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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 179

“Promotional video? ”

Ye Chen couldn’t help but frowned.

Logically speaking,

the promotional film actually doesn’t take a few days at all.

But this time, the director team gave everyone three months to shoot the promotional film.

Since there is enough time , , then it must be filmed well.

For this Sunset Village,

Ye Chen really has a suitable script。

“Yes, Ye Chen, the director didn’t say how to shoot a promotional video, otherwise you could just write a script. ”

Yang Chaoyue said eagerly.

Dilraba Dilraba and Liu Yifei also nodded repeatedly.

After all, everyone knows that the hit “The Journey” was written by Ye Chen.

And now Jiaxing Entertainment is still filming the follow-up “囧 in Thailand”.

It is said that Ye Chen has even written the third “囧 in Hong Kong” and handed it over to Yang Mi. With

such talent, wouldn’t it be easy to write a script for a promotional film?

“And we have three months, giving you one month to write the script, and the remaining two months to shoot. “Dilraba said。

“I did think of a script, but it might be quite long, so I might as well shoot it as a TV series. “Ye Chen said with a smile.。

“TV drama? “Even Liu Yifei was stunned at this time.

The director’s task was just to shoot a promotional video.

Ye Chen actually wanted to make a TV series.

This is outrageous.

Even Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue were shocked by Ye Chen’s words.

Director’s room.

He Jiong: “Don’t mention it, it seems that the last movie “On the Road” was directed by Ye Chen.

Yaya: “Teacher He, when you say that, I’m looking forward to it. ” ”

Guo Qilin: “I also want to see what kind of promotional video Ye Chen can make.。”

“Is Ye Laoliu preparing to make a big move again?”

“Filming a TV series, Ye Laoliu, it’s outrageous that you still want to film a TV series after three months, right?。”

“That is, how long does a TV series take? You want to shoot it in three months? Dreaming?”

“I feel like Ye Laoliu is a little distracted. He could just shoot a promotional video, but now he has to make a TV series.。”

“Hahaha, indeed, if Ye Laoliu is not floating, who is? ”

As for the fact that Ye Chen is going to film a TV series,

the audience in the live broadcast room naturally does not believe it.

After all, the filming cycle of TV series is relatively long.

With only three months, the script is a big problem.

I previously wrote “People on the Road” , maybe Ye Chen can write it in a short time.

But as for TV dramas.

There are dozens of episodes at every turn, and the script is not as simple as a movie.

And after filming, editing has to be done, which takes a long time.

Maybe it’s because The reason why Ye Chen has been frequently searched recently.

So when everyone in the Love House was preparing to spend three months filming the TV series,

it immediately caused a burst of laughter from netizens。

“You’ve been wanting to make a TV series for three months. Ye Laoliu, I advise you to write songs well.。”

“That’s right, the recent song “Xiaochou” really made me cry to death. Writing more songs would be better than anything else.。”

“Ye Laoliu, the music world can’t live without you. Don’t touch the TV series. Don’t fail to do it by then and lose your popularity among the public.。”

“You said one year, I still believe it, three months, Ye Laoliu, come to the music world, with your talent, you can break through the music world. ”

But what countless netizens don’t know is that

if Ye Chen wants to make a TV series, he can naturally save a lot of detours.

Just like the previous “People on the Road”.

According to the general crew, many clips have to be intercepted, and even Some of the shots that were taken will not be edited into it.

In this way, a lot of shooting time is wasted.

In Ye Chen’s opinion, all this is completely unnecessary.

Because in his mind, he already has the entire work The finished product.

You only need to shoot according to the finished product in the previous life.

Even if there are changes, it will only be slight changes.

You won’t waste much time at all.

The only thing that needs to be tested is the acting skills of the actors.

As long as it is not shot over and over again For the same shot, Ye Chen is confident that it can be completed in one month.

After all, the film he wants to shoot is “Go Where the Wind Is.”

Eighty percent of the scenic spots in the film were shot in this village. It’s

completely cost-effective It was time to go to various places for filming.

Now that the decision has been made, the next step is to solve the script problem.

Just do it, Ye Chen immediately called Zhao Liying: “Ying Bao, I want to use your Is a laptop okay?”

“It’s in my room, go get it. “Zhao Liying said.

Ye Chen then hung up the phone, entered Zhao Liying’s room, took out his laptop, and started working.

Dilraba, Liu Yifei, and Yang Chaoyue stood behind and watched.。

“《”Go where the wind blows”? What a literary name. “Yang Chaoyue muttered.

And Ye Chen’s fingers were already typing on the keyboard quickly.

The story was written out section by section.

It seemed that there was no need to think at all.

The typing speed was so fast that Liu Yifei and the three people behind him were beaten. Shocked.

In the director’s room.

He Jiong: “Is Ye Chen starting to write a script? Yaya

: “You don’t need to think when writing songs, and you don’t need to think when writing scripts. Ye Chen is so outrageous.”

Guo Qilin: “To be honest, I’m jealous. This is not leaving a way for others to survive. “。”

“Ye Laoliu, are you serious?”

“Are you dying if you write so fast?”

“That’s too much, Ye Laoliu, in the same ninth year, how can you show off?”

“Okay, okay, Ye Laoliu, you are trying to trick us to death, right? ”

More than two hours later.

Ye Chen completed the script.

He moved his hands a little.

He stood up and was about to say something.

But he saw Liu Yifei, Dilraba Dilraba and Yang Chaoyue looking straight at the screen.

His eyes were a little moist, obviously he was deeply attracted by the script.。

“Woo woo woo….”Yang Chaoyue was the first to cry.

While crying, she said, “What you wrote is so good.”

Dilraba said, “It’s so beautiful. Is it going to end so soon? You didn’t even give me a chance to update it?”

Although Liu Yifei didn’t speak. , but there was a touch of admiration in the eyes looking at Ye Chen.

This is not a script.

This is a novel.

Every scene is described with meticulous detail.

The inner emotions of each character are also described extremely well.

You can’t help but bring yourself into it.

And such a story was actually completed in about two hours.

How could Liu Yifei not be shocked.

Director’s room.

Guo Qilin: “Did Ye Chen write a novel?”

Yaya: “It’s still a novel that can make people cry. Didn’t they say they were going to make a promotional video? Why did it become a novel?”

He Jiong: “I want to Have a look。”

“Ye Laoliu, since it is a novel, upload it to the website for everyone to see.。”

“That’s right, otherwise it’s okay to publish a book.。”

“It took more than two hours to finish writing a book, and I didn’t even have to remind you to update it. It was so cool.。”

“God is so cool, but we can’t see it. ”

Here at the love house.

Zhao Liying and Zhang Ruonan are also back.

They are holding two hares in their hands, with excitement on their faces. Apparently, even they themselves did not expect such a big harvest.。

“Wow, did you really catch a rabbit? “Liu Yifei exclaimed。

“The trap Ruonan made was so good. “Zhao Liying said。

“Practice makes perfect. Zhang Ruonan replied without being modest or exaggerating.。

“I’ll take care of the rabbit, you go eat first. “Ye Chen asked。

“Okay, thank you for your hard work, I’m going to starve to death. “Zhao Liying touched her belly and walked towards the living room.

Zhang Ruonan didn’t refuse, but just said to Ye Chen: “Thank you. ”

After finishing their work in the morning, they went to check the traps. They

haven’t eaten yet.

They were already hun

They put the rabbit aside, washed their hands, and then sat at the dining table to eat.

Liu Yifei and Di Lireba and Yang Chaoyue have already taken the food out of the thermos.。

“You guys eat first, I’ll ask the director to print out the script. ”

Liu Yifei said。

“script? Was it written so quickly? “Zhao Liying was startled. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

When Ye Chen asked her for a laptop, Zhao Liying knew why.

But she didn’t expect that she would write the script so quickly.

I have to say that Ye Chen is still very talented.

Thinking of Ye Chen seeing the secrets on his computer before.

Zhao Liying only hoped that this time Ye Chen would not remind him of what happened last time。

“Not only is it well written, but it is also very well written, woo woo woo….”Yang Chaoyue said。

“Yueyue, why are you crying again? “Zhao Liying has a black streak on her head.。

“Because the novels written by Lao Liu are so beautiful and touching. “Yang Chaoyue said。

“novel? Touching? Isn’t it a promotional video? Why are you still moved? “Zhao Liying has a black line at the moment.。

“Ye Chen said that since we have three months, we will make a TV series, so Ye Chen wrote a novel. ”

Dilraba explained.

Because it was too uncomfortable for her to see Yang Chaoyue crying and talking at the same time. She

simply explained herself.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Liying was stunned. She

took out her phone and took a look.

Confirmed that it was two Many hours ago, Ye Chen called him.

In other words, in more than two hours, Ye Chen had already written a novel.

And it even moved Yang Chaoyue to tears.

So the quality of this novel is definitely not bad.

Zhao Liying admired Ye Chen even more. Is

this person

already so talented?

This is outrageous, okay?。

“Amazing. “Zhang Ruonan held the bowl in one hand and the chopsticks in the other and put it in his mouth. He

said three words in a very low voice.

Although his face was as usual,

there was already a storm in his heart.

He turned his head and looked out of the yard. Go.

Ye Chen is dealing with the rabbit now.

It looks so ordinary, no different from the villagers.

When they first met, Zhang Ruonan even regarded Ye Chen as an ordinary staff member.

But���Thinking about it, under that ordinary dress, there is a ridiculously handsome appearance, and a talent that makes people jealous.

After Liu Yifei printed out the script, Liu Yifei and Zhang Ruonan also finished their meal.

After clearing the dishes and distributing the script to everyone, a few people started to read it.

0request flowers0

“You can take a look at it first and suggest what role you want. If it is suitable, I will agree to it. ”

Ye Chen said while he was busy.

The five girls moved out stools and sat in the yard, reading the script carefully.。

“Ye Chen, do you play the male lead yourself? “Dilraba asked。

“Of course, otherwise do you have a better candidate? “Ye Chen chuckled.。

“Too narcissistic. “Yang Chaoyue pouted.。

“So who do you want to play the female lead? “Dilraba asked.

In fact, she also wanted to play the female lead.

But Dilraba knew very well that among the five girls in the love house, she was not the best one.

Moreover, she always felt that this female lead Her character is not suitable for her.

If she clamored to play the female lead at this time and was rejected by Ye Chen,

it would definitely be an extremely embarrassing thing.

Therefore, she felt that she should take it easy and let Ye Chen make his own choice.

As soon as this question came out, the other girls stared at Ye Chen.

Obviously, the male and female protagonists are destined to have a sweet love.

Everyone wants to be that female protagonist。

“Feifei. “Ye Chen did not hesitate at all.

This work itself was tailor-made for Liu Yifei.

Of course the heroine can only be Liu Yifei.

As for the rest of the supporting roles, Ye Chen decided to use Reba and the others.

After hearing this, Liu Yifei also Just smiled and didn’t say anything more。

“I had already guessed it. Yang Chaoyue pouted and said, feeling a little disappointed.。

“I also think it’s quite appropriate. “Dilraba said.

Although she also wanted to be the female lead, after reading the script, Dilraba did not think she was qualified.

Liu Yifei was obviously the best candidate.

Zhao Liying and Zhang Ruonan did not say much. What, but continue to read the script and choose the next role。

“Can I play Lin Na? I really like this character. “Dilraba asked。

“Then I will play Xie Xiaochun. “Zhao Liying said。

“I play Huang Xinxin and I have a lot of roles. Yang Chaoyue said proudly。

“I think the young author Damai is very suitable for the role of Ruonan. “Ye Chen said.

In this way, the candidates for several main supporting roles have been determined.

As for the male supporting role, just find it directly from the village.

After all, the director team of this work did not provide any funds.

If we find other stars , If you come to act, you will have to arrange accommodation.

You will even stipulate shooting times and so on.

In this way, the progress will naturally be slowed down.

But now, we have the male and female protagonists, the female supporting actors, and the male supporting actors directly find people in the village. Help.

Then you can take pictures however you want.。

“Ok, deal. “Ye Chen immediately made the decision.。

“If I take the role, do I not have to go back to the director’s room? Yang Chaoyue asked weakly。

“It’s okay, I’ll go back after the filming is finished. “Dilraba said。

“Yueyue, are you happy now? “Zhao Liying also laughed.。

“Happy, can you be happy? I can finally stay. “Yang Chaoyue is so proud.

Don’t mention how beautiful it is

in the director’s room.

He Jiong: “It’s too much. Does Yueyue dislike our director’s room so much? ”

Guo Qilin: “I think we should give up Yueyue.

Yaya: “Indeed, the girl who was kicked out was the water that was thrown out. It is difficult to recover the water. “。”

“Hahahaha, this description of Yaya is simply perfect.。”

“Yaya, if you know how to speak, just speak more. It made me laugh to death.。”

“It’s hard to get rid of the water. Is Yueyue married into a love house?”

“Just ask Teacher He and the others to go to Sunset Village, so as not to look jealous here. ”

And at this moment.

Magic City.

Jiaxing Entertainment Headquarters.

Yang Mi, who has been paying attention to the news in the Love House, was also stunned when she learned that Ye Chen was going to film a TV series. She

originally wanted to stop it.

But thinking about her identity, she decided to forget it. Not

to mention that this drama does not cost anything, even if it costs money, so what. Jiaxing Entertainment has made a lot of money

during this period of time . As the big boss, Ye Chen’s worth has already changed. So what if you spend millions and tens of millions to play with it? Yang Mi doesn’t care at all. But since Ye Chen wants to make a TV series. No matter what the outcome is, the copyrights that should be obtained must be discussed with the director. Yang Mi personally gave the director Call to discuss copyright issues

“Don’t worry, the copyright belongs to Ye Chen and has nothing to do with the show team. ”

The director is also very proud.

He doesn’t care about the copyright of this work at all.

Perhaps in the director’s view, this work is just something Ye Chen shoots for fun, so what kind of ratings can it have.

Besides, Ye Chen is now The treasure of the entire program team.

The director would not be stupid enough to take the fruits of Ye Chen’s labor as his own.

So in terms of copyright, the negotiation was extremely smooth.

And Yang Mi also called Ye Chen.

Let Ye Chen If Chen needs help, please call him at any time.

Whether it is an actor, director, or crew member, they will be arranged as soon as possible.。

“Don’t worry, you don’t need any of this. “Ye Chen answered very succinctly.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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