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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 176

“There is also a big watermelon. “Dilraba’s eyes lit up after seeing the watermelon.。

“Do you have a knife? “Yang Chaoyue asked。

“Only hatchets. “Zhao Liying said。

“The hatchet is too dirty. “Liu Yifei frowned.。

“I come. “Zhang Ruonan came over, put the watermelon away, and then punched it.

The watermelon suddenly cracked in irregular shapes.

And it cracked very crisply. You can see how strong Zhang Ruonan’s punch was.

Di Li Reba and Yang Chaoyue were both shocked.

Looking at Zhang Ruonan, it could be seen from their eyes that they were determined not to provoke Zhang Ruonan in the future.。

“The lethality of Ruonan’s punch is too strong, right?。”

“With one punch, the watermelon will fall apart. This is definitely a real skill.。”

“If this were my girlfriend, I couldn’t afford to offend her。”

“Upstairs, are you thinking about shit?”

“Hahaha, this is Zhang Ruonan, I feel like it won’t be a problem to deal with Ye Chen。”

“After thinking too much, Zhang Ruonan himself said that he was no match for Ye Laoliu. ”

Everyone was surprised, but seeing that the watermelon had broken open, they still held the watermelon and started eating it.

Liu Yifei didn’t eat it herself, but handed it to Ye Chen first.

Ye Chen just took a bite, and then signaled Liu Yifei to Eat.

Then he thought of something. He turned to look at the male staff member who just announced the mission and said: “Director, you asked us to build a house, but you didn’t say anything about any benefits. ”

As soon as Ye Chen said these words, several girls became interested.

That’s right.

Living in a love house.

Except for the living expenses provided by the director team at the beginning, everyone has to support themselves.

But now, the director team suddenly issued a task, But there is no benefit fee. This is wrong.。

“Yes, director, there should be benefits when we build a house. “Dilraba said。

“That’s right, these days, who is willing to do something that is not beneficial? “Yang Chaoyue then spoke.

The staff was also stunned, obviously they did not expect to face such a problem. They

immediately took out the walkie-talkie to contact the director。

“The director said that after the house is built, each person will be given 100 yuan for living expenses. “The staff member quickly received a reply from the director, and then he said。

“One hundred yuan, so little? “Zhao Liying was stunned.。

“To send a beggar, it costs at least three hundred yuan per person. “Dilraba Dilraba said.

So the miserable staff started asking the director for his opinion on the walkie-talkie.。

“Let’s do this 01, Master, give me the walkie-talkie and I’ll talk to the director. “Ye Chen waved.

The staff obediently handed the walkie-talkie to Ye Chen.

The director’s voice came from over there: “Don’t even think about it. Two hundred per person is not that much money. ”

This happened to be heard clearly by everyone.

Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue were the most angry.。

“It’s too much. You won’t even give me two hundred yuan. “Yang Chaoyue said。

“It’s just that the director is too stingy. If I were as good as Ruonan, I would beat the director right now. “Dilraba said。

“Let me go. “When Zhang Ruonan heard this, he stood up and said.

Since he regards everyone as a family, Zhang Ruonan is still very frank.

I heard Dilraba said that she wanted to beat up the director. In this case, Zhang Ruonan, who knows a little boxing and kicking skills, thinks you He should take on such an important responsibility.

Moreover, he picked up the hatchet and weighed it, obviously wanting to see if it would work smoothly.。

“Well, Ruonan, we were just joking, put the knife down first. Liu Yifei said quickly。

“Yes Ruonan, just kidding, the director is not that bad. Besides, even if you go to deal with the director, you don’t need to bring a knife. “Zhao Liying said quickly.

In the director’s room, He Jiong and others burst out laughing.

Guo Qilin: “If Ruonan really goes there, the director will probably shed his skin.

Yaya: “Yes, Ruonan is too serious. This is really not good. ” He Jiong: ”

Probably not.”。”

“Hahaha, Ruonan is too serious, director, you better be careful.。”

“It made me laugh so hard that I even took the knife. With Ruonan’s character, would she really give the director a knife?”

“That’s not necessarily true. After all, Ruonan is just a social phobia, not an idiot.。”

“The deterrence is still there, hahaha, director, tremble, Zhang Ruonan is here. ”

The director on the other side of the intercom obviously heard the conversation of several people.

Even holding a knife?

Think about Zhang Ruonan’s more serious character.

The director really felt a chill on his back.

The aura of his ability to speak was also a bit weaker. Fen: “Two hundred yuan is too much. I really can’t pay it. The program team is tight on funds.”。”

“Director, are you kidding an idiot? “Ye Chen has a black line.

At least you can find a more suitable reason.

First, you have to release the task because it polluted the environment, and now you say that the program team is tight on funds. You

can’t come up with two hundred yuan per person?

This is outrageous, okay? Okay.

The problem is that everyone knows that the director is lying, but there is nothing they can do.

Ye Chen continued: “Let’s do this, director, let’s work, and you can solve our food problem, okay?” ”

Ye Chen said with a smile and continued: “Besides, there are six of us, and the requirements are not high. Each meal can’t be less than six dishes, and three of them can be ordered by ourselves. How about it? ”

Dilraba nodded and said: “This is very reasonable. Since we have to work, we can’t take time to go back and cook. ”

Zhao Liying followed up and said: “Besides, apart from Ye Chen and me, we don’t seem to know how to cook. ”

The other girls unanimously agreed。

“That’s not possible. What if we can’t make the food you ordered? “The director is still very rational.

And he can’t completely believe what Ye Chen said. Don’t

click on a Buddha and jump over the wall when the time comes. Isn’t that more than paying two hundred yuan?。

“That means there’s nothing to talk about. “Ye Chen looked indifferent.。

“Otherwise, let Ruonan go? “Liu Yifei on the side saw Ye Chen blinking and said very cooperatively.。

“Bring the hatchet. “Zhao Liying’s sensible cooperation。

“The sickle is sharper. Do you want to bring a sickle? “Yang Chaoyue asked。

“I think it’s okay to bring an extra weapon, just in case. “Dilraba said。

“good. “Zhang Ruonan’s answer was loud and powerful.

A threat.

A proper threat.

Although they didn’t say it clearly,

the director on the other side of the intercom was already terrified.。

“Hahaha, is the director threatened?”

“When did my Ruonan become a thug in the love house?”

“Some things always have to be done by someone。”

“Director, let me ask you if you are afraid.。”

“Directly threatening the director, this operation is okay, director, just tremble. ”

The intercom was silent for a moment.

Finally, the director’s compromising voice came: “Okay, I can agree to the terms of the meal, but there is no wages.。”

“Director, could you please tell me what this house is built for? “Ye Chen chuckled.

Hearing the director’s compromise, he felt a lot better.。

“I can’t say this, it’s a surprise. “After the director finished speaking, he stopped talking nonsense.

No matter how many questions Ye Chen asked, there was no response.。

“So shall we order food now? “Dilraba asked next to her.。

“I think I should order it first. It’s too late and I’m afraid the director team is not prepared enough. “Zhao Liying said。

“What do you want to eat? “Ye Chen asked。

“I want to be jealous of shredded potatoes. “Yang Chaoyue said。

“We can only order three dishes in total, can we be a little more ambitious? “Ye Chen rolled his eyes.

Only then did Yang Chaoyue wake up.

These three dishes must be ordered in a cost-effecti

“How about we have a seafood master? “Yang Chaoyue went directly from a vinegar potato shreds to a seafood expert.

This level has improved a lot.。

“You can have this one, one for the seafood master, and another one for the fish head with chopped pepper. “Ye Chen said。

“Have a roasted whole lamb. “Dilraba suggested.

Several people instantly cast different looks.。

“What’s the matter, roasted whole lamb is not considered a dish? “Dilraba asked。

“Reba, do you think the relationship between us and the director team has to be so tense? Liu Yifei asked.

Dilireba stuck out her tongue.

In the end, she chose a sizzling beef dish.。

…(To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Hahaha, Reba, roast whole lamb, you can name it.。”

“Just order a cow. All kinds of dishes are available.。”

“It makes me laugh so hard, this is trying to trick the director team to death.。”

“Poor director, wouldn’t everything be solved with two hundred yuan per person? Now it’s better, we can pay more。”

“Now I want to know what the love house semicolon is for. If the director doesn’t tell me, I will really send the razor blade.。”

“Damn it, I finally forgot it, and was reminded by someone upstairs, Ni Zuokai. ”

After ordering, everyone started to get busy. In

one afternoon, the wood was almost ready.。

“Ruonan, you continue chopping wood, I’ll take care of the outside first. “Ye Chen directed.

After seeing everyone go to cut down the wood, he took the rolls and started to measure the dimensions.

Of course, the size is also very important when making a wooden house.

The length is different. Will the house be strong?

And this wood Piles need to be driven.

First, the wood for piling needs to be sharpened at one end

so that it can be smashed into the ground.

Ye Chen needs to complete these tasks alone.

In order to make the wooden piles stronger, Ye Chen also dug a hole.

After cutting, Insert the wood, then stand on the herringbone ladder, hammer it down with a hammer.

Then use small wooden blocks to fix the bottom, put gravel blocks, and make every corner strong.

Finally Cover it with soil and step on it tightly. In this way, the wooden piles are extremely stable.

This is a big project.

After all, the house is dozens of square meters. In order to be stable, hundreds of pieces of wood need to be inserted continuously.

Each wooden stick After it was inserted and fixed, it had to be tied up with the wooden stick next to it with wire.

Not long after, Ye Chen was already sweating profusely.

Liu Yifei, who had just come out carrying the wood, couldn’t help but feel a little distressed when she saw this scene.。

“If you are tired, take a rest. “Liu Yifei said in a low voice.

She originally wanted to use her sleeves to help Ye Chen wipe the sweat from his face.

Unfortunately, she didn’t wear sun protection clothing and her shirt was also short-sleeved.。

“It’s okay, I’m not tired. “Ye Chen waved his arm and said with a smile.

As if he could see what Liu Yifei was thinking, he immediately took off his vest and

wiped it on his face without any pretense.

After wiping, he gave Liu Yifei the shirt Wiping sweat.

Liu Yifei didn’t mind it either. She just closed her eyes and let Ye Chen help her wipe her sweat.

Although this clothes was covered with Ye Chen’s sweat.

But for Liu Yifei, it seemed like the best way to wipe sweat. Towel.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Ye Chen is really good at work, but I don’t know if the clothes smell bad. Guo

Qilin: “Hahaha, Teacher He, have you been bitten again?”

He Jiong: “Can you not get hit? ” Yifei didn’t refuse a piece of clothing that was completely soaked in sweat? ”

Yaya: “So this is the couple I’m most optimistic about.。”

“Ye Laoliu, this dress of yours is ready for sale on the Little Yellow Car.。”

“How much are the clothes? I want them.。”

“That’s too much, Ye Laoliu, are you just wiping clothes with so much sweat on my fairy sister’s face?”

“Burn it. What are you doing with these clothes?”

“You can see little brother Ye Chen’s abdominal muscles again, I love it. ”

It wasn’t until about six o’clock in the afternoon.

The sky was already showing signs of getting dark.

Ye Chen looked at the wood and saw that there was enough wood.

Then he asked everyone to pack up and prepare to go back.。

“Everyone, pack up and go back. “Ye Chen shouted.

The girls were also very tired.

This was not a show. It was

real work.

Not to mention carrying wood, even if you walked back and forth empty-handed for an afternoon, it would still be enough for everyone to drink.。

“I’m exhausted. “Yang Chaoyue walked to the side of the tricycle with her hands drooped.

She was lying limply on the side of the tricycle.。

“Now you know how good the director’s room is, right? “Dilraba said with a smile。

“That is, Yueyue, you can go back after you finish your work tomorrow. “Zhao Liying said jokingly。

“I don’t want to go back. I’ve finished my work 627, why do I have to leave? “Yang Chaoyue pouted and said, looking aggrieved.

Especially when she thought of herself working so hard to build a house here.

In the end, the house was built, and then she was about to leave.

This time she felt even more aggrieved.

Tears. They all came out.

They started their crying behavior again and started crying loudly.。

“Woo woo woo….”

Yang Chaoyue was standing next to Zhang Ruonan when she cried.

Zhang Ruonan obviously took two steps back, looked at Yang Chaoyue warily, and then felt a little puzzled.

Don’t know how to comfort me。

“Okay Yueyue, stop crying. “On the other hand, Liu Yifei stepped forward and patted Yang Chaoyue on the shoulder to comfort her.。

“I have been in the director’s room for several months. I finally decided to come to the love room to relax. The director arranged such a task.。”

“Woohoo, the director is targeting me on purpose.。”

“Wuwuwu, when the house is built, I will leave. I can’t enjoy anything and have to work for several days, Wuwuwuwu. ”

Yang Chaoyue said while crying.

That big voice is worthy of someone who can even sing.

But the way he cried was a bit funny.

Dilraba, Zhao Liying and Ye Chen couldn’t help laughing.

This After smiling, Yang Chaoyue cried even more sadly.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Hahahaha….”

Guo Qilin: “I can feel it. Yueyue is really wronged.”

Yaya: “There’s no point in crying. This is a rule. I can only say that Yueyue is unlucky.。”

“Hahaha, look at how hard this kid is。”

“Director, I advise you to be kind. It is too much to target my Yueyue like this.。”

“Come on, please save the child, hahaha。”

“I have been professionally trained and generally don’t smile unless I can’t help it, hahahaha。”

“Yueyue is really a crybaby, and she cries endlessly. ”

On the top of the mountain.

Liu Yifei and Zhao Liying comforted each other for a long time, and Yang Chaoyue cried more and more aggrieved.。

“Stop crying. If you cry again, you won’t even have dinner. “Dilraba roared and said。

“Am I out of control? I don’t want to cry either, woo woo woo, I feel wronged, woo woo woo. ”

Yang Chaoyue said aggrievedly.

Tears kept flowing down.。

“How about Ye Chen sings a song for me? When I was in the director’s room, I loved listening to Ye Chen sing. ”

Yang Chaoyue changed the topic and suddenly said。

“What does this have to do with me? “Ye Chen, who had just packed up his things, also had black hair.

He had been tired all day.

He actually ate it on himself.

But don’t say it. As soon as

Yang Chaoyue said these words, several girls looked forward to it Looking at Ye Chen.

Obviously, everyone is still very interested in hearing Ye Chen sing.。

“Lao Liu, let’s play a song. “Dilraba teased。

“That’s it, let’s play one. “Liu Yifei said。

“My favorite song is “Sunny Day”》。”Zhao Liying said happily。

“I want to listen to “Confession Balloon”, woo woo woo….”Yang Chaoyue continued to speak aggrievedly. .


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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