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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 166

Watching Zhang Zifeng and Bai Lu leave.

Only Dilraba, Liu Yifei, Zhao Liying and Ye Chen are left in the love house.

The live broadcast room at this point has also been closed.。

“Good night everyone, I’m going back to take a shower first. “Zhao Liying waved her hand and walked upstairs.。

“good night. “Liu Yifei waved her hand and followed behind.。

“Can you sleep at this early hour? “Dilraba glanced at the two of them.

Seeing that the live broadcast room had been closed, she took out her mobile phone and lay on the sofa to play the game.

But as soon as the game was opened, Dilireba saw Ye Chen walking to the sofa.。

“What are you doing? “Dilraba’s voice was obviously a bit weaker when she spoke.

She no longer had the arrogant momentum she had in the evening.。

“Come on, go to my room and have a look. “Ye Chen smiled and bent down to pick up Dilraba.。

“I won’t go, I won’t go. “Dilraba looked at Ye Chen and remembered that before eating,

she gave Ye Chen a slap in the

face. At that time, she didn’t hold back at all. She definitely tried her best.

But now, Ye Chen wants to bring her to Going into the room, Dilireba couldn’t help but tremble.

This guy didn’t dare to go alone, he couldn’t resist at all.

He grabbed the sofa with both hands and struggled.。

“Suddenly a cat came into my room and did some backflips. I let him perform it for you. ”

Ye Chen said, with a princess hug, he directly picked up Dilraba.

Dilraba’s jade hands were still clinging to the sofa.

Although her whole body was resisting, she still couldn’t resist Ye Chen’s powerful force. In the arms of Ye Chen.

In the end, Ye Chen was hugged back to the room by a princess.

Immediately afterwards, it was as if he had turned on the begging mode.

How could he be so arrogant in front of Ye Chen during the day.

Not to mention confronting Ye Chen in the kitchen. Chen Xia’s black hand looked so proud.

More than an hour later,

Dilireba came out of Ye Chen’s room.

She walked slowly and staggeringly.。

“He also said that any cat that can do backflips is a liar, huh, he just knows how to bully me. ”

Dilraba whispered softly, picked up the mobile phone that fell on the sofa, and then slowly walked upstairs. There

was no words all night.

It was early the next morning.

The sky was not completely bright yet. A white business car stopped at the door of the love house.

As the car door opened, a tall girl got out of the car.

White sneakers, denim trousers, and a gray T-shirt, seemingly ordinary dress. 01

But when the camera When it was transferred to the girl’s face, that handsome face moved the audience in the live broadcast room that had just started.。

“Zhang Ruonan, oh my god, is Zhang Ruonan here?”

“Love, love, my goddess, Zhang Ruonan。”

“Ruonan, hurry up, there is a sixth child in the love room, don’t come here。”

“I heard that Zhang Ruonan is a master of Taekwondo. Is this true?”

“That’s necessary, Ruonan, if you meet a man named Ye Chen, don’t be soft-hearted and deal with him directly。”

“Hahaha, Taekwondo master, is this okay?”

“Don’t use a set of gangster excitement punches then. ”

The person coming is none other than the popular little girl Zhang Ruonan.

A young girl who looks weak but is actually strong.

Zhang Ruonan wears a ponytail and a gray T-shirt that accentuates her round figure. She also carries a backpack, giving people an extremely capable look. .

As the car left, Zhang Ruonan entered the living room, put his backpack on the sofa, and

strolled outside alone.

Not long after Zhang Ruonan left, another car arrived at the love house.

Followed by the car door Open it, when everyone saw the female guests getting out of the car, everyone burst out laughing.。

“Oh my god, is it really Yang Chaoyue?”

“Yueyue, this time you got your wish, right? You actually went to the love house?”

“How long has it been? I finally saw my family coming to the love house every month.。”

“Hahaha, you made me laugh so hard, Yueyue, what are you going to do?”

“What did I see? Yang Chaoyue, are you crazy? ”

That’s right.

The visitor is Yang Chaoyue, the guest commentator in the director’s room.

After thinking about it for so long, Yang Chaoyue finally got his wish and arrived at the love house. As

soon as the car door opened, Yang Chaoyue’s hearty laughter came out.

Follow closely . Then, countless viewers saw Yang Chaoyue coming down with a red bag.

Then he walked out with a large roll of firecrackers.

Opening the firecrackers, Yang Chaoyue said to the camera: “You know, I begged the director How long did it take for the director to let me come for three days? Only three days。”

“I, Yang Chaoyue, have come to the love house, why don’t you celebrate it? I’m going to set off the firecrackers today. Even Jesus can’t stop me. That’s what I said. ”

The firecrackers Yang Chaoyue bought were very big. When rolled up, they were as big as a washbasin. They

took them apart and pulled them directly from the living room to the rice fields outside. They were dozens of meters long.

As the car left, Yang Chaoyue did not hesitate. He hesitated to light the firecrackers.

Then the firecrackers crackled. This was definitely the most lively time since the launch of the entire love house. The firecrackers

rang for a long time, and a burst of white smoke almost enveloped the entire love house.

Ye Chen was shocked in his sleep, I quickly got out of bed and walked out.

When I came to the living room, the firecrackers had just ended, and the yard was enveloped by a burst of smoke, and I couldn’t see anything.。

“It has to be my Yueyue, who knows how to take care of things, hahaha。”

“There still needs to be a sense of ritual, otherwise how can we say it is Yang Chaoyue?。”

“It has to be my Yueyue, this damn sense of ritual。”

“Come on, Yueyue, I love you。”

“It’s only been three days. Poor Yueyue. After waiting for months, it’s only been three days before I have to leave. Wow, oh, oh, oh, I can’t bear to leave Yueyue.。”

“I’m so reluctant to give up. I’m going back to the director’s room, not leaving the show.。”

“Hahaha, this makes so much sense. ”

Not only Ye Chen.

Even Dilraba, Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying were also woken up.

It was so early in the morning, and they thought something big had happened.

Then they came down casually wearing some clothes.。

“What’s wrong? “Dilraba asked quickly when she saw Ye Chen standing at the door.。

“Who set off the firecrackers so early in the morning? ” Liu Yifei asked。

“It must be some big shot coming, right? “Zhao Liying said。

“I don’t know, I can’t see clearly now. “Ye Chen stood at the door without opening the door.

After setting off such a large roll of firecrackers, the whole yard was filled with thick smoke, and red firecracker debris was flying in the sky.

If he went out, needless to say, he would be full of firecrackers. Debris.

I don’t know how long it took before the thick smoke outside dissipated. Ye Chen opened the door and when a few people went out, he suddenly

saw four or five aunts with red armbands walking towards this side.

Four or five Angrily, an aunt walked up to Yang Chaoyue.

One of the leading aunts asked: “Who set off the firecrackers? ”

The voice was a little harsh.。

“I…”Yang Chaoyue, who looked excited just now, was instantly confused and raised her hand weakly.。

“Come on, follow us to the village committee to receive punishment. “The aunt waved her hand, and several aunts behind her walked behind Yang Chaoyue,

as if they were suppressing prisoners.

They escorted Yang Chaoyue towards the village committee.。

“Auntie, what’s going on? “Ye Chen quickly stepped forward to inquire about the situation.

After being in the village for such a long time, the aunts were actually familiar to each other.

After hearing Wen Wen, the leading aunt said: “Firecrackers are not allowed in the village. It pollutes the air too much. , this matter must be dealt with seriously. ”

So, in���People were stunned, and Yang Chaoyue was taken away like this.

Marven Ye, Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilmurat, and Zhao Liying hurriedly followed without even changing their clothes.

The audience in

“Hahahaha, what is going on?”

“We are no longer allowed to set off firecrackers. Yueyue, aren’t you committing a crime against the odds?”

“Okay, Yang Chaoyue, it has to be you, this variety show is so effective.。”

“I have undergone strict training and usually laugh unless I can’t help it, hahahaha。”

“I laughed out loud like a pig early in the morning。”

“Yang Chaoyue contracted my laughter for a year。”

“Yueyue, fortunately the director allowed you to stay for three days. If you had stayed longer, you would probably blow up the whole love house. ”

Yang Chaoyue didn’t even think about what was going on.

He just set off a bunch of firecrackers.

Then he was taken away.

He didn’t even have time to say hello to everyone in the love house.

Just like that, he was sent to the committee .

Fortunately, Ye Chen and the others also followed.

When they arrived at the village committee office, the aunt sat down at first.

She said with a serious face: “According to the regulations, firecrackers are not allowed in the village. I think of you.” It is the first offense, so there will be no fine this time, but the fine must not be ignored.。”

“Just copy the “Environmental Pollution Control Plan” a hundred times. ”

This aunt is quite nice.

She won’t be fined, but will be fined for copying.

As soon as these words came out, Yang Chaoyue was stunned for a moment.

But she didn’t dare to refuse.

She is from the village committee.

Just her name is enough to crush her. Yang Chaoyue.

But when he saw the so-called “Environmental Pollution Control Plan”, Yang Chaoyue almost collapsed. More than

300 words, read a hundred times, that is more than 30,000 words.。

“Auntie, can we copy it together? “Ye Chen asked quickly。

“Okay, just copy it here, and then leave after copying it. “The aunt was still very reasonable.

She immediately brought a pen and paper and handed it to several people.

So, a group of people in the love house sat around the table and neatly began to copy the “Environmental Pollution Control Plan.” As the saying goes,

a family must be reorganized. Neatly.

Even the copying must be neat, right?

He Jiong, Guo Qilin and Yaya, who had just arrived in the director room, soon discovered something was wrong.

He Jiong looked at the people on the screen and asked: “Hey, it’s so early, what are they doing?

Yaya: “Yueyue is here so soon? ” What are you doing? ”

Guo Qilin: “I don’t know, maybe Yueyue went to the love house to celebrate. ”

Soon, He Jiong noticed the explanation on the barrage.

After understanding what was going on, He Jiong burst into laughter.。

“Hahaha, look at the barrage, hahaha….”

Following closely, Yaya and Guo Qilin also learned the whole story.

Early in the morning, both of them laughed until their stomachs ached.

He Jiong: “I think Yueyue is not suitable for the love house. It’s better to come back soon.”

Guo Qilin: “In three days, on the first day, Yueyue took everyone in the love house into a ditch.”

Yaya : “This is Yueyue’s character, hahaha。”

“I strongly recommend that the director team take Yang Chaoyue back to the director’s studio。”

“Indeed, the love house is not suitable for Yang Chaoyue, so she should hurry back to the director’s room。”

“I can’t stand it anymore. There’s no Yueyue in the director’s room. I feel like I’m not used to it anymore.。”

“For Yang Chaoyue, this trip to the love house is definitely an unforgettable one.。”

“Isn’t anyone curious about where Zhang Ruonan went?”

“It made me laugh so much. I would like to call it the most magical day in the love house. Two guests came, one disappeared, and the other almost caused everyone to disappear. ”

Five people, each person wrote the “Environmental Pollution Control Plan” twenty times

. It took more than 6,000 words to write down.

And there were no typos.

It took nearly two hours for everyone to finish writing.

Then . The aunt was patient enough and waited for more than two hours.

After taking a look at the “Environmental Pollution Control Plan” copied by everyone,

her tone softened a little.。

“It’s not that I want to embarrass you, it’s our environment that needs our common protection. ”

Listening to the aunt’s earnest teachings, Ye Chen and the other five nodded in unison, as if they were deeply aware of their mistakes.。

“Okay, you go back first and be more careful in the future. “The aunt waved her hands.

Everyone felt like they were being amnesty. They thanked each other quickly and then left the office.

After leaving the village committee, they

were on their way back to the love house. Yang Chaoyue kept her head down and said nothing. She felt It’s such an embarrassment。

“Yang Chaoyue, are you an idiot? “Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue were originally���best friend.

Being implicated this early in the morning would not be polite.

He started fighting directly.

According to Yang Chaoyue’s past temper, he would definitely retaliate. 140 Otherwise, Di Lieba would not have used such harsh words to attack Yang Chaoyue.

But I didn’t expect it.

This time Yang Chaoyue did not refute.

Instead, he paused and tears fell down.

This confused Dilraba.

what’s the situation.

Is this still the carefree Yang Chaoyue?

“Okay, Reba, let alone Yueyue, she definitely doesn’t want this either. “Liu Yifei smoothed things over。

“Yes, Reba, Yueyue may be too happy too. “Zhao Liying said.

Dilireba was instantly messy in the wind.

She felt something was wrong.

She was the victim in this matter.

Why did she just say a word and seem to be a bad person?

Look at Yang Chaoyue again, with tears in her eyes He raised his head and looked at the crowd and said。

“I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean it, and I didn’t know it would happen.。”

“woo woo woo woo….”

Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying on the side were still comforting。

“Okay, let’s go back first. “Ye Chen waved his hands, as if he were a big parent. As

soon as he said this, Yang Chaoyue stopped crying. Instead, he wiped his tears and followed everyone towards the love house.

When he returned to the love house, Ye Chen almost Everyone went back to wash up.

Yang Chaoyue took a broom and began to clean up the firecracker debris in the yard.。

“Yueyue, take your backpack to the room. ”

Ye Chen was the first to come out after washing up.

He glanced at the backpack on the sofa and said。

“That’s not my backpack. “Yang Chaoyue walked in and took a look, and then said doubtfully。

“Um? It’s not yours? Are there any other guests coming? “Ye Chen was even more confused.

This early in the morning, two guests actually came.

What was even more amazing was that

one guest disappeared.

There was another guest who took everyone to the village committee.。

“There is another one, the director said, I don’t know who it is, he should go out for a walk. “Yang Chaoyue said。

“Forget it, has your room been tidied up? “Ye Chen asked。

“not yet. “Yang Chaoyue brought a suitcase, and it is quietly placed at the door.。

“Then let me lift it up for you. There is a room on the second floor. “As Ye Chen said, he carried his suitcase and went up to the second floor.

After choosing a room for Yang Chaoyue, he signaled Yang Chaoyue to clean up by himself, while Ye Chen came to the kitchen and started busy making breakfast. In the

refrigerator There are also a lot of noodles.

More importantly, there are also a lot of hairy crabs.

Because I bought too much seafood yesterday, in the end I didn’t have time to cook the hairy crabs, so I just put them in the bucket.

Early in the morning, Ye Chen served the hairy crabs It started to steam.

On the other side, the water was boiled and the noodles started to cook.

Soon, Zhao Liying also came down

and rushed to the kitchen to help.。

“Eat hairy crabs early in the morning? “Zhao Liying asked doubtfully.。

“Make a hairy crab noodle dish. “Ye Chen said.

Zhao Liying nodded, and Ye Chen continued to ask: “Did you see another guest?”

“Is there another guest? “Zhao Liying was startled, with confusion on her face. She obviously didn’t know about the other guest.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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