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Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat? — Chapter 181

Because the filming is almost over.

So everyone in the love house is not in such a hurry.

This morning.

Ye Chen was holding a bowl of millet porridge.

While standing in the yard drinking, a white commercial vehicle suddenly stopped.

Then the car door opened.

He Jiong, Yaya and Guo Qilin got out of the car.

Watch this scene.

Ye Chen was stunned。

“Hey, Teacher He? Dalinzi? Yaya? Why are you here? ”

Although they are recording the same program.

In fact, Ye Chen and He Jiong have never met.

But the memory is still there.

They greeted each other politely.。

“Hello Ye Chen. “He Jiong stepped forward and gave him a hug.

These few months of observation have made He Jiong fall in love with Ye Chen more and more.

In fact, he has been looking forward to meeting Ye Chen for a long time.

Unfortunately, there has been no time.

But now, we finally meet, that kind of The feeling of intimacy swept through his heart instantly.

However, He Jiong’s enthusiasm still made Ye Chen startled, and he gave him a simple hug.

Unexpectedly, Guo Qilin’s enthusiasm immediately shocked Ye Chen.。

“Ye Chen, really, Teacher Ye, I have wanted to see you for a long time.。”

“I am now your biggest fan. “Guo Qilin stepped forward and gave him a big hug.

Ye Chen was confused.

In his memory, Guo Qilin was the mature and steady type.

Unexpectedly, this first meeting was so enthusiastic.

It can be seen that Ye Chen’s feelings in Guo Qilin’s heart status。

“Well, Yaya, do you want a hug too? “Ye Chen asked, looking at Yaya behind him.

Yaya blushed a little, waved her hand in a ladylike manner and said, “We don’t have to, let’s shake hands. ”

Dilraba Dilraba, Liu Yifei, Zhao Liying and Zhang Ruonan also came out.

They said hello to He Jiong and others.。

“Teacher He, have you become guests? “After saying hello, Ye Chen asked.

Several girls also looked at He Jiong and the others with puzzled faces.

After all, no new guests have appeared in the love house for a long time.

Now, which director’s room is here? The guests are really puzzling.

Even the audience in the live broadcast room became curious.。

“No, Teacher He and the others have become guests?”

“I like this program more and more. It would be really great if Teacher He and the others were here too.。”

“Unexpectedly, the director team actually arranged for Mr. He 01 and the others to come to the love house and fell in love with each other.。”

“Such a meeting is definitely a famous scene.。”

“Stay, I love seeing this kind of scene. ”

Hearing the inquiry, He Jiong, Guo Qilin and Yaya looked at each other.

Everyone couldn’t help laughing.。

“We are here to catch Yueyue and go back. ” Guo Qilin said。

“That’s right, your scene is almost finished filming, and Yueyue has no plans to go back. We are here to take Yueyue back. ”

He Jiong said.

Yaya nodded on the side。

“Monthly? Where is Yueyue? “Ye Chen looked back and realized that Yueyue was not seen in the crowd.。

“You were having breakfast just now. Didn’t you come out? “Dilraba said。

“It seems, still in the living room. “Zhao Liying said and walked towards the living room.

Everyone followed into the living room, but did not see Yang Chaoyue.

Zhao Liying and Liu Yifei also went to the room to search.

They did not see Yang Chaoyue either.。

“Just now, Yueyue climbed over the wall and ran away. “Zhang Ruonan, who had been silent, suddenly spoke.

His voice was not loud, but everyone could hear it clearly. He

ran outside quickly and saw a woman wearing short shorts, sneakers, and a white shirt running wildly.

The audience in the live broadcast room Everyone laughed.

Because when Yang Chaoyue climbed over the wall just now, the director team switched the camera to Yang Chaoyue’s side. He

climbed out of the window of Ye Chen’s room.

Then, while everyone entered the living room, he climbed over the wall and ran away.

Climb over the wall.

More importantly, there was no one at the gate.

There was no one in the yard.

Yang Chaoyue did not escape through the gate.

Instead, he borrowed a ladder and climbed over the wall.。

“Hahaha, Yueyue, you jumped over the wall and ran away?”

“I just want to know, will my foot be broken if I walk through the gate?”

“For the first time, I felt impressed by Yueyue’s IQ.。”

“I feel numb. I can obviously go through the gate, but I have to climb over the wall. What kind of magical operation is this?”

“Yueyue, if you can run away, a monk can’t run away from the temple, right?。”

“Hahaha, Yang Chaoyue, this stupid beauty, has been responsible for my laughter for a year. ”

At this moment.

At the door of the love house.

Everyone just watched Yang Chaoyue run away.

A group of people laughed and bent their waists.

After a long time, He Jiong shouted: “Yueyue, it’s okay, you run, we are right here Wait for you. Yang

Chaoyue heard the sound, stopped and said loudly: “Teacher He, I will not go back with you. Besides, it is absolutely impossible for me to leave before the filming is finished.”。”

“Isn’t your role finished? “Yaya asked。

“I want to live and die with the crew. Yang Chaoyue said tragically。

“That’s not necessary, Yueyue, we are just filming a scene, we don’t want to die. “Dilraba said with a smile。

“Damn Fatty, you have no loyalty. “Yang Chaoyue yelled.

Everyone laughed at Yang Chaoyue’s magical operation.

Naturally, Ye Chen would not believe that He Jiong and the others were really here to capture Yueyue.

There must be other reasons.

But everyone came here Even though he was here, Ye Chen would not give up.

He immediately said: “Well, Teacher He, since Yueyue ran away, why don’t you all come together to make a guest appearance?”

“Yeah. “Yaya has long wanted to make a cameo.

Guo Qilin and He Jiong also had no objection.

So a group of people didn’t even take a break.

They rushed to the crew and started filming.

Although it was nearing the end, there were still some scenes that needed to be reshot.

And He With the appearance of Jiong and the others, Ye Chen can add some short stories to intersperse them at any time without affecting it at all.

In this way,

Yang Chaoyue’s running will become meaningless.。

“Ye Laoliu understands traffic。”

“Inviting Teacher He, Yaya, and Dalinzi to make guest appearances, Ye Laoliu, you are so good at playing, aren’t you?”

“Hahaha, I am looking forward to this TV series more and more。”

“Teacher He is acting? Oh my god, what kind of magical lineup is this? ”

I have to say.

Ye Chen understands traffic.

The filming of this TV series has not yet been completed.

The audience in the live broadcast room is already excited about the promotion.

And with the guest appearance of He Jiong and the others, the expectations of this TV series have been raised. Full.

As an evergreen tree in the entertainment industry, He Jiong has always been the star of variety shows.

As for filming, there are very few of them.

In this TV series, can He Jiong make a cameo? Is it not attractive?

“Yes, yes, Teacher He, that’s it, this shot is good. ”

On the crew side, Ye Chen arranged the scenes for He Jiong and the others.

Yaya and Guo Qilin also acted as passers-by and walked around.

Liu Yifei and the others were resting in the back.

Not far away, Yang Chaoyue was hiding under a tree. Watching from behind the big tree.

Not daring to get close, for fear of being taken away.

The morning’s filming ended quickly, and the program team sent lunch boxes.

Then everyone was able to rest.。

“Yueyue, don’t you come over for dinner? “Ye Chen turned around and saw Yang Chaoyue still sitting under the tree.

Loneliness was written on his face.。

“I won’t go there. If I do, Teacher He will take me away. Yang Chaoyue pouted and said。

“Hahaha, then stop eating. “Dilraba didn’t even mention how happy she was when she heard that.。

“Fatty, come here and give me some food。”���Chaoyue waved and said。

“You call me Fatty and you st

“Yueyue, if you want to eat, come over and eat. “Yaya waved. (To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

“Sister Yaya, please stop trying to persuade me. I really don’t want to go back so soon. I haven’t had enough fun yet. Yang Chaoyue pouted and said。

“Yueyue, we are not here to arrest you, we are simply here to make a guest appearance. “Guo Qilin said。

“I do not believe. “Yang Chaoyue turned away, looking like I was hard to deceive.。

“Teacher He, it should be that the director’s room has been moved to the love house semicolon, right? “Ye Chen asked.

As soon as these words came out, several girls were stunned and turned to look at He Jiong.

They seemed to want an answer.。

“Ye Chen, how do you know? “He Jiong was also stunned.

The director team did not announce this matter. Ye Chen said this, obviously he had already guessed it.。

“We built the wooden house, and during this time, you can always see cars coming and going on the top of the mountain.。”

“If I’m not mistaken, it must be processed by the program team.。”

“And we don’t need to go to the top of the mountain to shoot the promotional video.。”

“Okay, you suddenly came to the love house again. If you say you just came to catch Yueyue, I don’t believe it.。”

“So I thought, the love house semicolon is the new director’s room. ”

Ye Chen’s analysis is well-founded.

He Jiong couldn’t help but give a thumbs up and said: “Really, so smart. ”

Guo Qilin: “I finally understand now that when I get along with Ye Chen in the future, I really can’t lie. It’s too easy to be exposed.

Yaya: “Yueyue doesn’t know yet, so we just teased Yueyue. “。”

“How about we don’t tell Yueyue at all? “Dilraba became interested.

As a good best friend, of course she has to create a little danger when there is no danger.。

“Find a way to catch Yueyue, and then tell her that she must go back with Teacher He and the others? “Zhao Liying rolled her eyes and said with a smirk.

Even Liu Yifei was amused by this idea and nodded in agreement.。

“Do you want me to knock Yueyue out? “Zhang Ruonan asked.

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.。

“No, Ruonan, we can be gentler. “Ye Chen said quickly。

“Yes Ruonan, we were just joking. “Zhao Liying said.

He Jiong and the others suppressed their laughter, obviously being amused by Zhang Ruonan’s violent thoughts.。

“Hahahaha, poor Yueyue, I didn’t expect the clown to be me。”

“Ruonan, you’d better take it easy and knock Yueyue unconscious, thank you for saying so。”

“When there is no danger, Zhang Ruonan is the biggest danger。”

“I can still imagine Yueyue’s desperate cry. ”

A few people hit it off immediately.

They immediately decided to take action.

They got up and walked towards Yang Chaoyue.。

“What are you doing? “Yang Chaoyue was sitting under the tree and resting.

Suddenly she saw Ye Chen and a group of people walking towards her. She

immediately stood up, looking like she was ready to run away at any time.。

“Take you back. “Dilraba said with a smile。

“Reba, we are good friends. If you do this, won’t your conscience hurt? “Yang Chaoyue slowly backed away.。

“No, because I have no conscience, why does it hurt? “Dilraba spread her hands and said proudly.。

“Yingbao, we are good sisters. Have you forgotten that I gave you a massage two days ago? “Yang Chaoyue saw that Dilraba couldn’t make sense, so she could only move to impress Zhao Liying.。

“forgotten. “Zhao Liying answered more simply.

With a smile on her face, she winked mischievously.。

“Lao Liu, you want to arrest me too? “Yang Chaoyue stared at Ye Chen who was walking in the front with a look of disbelief.。

“I don’t want to either, but Teacher He offers so much that I can’t refuse. “Ye Chen said.

The few people were getting closer and closer, and Yang Chaoyue’s original retreat pace also accelerated a lot.


he turned around and ran away.。

“Still want to run? “Dilraba Dilraba shouted and was the first to rush out.

Zhao Liying, Zhang Ruonan, Liu Yifei, Yaya, He Jiong, Guo Qilin and Ye Chen

started chasing each other.

Yang Chaoyue looked back.

This is all true. Yes.

My heart skipped a beat, and I ran faster.

I cried while running.。

“woo woo woo woo….”

“Woo woo woo…..”

“I don’t want to go back, stop chasing me, woo woo woo….”

That pitiful appearance, if you didn’t know better, you would think you were being bullied.。

“I can’t live without laughing, my family, hahahaha。”

“I almost laughed to death because of Yueyue. What kind of magical variety show is this? It’s so good.。”

“Yang Chaoyue contracted my laughter for a year, hahahaha。”

“This scene is simply not too happy.。”

“I am so envious of me. If someone plays with me like this, I will really die of happiness. ”

Yang Chaoyue couldn’t escape Zhang Ruonan’s seriousness in the end.

Although he ran very fast,

but for Zhang Ruonan, who was serious and fearful of society,

Yang Chaoyue’s speed of escaping was simply ridiculous.

In just a few minutes, Zhang Ruonan seemed to be out of control. Generally speaking, he quickly caught up with Yang Chaoyue.

When he was about to catch up, he even made a leap.

Seeing Zhang Ruonan leaping high, he almost scared Yang Chaoyue to death.

If he was given a kick, he would probably He could do it himself.

And Zhang Ruonan also went around to the back and hugged Yang Chaoyue。

“Wuwuwu…Ruonan, that’s not necessary, really. Yang Chaoyue said with lingering fear.。

“Then you can’t run away. Zhang Ruonan said in a low voice.。

“Woohoo, Ruonan, you scared me to death. Yang Chaoyue said while crying.。

“sorry. “Zhang Ruonan could only apologize.

He Jiong and the others burst out laughing.

Especially Yang Chaoyue, when she came over, she was like a prisoner, pressing Yang Chaoyue towards the love room.。

“Yueyue, stop resisting and accept your fate. “He Jiong said。

“That’s it, Yueyue, I can’t live without you in the director’s room. “Guo Qilin said。

“woo woo woo woo….It makes no sense. “Yang Chaoyue didn’t listen to everyone’s explanation, and just kept crying loudly.

Accompanied by Ye Chen’s group of people’s whispers.

It was called joy.

Until Yang Chaoyue was pressed into the car.

The car left, as if the whole world had become quiet.。

“Alas, it’s finally quiet. “Liu Yifei couldn’t help but sigh.。

“Yeah, it’s too noisy. “Dilraba rubbed her ears。

“We seem to be asking for trouble. “Zhao Liying said jokingly.

When everyone heard it, it really made sense. She

deliberately teased Yang Chaoyue, and then made Yang Chaoyue cry.

Everyone was teased for a long time, so why are you asking for trouble?。

“Keep filming. “Ye Chen also had a black line.

He waved his hand and

immediately led everyone towards the set.

But at this moment,

on the other side,

Yang Chaoyue was still crying in the car.

He Jiong, Yaya and Guo Qilin could only be disturbed. Cover your ears.

Even the photographer is in despair.

This is too noisy.

And the crying sound is simply outrageous, okay?。

“Huh? What are we doing at the top of the mountain? “Soon, Yang Chaoyue’s crying stopped.

Looking at the surrounding scene, he was a little confused.

This is not the way out of the village.

This is the way to the semicolon of the Love House.

And soon, as the car reached the top of the mountain, Yang Chaoyue I saw that the wooden house that everyone built two days ago has undergone earth-shaking changes.

There used to be only one ordinary wooden house,

but now it has become five.

It is surrounded by a circle and has a reinforced wall around it. It looks like a small Just like the courtyard house.

Seeing this scene, Yang Chaoyue’s eyes lit up.

She seemed to have thought of something.

There were still tears on her face, but she laughed loudly.。

“Hahaha. This is our director’s room, right? ”.


Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?

Entertainment: Lian Zong eats melon seeds. Is this called fresh meat?


Ye Chen traveled to a parallel world

Become a newcomer in the entertainment industry

Participated in the variety show “Heartbeat Feeling” under the arrangement of the company

Awakening the “Earth Qi” System Unintentionally

As long as you behave more down-to-earth,

The higher the experience value gained

So as to have system rewards


Lianzong’s style of painting has completely gone astray

Huachen Yuwa character design

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu plays guitar

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Hua Chenyu sings

Ye Chen eats melon seeds

Yang Mi: Ye Chen, what flavor of melon seeds are you eating?

Dilraba: Ye Chen, give me some melon seeds, I want more.

Liu Tianxian: Ye Chen, are there any spiced melon seeds?



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