said angrily.。

“I want you to take care of me. “Dilraba was eating happily.

One spoonful was a big mouthful.

Seeing this, Bai Lu ran to the kitchen to get a spoon.

But with so many people eating for a long time, the sweet potato seedlings had already bottomed out.

Dilireba took the He picked up the plate and shoveled it into his mouth.

When Bai Lu came out with a spoon,

the plate was already empty.

There wasn’t even a sweet potato leaf on it.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong couldn’t help laughing: “Hahaha, Bai Lu I can’t even catch up on eating.

Guo Qilin: “Have you ever eaten sweet potato sprouts? ”

Yaya: “I haven’t eaten it, but I think it tastes good by the looks of them. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I have eaten it before. It is really delicious. Every time there are sweet potato seedlings, I have to eat at least three bowls of rice. “。”

“Yueyue, stop talking, I’m drooling。”

“Oh my god, even Yang Chaoyue has eaten sweet potato sprouts, hahaha。”

“Poor Bai Lu, can’t you bring the plate in? You have to run to get a spoon. Now it’s fine, you don’t have to eat.。”

“Reba, do you want to make me laugh to death? What about your image while holding a plate and eating?”

“Reba has no image since she came to the love house, right?”

“Even the fairy sister has no image, but you still want Reba to have an image? What are you thinking about? ”

Bai Lu turned to look at everyone. Dilireba’s mouth was still bulging, like a little hamster stealing food.

Seeing Bai Lu looking over, Dilireba burst into laughter.

She quickly covered it with her hands .。

“Ha ha ha ha…”

“You damn fat boy, you don’t even have to be a best friend anymore. Bai Lu said angrily.。

“Don’t be angry, or else I’ll give you a kiss? “Dilraba comforted。

“roll. ”

Everyone burst into laughter, and the atmosphere was so harmonious.

After more than an hour, the bonfire was extinguished.

Ye Chen dug out all the sweet potatoes.

Each sweet potato was wrapped in tin foil, which was quite clean and hygienic.

After it cooled down, everyone Then we started eating in small bites.

The whole courtyard of the love house was filled with laughter and laughter.

There was no words all night. Early

the next morning,

everyone started practicing volleyball after breakfast.

After all, everyone was willing to risk their lives for the prize of the game. No matter

how hard and tired they are, they persist.

And at the end of the day, Zhao Liying and Zhang Zifeng can be considered a small success.

As long as they are not the main attackers, they are still very safe.

As for Ye Chen, his skills at this time are not inferior to Liu Yifei。

“Take a rest, I’m exhausted. “As the volleyball hit the ground,

Dilireba simply lay down in the rice field.

She looked up at the sky.

Dilireba also sat limply next to her.。

“We have worked so hard, but we would be really sorry if we couldn’t get a ranking. “Song Yi said。

“If we don’t get a ranking, we’ll just work together as a group. “Zhao Liying said。

“Ying Bao, you must be sure,” Liu Yifei said quickly.

Everyone burst out laughing.。

“Directly? Zhao Xiaodao is Zhao Xiaodao。”

“Hahaha, Yingbao’s mouth is a liar。”

“Zhao Xiaodao’s mouth is not sealed. If he really wants to attack someone, he can kill him.。”

“It’s just a game, there’s no need for it。”

“It’s exhausting to watch, I have to win the championship back. ”

In a blink of an eye, it’s the day of the competition.

Everyone got up early in the morning.

Wearing short shorts, navel-baring tops, and peaked caps.

This uniform outfit is full of momentum.

Zhao Liying has prepared it for everyone . After breakfast, Ye Chen rode out the tricycle and greeted everyone to get on the bus.。

“A tricycle? “Zhao Liying was startled.。

“It’s okay, a tricycle is convenient, otherwise we won’t be able to carry pigs and sheep. “Ye Chen said。

“Or do you have the foresight. “Zhao Liying gave a thumbs up and then got into the car.

Ye Chen rode the bike, with the six girls sitting in the back.

Then he headed towards Dashe Village and set off towards Sichuan…


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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