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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 174

Zhang Ruonan’s movements are very handsome.

Just like the martial arts masters on TV.

Once he got into the car, his handsomeness was immediately maximized.

Xiaoqiang and Aquan were both stunned.

The two children stared at Zhang Ruonan in shock.

At this moment, in the eyes of Aquan and Xiaoqiang, Zhang Ruonan is the martial arts master and the god in their hearts.。

“Amazing. “Xiaoqiang murmured in a low voice.。

“The eldest brother is still awesome, and he has such an awesome sister-in-law. “There is nothing wrong with Aquan’s analysis.

But after hearing this, Zhang Ruonan’s face darkened and he explained~:“I’m not a sister-in-law。”

“If you’re not a sister-in-law, why do you live with my eldest brother? “Aquan asked-。

“We are recording the show. “Zhang Ruonan explained seriously.。

“I know, it’s like the pretend husband and wife on TV. “Xiaoqiang said quickly。

“That’s the fake sister-in-law. “A Quan said.

Zhang Ruonan was speechless for a moment. She

didn’t know how to explain it. There’s nothing wrong with

the fake sister-in-law.

She was not good at words, but now she was at a disadvantage when facing the sharp-tongued Xiaoqiang and A Quan.

In the end, it was Zhao Liying who They came forward to smooth things over, so that the two children no longer struggled with the title of sister-in-law.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “I feel that Aquan and Xiaoqiang’s mouth is getting more and more fierce. Yaya: ”

Yes, Ruo actually can’t defeat them.”

Guo Qilin: “These two children, most people can’t say anything about them. “。”

“Poor Ruonan was silenced by the two children.。”

“It made me laugh so hard. These two naughty kids have really powerful mouths.。”

“Is this a lie to me to have a son?”

“It feels like it’s just a good opportunity to practice Zhang Ruonan’s eloquence. ”

Ye Chen rode a tricycle and led a group of people to the top of the mountain.

He soon saw the king that Aquan mentioned.

It was a big yellow dog, a typical pastoral dog.

He was lying on the ground and started to chirp in a low voice. .Looking

carefully, you can see that the king’s front legs are clamped by a clamp.

The clamp has very sharp teeth, which is obviously used to capture large beasts.

It is also tied with a long iron chain.

Compared to When he got up, Ah Huang’s legs seemed a little weak, and he was bleeding a lot.

Seeing Xiao Qiang and Ah Quan, the king’s eyes were filled with prayers.。

“Brother, look at the king, he has shed a lot of blood. “Aquan said。

“Yes, brother, hurry up and save the king. “Xiaoqiang followed.

Ye Chen had a black line.

This one is a big brother, and the other one is a king.

It feels a bit similar.

Several girls can’t help laughing.

Although the king looks a bit miserable at this moment.

But when I heard Aquan and Xiaoqiang talking to each other , Ye Chen’s title still feels a bit funny.。

“Feifei, give me the medical kit. “Ye Chen said, walked to the king, squatted down, and inspected carefully.

Pastoral dogs are raised since childhood. They are generally intelligent and will not bite easily.

What’s more, the little master is by his side, even though he looks at Ye Chen. Chen was unfamiliar, but he also knew that he was here to help him.

He looked at Ye Chen pitifully and whined.。

“It’s okay, my lord, be good and you’ll be fine soon. “Liu Yifei squatted next to Ye Chen, stretched out her hand and gently stroked the king’s head.

The king sensed this and rubbed his head against Liu Yifei’s palm, which made him feel much quieter.。

“Your Majesty, I am going to help you loosen this frame now. It may hurt a little, so please bear with it. ”

Ye Chen said to the king。

“Does your Majesty understand? “Dilraba was a little curious.。

“I understand, Your Majesty understands human nature. “Xiao Qiang said loudly.

The king on the side also made a whine, as if to tell a few people that he really understood.

Seeing this scene, many viewers in the live broadcast room were moved.。

“Oh my god, it hurts just looking at it。”

“Your Majesty is so sensible. I also want to raise a dog like this.。”

“Is this kind of dog expensive? I want one too.。”

“The ones upstairs are very cheap and can be found everywhere in the countryside. It is best to raise them from an early age to understand human nature.。”

“This kind of pastoral dog is very humane and can also look after homes and homes. ”

Following the camera, many viewers in the live broadcast room were excited.

Ye Chen touched the king’s head, then stepped on the switch of the shelf with one foot, bent down, and opened the clip with both hands.

Obviously . It was because the clamp was embedded in the flesh. As the clamp was opened, the king’s pain became more and more intense. He


but did not move.

Liu Yifei on the side grabbed the king’s injured leg and pulled it out of the clamp. Take it out.

Only then did Ye Chen let go. After closing the clip, he threw it aside.。

“It’s okay. Your Majesty is great. I’ll help you clean your wounds. “Liu Yifei opened the medical kit and started cleaning it.

The wound on the king’s foot was very deep and needed to be disinfected first and then bandaged.

Fortunately, the king could understand everyone’s words and lay on the ground obediently.

In this way, Liu Yifei could only bandage it. It was much simpler.

The king’s wound was quickly bandaged.

Aquan and Xiaoqiang were cheering on the side. In

the director’s room,

He Jiong and others became nervous from the moment they saw the king.

Until now, Seeing that the king was fine, he was relieved.

He Jiong: “This kind of clip is really dangerous. If a child steps on it, it will be troublesome.

Yaya: “Yeah, no matter where it is, it’s best not to put such a bear trap. ” ”

Guo Qilin didn’t speak, but nodded thoughtfully.。

“Such a beautiful lady with a beautiful heart and a kind heart. It’s amazing.。”

“Ye Laoliu finally did something that made me happy。”

“Thank you fairy sister, it’s so beautiful。”

“Fortunately, Aquan reported the news to Xiaoqiang, otherwise, the king would have been in danger. ”

Seeing that the king was bandaged, many viewers in the live broadcast room breathed a sigh of relief.

Xiaoqiang hugged the king and cried and laughed.

He also peeled off the peanuts in his pocket and stuffed them into the king’s mouth.。

“Thank you, brother, thank you, sister-in-law. “Aquan on the side clasped his hands in a very loyal manner and said to Ye Chen and the others.。

“Thank you, brother, thank you, sister-in-law. “When Xiaoqiang saw this, he quickly stood up and clasped his fists.

Their postures were not very standard, but their faces showed determination.。

“Okay, don’t thank me, I’ll take you back. “Ye Chen said helplessly。

“Brother, no need, we still have things to do, let’s go first. “Aquan said。

“Your Majesty, let’s go. “Xiaoqiang greeted.

The king stood up and walked very steadily on three legs.

As long as he didn’t run, an injury to one leg would not have any impact.

He followed Xiaoqiang and Aquan and left.。

“Are you sure you don’t have to send them back? “Zhao Liying asked with some worry.。

“It’s okay, they are more familiar with this place than we are. “Ye Chen said.

In big cities, it is absolutely impossible for children as old as Xiaoqiang and Aquan to go out and play alone.

But it is different in the countryside.

Children younger than them also run all over the mountains and plains.。

“Shall we go back now? ” Liu Yifei asked。

“It’s so cool here, why don’t we have a picnic here? “Dilraba suggested。

“OK. “Yang Chaoyue immediately agreed.

Today’s weather is not very hot, with a hint of coolness.

Moreover, there are big trees to block the sun, and there is a cement floor under the tree, which is perfect for a picnic.。

“I also can. “Zhao Liying said。

“Ye Chen, is that okay? “Liu Yifei looked at Ye Chen and asked.

I don’t know when, Liu Yifei has regarded Ye Chen as her backbone.

Every decision of Ye Chen seems to be very important.。

“sure. “Ye Chen smiled and nodded.。

“Then let’s go back and pack up and bring all the picnic tools. Yang Chaoyue said quickly。

“You go ahead, I’ll

Although it was a cement floor, there were still a lot of stones and dust. Liu Yifei, Zhao Liying, and Zhang Ruonan stayed to clean up.

Ye Chen rode a tricycle and took Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue back to the love house to get ingredients.。

“Bring all the peanuts. “Yang Chaoyue brought the peanuts that everyone had eaten just now.。

“So how do we heat it? “Dilraba asked.

There are still a lot of leftover dishes in the refrigerator. I’ll heat them up now and they’ll be cold when I take them over.。

“There is a portable gas stove here, just bring it with you. “Ye Chen said. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Then I’ll bring all these dishes. “Dilraba Dilraba took out all the leftovers from the refrigerator.

Wrap them in a layer of plastic wrap and then put them on the side of the tricycle.

When it came to the picnic, Yang Chaoyue and Dilraba didn’t mention how much they had. I was so excited that I almost emptied the refrigerator.。

“Enough is enough. “If Ye Chen hadn’t stopped him, he would have been afraid that these two girls would have carried the refrigerator into the car together. In the

director’s room,

He Jiong said with a smile: “Yueyue is actually doing something wrong. ”

Guo Qilin: “It can be seen that Yueyue cherishes these three days.

Yaya: “It’s too much to go on a picnic. I want to go too. “。”

“It’s over, even Yaya wants to go to the love house?”

“This is outrageous, okay?。”

“It is strongly recommended to exchange Yueyue back and let Yaya go。”

“Hahaha, Yaya went, I don’t know what it will be like。”

“I really envy this kind of life. ”

After everything was packed up, the three of them rode to the top of the mountain.

Liu Yifei and the others had been waiting for a long time.

When they saw the ingredients brought on the tricycle, Liu Yifei couldn’t help but exclaimed: “There are so many, have you finished eating? ?”

“It’s okay. If we can’t finish our meal, we’ll eat in the evening. “Dilraba said。

“That’s right, the worst case scenario is that I’ll sleep here. “Yang Chaoyue said.

Ye Chen took a large foam mat from the car and spread it out. It was three meters by three meters. It

directly covered a large piece of cement floor.

Then everyone moved down the ingredients. .

Zhao Liying acted as the chef, and Liu Yifei and Zhang Ruonan were on the side.

Seeing that there was nothing they needed help from, Yang Chaoyue and Dilraba looked at the surrounding environment.

Ye Chen lay on the mat and rested with his eyes closed.

Really Not to mention, lying outside is still very comfortable in this kind of weather.

Waves of sleepiness swept over me.

Seeing this, Liu Yifei came over, stretched out her hand and touched Ye Chen’s forehead and said, “Are you tired? ”

Ye Chen nodded.

Liu Yifei then held Ye Chen’s head, pillowed it on her lap, and then stretched out a pair of jade hands to gently knead Ye Chen’s temples.。

“Well, comfortable. ”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but sigh, this kind of life is simply not very satisfying.。

“Inciting hatred, right?”

“Spreading dog food, right?”

“This is dog abuse again, right?”

“That’s too much, Ye Laoliu. Just feel comfortable if you feel comfortable. Do you need to say it?”

“It’s so sweet for me. It’s noon and I haven’t eaten yet, so the dog food is filling my stomach. ”

Actually, it’s not just the audience in the live broadcast room.

Even Yang Chaoyue, who was playing at the same time, felt sad when he saw this scene.

Originally, he just ate dog food in the director’s room. But

now he comes to the love house, and eating this dog food is so real.

.Dilraba on the other hand is used to it.

And every time she sees Marven Ye and Liu Yifei’s behavior of spreading sugar, she enjoys it without getting tired of tasting it .。

“Stop looking, you’re going to eat soon, and you’re still eating dog food? “Dilraba said jokingly。

“I was tired of it when I was in the director’s room. “Yang Chaoyue stuck out her tongue and said.

Under the supervision of Zhao Liying and Zhang Ruonan, lunch was quickly prepared.

Everyone sat in a circle and prepared to clear away the bowls and chopsticks to eat.

Yang Chaoyue then said: “Reba, you didn’t bring the bowls and chopsticks. ?”

“I was busy serving the dishes, but I didn’t remember the bowls and chopsticks. Didn’t Lao Liu take them? “Dilraba said。

“I thought you took it. “Ye Chen has a black line on his face.

Everyone looks at me and I look at you, and they are all a little embarrassed. It

will take a long time to go back here by bike.

If you really have to run like this, the food will be cold.

And what’s the difference between this and going back to eat in a love house?。

“Use branches. “Ye Chen said.

He immediately stood up, walked to the side, and broke off one���Then he folded the branch in half, wiped it on the clothes, and washed it with mineral water.

Then he handed it to Liu Yifei and said, “Okay, use this to eat.” It

was a simple branch that didn’t look rough, but Liu Yifei didn’t dislike it.

When several girls saw this, they broke off branches to use as chopsticks.。

“So casual?”

“Are you afraid that this branch is poisonous?”

“Ye Laoliu is unreliable in other aspects, but there is definitely no problem in terms of safety.。”

“Indeed, how could a man who could recognize all wild fungi fail to recognize poisonous branches?。”

“I used to do this kind of thing a lot. I forgot to bring my chopsticks, so I used branches as chopsticks.。”

“Full of memories. ”

Although there are no bowls and chopsticks, only simple branches.

But a few people are still very happy to eat.

From here, you can see the whole village.

Everyone enjoys the scenery while eating. I don’t know how many viewers will envy this scene.。

“So delicious. “Dilraba picked up a large piece of duck meat and put it into her mouth, saying with a satisfied look on her face.。

“It wasn’t all that delicious yesterday. Sure enough, eating depends on the occasion. “Yang Chaoyue said。

“If you like this place so much, then we will eat here every day from now on? “Zhao Liying said with a smile。

“Hey, I think so too, but unfortunately I have to leave the day after tomorrow. Yang Chaoyue said aggrievedly.。

“Don’t leave, just stay here. “Dilraba said。

“Yes, Yueyue, since you like it here so much, just stay. “Zhao Liying said。

“Agree. “Liu Yifei stuck out her tongue naughtily.。

“No, the director’s room needs me, and Teacher He said that if I don’t go back, I will be fired. ”

When Yang Chaoyue said this, he specifically turned to look at the camera.

These words were obviously addressed to He Jiong.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong stared and said, “Yueyue, what does this mean? Ninety pounds. Weight, eighty-five pounds?

Guo Qilin: “I can tell. Yueyue has made it clear that she doesn’t want to come back. ” ”

Yaya: “Indeed, if you wanted to come back, you wouldn’t have said that.。”

“Hahaha, Yueyue is preparing to win over allies and defect?”

“I knew that Yueyue would not return to the director’s room obediently.。”

“There is one day left, and Yang Chaoyue is probably going to cause trouble again.。”

“I really look forward to Teacher He going to the love house to arrest people. ”

On the top of the mountain, Ye Chen, Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying all saw Yang Chaoyue’s little thoughts.

On the other hand, Dilraba said angrily: “No, how can Teacher He fire you? I don’t agree.。”

“Hey, life is miserable, I have no choice, who made me choose to go to the director’s room instead of the love room in the first place. ”

Yang Chaoyue sighed, showing a very tired expression.

Seeing that Dilraba didn’t speak, Yang Chaoyue continued:

“If someone is willing to go to the director’s room, I don’t have to go back.。”

“Hey, no one wants to go to the director’s room. ”

Dig a hole.

A big hole.

It was obviously prepared for Dilireba.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room could tell it now.

Yang Chaoyue wanted to exchange with Dilireba and let Dilireba Go to the director’s room.

And I can stay in the love room naturally……..Of..


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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