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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 175

Dilraba is eating happily.

Suddenly it felt like the atmosphere became quiet for an instant.

When he looked up, he saw everyone looking at him and asked with confusion: “What’s wrong, why are you looking at me like this?”

“Reba, don’t you want to say something? “Yang Chaoyue has a black line.

She has already started to pretend to be pitiful.

I didn’t expect Dilireba to act like a normal person.

This is outrageous.

According to the plot, after what she said, in order to show the deep love between sisters, Dilireba Shouldn’t Ba go to the director’s room to replace her?。

“what did I say? Don’t you just want to trick me into going to the director’s room, and then you stay here? I’m not stupid. How can I have the freedom here when I go to the director’s room?。”

“Or do you think I’m stupid, so you dug a hole like this for me and asked me to jump in?”

“But let me tell you, I am smart and certainly not stupider than you. ”

Dilraba picked up a piece of meat and ate it.

She chewed and analyzed it.

Yang Chaoyue stared, not expecting that her good sister’s IQ suddenly increased.

Ye Chen and the others couldn’t help laughing.

Director In the room.

He Jiong: “Hahaha, Yueyue’s plan has been seen through.

Yaya: “With such an obvious pitfall, does Yueyue think Reba can’t see it? ” ”

Guo Qilin: “Facts have proved that the pit dug by Yueyue is not clever, and Reba’s IQ is not low either.。”

“Dalinzi, your analysis is so accurate, are you going to die?”

“If you know how to speak, just speak more.。”

“This is the so-called mutual compatibility, right?”

“Upstairs, I’m afraid you don’t know the idiom of “love and affection”.。”

“What does this have to do with falling in love? Shouldn’t it be a perfect match?”

“What’s going on? Have you started showing off your talents in the live broadcast room? ”

Yang Chaoyue saw that her plan failed. She

could only reluctantly turn her grief and anger into appetite, and started eating in big gulps.

Maybe this appetite really has something to do with the place. “Three Zero Zero”

originally thought he had brought too much, but he didn’t expect six One person ate up a large pot of food.

After eating, several people sat down and rested, stroking their bulging bellies.。

“It’s so comfortable. I like this kind of lying down life more and more. ”

Dilraba said, then turned her head and looked at Yang Chaoyue and asked: “By the way, Yueyue, you are not so comfortable in the director’s room. Yang

Chaoyue pursed her lips and said, “Who said it’s not so comfortable? I’m comfortable. I blow the air conditioner and eat snacks every day. Hum.”。”

“Can you lie down? “Dilraba asked。

“We can have snacks. “Yang Chaoyue is stubborn.。

“So look what I’m eating now? “Dilraba took out peanuts from her pocket and ate them.

Yang Chaoyue was speechless.

In fact, compared with the love room,

which one is better?

In Yang Chaoyue’s personal opinion, of course the love room is better.

What do you want? You can play as much as you want.

You can still taste delicious food from time to time.

Isn’t this a great feeling?

Unfortunately, in front of Di Lieba, I still have to pretend.

But this kind of pretense was quickly replaced by Di Lieba Ba was shattered.

In the director’s room,

He Jiong rolled up his sleeves and said, “What do you mean, is Reba provoking us?”

Guo Qilin: “It seems like blatant contempt. ”

Yaya: “It’s too much. I think we must bring Reba here to experience it. “。”

“Hahaha, is the gap between the live broadcast room and the directing room closed?”

“Teacher He, if I were you I wouldn’t be able to bear it. I must catch Reba and bring her to the director’s room.。”

“Yes, Reba is too arrogant. She must let Reba know how powerful everyone in the studio is. ”

After a brief rest, everyone started to pack up.

They put the empty plates on the tricycle.

The mats were cleaned and ready to go back.

But at this moment, the staff said: “Because everyone is having a picnic and polluting the environment. So temporarily add a task。”

“What? polluted environment? “Ye Chen was startled, and several girls turned to look at the staff who spoke.

A look of confusion appeared on each of their faces.

Everyone was clearly cleaning up, and there was no littering.。

“Director, if you want to issue us a task, you should find a suitable reason. “Ye Chen said。

“That is, this reason is not valid and we do not accept it. “Dilraba said.

However, the staff did not care so much. They

continued to announce the task: “The newly added task is to build a house, and this will become the love house branch.。”

“As for the specific use, it will be gradually announced later. ”

As the staff finished speaking.

Ye Chen and the others looked at each other, obviously not knowing what to say for a while.

After a long time, Ye Chen finally said: “It’s you. Haven’t thought of a use for it yet? Just simply arrange a task?”

“Is this directed at me? Are you making me work on purpose? Yang Chaoyue said angrily.

The staff did not explain.

Everyone had no temper at all.

Dilraba muttered: “What will happen if we don’t accept this task?” ”

The staff immediately said: “Then the love house will stop power supply. ”

As soon as these words came out, several people were all blind.

It seems that they can’t escape.。

“There is a pavilion here. We can just surround the pavilion. “Zhao Liying suggested。

“This is okay. Find some wooden boards and surround the pavilion. It will definitely be beautiful. “Dilraba said。

“What are you thinking? The pavilion is the property of the village. How can we fence it privately? ”

Ye Chen had a black line on his head.

A few people suddenly withered.

But all this is not a problem for Ye Chen.

After all, the craftsmanship is here.

And the director team did not say what the requirements for the house are.

At the worst, they will build a wooden house. That’ll be fine.

Thinking of this, Ye Chen started to arrange work。

“Let’s do this. Reba and Yueyue will go back with me to prepare the tools. You guys can pack them up here.。”

“OK, let’s go. “Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue naturally had no objection.

Liu Yifei, Zhao Liying, and Zhang Ruonan took sticks and began to clean up the open space next to the pavilion. The

director’s room.

Yaya asked with confusion on her face: “Teacher He, what are you doing? Why did the director create this love house? He

Jiong: “I’m not sure. I guess it’s the same as Ye Chen said. Even the director team didn’t think about it. They just wanted Yueyue to do some work.” Guo

Qilin frowned and said, “Is there a possibility that we are going to move the director’s room there?” ”

After being reminded like this by Guo Qilin, He Jiong and Yaya’s eyes lit up.

He Jiong: “Da Lin, what you said really makes sense. Yaya

: “It doesn’t seem impossible. If the director’s room can really be moved there, can we visit relatives?” ”

The audience in the live broadcast room were also amused.。

“Hahaha, visiting relatives is a good word.。”

“It would be interesting if the director’s room was really moved to the semicolon of the love house.。”

“In this way, it’s quite interesting to watch.。”

“Maybe it’s to invite more guests。”

“I still hope that Damimi and the others will come back. Only in this case will it be interesting to watch. ”

Ye Chen rode his bike back to the love house.

Several people packed up all the plates on the bike.

Then they loaded up various tools.。

“No need to buy cement? “Dilraba asked。

“We can just use nails. “Ye Chen said.

Since we are planning to build a wooden house, of course we only need nails.

And there are all kinds of nails and tools in the utility room.

Obviously, the program team has thought of the task of building a house from the beginning.

It’s just released now.

Obviously it has other purposes.。

“Ye Chen, can you build a house? Yang Chaoyue asked doubtfully.。

“know a little. “Ye Chen nodded.。

“You have to be the sixth child, you know everything, but you don’t do anything in the entertainment industry. Yang Chaoyue said with a thumbs up.。

“Are you praising me or scolding

Dilraba next to him had already bent over with laughter.

Hoe, pickaxe, sickle, hatchet, hammer, saw….

Various tools can be found in the utility room.

Ye Chen loaded everything onto the tricycle. (If you want to read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

After checking again that nothing was missing, I rode my bike and set off towards the mountain.

It takes about ten minutes to ride from the Love House to the top of the mountain.

When the three of them arrive.

Liu Yifei and the three of them have almost finished cleaning up.。

“Ye Chen, do you think this is okay? “Zhao Liying asked。

“It’s almost done. Wait a minute. Please help me pull the thread. ”

Ye Chen said, picked up the roll and started to measure it.

Then he inserted a wooden stick, fixed it with lines, and sprinkled white lime powder on it.

In this way, the general outline of the house has appeared.

Although Ye Chen didn’t know what the real purpose of the program team’s arrangement of this house was.

But since it was going to be done, of course it had to be the best.

Adhering to this principle, the planned area of Ye Chen’s house was not small.

There were at least forty or fifty. square。

“Director, do you have any wood? “Ye Chen asked.

Since we want to build a wooden house, wood is essential.。

“All the wood on this mountain can be used as you like. “The director said.

Obviously, the program team has already communicated with the village.

After all, wood is money.

Many of the trees have been planted by the villagers for decades. If the program team buys them, the price will definitely be much higher than the outside price. .In

this way, Ye Chen can let go and do it.。

“Come, follow me and chop down the trees. “Ye Chen waved his hand and led a few girls towards the mountain.

The most suitable trees for building a wooden house are maple and elm.

But this village obviously does not have these two kinds of trees.

In comparison, the fir tree is There are many.

There are all shapes and sizes, heights and shorts.

In this way, Ye Chen has no choice but to take everyone to chop down fir trees. A

fist-sized fir tree can be chopped down with five swords.

Then the tree on top will be cut down. After cutting off the branches and cutting them in half, he called on the girls to move to the edge of the pavilion.。

“I come. “Dilraba was eager to try.

She carried the fir tree and walked towards the pavilion.

Then came Yang Chaoyue, Zhao Liying, Liu Yifei and Zhang Ruonan.

They lined up one by one and started to carry the wood.

The audience in the live broadcast room were stunned. 0 .

“I seriously suspect that the director team is deliberately making things difficult for everyone.。”

“Let my goddess do this, director, do you know how to play it?”

“Hahahaha, what a love drama. I used to say that Ye Laoliu had led the entire program to a different direction. Now it seems that the director is not a good person either.。”

“There is a problem with the director’s task. It has something to do with the romance drama.。”

“Maybe the construction of this house has something to do with Lian Zong。”

“Isn’t it just for everyone’s date?”

“It would be fun if that were the case. ”

Although she is the goddess who attracts the most attention,

no one is lazy when it comes to work.

Ye Chen is cutting down trees in the woods.

Liu Yifei and others are carrying the wood to transport it.

Soon, everyone is sweating profusely from exhaustion。

“If you are tired, take a rest. “Ye Chen looked at Liu Yifei, who had just walked over

. She still looked like a goddess at this moment.

She was dripping with sweat, with a touch of dust on her face,

and she looked a little embarrassed. Zhao Liying, who was following behind, was not doing much better. At

this moment, she looked a little embarrassed. There were many branches in his hair, and his face looked like a little cat, which looked a bit cute.

Ye Chen took one look and couldn’t help but laugh.。

“Laughing fart. “Zhao Liying stuck out her tongue at Ye Chen

“It seems we didn’t bring any water. “Liu Yifei said。

“I’ll get it for you. “Ye Chen said。

“No need, it will take more than half an hour to go back and forth. Do more work, and remember to bring water tomorrow. ”

Liu Yifei feels sorry for Ye Chen, so she would rather be thirsty.

After all, Ye Chen has been cutting down trees and is very tired.。

“Ye Chen, let me help you chop down the tree. “Dilraba said。

“can you? “Ye Chen asked。

“Of course. “Dilreba said, took the hatchet and waved it.

Ye Chen was standing behind him, and the hatchet almost hit his nose.

Ye Chen was so frightened that he quickly said: “Forget it, Reba, No need, I’ll do it myself. ”

Zhao Liying and Liu Yifei on the side couldn’t help laughing.

There are not many people who can scare Ye Chen.

Dilraba is definitely one of them。

“Let me do it. “Zhang Ruonan said calmly.。

“Give. “Ye Chen originally wanted to refuse, but thinking about Zhang Ruonan’s character, he decided to forget it. If

he refused to let Zhang Ruonan chop down the tree, he would have to come up with a 10,000-word reason to convince Zhang Ruonan.

But Zhang Ruonan was not sloppy in his work.

He took it . With the hatchet, I followed Ye Chen’s example and started chopping down trees.

Although I couldn’t cut down a tree with five cuts,

it wasn’t much different.

With two cuts, the fir tree began to slowly fall down.。

“Not bad, awesome. “Ye Chen said with a thumbs up.。

“Not as powerful as you, just two more swords. “Zhang Ruonan said seriously.。

“Hahaha, that’s awesome, you are a girl after all. “Dilraba said。

“Girls are the same, they are human beings. “Zhang Ruonan continued。

“Forehead….”Dilraba was speechless.


Girls are people too.

What Dilraba means is that there is only a physical difference between girls and boys. These are innate advantages.

But as Zhang Ruonan said these words, Dilireba knew very clearly that she could not convince Zhang Ruonan.。

“I’ll cut down the tree, you can rest. ” Ruonan said in Chapter 1.5。

“Okay, you guys go ahead and get some water. “Ye Chen said.

It’s only mid-afternoon, so we can’t really wait until the evening to go back to drink water.

But there is a small store at the foot of the mountain, so Ye Chen doesn’t have to go back to get water, he can just go to the store to buy it.

Zhang Ruonan chopped down the tree , the other girls were busy pretending to be stupid.

Ye Chen rode a tricycle down the mountain.

He bought mineral water and drinks, and when he was leaving, the boss came out with a big watermelon in his arms.。

“Auntie, how much is it? “Ye Chen quickly asked about the price.。

“Oops, what money do you need? You are doing a good deed for the village. “The boss said cheerfully。

“Do good things? “Ye Chen has a black streak on his head.。

“It’s okay, take it and eat it. “The boss obviously didn’t want to disclose it. He just waved his hand and went back to the store.

Seeing this, Ye Chen did not continue to ask questions, but turned to the camera and said。

“Why do I feel like I’ve been cheated? ”

Director’s room.

Yaya also looked puzzled: “Teacher He, why do I feel something is wrong?

Guo Qilin: “Yes, the boss’s attitude just now was a bit abnormal, and he also gave me such a big watermelon. ”

He Jiong: “The director is playing a very new trick, right? “。”

“Are you telling the truth again?”

“Okay, okay, this is how you play, right?”

“This is too much, director. If you don’t tell me the truth, I will send you the razor blade.。”

“This is outrageous. Is there any secret that my VIPs cannot know?”

“Wall Crack suggested sending the director a razor blade. ”

Of course Ye Chen didn’t have any answer to the photographer’s question.

He immediately set off for the mountain with a bag of water and a big watermelon.

After going up the mountain, several girls sat on the open ground and rested.

All of them were dripping with sweat. Obviously very tired.

When he saw Ye Chen, his eyes lit up, as if he saw hope.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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