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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 155

Sunset Village is relatively far away from Dashe Village.

It took about an hour for the tricycle to arrive.

And there is a long section of mountain road, which is very bumpy.

When they arrived, several girls felt that their bones were about to fall apart.

One by one, they got off the tricycle, shaking.

Suddenly attracted a lot of attention。

“Ye Chen, this way. “There are many people in Dashe Village.

It’s bustling.

Gao Yong has obviously been waiting here for a long time. When he saw a few people arriving, he quickly waved and said hello.

Everyone followed Gao Yong to the resting place in Sunset Village.。

“There are many teams coming today, and we have more than 60 teams in total. Gao Yong said。

“So much, when will the competition end? “Ye Chen asked。

“Soon, more than 60 teams and more than 30 games were going on at the same time。”

“A game lasts half an hour, followed by a half-hour break。”

“If we can advance all the way, it will only be six or seven games at most. ”

Gao Yong started counting with his hands.

Ye Chen realized at this moment that this was a village game.

It was not very formal, so naturally the scores would not be calculated according to a regular volleyball match.

If it was a regular volleyball match, it would be five The best-of-three system.

But in the village, there is not so much emphasis.

Two teams go on the field and give them half an hour.

Whichever side gets more points wins.

Very simple.

Very rough.

Just one game. Eliminating half of the teams is really fast.

And now Ye Chen also saw that not far in front, more than three venues had been drawn on an open space with lime powder.

Each venue was very close to each other. .And

there is an uncle holding a notebook next to each venue, obviously preparing to record the results.。

“You guys take a break first, it starts in twenty minutes. “Gao Yong looked at the time and went to greet others.。

“How about this, “507”, you guys go first and I’ll take the place? “Zhao Liying said。

“Sister Liying, how about I replace you? “Zhang Zifeng was afraid that he would implicate everyone.。

“It doesn’t matter, let Ying Bao rest in the first game, and everyone will take turns to rest later. “Ye Chen said。

“What if we lose the first game? “Dilraba’s face was full of sincerity when she asked this question.。

“What are you talking about? Why can you lose? “Bai Lu rolled her eyes.。

“I mean what if. “Dilraba pouted and lowered her head, as if she had said something wrong, which made everyone laugh.

In the director’s room,

Yang Chaoyue said: “Fatty is the spy sent by the other party.

Yaya: “Yueyue, your description is a bit appropriate. ”

Guo Qilin: “This is to embolden others’ ambition and destroy one’s own prestige. ”

He Jiong: “Indeed, Reba is a little frustrated when she says this. “。”

“According to the law, you should be killed。”

“The gods deserve to be killed, my Reba is so real。”

“Hahaha, it’s best not to lose, otherwise Reba will take the blame. ”

As the game was about to start, people from each team came to inform them of the venue number.

Ye Chen and his team were at venue number 16. They were

playing against a local team from Da She Village. There were

three men and three women, evenly distributed.

As for Ye Chen, when the long legs of the five girls all appeared on the stage, they instantly attracted a lot of attention.

The eyes of the three men opposite him were all staring straight. Before

the game even started, they were already clamoring for autographs.。

“But don’t let the water go. “Dilraba said。

“No, we will do our best. “said a girl opposite。

“That is, I must beat you down. ” another girl said。

“It’s not necessary. We can let things go. Friendship comes first, competition comes second. “A man spoke.

He instantly felt the killing intent cast by the three girls around him.

He immediately shut up obediently.

Ye Chen’s face was also a little solemn.

It could be heard from the other party’s conversation that the other party’s strength should not be underestimated.。

“Everyone, be careful and don’t be careless. “Ye Chen said。

“Do not worry. “Several girls nodded one after another, looking ready.

As the game started,

Liu Yifei served, and everyone was fully focused on waiting for the opponent’s counterattack.


he served.


the opponent failed to catch it and scored a point.

Everyone. Confused.

Even Liu Yifei was stunned. According to the volleyball game, the serve is the best ball to catch.

It won’t fall to the ground.

The opponent just missed it.

At the beginning, he was still swearing to say something. They wanted to let things go.

They said a lot of harsh words.

In the end, everyone realized that this is a team that is amateur and can no longer be amateur.。

“Is this a point?”

“It seems like, this is too simple, right?”

“Wasn’t the person speaking to you very cruel just now? What else do you mean by going all out?”

“Are these jokes sent by monkeys?”

“Everyone, please be clear, this is a village competition, not a professional one。”

“Yes, there is nothing strange about this. Many people come to the competition as soon as they put down their hoes. Think about how powerful they can be?”

“Hahaha, the two brothers upstairs have revealed the truth. ”

As everyone guessed, the opposite team was obviously here to make up the numbers.

Not to mention catching the ball, many times they would even make mistakes when serving.

For thirty minutes in a game, Ye Chen’s side was showing off all kinds of things.

Even Zhang Zifeng They both scored several points.

When the game was over, it was 47:3.

For these three points, Ye Chen let it slip and didn’t catch the ball. After all, shaving his head looked too ugly, right? At the

end of the game, the opponent Not forgetting to ask for an autograph and a photo or something, she left happily.

When everyone returned to the rest area, Zhao Liying was grabbing a handful of peanuts and eating them.。

“Where did the peanuts come from? “Dilraba asked。

“What the village chief brought just now is delicious. There are fried and boiled versions. Eat it quickly. “Zhao Liying said。

“I want to eat boiled food. “Bai Lu quickly sat down, picked up the peanuts and started eating.。

“Go over a little bit and leave a seat for me. “Dilraba squeezed over。

“It’s just your butt that’s big, right? “Bai Lu rolled her eyes.。

“Yes, he is older than you. Do you want to compare? ”

Dilraba twisted her waist with a proud face, deliberately showing off her buttocks.

It made everyone laugh.

In the director’s room,

Yang Chaoyue lowered his head and glanced at his back.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha, Yue Yue, what are you doing? Guo Qilin: ”

Yueyue, are you competing with Reba?” ”

Yaya: “Reba’s butt is really big.。”

“Hahaha, Yaya, what kind of tiger and wolf words are you talking about?”

“Is this something my ordinary VIPs can listen to?”

“Get more pictures like this, I love to see them。”

“A confident goddess is the most beautiful. Reba’s confidence comes from her buttocks。”

“Come on, the style of the live broadcast room is distorted. ”

After everyone made a fuss, the game continued.

I don’t know if it was luck, but in the next few games, Ye Chen and the others met relatively weak opponents.

Basically, they won with a crushing attitude.

The fourth game After the game, there were only four teams left.

Among them, there were two teams from Sunset Village, one was Ye Chen’s team, and the other was Gao Yong’s team.

There was also a team from Dashe Village, Longtian Village a team。

“Ye Chen, please pay attention to the team from Longtian Village that will compete with you later. Aaron, the main attacker on the opposite side, is very powerful.。”

“It’s the one in the black T-shirt. Gao

Yong said。

“Okay, I understand, Zifeng will be replaced by Reba in the next game. “Ye Chen nodded and said。

“Where’s Reba? “Bai Lu is confused. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“I didn’t see it, I wa

“here here. “Just when everyone stood up to look for Dilireba, a voice came, and everyone turned their heads to look. Only

then did they find that Dilireba emerged from the crowd, bent over, as if she had done something bad. .When

they came over, everyone discovered that Dilraba was holding a big watermelon in her arms.。

“Where did the watermelon come from? “Bai Lu was confused.。

“A little girl gave it to me just now. “Dilraba said happily.

No one asked any more questions.

After all, with Dilireba’s reputation, it is normal to meet a few fans.

A watermelon is not a valuable item.。

“No knife. “Song Yi said。

“I come. “Ye Chen said, holding the watermelon in his arms, and then punched it, and the watermelon fell into pieces.

Ye Chen directly broke open the watermelon and distributed it to everyone.。

“Can you stop being so rude? “Liu Yifei couldn’t help but rolled her eyes.。

“No way, I’m used to it. “Ye Chen chuckled.

Everyone ate the watermelon happily, because the watermelon was too big.

A group of people ate their mouths full.

Ye Chen was convenient. After eating, he took his clothes and wiped the corners of his mouth directly without dissatisfaction.

A few Girls were in a bit of a dilemma.

The clothes they wore were already short, and there were no tissues.

Dilireba was the first to react. She walked up to Ye Chen, grabbed Ye Chen’s clothes and wiped the watermelon juice from her mouth.。

“Hey, hey, Reba, wipe it with my clothes and say hello. ”

Bai Lu followed suit and came over, grabbed Ye Chen’s clothes and wiped them。

“Bai Lu, you are like this too, right? “Ye Chen had a black line on his head.

Song Yi followed him and walked over to Ye Chen with a smile on his face and said, “Then I’m not polite.

Then she grabbed her clothes and wiped them.

Zhao Liying took a look and said, “Reba and the others have wiped them, and I want to wipe them too. ”

Zhang Zifeng said: “Brother Ye Chen, thank you for your clothes. ” Liu Yifei: ”

Anyway, it’s me who washes it in the end. I should have the right to wipe it.” ”

Six girls lined up to pull Ye Chen’s clothes and wipe the corners of his mouth.

This scene made He Jiong and the others burst into laughter.

He Jiong: “Does Yifei know what they are doing?

Yaya: “We’re still queuing up, doesn’t anyone prepare some tissues? ” Guo Qilin: “

In activities like this in the village, paper towels are usually used up quickly. Yang Chaoyue: ”

Ye Chen’s clothes were directly dyed, hahaha。”

“Damn it, Ye Laoliu, what does that look of disgust on your face mean?”

“If you don’t want it, you can give me the clothes…….”

“Ye Laoliu, don’t wash that dress, I’ll buy it。”

“Damn it, you’re upstairs, fuck me, I want it。”

“If you want to eat shit, I’ll pay you a thousand。”

“one thousand? Get lost, I’ll pay you five thousand。”

“Beasts, you beasts….”

Game start.

The team facing Longtian Village this time must be strong.

After all, there are only four teams left, and even if they are amateurs, they still have some strength.

As Gao Yong said, the opponent’s main attacker Aaron is very fierce every time he attacks.

Moreover, the six young men opposite were all in good physical condition.

After a round of competition, Longtian Village got a point first.。

“Don’t be anxious, everyone, keep your position. “Ye Chen clapped his hands and cheered everyone up.

The game continued. As the opponent dunked, Song Yi lifted the ball, and Ye Chen counterattacked with a very tricky angle, successfully evening the score. And

Ye Chen quickly equalized the score. Found it.

The reason why the opponent is strong is because of the strong offense of main attacker Aaron.

As for the rest of the team members, they basically play around Aaron.。

“Reba, Bai Lu, Song Yi, you three should pay more attention to Aaron’s movements across from you. ”

Usually volleyball teams have two main attackers, and often one of them is used to confuse the opponent.

Since the opponent only has one main attacker, it’s easier to target them.

Reba, Bai Lu, and Song Yi all know how to play. In volleyball.

As long as you stare at the opponent, you can roughly judge the angle from which the opponent wants to attack. In this way, catching the ball becomes simple.

And Liu Yifei lifted the ball to cooperate with Ye Chen’s attack. As for Zhao Liying, because she Because of the strength, he can freely use it.

Under Ye Chen’s command, the opponent’s offense was obviously a little inadequate.

And Ye Chen’s counterattack became more and more cunning and weird.

From a disadvantage at the beginning to slowly turning the situation around.

At the end of the game, The score between the two sides was 28:27.

Ye Chen and the others narrowly won by one point in the end.

In the broadcast room.

He Jiong: “Have you noticed that although Ye Chen has just learned volleyball, his commanding ability is really good. ”

Guo Qilin: “Indeed, with Ye Chen on the court, it’s like having a backbone. ”

Yaya: “And Ye Chen has a very vicious vision. Just now, the opponent tried to change his tactics several times, but Ye Chen saw through them all. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I thought this sixth man only knew how to be funny.。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue said what was in my heart。”

“It’s what I thought. At first I thought Ye Laoliu could only be funny, but I didn’t expect that Ye Laoliu became more and more powerful.。”

“That’s too much, Ye Laoliu, do you want to widen the gap between me?”

“No, I can’t accept it, Ye Laoliu, can we stop being so good? ”

The last game was between Ye Chen and Gao Yong’s team to determine the first and second place.

Longtian Village and Dashe Village were to determine the third and fourth place. It wasn’t

until the start of the game that Ye Chen discovered that Gao Yong and his team were not only good at playing football, but also Volleyball also played well.

In the end, they lost by five points.

They ranked second.

And the third place was Ryutamura Aaron’s team.。

“Yeah, great, second place really, 1.7 and our prize is a goose. “Dilraba cheered。

“Yes, thank you for your hard work. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“Is one goose enough for us to eat? “Song Yi asked.

For Song Yi, the prizes are what she cares about most.

Those are all meat.。

“It’s okay, Sister Song Yi, I’ll eat less and you eat more. “Zhang Zifeng said with a smile.

Song Yi squinted her eyes and laughed.

Then it was time to award awards.

Sunset Village stole the show this time, with two teams taking home one or two places.

The village chief’s face was happy. Flowers.

And not only the team members received rewards, but the village chief also received rewards distributed to the villagers.

But all this is no longer important to Ye Chen and the others.

What matters is participation, which is the purpose of Ye Chen and the others.

What surprised everyone was that

the big goose given by the organizer was about ten years old.

It weighed dozens of kilograms, and the head almost reached Ye Chen’s waist.

When Song Yi saw it, she burst into laughter.

Director Guo Qilin

couldn’t help but smacked his lips and said: “For such a big goose, it has been more than ten years. The taste is really…….”

He Jiong: “Da Lin, you must be greedy too.”

Guo Qilin: “I’m usually not greedy for food, but I’ve eaten this kind of big goose. To be honest, my greed is aroused.”

Yaya: “Very much. Is it delicious?”

Guo Qilin said with an intoxicated face: “It’s really delicious. The taste is unparalleled by gods.”

Yang Chaoyue on the side was already swallowing his saliva.。

“Hahaha, Yueyue is starting to get greedy.。”

“Don’t talk about Yueyue, I’m starting to get greedy。”

“We can’t buy a goose that’s more than ten years old here without a thousand yuan.。”

“A thousand dollars? It doesn’t matter, no one will sell it to you.。”

“For such a big goose, the taste of stewed goose in an iron pot is simply unmatchable.。”

“Oops, I’m so hungry。”



Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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