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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 162

Seeing Ye Chen acting so anxious.

Several girls were stunned.

Could it be that there is some secret between Ye Chen and Yang Mi that cannot be told?

Liu Yifei on the side obviously realized something, and she also broke into a cold sweat for Ye Chen.

The voice button has been clicked, and Yang Mi’s charming voice came from inside.。

“Ye Chen, I read the script and it made me laugh so hard. Hahaha, you must be writing a novel. How can there be any script that is so funny? Hahaha, ouch, I can’t do it anymore. I laughed so much that I got a stomachache.。”


“No, I’ll laugh for a while and I’ll call you later. ”

Maybe it’s because Ye Chen wrote it in too much detail. Every laugh point is marked.

What kind of shooting techniques should be used and who should be cast.

So when Yang Mi saw the script, she naturally had a picture. , I had a sense of immersion.

I was laughing so hard

that I was out of breath. Fortunately, I didn’t say any harsh words.

Ye Chen was obviously relieved.

The photographer recorded Ye Chen’s expression.

Director’s room.

Yang Chaoyue He asked bluntly: “Why do I feel that Ye Chen is very nervous? Is there some secret between him and Sister Mi? Yaya

rolled her eyes at Yang Chaoyue and said, “Maybe she’s just afraid of leaking the content of the script.” He

Jiong, who has high emotional intelligence, quickly changed the subject: “The script Ye Chen wrote in such a short time has been recognized?” Guo

Qilin cooperated and said: “It should be. I heard that Sister Mi recently established Jiaxing Entertainment Company. It seems that this script is ready for filming.” ”

After hearing the conversation of several people, the audience in the live broadcast room was naturally brought to the right track.。

“Damimi actually established a company?”

“It has to be Da Mi Mi, well done.。”

“I just want to know what Ye Laoliu wrote in this script, so that he can actually tease Damimi like that.。”

“Didn’t some online authors just say that they would never be able to write any good stories at such a fast speed?”

“Hahaha, that’s a slap in the face. Even Damimi passed the script written by someone else.。”

“It has to be Ye Laoliu, this wave of operations makes his scalp numb.。”

“Looking forward to the release of Damimi’s movie. ”

And at this moment.

Over here in the love house.

Seeing Ye Chen’s nervous look, Dilraba asked。

“Why did I feel like you were so nervous just now?”

“ah? No. “Ye Chen put down the bowl and chopsticks and shook his head.。

“Yes, I can testify and tell you honestly, what is the secret between you and Sister Mi? “Bai Lu looked at Ye Chen with a serious face.。

“If there is any secret, don’t make any guesses. ”

Ye Chen rolled his eyes at the two of them, then got up and walked towards the kitchen.

The cicada monkey caught yesterday evening has been soaked for a day.

He will take it out and put it aside.。

“Is this really edible? “Liu Yifei also finished breakfast and walked to Ye Chen to help.。

“You should be able to eat it. “Ye Chen said。

“It is said that? Haven’t you eaten it yourself? “Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen in disbelief.。

“No. “When Ye Chen said this, he was even amused.

Liu Yifei realized that this guy was lying to her. She

immediately stretched out her hand and pinched Ye Chen.

Ye Chen felt pain and whispered: “If you pinch me, When the time comes, it will be you who will suffer the loss. ”

Liu Yifei’s pretty face turned red, and she obviously understood what Ye Chen meant. She

didn’t say anything more immediately.

Ye Chen took out the cicada monkey, dried it, and then poured some oil into the pot and put it into the pot. The cicada monkey was put in and started to fry.

The cicada monkey made a sizzling sound.

Zhao Liying, Zhang Zifeng, Bai Lu and Dilraba heard the sound and came over.。

“This is the cicada monkey. “Dilraba asked。

“Is this really edible? “Bai Lu said。

“I don’t know, I’ve never eaten it, and it feels so disgusting. “Zhao Liying shook her head slightly, obviously resisting.。

“Zifeng, do you dare to eat it? ” Liu Yifei asked。

“I dare to eat. Brother Ye Chen dares to eat, so I dare to eat. “When Zhang Zifeng said this, his smiling eyes narrowed into slits.

Many Zhang Zifeng fans in the live broadcast room were sour.。

“Oops, what are you talking about? What do you mean if Ye Chen dares to eat, you dare to eat?”

“Sister Zifeng is so imitated that she actually knows how to spread dog food.。”

“This sounds really sweet. My sister has grown up.。”

“I like the way my sister smiles, she’s so beautiful。”

“Ye Laoliu, I advise you not to be ignorant and stay away from your sister.。”

“Ye Laoliu, come on, catch up with your sister. ”

Ye Chen acted like a cicada, and it was like letting several girls discover a new world.

One by one, they came closer to observe.

He put all the seasonings in and slowly stir-fried them.

Ye Chen also specially added a few millets. The pepper goes in.

As the cicada slowly dries up, the fragrance becomes more and more intense.。

“smell good. “Dilraba sniffed her nose and couldn’t help but say。

“Reba, please try it first. “Bai Lu said。

“Otherwise forget it, I don’t dare to eat it. “Dilraba waved her hand to refuse.

After Ye Chen turned off the fire, he raised his head, looked at everyone, and immediately picked up a cicada monkey and asked。

“Who wants to taste it first? ”

If it were other dishes, Di Lieba and Bai Lu would definitely be the fastest.

But facing the cicada monkey, both of them couldn’t help but flinch.。

“Let me do it. Seeing that no one dared to try, Liu Yifei immediately stood up, lifted up her hair, opened her mouth slightly and waited for Ye Chen to feed her.

Ye Chen blew it before putting it into Liu Yifei’s mouth.

Liu Yifei chewed a few mouthfuls and was very sure. He nodded and said: “Yeah, not bad, it’s crispy and delicious.。”

“Brother Ye Chen, I also want to try it. “Zhang Zifeng said。

“OK, be careful. “Ye Chen blew and then gave Zhang Zifeng a taste.。

“Zifeng, how is it? Is it delicious? “Dilraba asked quickly。

“Very delicious and fragrant. “Zhang Zifeng replied with a smile.

It didn’t look like a lie at all.

Dilireba was relieved.

As Ye Chen came to the table with the cicada monkey,

several girls took chopsticks to taste it. .I

have to say that the taste of the cicada monkey is still very good, fragrant and crispy, and tastes great.

Even Zhao Liying, who said she wouldn’t eat it at first, couldn’t help but take a bite when she saw how delicious everyone ate it

. Once I ate it, I couldn’t stop.

I nodded repeatedly and said, “It’s delicious. Let’s grab some more tonight and make more.” ”

Director’s room.

He Jiong said with a smile: “We haven’t finished this plate yet, Ying Bao is thinking about the next one.

Yaya: “This is a typical case of big eyes and small belly. ”

Guo Qilin: “Why are they eating so deliciously? It makes me drool a little. ”

Yang Chaoyue: “I thought I was the only foodie in the studio, but I didn’t expect Dalin to be a foodie too. “。”

“I’m so hungry。”

“Is this considered dark cuisine?”

“Has anyone formed a team to catch cicada monkeys?。”

“I heard that cicada monkeys are highly nutritious. I want to eat them when I see them.。”

“Brothers, the tools are ready. We set out to catch the monkeys tonight.。”

“Upstairs, take me one. ”

The plate of cicadas was eaten up quickly.

The girls all looked satisfied.

Ye Chen heard the ringtone from his cell phone, picked it up and saw that it was a call from Yang Mi.

Apparently Yang Mi has already I have been laughing for a long time, but I don’t know if she is in a good condition now. I

immediately went back to the room and answered the phone。

“Ye Chen, I saw it was written in your script that Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao were signed first. Are you serious? ”

Yang Mi’s voice came from the other side of the phone, obviously she didn’t believe it.。

“It’s true. Is there any problem? “Ye Chen was confused.。

“The two of them have now signed with a brokerage company. If they want to sign a contract with the two of them, they will have to

“I know, and I’ve checked. Neither of these two people are famous, and the liquidated damages are only a few hundred thousand. Let’s just pay them. “Ye Chen said.

Yang Mi actually wanted to ask, does it have to be these two people?

But in the end, she didn’t ask.

After all, Yang Mi is the boss of Jiaxing Entertainment. (Read Baoshuang novels and go to Fei. Lu Novel Network!)

But behind the scenes, Ye Chen is the biggest BOSS.

As an employee, it is always inappropriate to question the boss’s decision.

More importantly, this boss is still his own man。

“OK, I get it. “Yang Mi said。

“If you have any questions during filming, you can contact me at any time, and you must be quick. ”

Ye Chen instructed.

According to the memory of the previous life, the filming time for the movie “A Man on the Road” was three months.

But this time, according to Ye Chen’s thoughts, the reason why he wrote the script in such detail is I want Yang Mi to shoot the script in a month.

After all, there are many unnecessary scenes, so there is no need to continue to waste time shooting, right?

A movie, many useless clips, is shot, and then edited later. These are all time.

Ye Chen writes the script and shoots exactly according to the script. There are no extra shots.

This alone greatly saves the shooting time.

So Ye Chen said it quickly, it was one month in advance, or even The photo was taken in a shorter time.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Chen turned on the computer.

After checking that the file he sent to Yang Mi was OK,

Ye Chen opened the browser and wanted to search for something.

Unexpectedly, The browser directly jumped out of several search records。

【I often have that kind of dream at night, is it normal?】

【Is it normal to miss a man while taking a shower?】

【If you are single, which one is more suitable? 】

Seeing these search records, Ye Chen felt numb.

Only then did he remember that the computer belonged to Zhao Liying.

And these were obviously searched by Zhao Liying.

Fortunately, Marven didn’t let the photographer follow him in when he answered the phone.

Otherwise, Zhao Liying would be on the hot search list today.

However, at this moment, there was a sound at the door, and Zhao Liying pushed the door open and entered.。

“Well, Ye Chen, are you out of the computer? ”

Zhao Liying seemed to have thought of something. She was afraid of being discovered by Ye Chen, so she came to Ye Chen to ask for a computer.

But when Zhao Liying came in, she saw that Ye Chen had already opened the browser interface.

Look at the bright Browsing the records.

He blushed instantly.

He quickly closed the door, blocking the photographer from

following him. He walked quickly to Ye Chen and closed the computer.

His pretty face was already flushed, and he said shyly。

“Well, Ye Chen, in fact, sometimes what you see with your eyes may not be true.。”

“Moreover, sometimes, I will lend my computer to others.。”

“So, you, you, you know what I mean? ”

Zhao Liying explained incoherently.

But the more she explained, the more panicked she became.

Ye Chen even laughed.。

“Don’t laugh, it’s really not what you want. ”

Zhao Liying felt like she was almost dying of embarrassment.

She had never had a boyfriend, and she occasionally searched for some knowledge in this area. She

was actually discovered by Ye Chen.

This was definitely a large-scale social death scene.

But what can be done? Why don’t you explain obediently?。

“`.okay, I get it. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“Well, you can’t tell anyone what you saw today. “Zhao Liying said。

“Don’t worry, I promise not to tell. “Ye Chen said。

“Also, you have to forget it yourself. “Zhao Liying collected more and more money.

The heat of her breath hit her face as she spoke, and Ye Chen nodded quickly.

He was really afraid that Zhao Liying would kiss him.

Seeing Ye Chen’s repeated assurances, Zhao Liying stood up straight, and then ran away with the computer.

Ye Chen couldn’t help but smile, and then he lay on the bed and rested.

At the same time,

in the Magic City, in Yang

Mi’s office of Jiaxing Entertainment,

Wang Baobao and Xu Zheng were tremblingly signing the contract.

Obviously. They were shivering so much because they were too excited.

Wang Baobao and Xu Zheng are actually not newbies.

They have been in the entertainment industry for many years.

However, due to their own conditions, they can only be regarded as slightly famous.

Most of the time, they couldn’t even get a script,

let alone play the male lead.

So when the two received Yang Mi’s script invitation, they agreed without hesitation.

And when they learned that they could sign a contract with Jiaxing Entertainment, After the follow-up shooting, and there was no need to worry about liquidated damages.

Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao naturally had nothing to say and arrived at Jiaxing Entertainment as soon as possible.。

“Boss Yang, can I ask why I was chosen to play the male lead? “After signing, Xu Zheng asked weakly.

He was very honored to hear that this drama has two male protagonists.

Although Jiaxing Entertainment has just been established, Yang Mi’s reputation is real.

Wang Baobao on the side also looked at Yang Mi expectantly, obviously wanting to know an answer.。

“In fact, I didn’t consider you at all. It was Ye Chen who recommended it. This script was written by Ye Chen, so sometimes, I still have to respect the opinion of the script creator.。”

“And Ye Chen has said that this drama is tailor-made for the two of you, so there is no need to thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank Ye Chen. ”

Yang Mi answered simply.

She had many scruples in front of Ye Chen.

But in front of Xu Zheng and Wang Baobao, Yang Mi would not be polite.

Boss Yang was full of aura and domineering.。

“Boss Yang, can you give me Teacher Ye’s (Zhao’s) number? I would like to thank Teacher Ye. “Wang Baobao said with great respect.。

“Yes, Boss Yang, I also want to thank Teacher Ye. “Xu Zheng echoed。

“No, thank you again if we have the chance to meet. I will convey your thoughts to Ye Chen. “Yang Mi said.

She knew very well that Ye Chen didn’t want to be disturbed, so she left everything to her.。

“I’m sorry to bother Boss Yang. Tell Teacher Ye that I will definitely work hard. “Xu Zheng said。

“Me too, I will definitely not let down Boss Ye. If we meet, I will give Boss Ye a kiss. ”

Wang Baobao’s honesty was immediately reflected.

Yang Mi wanted to laugh when she said this.

She just waved her hands and said, “Then you go and prepare first. When the filming starts, it will be very difficult. ”

The two of them stood up and left, their hearts full of gratitude to Ye Chen.


They didn’t know how much they had suffered from being a bit player in the entertainment industry.

Now they can play the male lead. Do they

still care whether it is bitter or not?

And they both know it well. , this time is their chance to make a comeback.

Naturally, they will go all out. Only in this way can they repay Ye Chen for his kindness. In

just one day,

Yang Mi selected all the actors according to the arrangement of Ye Chen’s script.

The venue was arranged.

The speed was so fast that it could be said to be thunderous.

So when Jiaxing Entertainment announced on Weibo the next day that the opening ceremony of “People on the Road” was launched. The

whole network exploded.。

“《Lost on Journey”? Isn’t this the script Ye Laoliu just wrote yesterday?”

“I guess, when I was watching the live broadcast, I thought Ye Laoliu was the concave character. I didn’t expect that Damimi would really like this script?”

“Don’t call me Da Mimi. From now on, you have to call me Boss Yang. I am a capital.。”

“It doesn’t matter whether it’s capital or not. I just want to know, will this movie be good?”

“It takes Ye Laoliu ten minutes to write a song, but he can actually finish writing a script in an hour without any revisions?”

“This is outrageous, okay?。”

“Everyone else was joking, but was Ye Laoliu serious? ”.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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