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Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood — Chapter 1003

《”Suicide Squad” brought Martin another rich”desire”, and the mana in his body was once again full.

So he flew to Guinea again, chose two cities with larger populations, and deployed the soul-destroying array.

At this time, Guinea’s large-scale infrastructure projects are no longer limited to the capital Conakry. All major cities are engaged in infrastructure construction in full swing, which has attracted the attention of many surrounding poor West African countries.

As soon as Martin arrived in Guinea, he received invitations from many West African governments, but he rejected them all.

Eat the meal one bite at a time


《”Suicide Squad” is sucking up box offices around the world.

Different from the original timeline, thanks to Martin’s good relationship with China’s top management,”Suicide Squad” in this time and space was able to be released in China and caused a sensation.

Liu Yifei’s version of”Chinese Female Swordsman” has attracted a large number of fans for her.

Tight leather pants + close-fitting vest allowed Chinese audiences to appreciate another”wild” and”sexy” form of”Fairy Sister””-

“This is Liu Yifei, I can’t believe my eyes, it’s so cool!”

“Love it, love it, it turns out that a fairy sister can be so sexy”

“Why can’t I help drooling even though nothing is revealed?”

“The fairy sister’s movements of kicking, swinging the sword, and killing people are so tempting. With that waist and that perky butt, I didn’t expect Liu Yifei to have such a good figure!”

“Liu Yifei finally got rid of the stereotype of ancient costume modeling. This was a successful breakthrough.”

At the same time,”Harley Quinn” Margot Robbie is also a big hit in China

“The role of Liu Yifei is indeed pretty good. She kills people cleanly and breaks away from her previous image. But when it comes to sex appeal, she still has to be my ‘Harley Quinn’.”

“Agreed. When I saw this girl walking, I felt like a cat was scratching her. I felt itchy.”

“Fishnet stockings + hot pants, I love them so much. They are so firm. I can’t help but swallow when I look at the fleshy butt (butt) balls.”

“If you are really worthless, I won’t be like you. I have already bought the high-definition Blu-ray disc and am going to go home and enjoy it slowly.”

When Margot Robbie followed Liu Yifei out of the Kyoto International Airport in China, she was shocked when she saw the crowd of fans holding up posters of herself and Liu Yifei.

“This, so many people”

“Get used to it, my friend told me, you are very popular in China.”

Liu Yifei said to Margot.

When they saw Liu Yifei and Margot coming out, the fans who came to pick them up immediately went crazy and rushed over.

Margot had never experienced this before. She was so frightened that she hid behind Liu Yifei.

Finally, with the help of airport security, the two girls passed through the crowd of fans and got into Yang Mi’s car to pick them up.

“Feifei, this time you have really become an international star.”

When she saw her best friend, Yang Mi started teasing her.

Liu Yifei boasted to each other:”You have been here for a long time.”

Yang Mi was immediately happy.

The only people who came to China to promote this time were Margot and Liu Yifei.

Liu Yifei invited Margot to live in his home.

Margot did not refuse. After passing by the airport, she felt that she was staying in a hotel alone. I was a little scared.

Although I brought two assistants, it was useless in front of so many people.

The first impression when I came to Liu Yifei’s house was”big”, and the second impression was”novelty”. This Chinese-style courtyard building, This is her first time seeing

“Liu, it turns out you are a rich second generation.”Margot was in awe. Her admiration and respect for money have long been deeply ingrained in the American people’s bones.

Respect the shirt first and then the person!!!


Martin, who was in Guinea, received a call from Leonardo

“Walter Falk, why do you want to go to China?”

“No, I didn’t invite you to participate in Asian promotion?”

“Shet, are you going on a date with Margot and asking me to help you cheat on Blake?”

“Are you and Margot getting together again?”

Martin was speechless to Leon, an old pervert, but since the other party thought that promoting his movie was an excuse, he might as well let him really help promote his movie in East Asia.

“Then don’t just focus on China. You can go to China, Japan, Kimchi Country, and Thailand.”

“Let me first say yes, I don’t have any money, it’s free, and you’ll have to pay for the air tickets and accommodation. In order to sleep with”Harley Quinn” again, Leonardo tearfully agreed to Martin’s series of”unequal treaties””


“Spacious cement roads, numerous high-rise buildings, and people with faces full of vitality and hope. Do you know what I’m thinking of, Sigmund?”


“I thought of the scene when we Jews had just established our nation in Israel. We were so enthusiastic and full of vitality.”

On a sidewalk in Conakry, the capital of Guinea, two middle-aged white men were strolling around, looking like ordinary tourists.

··· 0 flowers requested··· 0

Because of Conakry’s good public security, complete infrastructure, and pleasant scenery in the surrounding grasslands and rivers, more and more tourists from all over the world will choose to visit here.

But Baruch and Sigmund were not really tourists.

They are agents of the special operations team affiliated with Israel Mossad. They are not combat-oriented and are good at lurking and disguise.

The two came to Conakry to investigate the disappearance of a group of female Mossad agents in Europe a few years ago.

The group of female agents suddenly disappeared without any trace, which really shocked Mossad, thinking that some big force was targeting them.

But after a long-term secret investigation, it was discovered that it did not seem to be the work of a country in Europe.

……… 0

The force that took action was very mysterious, and its actions were clean and neat, leaving no clues.

Until late last year, a Jewish tourist accidentally saw a white slave girl in the home of a chief in Guinea. The appearance of the white slave girl looked very much like a Jew.

The tourist couldn’t help but chat with him.

When asked about the origin of this slave girl, the slave girl was at a loss and said she could not remember anything…

After returning to Israel, the Jewish tourist felt more and more suspicious the more he thought about it, so he reported the matter. With Baruch and Sigmund on this trip.

The two came to Conakry, the capital of Guinea, and spent a day shopping. They were amazed at the modernization of the city. It was not like a city in a poor place like West Africa, but rather like a prosperous city in South Africa or Egypt. the next day.

The two rented a car and headed to the tribe where the tourist had stayed.

The car was driving on a jade-belt-like asphalt road in the middle of the prairie. Baruch sighed again:”This is really not like West Africa. The roads have been built into the grassland.”

Sigmund said:”You discovered it. No, there are many Chinese people and Chinese companies in Conakry. This is not a good phenomenon.”

Baruch nodded and said solemnly:”You are right, our companies should also extend their tentacles. With our Mossad, we can no longer treat this country as an ordinary poor West African country.”

(Brothers, please take care of me, please give me some comments, flowers, collections, and rewards. Thank you.)


Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood

Status: Ongoing Author:


Story of: Entertainment: Start with Succubus and play Hollywood Martin was a succubus who was shot to death by an arrow from the Sun God in the battle between gods and demons; Martin was a PhD in literature and a senior movie enthusiast who died in a car accident in August 2023. The two Martin souls magically converged and merged in the turbulence of time and space, and were finally put into the body of an 11-year-old boy named Martin Meyers in Los Angeles, USA in 1996. There is no aura in this world?Fortunately, I am a succubus. To practice succubus, you don’t need aura, you just need to collect desires. Joy, anger, sorrow, and joy are all desires. As long as these emotions are directed at me, they can become nutrients in my practice. Okay, let's see what reliable way in this world can arouse the emotions of many people? Hmm, writers, this is good; um, music, that's fine too; wow, Hollywood movies, for the whole world, this is great! What's that word called? Yes, Wen Chaogong. Start as a writer, with the ultimate goal of becoming an international film star. What?You mean acting? I'm a succubus!


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